I am trying to use radio buttons to display data received from PHP via a MySQL database.The following code works in that it will indeed display the data upon clicking a choice.Subsequent clicks on the other two choices in the same session, however, do not result in a display of anything but from the original click.The new data is recovered (as verified by firebug) on subsequent clicks but is not displayed.I've tried variations of .hide(), .show() and .toggle() but I'm obviously on the wrong track.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
Im trying to configuere a form that a.a radio buttons that allow the user to choose between quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies and show image when click on my radio button.how to get the image to display whenthey click on the radio button?
if radio button checked display div #something else display nothing if un checkedcurrently I have this and it works but when I click another radio option the div that was activated before stays there. Want a div to show only if certain radio button is checked and if not checked to hide.
We have a situation where we need to associate custom data for each radio button, and there could be hundreds of radio buttons on one screen. Also the amount of data for each radio button can be substantial.I took a look into using the .data() method but discovered that I could not set the custom data inline with the radio button. It looked like I would need to call each radio button from within the script block to use jQuery to set the data.I tried using the HTML 5 data attributes but it didn't work for us. I have a prototype put together where I am adding the custom data to the [title] attribute for each radio button. Is this the right thing to do? Is there a tag based string structure we can use for setting and searching the custom data?
I don't know if it's appropriate to discuss a JS library here, but I'm wanting to use jQuery to toggle the display of content based on a selected radio button. Here's an example HTML
Obviously the idea is that only one block is displayed at a time. I'm happy to get the effect anyway possible, but I do want to use jQuery because I believe it will be easier in the long run.
What I don't know how to do is to use the value of a selected radio option to show a block with the same ID as the value. I'm also not sure if I'm correctly select a name when I use $("[name='toggler']").
EDIT: Actually, I don't seem to be able to select the radio buttons using any other method than $("input"). Even if I give each input the same class I can't select it using $(".toggler").
I am currently building a rubric system, basically a <td> will have a set of rating option, with a radio button. so when a user clicks on td tag in a table, i want to only highlight the td and select a radio button its similar to irubric assessment rating system
I'm trying to do a show/hide on a radio button click and I do have it working, but I'd like to make it more...extensible/independent of hard- coding children elements to show hide.
My dummy html structure is:
I left some commented out stuff at the top of the function, hopefully to give you an idea of what I tried.
In particular:
I was trying to get the first ul (the children to show/hide) on "this" (the radio button clicked). I'd like this to be flexible to where you could add more radio button/children and as long as the structure stays the same, the show/hide functionality works.
On clicking 'OS' radio button I want to get the 1st form and hide second one and on clicking 'Platform' radio button I want the second form and hide the first one.
I have got a radio button group. A click event have to reset it that the first radio button is checked again. <input type="radio" name="msgtype" value="1" checked="checked" /> Gruß <input type="radio" name="msgtype" value="2" /> Wunsch <input type="radio" name="msgtype" value="3" /> Frage That doesn't work so far: $('#cleaner').click(function(){ $("input[name='msgtype']").filter("[value='1']").attr("checked","checked"); });
I am trying to show the data from XML with categories (catalog name="Employee Services"), i want to filter the data before the display of each services, this pls
my xml <catalog name="Employee Services" order="1" color="#CC0033" image="srv_emp.gif"> <service>
I want to display my data in table format after extracting it from database. Is it possible to make a table dynamically according to number of rows in the database.
I have an xml file that is dynamically generated at periodic intervals onto disk. the information contained in this file is displayed in a vertical scroller and this works fine. I however need to filter the data based on the logged-in users preferences. These preferences are stored in a database and retrieved after the user logs in. Only data in the xml file that match the user's preferences must be displayed.
I have set up a JSFiddle to demonstrate what is happening:[URL]... Basically if All content types is checked already and is clicked when checked then searchAjax should not be invoked. It currently invokes the function. When it is not checked and clicked then it should behave as it is now (disable sibling radio button and uncheck all associated checkboxes).
I wanna be able to click a div, and have it display above another div, on ever single div I have on my website I'm coding, (I also have it so I can click and drag divs as well) however I haven't had any luck.
For example if you head here -[URL]
I wanna be able to click and drag div1 and once it's clicked have it display above div2 and visa versa. As well as if I had 200+ divs on without a z-index applied to them via CSS.
This is the code I tried to achieve this effect, but didn't work.
I wanted to do a search addressbook and display the results without refreshing the page. I am told that it can be made using jQuery. I have a fairly good understanding of php and my data is stored in mysql. Its woking should me some what: User enters an employee id. As he leaves the textbox, details of the employee are to be filled in the relevant text boxes.
how to create a jQuery ajax request and how to receive and display the data into different form fields>
$.post, it calls a php file which retrieves data from my database and should return a JSON datatype result. I checked on firebug, and it does successfully retrieve the data in JSON format. I however cannot get it to display on screen. I want to populate input fields with the result accordingly.
Here's a chunk of my javascript: (this function is being triggered by a dropdown) function updateBillingAddFields(address_book_id) { jQuery.post("ajax_checkout_confirmation.php", { address_book_id: address_book_id, action: 'get_shipping_add_details' }, function(data){ var form_element = document.forms['address']; form_element.elements['entry_name'].value = data.entry_name; form_element.elements['entry_addr1'].value = data.entry_addr1; form_element.elements['entry_addr2'].value = data.entry_addr2; form_element.elements['entry_addr3'].value = data.entry_addr3; form_element.elements['entry_addr4'].value = data.entry_addr4; form_element.elements['entry_postcode'].value = data.entry_postcode; form_element.elements['entry_state_name'].value = data.entry_state_name; }, "json"); } I tried putting alert inside my function, and it also doesn't show. I'm thinking it doesn't go inside the function at all.
The script I use has jquery tool tip to display personal data and when the member last visited the site. My problem is when I hover over the image, the tool tip will be covered by youtube video. I tried using z-index in css but that did not help.I'm no javascript programmer, but I was hoping there was a simple solution to make sure the jquery tool tip is on top of the other images/videos (the tool tip will also be covered by adsense image ads).
I have a table that displays a list of groups. You can add, modify, or remove the group. I have three functions in my JS:
Using AJAX, PHP, and jQuery, when I add a group, it posts to an "addgroup.php" file, and then returns that data in JSON format, and I then tell jQuery to display that data in HTML. Here's the problem now... The table does not render properly. There is no padding/margins. Even worse, if I Add a group, and then click the "X" to delete the group (without refreshing the page), the data posts, and returns (i get a response in my console confirming the removal), but the entry that I just added does not disappear (as it should) unless I refresh the page. When I add a group, and then view my page source and inspect the element, all of the appropriate HTML is there, but it just doesn't seem to be rendering right.
I have been working on some javascript code that will display text when clicked in a spearate div. I have got this to work but am struggling abit with additional groups of text on the same page.
I have a form with 5 radio buttons. Each of them has an integer value. and below I have a text form field which is read only. When a radio button is selected, I need its value to be displayed in that field.