JQuery :: Stop Firing Change Event When Page Loaded?
Feb 23, 2010
Here's my code. when you load the page, alert shows up. is there a way to stop that? i only want alert to show when I change the selected item from dropdown list.[code]...
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Jul 17, 2010
I've noticed that the change event isn't being fired for me on form elements when the changes are made pragmatically (eg, using the attr() method). For instance, a checkbox's change event fires if I click it, but not if I use .attr('checked', false);
I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 and Firefox 3.6.6. I did notice that the native event handler (as in, adding an onClick attribute to the element manually) doesn't work either, so evidently this is NOT a bug in jQuery.
I just wonder if anyone knows a way around it. I'm particularly interested in catching the change event from form elements after clearing the form.
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Apr 18, 2011
In IE only, the change event on a select does not seem to fire if the change is made by typing on the keyboard instead of clicking with the mouse. However, when the focus leaves the field, the event fires.
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Jan 16, 2009
I'm having a problem with window.onresize firing when the page is initially loaded.
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Jun 17, 2010
I have the following code:
...which I thought should fire for the id="hover" element which the mouse is over, regardless of index.
Unfortunately, it's only working for the first hover element on the page..
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Jun 9, 2010
I am working on a page that will load in other pages using AJAX and the .html method. Something like this :
<span id = "edit">Edit</span>
<div id = "cont">
//the click edit script
Unfortunately this does not seem to work, entirely. It does trigger the click event but it messes up the post for some reason. I have played around with it for the last 45 minutes or so and it seems like the click event trigger is what is messing things up, if I comment it out it works fine. Could anyone tell me why they think this is? note this is an over simplified version of my actual code, but the structure is the same.
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Mar 31, 2010
i am working on a custom drop down list that has hidden #options DIV which is shown when the user clicks on a button. the problem i am having is that the click event does not seem to be attached to the LI elements since they are hidden when the page first loads. if i show the #options DIV when the page loads everything is working as expected.i've tried to attach the click event after i show the hidden UL but that didn't work either.what can i do to make sure the LI click event fires? i tried to put A tag inside of LI and attach click to that but to no avail.
<style type="text/css">
.gbtn-options {
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May 5, 2011
take a look at this example of what im trying to achieve using jQuery's fadeIn() and fadeOut() functions:
what i am hoping to achieve is the `overlay` div would fade out and reveal what lies beneath. however if you move your mouse around the content underneath the fadeIn() function fires and i get a constant loop until the mouse is completely out of the content.
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Aug 13, 2009
I have a page with a form, that represent questions and the corresponding answers.I defined the minimum questions, answers, and their maximum.So I added a link in the form to add question (along with the minimum amount of answers), and a link per question to add an answer in it.the "click" event for my links is like:
the code look more like JS, but basically it.adds the html code in the corresponding divs.The problem is the following: if I add a question, it also add a link to add answers to this question, but this link does not fire the event.Did I miss something to add to make it work?I mean the link in html page is exactly the same, I even tried not
changing the part with the int, it still doesn't work.
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Oct 15, 2009
About 1 time in 10, I get an error during my $(document).ready callback because Google Maps' loader hasn't pulled in all of its JavaScript dependencies yet. Using Web Developer > View Source > View Generated Source, here's what the head of my document looks like when I get such an error. <head>
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Nov 14, 2011
I am having a bit of trouble with a change event. I am trying to make a simple address book that will allow you to add or modify contacts. This is a piece of the code that I am working on.The script runs without error and initializes the form. The click events for the buttons work correctly, but the change event for the select box will not fire. I have been searching for an answer and cannot find one.
var init = function ()
var selectCell = document.getElementById("select-box-cell");
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Jun 30, 2010
I'm having some problem with this DHTML app. The problem is that when i click on an image button, nothing happens. I have verified that the DOM event handlers are loaded. However, when i click on the images (buttons), nothing happens
var PenSize = "3";
var PenColor = "Black";
var LoadFile = "";
var UIstatus = "visible";
var CurrentNote = 0;
var BGcolor = "#C7C1A3";
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Nov 4, 2010
On my webpage, I dynamically create an iFrame when a button is pressed, then load a html page from within my own domain into the iframe, based on what html page is loaded into a variable. My question is, can I dynamically change the font family of the loaded html page from the javascript of the main page? My code to create the iframe is:
function setSubTxt(){
var par = document.getElementById('parentDiv');
par.innerHTML = '<iframe src="'+subTxt+'" style="width: 375px; position: fixed; height: 365px; left: 400px; top: 145px; border=none;" name="subIframe" frameBorder=0></iframe>';
document.subIframe.document.body.style.fontFamily = "Arial";
the variable "subTxt" has the url of the html page to be loaded (always on the same domain). The code: document.subIframe.document.body.style.fontFamily = "Arial"; was my attempt to dynamically change the font, but it didn't work. Also, it should be noted that there is no font family set in the html pages which would override this.
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Jun 12, 2011
I need to display a simple alert message box using javascript and I have no problem with that. what I am concerned about is the stylesheets that I use. What would happen is as I got to a certain page, the alert box comes up BUT the page looks plain, don't have any css on the page. then when I press ok on the alert box, then the css loads up. and that does not look really good. I tried to contain the method that triggers the alert to a function called by the window.onload, but still acts the same. I thought that should do the trick but no. I was wondering what can I do to get the page loaded before, calling the alert method. OR show the message first before showing anything on the screen.
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Jun 6, 2010
I'm writing a GUI css/html editor in JavaScript which is a litte ambitious considering I just started with js like a month ago. Here's my first hurdle:
Users can add divs simply by clicking on the div or element in which they want the new div to reside. The creation of a new div is in the onclick event. However, when I click on a div, I'm getting an onclick events from it and all the divs positions below it, so it's creating multiple new divs and all I want is one!
Is there any way to make the onclick even fire for just the top layer div? Maybe using the z-index or something?
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Feb 3, 2011
I have a single web page that loads several iframes. One of the iframe pages has to be logged in first. I have that taken care of but once the page is loaded I need to change the source to a link with in the page. My guess is I need something to execute the code like a onload or something. This is what Ive been trying to get to work but like I said a newb! code...
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Nov 25, 2009
The project I am working on involves a flash piece that communicates with a iframe.Currently the flash piece just calls on javascript functions. I want the buttons in the flash piece to be able to change the src of the iframe.
<script type="text/javascript">
function closeVideo() {
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Sep 6, 2011
I doubt this is possible, but I have no idea what actually happens when a page loads, so I thought I would give it a shot...
if a js file that is loaded externally has parameters, is it possible to turn those parameters into variables, giving the user the option to select the variable's value after the page has loaded?
maybe a concrete example would be better...
in google maps, the api is loaded like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"></script>
but if you wanted to specify that you want the api to function in Spanish, you load it like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&language=es"></script>
and that language=es is the one that I want to change. But I can't seem to make it into a variable on page load, like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var lang="es";
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false&language=lang"></script>
much less make it changeable once the page has loaded.
I have a feeling that this is a really dumb question, but can it be done without reloading the entire page?
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Oct 31, 2010
I have some ajax gotten content which I want to fire a scroll event on. Its basically a table inside a div, and the div has scrolling enabled. The divs class is data table.
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Aug 10, 2010
I should preface this by saying that this is not for my own site, or my own code; a friend has gone on holiday and needed this project fixing while he was away. Unfortunately my experience with jQuery is almost nil and everything was coded by someone else, so I'm really tearing my hair out. This is a Wordpress installation running Thematic with two child themes, one of which uses Ajax calls to grab page content. The issue is that the Ajaxified calls stop the swfObject content from being loaded. Compare:
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Jun 24, 2011
I am trying to run a click event where and if statement is run to check for a certain image being clicked before running code. I set up this if in two ways:
Here is the link to my jquery game. Click on the black square to start, then a click on a grey square to see what I am talking about. The second function I mentioned is the current in the code.[URL]..
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Jun 22, 2011
I have a 300x150 container div with a small inner div that has a image link button inside..When the user hovers over the button, it currently does .hide on the visible container div and .show on another div.However, I don't want the event to fired instantly, I would like for the animations to take affect 3000 milliseconds after their mouse has entered the button div to prevent the event from firing without the users intention.
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Jun 17, 2011
I am working on a button that fires a few different fadeIn()'s upon clicking it but nothing is happening. I have same setup working just fine with another button, but this one doesnt do it.
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Jun 22, 2011
I have a form element that is readonly. <input type="text" id="kfs_acct_1" readonly="false" /> This field is dynamically populated an making it readonly prevents users from changing the value in this field. The problem I have is users click on the field and try to delete it's value. They click in the field and hit their Backspace key. This takes them away from the page to the page from whence they came. Because of the way the form is set up, doing this makes them loose all the data in the form (the one with the readonly box). How can I prevent the Backspace key from fireing and taking the user away from this page? I've tried a few things, but apparently making a field readonly keeps some key events from being seen.
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Jul 14, 2010
I'll start off by saying I'm a novice developer. I'm building an mvc application and recently started using the jquery hotness. I've set up a right hand nav and bound click events for collapsible panes. Inside one of those divs (action pane) I've bound click events which will open a modal dialog with a form. The form is submitted with $.post(). Then I've used $.get() to refresh several divs with the new content. Once that happens, all of my links begin to fire twice (collapsible panes and the links in the action pane) in ie8 and the latest firefox but not in chrome. I pulled out all the markup and js and put it on a static test site: [URL].
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Mar 9, 2010
I am using:
$(function() {
var viaje;
var total;
Basically, when the user selects a trip, or the number of travellers it triggers a table to show with the corresponding options, the problem I have is that in ie7, it doesn't trigger the first time, only the second time. I have seen a few posts saying they have a similar problem, but in their case, it triggers when they unfocus. I have tried using simple javascript to select one of the options manually, hoping it would count as a first change, and that then clicking the first time would do it, but nop.
the page is [URL]
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