JQuery :: Create A Webpage With Infinite X And Y?

Dec 5, 2011

I want to create an web page with infinite x and y.

In web page user can add widgets , once widget added they can place it anywhere on the page , and when next time they login again we have to reposition every widget exactly what they originally had.

Like this one .[URL]

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Use The Values Of Text Boxes On My HTML Webpage To Create A Webpage URL

Nov 23, 2011

I want to use the values of text boxes on my HTML webpage to create a webpage URL (like below):

<script type="text/javascript">

My text boxes are as follows:

Now this all works and the result webpage URL prints to id='ID1', but the big question is how do I use this resulting URL in another Javascript section as the src="?

For example:

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JQuery :: Create A Left/right Scrolling On A Webpage?

Jun 23, 2011

I looking for a way to create a left/right scrolling on a webpage, in the same way you see it in the Ipad store (from the Ipad).

See the video link here: [URL]

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JQuery :: Create Dynamic Navigation Within A Webpage?

Nov 12, 2011

Is it feasible to use jQuery to perform the following steps:

1) From a home page, click on one of two buttons.

2) The buttons disappear and in their place another pair of buttons appears with different options.

3) After clicking one of these buttons, an 'accordion' style selector appear with a final set of options.

The key thing is that the objects dynamically appear and disappear within the same area of the webpage.

Would jQuery be the tool to make this happen or should I look elsewhere?

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Create A New Webpage When New Record Is Created?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a completely database driven JS solution, and I need to create a new .html page on my server whenever a new record is added to the database.

Also, I'm a bit more familiar with php than I am with JS. Can those be combined in one page to accomplish the same task?

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Create Hover That Displays Webpage?

Mar 25, 2011

I am trying to create a hover that displays when text is passed over by the mouse using javaScript. The hover will display a URL to a detailed report when the user hovers over the text.

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Create A Message Box With Link To Webpage?

Jun 29, 2009

I currently have an alert message box appearing which asked the user to visit a website to take a survey. What I would ideally like is a message box appearing which gives them two options in the form of buttons. Yes to take the survey now, which would link to the web page. The second button being cancel which would close the message box, which is normally done with the OK button now.

Any ideas how this can be done?

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Possible To Create Loop Using Code To Play Song On Webpage?

Oct 22, 2011

Is it possible to create a loop using code to play a song on a webpage? Or does the while statement have to produce numbers like 1, 2, 3? I don't really understand what types of things I am allowed to use when creating a loop.

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Create A Script Which Can Grab The HTML From A Webpage And Store It?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm currently trying to create a script which can grab the HTML from a web page and store it. For example, if I want to use google and search for the term "dogs", I want to be able to access that information.

How can I implement this in JavaScript, if at all?

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JQuery :: Infinite Animation With Stops On Mouseover

Aug 30, 2011

I'm starting with jQuery and all I want is like jCarousel, but I want that when mouse is over image, the entire carousel freezes (until mouse over). So, my first idea is to create something like this:
<div class="photo" style="width: 256px; background-color: #8d99a2;" align="center"> 
<img class="photo_img" id="photo1" src="fotos/lookbook1.jpg"></div>
<div class="photo" style="width: 256px; background-color: #8d99a2;" align="center">
<img class="photo_img" id="photo2" src="fotos/lookbook/2.jpg"></div>
<div class="photo" style="width: 256px; background-color: #8d99a2;" align="center">
<img class="photo_img" id="photo3" src="fotos/lookbook/3.jpg"></div>

And Then, jQuery like this:
"right": "+=9999999999"
duration: 200000000000,
easing: 'linear'
$(document).ready(function (){

The logic is that:
-> a list of images that go to right eternally, (like jCarousel in infinite mode), but when mouse is over, everything stops. (JCarousel waits until the "next()" function is complete), and when mouse is out, everything moves starting from the point that paused.

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Jquery :: Infinite Carousel With Auto Scrolling

Feb 16, 2010

following a tutorial, i've done this jquery infinite carousel


Carousel start scrolling only when u click on the left or on the right side of it.

How can I make the carousel to scroll automatically when page loads?

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JQuery :: Clash With Fancybox And Infinite Carousel Plugins

Oct 28, 2011

I find that either of these plugins work in isolation but together they are clashing. The first to be specified in my initialisation code works, the following doesn't. Initialisation code looks like this:

// remap jQuery to $
// jQuery.noConflict();
// Infinite Carousel
'transitionSpeed' : 2000,
'displayTime' : 10000,
'textholderHeight' : .25,
'displayProgressBar' : 0
// Lightbox
'transitionIn' : 'elastic',
'transitionOut' : 'elastic',
'speedIn' : 600,
'speedOut' : 200,
'overlayShow' : true,
'titleShow' : false

Web pages:
Carousel working: [URL]
Fancybox not working: [URL]

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JQuery :: Implementing DataTables Infinite Scroll Event?

Nov 4, 2011

I want to implement infinite scrolling in DataTables and data will be added to the table dynamically on table scroll. Initially all data are loaded in DataTables and display a sub-set of the data and when I start scroll in table its display normally. I am using normal SQL query to load all data available in my database table. How we write SQL query to get sub-set of data on scroll event and added in DataTables dynamically. I am using ASP.net (C#).

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JQuery :: Infinite Carousel - Two Empty List Items In Between

Sep 18, 2009

I've got an infinite jQuery carousel, which is working, however I need to make a couple of tweaks and I don't know where to start. Below is the code for a visually simplified, but technically identical version:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Page Title</title>
<script src="[URL]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.infiniteCarousel = function () {
function repeat(str, num) {
return new Array( num + 1 ).join( str );
} .....

Basically, I'm trying to achieve two things:
1. The script creates empty carousel items; these are visible in yellow when you scroll through the items by clicking on the blue squares. How can I remove these so that item '6' goes straight back to item '1', without the two empty list items in between?
2. At the moment two clicks allow you to see all 6 'real' squares, plus the two empty yellow ones. How can I make it so that it scrolls one list item at a time, rather than 4 at present?

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JQuery :: Infinite Loop Inside (string).text()

Apr 26, 2010

The following sentence makes jQuery hang up: $(":( We'll this activated :D").text()

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JQuery :: Animate Callback Scope For Infinite Loop?

Jun 7, 2009

I'm trying to create an endless animation similar to a screen saver, here an image floats around the screen, fading in and out. I would like to stay out of the global namespace, so I'd like to use the callback to animate() rather than getTimeout(), which seems to operate only on functions in the global namespace. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that. But I'm having trouble maintaining the scope I want for the callback I want "this" to refer to my Animation object, not the HTML element. I understand many folks have solved this problem for events by using bind() or live(), but I am wondering how to do this for animate().


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JQuery :: Infinite Loop Alert On Combing Jcarousel And Google Map?

Jun 2, 2009

I have some problems about using jcarousel library on Google Map, and following is my scenario: there is a Marker on the Map, and when clicking on the Marker,Info-Window will pop up, and jcarousel content will be in the Info- Window And This is a simple demo:


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Create A Way For Users To Download Code Dynamically From Webpage Via A File Download?

Oct 2, 2011

I am trying to create a way for my users to download some code dynamically from my web page via a file download. Below is the code that i have written so far. It seems to be dying on the iframe but i'm not sure why.

Here is my jquery trigger which is inside my onreadystate function.

alert(LPAjax.ajaxurl + "/download.php");
action: "download_txt",
filename: "exportme.txt",


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Can't Get Infinite Loop To Stop?

Mar 19, 2010

I was making some error checking... and well for some reason its not liking me...

<table border="1">

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Escaping Infinite Loop

Jul 24, 2006

I would like to create an image "slideshow" for which I am using the following loop:

<script type="text/javascript">

intImage = 22;
function swapImage() {
if (intImage >= 22) {
intImage=1; }
else {
document.getElementById("IMG1").src = "images/P"+intImage+".jpg";
} }

intImage = 1;
function swapImageback() {
if (intImage <= 1) {
intImage=22; }
else {
document.getElementById("IMG1").src = "images/P"+intImage+".jpg";
} }


The problem with the loop is that it's infinite, which I understand is generally not a very clever solution. In this particular case I would like to escape the loop with P20 and then link to a new page.

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Infinite Loop Through Images?

Jun 11, 2011

I am trying to do the following: I have written a simple programm that loops through an array of images when the user clicks a button. I have used a for loop to do this. The program works fine, however when I get to the end of the array, the condition created in the for loop is "true" therefore the button no longer changes the image. How do I start the loop again to create an infinite loop (i.e. every time the button is clicked, the image will change)?The script I have written is as follows:

var mySpheres=new Array("sphere.gif","sphere2.gif");
function changeSphere(){

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Popup Calendar Seems To Have An Infinite Loop Somewhere?

May 3, 2011

That's right folks, it's your favorite noob again. I am working on a popup calendar, and it is almost finished. The problem I am running into, is there seems to be an infinite llop somewhere in the cell creation. i have attached a snippet of the popup calendar as it currently is produced. As usual, I have spent the requisite 2 hours staring at my code. I found a few things, but I am now stumped.Here is my code, let me know what you see.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN" "http:www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http:www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Infinite Loop When Replacing Ampersand?

May 3, 2010

I have a function that takes the input from a text area, searches through the text, and should replace &, ", <, or > with &, <, etc. As the code is now, it will replace other characters, but runs into an infinite loop when dealing with ampersands.I'm thinking it's finding the ampersands from other things it has already replaced and trying to replace them over and over.how to improve this and break out of the loop?

<script language="javascript">
function replace(){[code].....

Here's a link to try it out, but the loop is infinite if you search for an & and may crash your browser.

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Infinite Loop Page Reload?

May 2, 2011

I have a problem of an infinite loop.The problem is found at:


This page was created with minimal script, taken out of a larger more complex page.The body element is set with the onload attribute which calls a handler to initialize the content. In particular, I want to initialize the URL with a query substring: "?p=X" where X is a number from 1 to 10, corresponding to pseudo-page content. This is done by setting the page URL with the location.search property.But the problem with this appears to be that setting the location.search property causes another onload event, which then calls the initializing handler and sets location.search property again.

Setting a global such as locSearchInProgress to a boolean and testing if it is true within the initializng handler to cause it to return and thus to prevent execution of the location.search assignment statement is not helping.I have tried using .stopPropagation() and .preventDefault() methods while developing in FF, but have been unsuccessful.Is there a way to update the URL using a location.search assignment without triggering onload?


What is a "pseudo-page"? There is actually only one HTML document (index.html), and it has ten DIV elements that are NOT displayed (CSS property "display:none"). After the user initiates a click event on the part of the document that is an interface for content / pseudo-page selection, any one of the DIV elements can be called using document.getElementById(), and its content put into a DIV that displays the content using a contentNode.replaceChild().Thus page navigation is script-based using hidden content fetched into a visible container.

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Window.location.href ... Flush - Webpage To Launch Setup.exe Then Go To Another Webpage On CD

Aug 10, 2010

It launches in IE and give the user instructions, then at the click of a button, launches my setup.exe. I want my webpage to launch setup.exe then go to another webpage on my CD, congratulations.html, which says "installation is complete etc". Here's what I am trying to do through JAvascript. It doesn't work. Should the first instruction be flushed in order for the 2nd one to work?


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Create A Chrome Extension That Can Pass Text From A Text Box To A Webpage Text Box

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to create a chrome extension that can pass text from a text box to a webpage text box. Basically my company has an intranet site where you can search for an employee. The url does not display the search terms so i cant just append to it. Since I cant really work on this outside of work (its an intranet site) i have tried replicating it from home using the let me google that for you (www.lmgtfy.com) site.

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