I'm looking for a way to add or change a property value in a previously defined CSS class - not just HTML objects that have that class. Then if later objects are assigned with this class, the objects would inherit the properties of the updated class. For example, if I change the class "image" to add "display:none", and then add the "image" class to an object, it would be displayed or not displayed depending on how this was previously defined.
The script is working, tab-content is changing but when clicked a tab I want to change class property of the li of active tab as class="current"How can I do it
I'm attempting to make a simple hover image gallery with a static large image which swaps with a thumb on hover. However, on hover what happens is the new image comes up as the large image and if I then hover over another thumb it replaces that thumb with the original bigpic image source.
I have developed a script that change the font size in css, but only the attribute "font-size" on the body tag, not change the entire active stylesheet.
When i click to change the size <a href="#" title="Change Font Size" onclick="cambia_font_size(2);">A</a>
It works fine, but when i try to check the cookie to set the default font size, it does not work.
The cookie stores the value correctly and i can read the value. The problem is when i try to change the value: document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.fontSize=tam;
I have tried also writing this code at the end of the html document but it doesnt work <script type="text/javascript">inicializa_fontsize();</script>
I have a JS script that presents a series of "pages" with different questions inside a single HTML file, by rewriting certain <div>s. I have an object like this that contains the questions and information about answer labels etc (the idea is that this should be easy to modify for someone who doesn't know JS):
I have this simple manual photo slide show. It shows four photos and when you click the next button and it moves one photo over and one photo back for the previous button. I have to moving by changing the CSS property of 'left' by 195 pixels each move. So for it to move next it will subtract 195 pixels from the left property and for moving back it add 195 pixels to the left property. I have the code setup so when you click it changes the property of left to either -195 or 195 pixels but I need it so it actually does the math, not just give it a set value. But I don't know how to do that.code...
I have a bunch of input rows, each with id in the form of something like.. item:characteristics:age or item:setting:type1:blah. It's kind of like going down folders to get to the item I want. So as you can see in the code, I am splitting each id and trying to rebuild it in the form item[characteristics][age] then set it to the value of the input field. This is modifying the properties of the item. We already have the item object passed into my code and i'm simply modifying the properties to the new values from the user's input.
Does anyone know how I can do this without eval? I'm mainly using it because the variable name can't be hard coded, it is dynamic.
Basically, I have a bunch of input rows, each with id in the form of something like.. item:characteristics:age or item:setting:type1:blah. It's kind of like going down folders to get to the item I want. So as you can see in the code, I am splitting each id and trying to rebuild it in the form item[characteristics][age] then set it to the value of the input field. This is modifying the properties of the item. We already have the item object passed into my code and i'm simply modifying the properties to the new values from the user's input.
Does anyone know how I can do this without eval? I'm mainly using it because the variable name can't be hard coded, it is dynamic. Here's the code I have so far.
I am working on creating a simple image gallery. I have added styling around the thumbnail images (border and padding). I would like to change the border color when the item is hovered over. I know this can be done rather easily with the getElementById command. Can someone help me understand this process? Here's a snippet of the list that I am working with...
Here's the CSS:
ul { padding:0; margin:0; position:relative; } li { float:left; padding:0 .5em .3em .5em; list-style:none; } #gallery { list-style:none; } #gallery li { display:inline; } #gallery li a img { border:1px solid #ccc; padding:3px; }
Here's the HTML:
<ul id="gallery"> <li><a href="path/to/image/large/" title="title/of/image/"><img src="path/to/image/thumb/" alt="title/of/image/" /></a></li> <li><a href="path/to/image/large/" title="title/of/image/"><img src="path/to/image/thumb/" alt="title/of/image/" /></a></li> <li><a href="path/to/image/large/" title="title/of/image/"><img src="path/to/image/thumb/" alt="title/of/image/" /></a></li> </ul> I would like to change the border color from #ccc to #3455ef when the item is hovered over, and ideally have a different style when the item is clicked (or active).
I have several tags on a webpage of the same class. If the user clicks a specific checkbox I'd like to be able to alter the display property of the class, affecting all objects of that class.
This is an intranet application so we know that javascript will be enabled and the browser will be IE.
How can I affect all the members of this class? Is there a way I can toggle the DISPLAY property of a class so all the elements using that class would be affected? Code:
I'm doing a very simple expand/collapse function using 'slideToggle'. The button that triggers this event simply says 'Expand/collapse'. I want this text to change depending on whether an element is visible or hidden.
I'm attempting to change the display property of certain divs depending on the criteria of multiple select boxes.
I got it to work by GetElementsByTagName('div') but it then selects all divs rather then the select few i actually want it to work on. I tried changing the selection to GetElementsByName but this doesn't work, why i don't really know.
I am trying to use Javascript to change the CSS property fontSize to increase over a small amount of time. Here's the code:
Code: function iscalled(id) { changesize(15,25,id)
I want to have the font size dynamically change, in the (id) object. I experimented with several versions of setTimeout, because it wasn't delaying at all. This script will run through setattr() only twice and doesn't modify the font size.
I want to load an html div in a variable, modify it in another variable; and then change the document injecting the contents.
1. I load the html to be changed in a variable (code) 2. I modify an attribute of <param> using attr() and I put the result in a var (newcode) 3. I change the html in the doc
I've used the debugger, and all steps give the expected results, except of newcode.html(), which is a null string. Why?
I'm trying to find an example of a country selector (which also provides a state selector if USA is chosen) then you cvan select the city, any samples out there?
I'm trying to create a drop down menu which has several levels. When a level is clicked on, other expanded categories in that level should minimize simultaneously. The trouble I'm having is using a combination of selectors to say 'all divs which match this pattern but not this one'. I've had a look through the selectors API pages
I'm trying to figure out how to use a variable as a css property. For example: $('.name').animate({variable : 100}); I wrote up a quick example script. My goal is to switch the animation direction depending on the link that you click. Either have the object animate from the left or top. Any ideas how this could be done? Or why this isn't working as
i use it in a CMS. In my content page, when I insert a floating element, I use it to set the margin around element according to left or right float in this way:
I have a problem that I couldn't solve myself. I have 2 forms. name="form1" and name="form2" In each form, there's the same class names for rows. <tr class="draggable">
What I need to do, is to take the last draggable row in a certain form. $( tr_object + " tr.draggable:last" ) <- returns the last tr with class draggable in whole document. How do I limit It's view/search scope to one of the forms only?
this code works for me , but there is something wrong , every time the function loads (every 2.5 seconds )the html is loaded in row [0] cell[0] , and they are stacked above each other . what may be wrong there ?
code : var searchtable=document.getElementById("searchtable") var resultscount=0
I am using the contains selector for one element because I do not know the full ID. Since I only need the first element it finds should I be adding something to improve performance?