I am using an ASP.NET Repeater control to create N number of code patterns similar to that above. The server code leads the input controls based on DB values. I want to default the second table to be hidden if the checkbox is blank (not checked) and shown if it is checked. I also want to duplicate this behavior on the click of the checkbox.
I've made a function for getting a ID for each sibling in a tree. Lets look at this DOM: <ul> <li>Five</li> //sibling ID 1 <li>Six</li> //sibling ID 2 <li>Seven</li>//sibling ID 3 </ul>
Here is the function: function getSiblingId(elm) { return $(elm).siblings().size() -$(elm).nextAll().size() + 1; }
And here is how I use it: var id = getSiblingId($('ul li:first-child')); // id = 1 Is there a more elegant way to get the same result? The work done in the getSiblingId-function has a lot of overehead.
I have an unordered list element which has click events registered. What i want is to be able to find the nth relative sibling to the list item that is clicked. In prototype I can simply say $(elm).next(3) or $(elm).previous(3) for the 3rd sibling forwards or backwards from the current sibling.
In JQuery there doesn't seem to be a way of getting a sibling relative to the current one, other than the immediate next() or prev(). So if I want the third previous I have to do this inJQuery
I made a table with some customer information. It holds an id (hidden for the users), a company name, a phone number, an e-mail address and so on.
Inside every table row, I've made a "delete" button that should delete the relevant row in that table (see "<td class="delete">"). What I would like to do is getting the customer id that is hidden inside the first (hidden) <td> of the table row you wish to delete. I'm quite new to jQuery and I realy can't find a sollution for it. Here's my HTML [code]...
The alerts are working fine I guess. I've got something like "[object Object]" for the first alert and "object HTMLTableCellElement]" for the second alert. The other 2 testrules don't work. Firebug gave me the error message "$(this).parent().children("td")[4].text is not a function", but for now, I realy don't know what I'm doing (wrong) in those last 2 rules. Anyone who could help me out with this newbie problem about parent, child and/or sibling elements?
Trying to hide a table that's a sibling to the anchor to which theclick event is being called. It works, with any element but a tableas a sibling. My code/markup:
I'm trying to set a width of a span class based on the width of the image inside of it. I've got a container that will also have a bunch of images... some of them will have captions and will be wrapped in a class "caption"... some will not be wrapped in the "caption" class. I'm trying to loop through the container... find all the "caption" classes... and then set the width of the caption class based on the width of the image inside of it. Here's what a basic image with a caption will look like:
I'm able to look through the containing div and locate all the images and then get their width using the following:
// Find all images in the overview section var overviewImgs = $(".overview-content").find("img"); // Get the width of each image in the overview section
I can't figure out how to loop through and find all the instances of "caption" and then set the width of the "caption" class based on the width of the image inside of it.I can find all the "caption" classes... and I can find all the images and get the image widths... but I'm not sure how to combine these two so I am only finding the images inside of the "caption" class and then setting the "caption" class width based on the width of the image inside of it. The images are added by a separate content developer and can be any size. Not all images will have captions... only the ones wrapped in the "caption" class.
I'm working with jQuery on a form where each input element is contained in an <li> element.
Some fields are read-only, identified by a class ".readonly", and I'd like to bind a jQuery function to these fields' "focus" event, to send the focus to the next input whose class is not read-only.
But, because of the containing <li> elements, I don't think .next('input') will work, since the <input> tags aren't siblings.
Is there a simple selector that will do the job without having to climb up and down the DOM via parents and children? To me that feels unsatisfactory and brittle, because should the designer decide to change the layout (lists within lists, <div>'s within <li>'s), my DOM-climbing code might break.
I have two divs: #div1 and #div2. what I'm trying to do is attach the second div to follow directly to the right of the first div, but I'm doing something wrong with the left property:
$('#div2').show().css({$('#div1').css('left', 100%)});so to recap, just trying to insert the second div directly to the right of the first one.
I have the following layout for my page in ASP.NET: <div id="content"> <div id="leftnavcover" class="leftnavcover"></div> <asp:PlaceHolder ID="ph_leftnav" runat="server"> <div class="leftnav" id="leftnav"> <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="rptr_LeftNav"> <HeaderTemplate> .....
Which renders the following HTML: <div id="content"> <div id="leftnavcover" class="leftnavcover"/> <div id="leftnav" class="leftnav" style="left: 0px;"> <ul><li> <a id="ctl00_rptr_LeftNav_ctl01_hyp_LeftNav" class="LeftNavLink" href="services-subsection-1"> Services Subsection 1</a> <div class="leftnavmenu" style="display: block;"> .....
And I have the following JQuery script: $(document).ready(function() { $("a.LeftNavLink").mouseover(function() { $(this).next("div.leftnavmenu").slideDown(500).siblings("div.leftnavmenu").slideUp("slow"); }); }); The problem is that when I bring my mouse on top of one of the .LeftNavLink's, it slides down the corresponding .leftnavmenu, but it doesn't slide the sibling divs back up when you put your mouse on top of another .LeftNavLink, which is what it is supposed to do. Anyways, I got this code from: [URL]
first of all, it seems fine - I can toggle the targeted sibling, but why after the first toggle at any parent, I have to click twice sometime to hide other siblings when I click/ toggle at the current parent? [URL]
I have a table which contains multiple rows. The table has an unknown number of columns.
One of the TD's in the row has an 'A' tag containing the HREF property " /_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx? somenumber" Let's call this TDSource and ASource
A sibling TD in the same row which has a class of ms-vb-title contains2 links- the'A' tagI want to update the HREF property of is in a DIV with a class of ms-vb itx . Lets call this TDTarget and ATarget.
The highlighted components are unique per row. I need to get the HREF value from ASource in each row and update the HREF value for ATarget in the same row.
It's my first day on jQuery - I understand that I can use children() to getthe TR containing the relevant TD's, and I can see how to use :contains() to identify the specific source HREF property, but I can't understand how to link these bits of information together to do what I want.
I have just written some jQuery code that had to navigate to a parent sibling then 3rd child. My code was $(this).parent().next('ul').children('li').children('span').children('input').attr('checked', 'checked'); Is there any way to optimize this I thought this would work $(this).parent().next('ul').children('li span input').attr('checked', 'checked');
If I understood it correctly, I have to find the link's father element (parent()), then find the previous sibling (prev()), find its child (the other link) and finally check its text. However, this is not working...
The following function works fine. I was just wondering if there are any serious negatives to using so many parent, sibling and children type functions?
I'd like to set the align attribute of only the first TD in a TR for an entire table but am not sure how to address them all in one go. Probably an Nth child thing or similar but not sure!
I'm using one piece of code to select a particular value from the dropdownlist. To select the default value after successful execution...... $( "#titleDDL" ).val( '- SELECT -' ); But the desired output is got in Mozilla Firefox but not in IE7.
I'm trying to figure out how to select a value from a list that is filled dynamically using ajax auto suggest Take a look at the small code: when typing in a name by the keyboard this function is called:
This seems to be a peculiarone. Let me set the stage.I am selecting the href inside of ananchortag.I MUST disable all anchor tags inside my div.Here is the problem, I am redirecting old content to new content.I have over 1200 pages all with 1-20 anchor tagsAll of the anchor tags have a regular href url OR a javascript function.It looks like this:"javascript:open_window('detail1.html')"All I want is a way to extract the:detail1.html which can bedetail21.html ordetail.html also (thought about using slice to cut out what I need)
I have the following code that works fine (except the show/hide animation for the rows is proving to be a pain to get working):
In the table this is for, I have a checkbox in the first cell in the row the user hovers and clicks on to expand the following row. I am trying to make it so that clicking the checkbox doesn't trigger the jQuery toggling action.
Here is a sample row in the table this is for. The complete row below is what the user clicks on, and the row after that (class="docClassesRow") is what is expanded on clicking the above row
I tried adding :not(:first-child) to the selector:
I've been trying some stuff with jQuery, especially zebra striping table rows. All the methods out there use a "table tr:odd" selector or similar to that.
I would like to select every 3rd row (1,4,7,10,...).