JQuery :: Order Absolutely Positioned <div> Tags Without Overlap?
Aug 26, 2009
I have about 40 divs, all positioned absolutely with a certain width and a left attribute.I am looking for a way to make sure all these divs don't overlap, meaning that if one div has its starting point (left) within another div(left+width), the first div should be moved down as long as it takes (height of 2nd div).Having barely any experience with jQuery at all, I really hope I can find some answers here.
I have a Div element (id=Div1) that is absolutely positioned on the page. Inside it I have another Div (id=Div2) that is absolutely sized so that it fills the whole of Dvi1.Looking at the UI/Effects/Scale page in the API docs I see the example code:
Translating this I am trying to make Div2 shrink until it vanishes, as shown in the example, so I am using $("#Div2") to get this done, however, it does not work.Is this because the Div (either of them!) is absolutely positioned? Ideally Id like Div2 to shrink away to nothing on the click of a button, but first steps first.
I am having a problem with an absolutely-positioned div disappearing while IE7 is animating. The animation has a z-index lower than the div containing Questions, Customizable, and Library, but the div disappears during animation. Is there anything I can do about this? I've tried changing the positioning, z-index, and moving the div to occur before the animation, but nothing seems to work. Everything looks fine in FF, IE8, and Safari.
Anyone know of a method to lazy load images which are absolutely positioned on top of each other? I have seen the lazy load plugins out there, but none of them seem to work with this layout. I am using jQuery cycle to animate a slideshow. Cycle takes the slides and absolutely positions them on top of one another. Any way to lazy load these? I'm sure I could do it custom but pulling all of the slides not currently active and load them later, but I am looking for an easier way.
I've designed a web page that uses several DIVs that use absolute positioning so they can layer on top of each other with transparent shadows. You can view the design here:http:[url]...The client wanted the whole design to center in the window horizontally, and since I can't use margin: 0 auto; to achieve this, I'm using a script that detects the window size using the onLoad operator in the body tag. This is the script:
Code: <!-- window.onresize= alertSize; function alertSize() {[code].....
It works, but I don't like that the page snaps back to the left every time a new page loads. Is there a way for the script to detect the window size from the previous page so that the design won't jump if the window hasn't been resized?
how can I put an element below another element, that's not absolutely positioned? so I have a n element, called X, and next to that, an element Y
these elements are both visible: when i click on X, i want to add to the page a new element X1, that's below X, but on top of Y
this I can do easily with position:absolute, however, due to the flow layout I'm currently using (and can't really change), I can't.
one way of solving the problem, could be to determine an absolutely positioned element's X and Y coords, (and width and height) while i doubt this can be done in a cross browser way (or at all), when teh suer resizes the window, I'll be ni trouble (which will mean I have to add onresize handlers, which, i dont really like....)
another way, would be playing with CSS properties, like float, position:relative, overflow, etc. but I don't know that much CSS to even try.
another way would be using the DOM to append an item, using InsertBefore, or something like that, but it appears that won't solve the problem of putting the new insetred element X1 above Y.
what I'm trying to achieve, is something like the <selecttag, that pops iots information above the elements next to it.
I can't get the form validation and the postioned layers/radio buttons working at the same time is either 1 of the other. I have provided the code html/css/javascript code below [URL]
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>
Is it absolutely necessary to put the JavaScript code in the HEAD? I have a lot of JavaScript code in the BODY and they all appears to be working just fine. What is the downside of putting JavaScript code in the BODY? What can go wrong?
Sometimes you can not avoid putting JavaScript code in the BODY. Like for instance, when you provide your members with a HTML code for a poll and the code has JavaScript in it.
I'm using this small js to scroll a div, the problem is that it goes all the way to the bottom of the page and overlapping my footer, I need it to stop before the footer. [URL] $(function () { var msie6 = $.browser == 'msie' && $.browser.version > 7; if (!msie6) { var top = $('#contact').offset().top - parseFloat($('#contact').css('margin-top').replace(/auto/, 0)); $(window).scroll(function (event) { // what the y position of the scroll is var y = $(this).scrollTop(); // whether that's below the form if (y >= top) { // if so, ad the fixed class $('#contact').addClass('fixed'); } else { // otherwise remove it $('#contact').removeClass('fixed'); }}); }});
I'm having an issue with looping a set of divs that are positioned on top of each other. When a link is clicked, the second div should fade in as the top div fades out, which coincides with another div changing background colour.As you'll notice, when the link is clicked for a third time, it loops back to the beginning by using the rel tag to keep track of what div is showing. The problem is that when it loops to the beginning the animation is not in sync with the second div changing colour.The code for all three is exactly the same and it doesn't matter how many coloured divs you have, it's always the last one fading out that causes the issue. The '#second' colour change fires after the box changes, not synchronised like the previous clicks.This is a basic example that I'm using on a site elsewhere so the concept of the second div fading in and then the first fading out is important - I can't switch so the first fades out then the second fades in.
i renamed this topic, original post was sent yesterday under "override of drop down menu and accordion (display problem)" and published in Using Jquery UI)I set a drop down menu using jquery naviDropDown 1.0 and use accordion of jquery-ui-1.8.11 too. I have a problem because the drop down menu is diplayed behing the accordion block.
I have a routine that centers an object. I pass it a string such as "#myid" and it sets the 'left' property based on the width of the object and of the monitor.
Now in theory I could just use <center> tags, but I'm trying to center an object that is positioned using the 'absolute' attribute. It seems that <center> tags have no effect on 'absolute' positioned objects.
(I need the 'absolute' because the screensscroll underneath it). Anyway, I've been told that this is bad practice, and positioning should always be done via css, and never jquery/javascript. But I don't see any other way to do this. Is there one?
For one project i am suing jdMenu to power up the drop down menu system. I am interested for the second level of the menu to position the <ul> at 50% on the parent <li>, like on[URL]...
Using css this is not possible since the ul has the size in em and the parent li have the size in %. So have to use a different method...
i am trying to learn how to position a show/hide module to the "a" that triggers it, instead of a literal positioning through css this is a sample of the module i am trying to position.[URL]..would like to set the object relative to the cell where the trigger exists. can anyone point me in the direction of tutorials or samples of this behavior?
How to determine how a absoluted positioned element was positioned?
For example, a div positioned with bottom: 10px, will have a "top" read in Firefox. But if using "top" to move the box, instead of moving it, it will grow or shrink.
I was looking for something that would allow me to scatter elements (divs w/ background-images) behind text. Splatter is almost what I want, but I would need:
- no overlap in the positioning of elements
- keep the elements inside the container
- remove the default asterisk completely
As I have varying article dimensions, this keeps the splatter area the right size:
I was looking for something that would allow me to scatter elements (divs w/ background-images) behind text. Splatter is almost what I want, but I would need:
- no overlap in the positioning of elements - keep the elements inside the container - remove the default asterisk completely
As I have varying article dimensions, this keeps the splatter area the right size:
Can't seem to make it work, I have seen many examples but they are all just for 1 div tag. When i trymore than one it doesn't work anymore.The first one works, if i have more than 1 then the other don't work.
using the following jquery $(document).ready(function(){ $("#toggle-text").click(function () { var divvalue= this.value;
I have an div element (lets call it div number 1) that I have attached a click event to using jquery.bind() method. That works fine. I then have another div element (div number 2) that is absolute positioned on top of div 1. Now div number 2 also has a click event binded to it, which works... the problem is when I click div 2 and the click event triggers, so does the click event from div 1... I don't want the click event from div 1 to fire.
I have some fixed or absolute positioned DOM elements in the whole document for some purpose, How can I traverse the whole document to get the above mentioned elements, any jquery method to be there please let me know,
I am using the tablesorter plugin and am experiencing the following problem:
Under several scenarios the up/down arrow icons will overlap with the text in a column's header. This occurs if the browser is resized so the table width is too narrow (e.g. plugin should force a min-width perhaps?).
More importantly, this will also occur when the text in a columns header is shorter than any of the values in the column the up/down icons overlap with the text in the column header.
I've attempted setting padding on the header columns but no success (probably because the up/down icons are set as background images and therefore have no impact on padding)
At the moment the plugin won't be usable for me since the arrorws overlap with the text in several columns.
Internet Explorer can't bind events to absolute positioned elements ? can't bind a "click" to an element that is overlapping another.Have tried loads of different ways, here are 5 of them:
version 1: $(".classHolder").click(function(){ alert( $(this).html() ); }); version 2:
I have an SVG file and draggable div on one page. When I move div over this SVG file, it looks like div loses control and detaches from the mouse. If I do it slowly, div seems to barely follow the mouse which is being over SVG.
I tried assigning zIndex to SVG file to be the same as other elements on the page, but that did not help. Would anyone know why this happens?
I'm working on modifying a jQuery plugin that makes an image carousel. I like how it is not with one exception... I'd like the images to overlap one another. So the main image that is displayed will overlap the ones on either side of it somewhat.
You can view the source of the demo I posted to look at the JS for it... I used the "moving boxes" plugin and already modified it a lot.