JQuery :: Create A Panel That Can Be Resized ?

Oct 25, 2010

I am trying to create a panel that can be resized, its all working however if I resize the panel then try to resize the browser the panel doesn't resize to the browser width: [url]

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JQuery :: Positioning Div - Create A Sliding Panel Using Css

Oct 25, 2009

I'm trying to create a sliding panel using css and jQuery, sliding up from the footer of our page. The panel is acitvated by clicking the "newsletter" link (will be used to display a subscription form) in the footer. Functionality looks good, but there is a problem with the look and the positioning. First of all, the positioning is off. It fits seemlesly in the FF I used for creating this effect, but on various browsers and resolutions, the div is displayed higher or lower in stead of "glued" to the top of the footer div. Secondly, I'd like this div to be 100% wide, just like the footer below, with a 940px centered div within to include the content.


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Create A Drop Down Login Panel?

Jan 15, 2010

how to create a drop down login panel.I've read any tut about drop down from DynamicDrive.com but it's not really what i'm looking forward.I try to change the content in "Drop Down Panel" script released into the relevant tut but it's not working.

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JQuery :: Menu Panel Shows Up With A Few Columns Of Links - Many Panel Disappears When The Mouse Moves Out

Apr 20, 2010

I wonder if it's possible to implement a menu like the one ofcbs.com?Basically, when mouse over some of the menu items, a menu panel shows up with a few columns of links. The many panel disappears when the mouse moves out. I think it's quite neat and I'm hoping to be able to do something like that with jQuery.

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Ajax :: Create Collapsible Panel Like In Tool Kit With Js Only

Jul 21, 2010

I have an html page and would like to add collapsible pannels but the page is run on a linux server can any one help me in less then 100 lines?

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JQuery :: 'Close Panel' Link Appears In The #panel Itself And Doesn't Swap / Toggle With The 'Login | Register' Part

May 3, 2011

I'm loving this: Sliding Login Panel with jQuery 1.3.2 However, I'd like it to work so the 'Close Panel' link actually appears in the #panel itself and doesn't swap/toggle with the 'Login | Register' part.

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JQuery :: Simple Slide PanelWhen Clicking Slide Panel, The Panel Pushes Everything Down?

Jul 12, 2010

I am implementing the following example into a project I'm working on...Simple Slide PanelWhen clicking Slide Panel, the panel pushes everything down. How do you modify it so that instead of pushing everything down, it just slides down over the top of everything else?

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Dynamic Resized Slideshow

Dec 18, 2005

This code dynamically resizes all the images in the slideshow to a static width and height, specified in the Customization section.

Other customization variables are available, as well.

It's useful for when your images are larger than 640x480 and manually resizing them is impractical, and especially if many of your users are on dial-up connections and the delay in preloading/loading "large" or many images would be annoying.

The slide images are displayed in a new, reused, centered window, just large enough to hold the image.

The code uses consecutive integers for the slide image file names, beginning with 1.jpg, etc.
You are not required to code each file by name, just rename your images and set the imgCount variable, in the Customization section, to the number of images in the show.

A .txt file is attached, which if saved as a .bat file, (remember those?), and when executed in folder containing .jpg files, will rename up to 100 of them to the required convention of consecutive integers, so long as the existing file names are at least three characters long.

The code generates a set of "controls," consisting of a Start/Resume button, Pause button, Cancel button, and a set of radio buttons for the user to dynamically select the slide interval from 2 to 10 seconds.

<script type="text/javascript">

// -------- Begin Resized Slideshow -------------

//--- Customization ------
var imgCount = 10; // number of images in the show
var textColor = "Blue";
var backColor = "#F0F8FF";
var btnColor = "lightblue"
var dispW = 400; // this is the width for the slide image
var dispH = 300; // this is its height
var imgPath = "Images/"; // use "" if the images are in the current directory
// --- End Customization -------

// --- Do not edit below this line -------
var useWidth = screen.width*.85;
var prevActive = "i5";
var leftStr = Math.round((screen.width-useWidth-36)/2);
var absStr = "Position:Absolute;Bottom:10px;Left:"+leftStr+"";
var userDelay = 0;
var tick = 0;
var count = 0;
var wStr = 0;
var hStr = 0;
var tStr = 0;
var lStr = 0;
var IMGStr = "";
var miscFlag = false;
var cancelFlag = false;
var pauseFlag = false;
var slideWindow = "";

function manageBtns(n){

if (n == 1) //start
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('startBtn').value = "Start Slideshow"
if (n == 2) //paused
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disable = false;
document.getElementById('startBtn').value = "Resume Slideshow"
if (n == 3) //canceled
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('startBtn').value = "Start Slideshow"
if (n == 4) // done
document.getElementById('startBtn').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('startBtn').value = "Start Slideshow"

function cancelShow(){

count = imgCount;
cancelFlag = true;
self.status = "One Moment...";
tick = 0;
if (miscFlag == true){runShow()}

function pauseShow(){

tick = 0;
pauseFlag = true;
miscFlag = true;

function waitLoadImage(){

if (slideWindow.document.images[0].complete)
if (count < imgCount){countDown()}
else if (cancelFlag == true){runShow()}
else {setTimeout("waitLoadImage()",500)}

function displayIt(){

if(slideWindow == ""){slideWindow = window.open("","SlideShow","toolbar=0,status=1,"+tStr+","+lStr+","+wStr+","+hStr+"")};
slideWindow.status = "This is " + count + " of " +imgCount;
IMGStr = "";

function getNextimage() {

document.getElementById('nullIMG').src = imgPath + count + ".jpg";
wStr = document.getElementById('nullIMG').width;
offsetW = wStr;
wStr = wStr+20;
wStr = "width="+wStr;
hStr = document.getElementById('nullIMG').height;
offsetH = hStr;
hStr = hStr+20;
hStr = "height="+hStr;
lStr = (screen.width-50-offsetW)/2;
lStr = "left="+lStr;
tStr = (screen.availHeight-90-offsetH)/2;
tStr = "top="+tStr;
IMGStr = document.getElementById('dispIMG').innerHTML;

function closeLastImage(){

if (slideWindow.document.images[0].complete)
if (cancelFlag == true){isDelay = 1000}
else {isDelay = userDelay*1000}
count = 0;
else {setTimeout("closeLastImage()",500)}

function countDown(){

if (tick > 0){self.status = tick}
if (tick == 0 && (pauseFlag == false && cancelFlag == false)){self.status = "Loading Next Image...";}
if (tick >= 0)
setTimeout("countDown()", 1000);
else {runShow()}

function runShow() {

tick = userDelay-1;
if (count < imgCount && pauseFlag == false)
miscFlag = false;
if (pauseFlag == true)
self.status="Slideshow Paused at Image "
+count + " of " +imgCount + "."
pauseFlag = false;
if (count == imgCount && cancelFlag == false)
self.status = "Slideshow Is Complete."
if (count == imgCount && cancelFlag == true)
self.status = "Slideshow is Canceled."
cancelFlag = false;
pauseFlag = false;
miscFlag = false;

function updateInterval(Active) {

next = "i"+Active;
next = next.toString();
prevActive = next;
userDelay = Active;
tick = userDelay-1;
if (slideWindow != ""){slideWindow.focus()}

function buildSupport(){

var divStr = "<Div style='Position:Absolute;Top:-2000' id='dispIMG'><IMG Src='"+imgPath+"1.jpg' width="+dispW+" height="+dispH+" ID='nullIMG'></Div>"

function buildBox(){

var styleStr = "<Style type='text/css'>.cDiv {"+absStr+";Height:54pt;Padding-Left:0px; Padding-Right:0px;Padding-Top:6px;Padding-Bottom:6px;Margin-Right:4px;Margin-Left:6px;Margin-Top:0px;Margin-Bottom:0px;Text-Indent:0px;Text-Align:None;width:"+useWidth+";Border-Top:#C0C0C0 1px solid;Border-Left:#C0C0C0 1px solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px solid;Border-Right:Black 1px solid;background-color:"+backColor+";}.iBox {Line-Height:Normal;Font-Style:Normal;Letter-Spacing:normal;Font-Weight:normal;Text-Align:Center;Text-Decoration:none;Text-Indent:0px;Font-Family:Tahoma,Arial,Veranda;Font-Size:13pt;Color:"+textColor+";Background-Color:none;Border-Top:Black 1px Solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px Solid;Border-Left:Black 1px Solid;Text-Transform:none;Padding-Left:5px;Padding-Right:3px;Padding-Top:2px;Padding-Bottom:2px;Margin-Left:0px;Margin-Right:0px;Margin-Top:0px;Margin-Bottom:0px;} .nBox {Line-Height:Normal;Font-Style:Normal;Letter-Spacing:normal;Font-Weight:normal;Text-Align:Center;Text-Decoration:none;Text-Indent:0px;Font-Family:Tahoma,Arial,Veranda;Font-Size:13pt;Color:"+textColor+";Background-Color:none;Border-Top:Black 1px Solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px Solid;Border-Left:Black 1px Solid;Text-Transform:none;Padding-Left:0px;Padding-Right:5px;Padding-Top:2px;Padding-Bottom:2px;Margin-Left:0px;Margin-Right:0px;Margin-Top:0px;Margin-Bottom:0px;}.nxBox {Line-Height:Normal;Font-Style:Normal;Letter-Spacing:normal;Font-Weight:normal;Text-Align:Center;Text-Decoration:none;Text-Indent:0px;Font-Family:Tahoma,Arial,Veranda;Font-Size:13pt;Color:"+textColor+";Background-Color:none;Border-Top:Black 1px Solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px Solid;Border-Left:Black 1px Solid;Border-Right:Black 1px Solid;Text-Transform:none;Padding-Left:0px;Padding-Right:5px;Padding-Top:2px;Padding-Bottom:2px;Margin-Left:0px;Margin-Right:0px;Margin-Top:0px;Margin-Bottom:0px;} .cBtns{Line-Height:Normal;Font-Style:Normal;Letter-Spacing:normal;Font-Weight:normal;Text-Align:Center;Text-Decoration:none;Text-Indent:0px;Font-Family:Tahoma,Arial,Veranda;Font-Size:13pt;Color:"+textColor+";Background-Color:"+btnColor+";Border-Right:Black 1px solid;Border-Top:White 1px Solid;Border-Left:White 1px Solid;Border-Bottom:Black 1px Solid;Cursor:Pointer;}</Style>";

var controlStr = "<Table cellspacing=&#390;'><TD class='iBox' bgColor='moccasin'>SlideShow Interval:<TD class=nBox id =i2><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(2)'>2</TD><TD class=nBox id =i3><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(3)'>3</TD><TD class=nBox id =i4><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(4)'>4</TD><TD class=nBox id =i5 bgcolor='darkorange'><input type='radio' name='interval' checked onclick='updateInterval(5)'>5</TD><TD class=nBox id =i6><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(6)'>6</TD><TD class=nBox id =i7><input type='radio' name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(7)'>7</TD><TD class=nBox id =i8><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(8)'>8</TD><TD class=nBox id =i9><input type='radio' name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(9)'>9</TD><TD class=nxBox id =i10><input type='radio'name='interval' onclick='updateInterval(10)'>10</TD></Table><Table><TD><input type='button' id='startBtn' class='cBtns' value='Start Slideshow' onClick='runShow()'></TD><TD><input type='button' id='pauseBtn' class='cBtns' value='Pause Slideshow' onClick='pauseShow()'></TD><TD><input type='button' id='cancelBtn' class='cBtns' value='Cancel Slideshow' onClick='cancelShow()'></TD></Table>"

var tblStr = "<DIV id='isFloat' class='cDiv' align='center'>"+controlStr+"</DIV>"


function initControls(){

document.getElementById('pauseBtn').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('cancelBtn').disabled = true;

// ---- End Resized Slideshow ---------

<h3 align='center'>Resized Image Slideshow</h3>

<!-- Keep the following line as the LAST line in the BODY -->
<script type="text/javascript"> initControls()</script>

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Text Resized Event?

Jan 15, 2004

Is there any way I can call a javascript function when the user resizes his text in the browser?

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Add Script To Page That Has To Be Resized?

Mar 17, 2010

Is there a way to force a window to open in a predefined size by adding HTML or Javascript code on the page you want to be resized, not the page that has the link the takes you to the resized wondow. Theres a page that has a link on it that I need opened to a certain size and I don't have access to it, so what I can do is add a javascript to the page that the link is going to.

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Opening A Popup Then Preventing It From Being Resized?

Jun 30, 2011

I am trying to make a popup window with Javascript that will let a user choose either a Yes or No button and then be sent to a page after that.I really do not want this popup to be resizable. I have read that is not really possible in current browsers, but that you can prevent it form happening with resizeTo().I am not sure I'm doing this right though:

<input type='button' value="DELETE GROUP" onclick="javascript:Popup('deleteGroupWarning.html')" />
var stile = "top=10, left=10, width=300, height=300 status=no, menubar=no, toolbar=no


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Detect If Browser Content Has Been Resized?

Jan 5, 2010

I have an accordion style navigation bar which works fine, except when the user enlarges the screen with, for example, Ctrl and Plus.You can see what I'm talking about here:http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/igsn/example/Is there any way using JavaScript to detect when the user enlarges the screen?Is it even good style to do this?I've found the offending css rule which makes the menu slow to a crawl in anything but its original resolution, but as this is a template that I have to use, there is not much scope to change things.

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Increase The Height Of A Div When Window Resized

Mar 31, 2011

soloution that will enable me to set a divs min-height to 350px then when the window is resized it will increase over that 350 this supose to allow people with larger resoloutions to see more of the content.

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Drop Down Menu Repositions When I Resized Browser

Jul 23, 2005

I have created a web site, where I use a dropdown menu when the mouse
goes over an image.

My problem is that when I resize the browser, the menu's position
changes relatively and goes way to the left.

I am stuck I don't know which parameter to change exactly so that the
menu behaves properly....

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Autoresize Script Worked Well But Top Banner Also Resized

May 14, 2010

My community runs a set of forums, (phpbb with the Brushed Metal template, if that is important.) and people often use large images in their posts. This ends up cutting off the majority of the image, so we thought we'd install an auto-resize script, to resize anything wider than 600 px. It works too well, it also resizes the banner at the top of the screen. A bunch of us hacked at it trying to get it to work, but none of us know anything about javascript, so it's not going so well. Either the script still resizes everything, or it does nothing at all.

Here's the earliest version I could find. It's not the original script, however...
function resizeimg() {
if (document.getElementsByTagName) {
for (i=0; i<document.getElementsByTagName('img').length; i++) {
im = document.getElementsByTagName('img')[i];
if (im.source == '[URL]')
{ continue; }
if (im.width > 600) {
im.style.width = '600px';
eval("pop" + String(i) + " = new Function("pop = window.open('" + im.src + "','phpbbegypt ','fullscale','width=400,height=400,scrollbars=1,resizable=1'); pop.focus();")");
eval("im.onclick = pop" + String(i) + ";");
if (document.all) im.style.cursor = 'hand';
if (!document.all) im.style.cursor = 'pointer';
im.title = 'Click Here To See Image Full Size ';
We're stuck, we have no idea what to do.

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Can DIV Located In The MasterPage Be Resized Depending On The Screen Resolution??

Aug 19, 2010

Can DIV located in the MasterPage be resized depending on the screen resolution?

<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>
<div id="mainArea">
<asp:contentplaceholder id="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server" />

I've tried unsuccessfully -

var height = screen.height;
var area1 = document.getElementById('ctl00_mainArea');
if (height == 1024) {[code].....

View 6 Replies View Related

JQuery :: All Images Must Be Resized If Width Exceeds Max Width?

May 5, 2010

I currently have a website where i share thoughts with my friends (some kind of forum) and within this 'forum' people can post pictures they made but most of the time these pictures exceed the max width of my website so my website gets all streched out!So this is what i want: all images on the page must run thru some sort of function which checks if the image image width exceeds the max_width. if it does then the script must calculate how many pixels the current width exceeds the max_width and get this number so that the script does: current_width = current_width - (max_width - current_width)

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JQuery :: Add Button In Tab Panel?

May 26, 2011

Is it possible to add button in tab panel?

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JQuery :: Cannot Do Sliding Panel With Collapse?

Feb 15, 2010

I look for something in jquery ( a sliding panel div that can also be collapsed and shows the correct image, hard to explain please see below link, its used on this [code]Anything such exist for jquery with the same features?

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JQuery :: UI Tabs Panel Animation?

Aug 22, 2009

I want to be able to animate the panel sliding it in from left to right.

This is what I have:
selected: null,
fx: { width: 'toggle', opacity: 'hide', duration: 'slow', height: '600px'}
}).addClass('ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix');

It doesn't do what I want it to. It takes the width and slides from right to left and it isn't exactly what I consider sliding.

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JQuery :: Show / Hide Id Within Tab Panel?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a tab panel which loads external content dependent on the chosen tab.

Due to space issues i would like the content to be expandable via show/hide functionality, however I can't seem to figure out a way to target the #expandpanel id within the tab panel when the tab panel content is loaded as an external page.

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JQuery :: Triggering Panel From Any Link?

Apr 13, 2011

I don't know Jquery/Javascript too well at all but I can look at this code and see its pretty simple..

jQuery Panel:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Expand Panel


but I dont know how to give Panel code the name "contactPanel".. so this is where I'm stuck. how do i do this? also I have a "Open Contact Form" at the top of the page but I want to put a contact link at the very bottom and after the link is clicked i would like for the website to scroll up before the panel drops down.. is that possible?

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Jquery :: Slide Panel From Bottom To Top?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying all day to find in google the way to do this..

i want a panel to slide from bottom to top, exactly the opposite from this

is there anybody to send a link or tell me how exactly can i do it?

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JQuery :: SlideToggle - First Panel Should Get Closed Before The New One Opens

Dec 5, 2011

When i click on the link a panel should open, but when i click on the other link that panel should open but the first panel should get closed before the new one opens.


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JQuery :: Tabs: Opening Panels Within Another Panel

May 16, 2011

i have it to where one of my tabs opens an external link within the panel. However, it lags a little bit. I use css sprites inside the panels and it literally takes a second for it to load when you hover your mouse over it. Also, when you use it in IE, it keeps a cookie, so when you click on another tab and come back to it, it shows the last panel you were on.

So, is there a way just to open another panel inside another panel?

Here is my demo page: [URL]

Click on "Partners" tab on the bottom and click on "McKesson"

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JQuery :: Multiple Image Sliders In A Tab Panel?

Sep 3, 2011

I am working on a project. I have to put up a tab panel of four option. And in each tab i have to put an image slider. I have used many plugins for this. Tried different plugin for different tab. Few times have problem with tab panel and few time compatibility with all browsers have been issue.

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