Which I am trying to use to manipulate the following piece of HTML<img alt="47767" title="Mark as printed" style="cursor: pointer;" onclick="mark_printed(this)" src="../images/icon-printer.png">The attribute changes for 'src' and 'title' get applied, but the unbind('click') doesn't stop the image from firing the 'mark_printed(this)' function.Why is unbind('click') not working as expected?
I have a slight problem in FF3.5 that unbind('keydown'); is not working properly.. $("#q").unbind('keydown'); $("#q").keydown(function(e){ var code = (e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which); if(code==40 || code==38) { var totalResults=$("#quick-search-results li"); var selectedResults=$("#quick-search-results li.qs-selected"); if(code==40) { var nodeIndex=($("#quick-search-results li.qs-selected").length<=0) ? 0 : $("#quick-search-results").index('li.qs-selected'); alert(nodeIndex); }}}); // end keydown
The above code alerts once on first keydown (with the down arrow key [code==40]), twice on the second, three times on the third and so on.. it worked fine in FF3 but a recent upgrade to FF3.5 seems to have broken the functionality..
I'm trying to create a scroll bar through javascript with the help of jquery. What I'm trying to accomplish is:1. When the user mouse's down, it fires off an event (mouse move) and allow the user to scroll.2. When the user mouse's up, it should unbind the event, so that the mouse move is not in effect any more.But unbind is not working as expected. I looked up the documentation, and it seems correct.
Im working on a Grid system, which has the following features: On tr hover I have added a click event, which triggers an edit mode When switching to edit mode, the click event is unbind, so that one cannot edit multiple rows simultaniously After update, I'd like to re-bind the previous click functionality. However, I cant seem to do that. My code either does nothing, or Im getting an Jquery error below. Trying to define the original click event again does not work either. So what am I missing here? How can I re-bind an un-bind event ? Or can I?
When calling remove on a selector, I understand that events & data are removed from the matched elements. What about children of these nodes, is the same true?
when is bind some jquery events to, for example, <p id="test">. and later i remove this HTML with jquery should i unbind all events first or are they unbinded with removing the html?
I have a dead simple .click() event setup for a div with the id of nextLink. This works perfectly in all the "real" browsers. But I can't even get an alert to fire from IE7 & 8. I have whittled the code down to the simplest it can be to illustrate the problem.
I have seen this problem on many a post, but never found an answer to the problem in this basic form. I have tried both .mouseup and mousedown, but to no avail.
I have seen this title a few times, but not the same question. I have succesfully bound the .click() method to a radio button group. In IE 7 and FF I can click the button and the .click() function will fire. What doesn't work is a basic .click() (i.e. trigger('click')) event. The code I'm executing is this:
The above code selects the currently checked button and than .clicks() on it.The HTML that the above code is referencing is:
I had a developer make a modifacation to a page where a button is automatically clicked when a customer hits the page. He did this, and it works fine in ie, but not in firefox, and I wont be able to get hold of him until next week.
I know that it should work in those browsers, so hopefully someone can tell me where I'm going wrong.I created a function....it does not sit inside the document.ready function, so maybe that is part of the issue. I am not sure how to accomplish this another way. Wasn't sure how to pass an argument to the function using an anonymous function in document.ready. The idea is to have a side navigation panel that shows/hides divs on the page. I am creating a website for my upcoming wedding and want to do it all on one page and just fade in the divs. If I click on 'ceremony' for example, I want it to hide any open divs, then show the ceremony div. For the divs I always want on the page, I gave a class of 'static.' That is the reason for the 'not' condition in the code. I hope I have explained clearly enough. Here is the code,Btw, this does work in firefox6 and ie9 without issue.Here is the javascript:
function showDiv(showThis){ $(this).click(function() { $('#containers > div:not(.static)').css('display','none');
we have a web application which is using Jquery blockUI to open a pop up and do some action. All of this works fine on Safari, and IE 8. problem is with Ipad. none of the actions in pop up are responding. it just stays on that page. even close doesnot work. do we need to add anything else? here is the code that opens a page and click event for close.
I'm coding a site with a four-stage accordion as a navigation sidebar. When a user clicks on an accordion stage, an image with a text link overlaid pops out from beneath.It's working fine in every browser except, natch, IE, and I'm flummoxed as to why.Here's the HTML for the accordion. There's a nav tag called #sidebar which contains two parts: an aside (#conditions) and the accordion (#navV). You can pretty much ignore #conditions, as it's #navV that's causing the headache, but I thought it prudent to include it anyway.
<nav id="sidebar"> <aside id="conditions"> <h3>Find out more about</h3>[code]....
As I said, working a charm in FF, Chrome, Opera, Safari. Just IE - you click on the <li><span> and nothing happens.
I have an expandable menu (not an accordion), that needs to toggle div elements below it. If I put the click event on the h3 of the menu, it works fine but as soon as I put it on the link, it doesn't work.
I'm working on a website and using jquery quite a lot.For a first level of coding, I'm using Chrome and everything works just fine.But I'm having a first bug when using Firefox.Indeed, I create a button with a click function and when I display my page on Firefox, the click doesn't fire any action like it does on Chrome.Here is the peace of code:HTML declaration of the button:
'm trying to make some code so that when a user clicks on a picture, a image will be displayed where it was clicked (i.e the x and y co ordinates). Anyway, so I started writing it but my code doesn't seem to work, so I'd like to see what I've done wrong.[code]And the image which I want clicked has an id of "world".