JQuery :: Toggle Function In Safari ?
Apr 1, 2010I`m trying to make a button to toggle the background image. It works fine in Firefox but not in Safari. How to get it working....
<script type="text/javascript">
I`m trying to make a button to toggle the background image. It works fine in Firefox but not in Safari. How to get it working....
<script type="text/javascript">
I'm extremely new to jquery and trying to write a toggle function without using the built-in functionality. From what I've read, this should be a fairly straightforward exerciseHowever, I'm running an issue. My code doesn't seem to do anything. Not clear to me why because nothing is erroring out? Here's what I've got:
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // we will add our javascript code here
im Vincenzo, a web developer from Italy. I use your ajax code
First let me say I'm very new to JQuery.I do not understand why my very simple jQuery function works on my aspx page under this scenario:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a#ctl00_cphMainContent_HyperLink1').click(function() {
is it possible to reset the toggle function?
// do something
}, function() {
I've made some JQuery code to learn how it works and I saw a strange behaviour with toggle function, here are the code that I wrote:
<div id="apDiv1">
<input type="button" name="gauche" id="gauche" class="bouton" value="Gauche" />
I'm trying to use the JQuery slide toggle function but for some reason it starts to act a little "strange" around tables.
The head element contains
The body contains
CSS As follows
Anyone have any ideas whats going wrong? can this method not be used for showing/hiding tables without it going a little crazy / overlapping.
I need to toggle 2 function on mouse click, I am posting my work below
In my domain [URL] when you click @ current work. you find a T-shirt with a Page flip
When I click the Page Flip I need to detail about the product and again on flip the image should return back but now when I click the flip the img is hiding and its displaying the description but I lost the flip icon
I need to return back the img on clicking again the page flip.
I wish to implement the simplest mechanism of authentication. There are two input fields, userand password. When clicking the sendbutton, the verify()function is invoked, which checks whetherthe usernameand passwordare both "admin", if it holdsthen it displays the isCorrectdiv, and the isWrongotherwise.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="test.css"/>
<script src="jquery-1.7.js"></script>
<script src="test.js"></script>
</head><body><form class="header">
Username: <input type="textbox" tabindex="1" id="username"/>
Password: <input type="password" tabindex="2" id="password"/>
<input type="submit" value="Send" tabindex="3" id="send" onclick="verify()"/>
</form><div id="isCorrect">correct!</div>
<div id="isWrong">wrong!</div>
#isCorrect { display: none; }
#isWrong { display: none; }
function verify() {
var username = $("#username").val();
var password = $("#password").val();
if (username == "admin" && password == "admin")
Working with a script I had found/pieced together online. It toggles the display of certain content along with selected text (i.e., "view/hide"). It's working great in all browsers except for IE7 (go figure). The showing and hiding of the content works, just not the switching out of the values for "show/hide".
The code is below:
Here is my code:
Javascript: [URL]
and CSS: [URL]
And the second toggle isn't work !!! In Firebug, I do not get error!
Anyway, I am using some code that someone else wrote so I claim no credit here for the code.It works great and I've managed to persuade to work in Wordpress but I have one thing I would like to change.Basically the text I am trying to toggle is "shown" on page load - I would like it to be "hidden" until the user clicks on the link to make it appear.Here's the code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-
I have been trying to get a function to runcontinuouslywith with toggle function. Here is the snippet of code:
$('#infinite').toggle(function() {
The above code should run after the first time the button is clicked, once it is clicked again the function should no longer run.
When I load a page with jQuery load() function API. It does not load the style section on the header using Safari and Chrome.
Size : 538 Bytes
Download : 524
I just started with Jquery:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#desperation input[type=image]').attr('disabled', true).fadeTo
("fast", 0.10);
$('#1').attr('disabled', false).fadeTo("fast", 0.70);
function () {
$('#1').click(function() {
$('#1').fadeTo("fast", 1.00).attr('checked', true);
$('#2').attr('disabled', false);
function () {
$('#1').click(function() {
$('#1').fadeTo("fast", 0.70).attr('checked', false);
$('#2').attr('disabled', true);
<div id="skill">
<form action="javascript:void(null);" method="post"
enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" id="skillplanner"
name="skillplanner" >
<fieldset id="desperation"><legend>Freetrader Skills: Desperation</
<input type="image" src="files/icons/underdog.png" id="1"></input>
<input type="image" src="files/icons/dump_guns.png" id="2"></input>
<input type="image" src="files/icons/desperation_fire.png" id="3"></input>
<input type="image" src="files/icons/rum_ration.png" id="4"></input>
<input type="image" src="files/icons/hasty_fire.png" id="5"></input>
The problem is with the toggle function. On click it should "check" clicked one and activate next one. Function doesnt work and I dont have a clue....
I have a toggle function that works brilliantly
// Toggle
function toggleDiv(elementshow, element, elementhide, elementhide2, elementhide3){
I am trying to set up a toggle to allow users to show more precision when a user clicks a button. I have a function high() that doesn't do anything when it is called. I am fairly new to jQuery so I am not to familiar with the syntax.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen you click the link from the iframe it doesn't work at all in firefox...says the function is not defined.This is working like a charm in Safari ---I have tried defining the function in a dozen different places -- INCLUDING the index.php header and the content item there on the page.Also in the google.blogger header --- NONE work in safari as consistently as what I have got here.I basically hacked a google.blogger widget and wanted to use a submit-form instead of the get-url variables to load the page of the website wth the blogger iframed into the site.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have HTML code that reads:
Code html:
<div onClick="javascript:update_status();" class="profile_status" style="cursor: pointer">
<!-- my interesting profile status update here -->
What's interesting is that the javascript function update_status() fires in Firefox when I click the div, but in Safari it does not.
In firefox, this script works just fine. But in safari, it doesn't do anything and I can't figure out why.code...
View 7 Replies View RelatedI would like to ask why Safari5.0.4 cannot trigger a javascript function through js file, but Firefox4.01,Chrome12 & IE9 can. Safari cannot run this command
but it has to call the function through the html file using
I have many articles. Article structure as follows
HTML Code:
<div class="selected">
<p>[I]some word[/I]</p>
<p>[I]some word[/I]</p>
Whether jQeury can according to article words, automatically add a toggle function?I need show the first 3 <p></p> and toggle the rests <p></p>.
HTML Code:
jQuery('.selected').find('p:nth(3)').add('<a class="toggle">view more</p>');
$('.toggle').click(function () {
I'm using this script as an auto resize function for an iframe, but can't get it to work in safari.
<script type="text/javascript">
function calcheight(){
var the_iframe = document.getElementById('paymentHistory');
var the_document = (the_iframe.contentWindow - the_iframe.contentDocument);
if(the_document.document) the_document = the_document.document;
var the_height= the_document.body.scrollHeight;}
To call the function, I have
<iframe id="paymentHistory" onload="calcHeight()" src="/andy/admin/categories/printpaymenthistory.php"></iframe>
I have searched and searched the internet but cannot find information on exactly what I am trying to do.What I am trying to do is set a cookie that will remember if the display status is "none". This is probably something simple but I don't know much about javascript obviously. I've tried a few different approaches but I can never get the script to actually set a cookie.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI will have a page with about a 100 or so different links and I would like each one to toggle the visibility of its corresponding hidden div.For instance, if I have a county 'Johnson' when it's clicked I would like the hidden div associated with that county to become visible. I would like to do this without having to write a different function for each one. Is there a way to do this easily?
Below is a solution I was given elsewhere but I couldn't get it to work.Most ideal of all I would like it to work with an image map, with each county having it's own set of stats to be toggled in.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
I have a Javascript function that toggles a 'show/hide' table row:
<a href="#" onclick="toggle('ROW 1, this)"><img src="../../Images/plus.gif" border="0" /></a>
function toggle(id, obj) {
var matchingElements = new Array();
if (document.getElementsByClassName) {
Which works fine, but what I need is something like this:
Control 1:
Toggle - ROW 1 (+ Close ROW 2 (if visible))
Control 2:
Toggle - ROW 2