JQuery :: Loading Google Map Js On A Certain Point Of Action

May 26, 2009

on my contact page, I have some hidden divs. One is for a google map. This div is only shown when the user has clicked to open the div. As I am working with smarty my template looks like this: <span id="gmap"> literal}


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JQuery :: Point Of Loading The Google Maps Api File?

Apr 28, 2009

Point of loading the google maps api file?


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JQuery :: Webpage Redirects To GOOGLE After Loading?

Oct 11, 2011

i have just downloaded a web template from internet,i was facing some difficulties first, but i have downloaded it completely and then it started working fine, but unfortunately as my html page loads it redirects to [URL]. this template is simple static website with javascript and jquery support can someone give me solution for this awkward situation?

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Google Map Tiles Not Loading Correctly?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm using the Google Maps API (v 2) to display my phones last known location on a map. On this 'bare bones' page, the Google Maps tiles load correctly, without any jerking:


However, on my customised page, the tiles jerk and slide around (try dragging the map and zooming out). This is particularly evident on Safari and Chrome.


I'm not entirely sure how to fix it. The Web Developer script analyser is not returning any errors and I'm really at a loss to understand where I'm going wrong!

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Google Analytics - Page Loading Slows Down

Jun 22, 2009

I've noticed that my site has been loading slower lately, especially in google images. I'm thinking that this could be due to the google analytics javascript. I was told that page load slows down if its placed on top (which I have). Is this true? I'm not really warming up to GA but I also don't want to nix it completely. Bottom placement doesn't work for me as GA does not record then.

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Google Maps - Get The Same Effect Loading With Xml File

Jan 29, 2011


the link above shows a google map with randomised markers. It's a great effect, the only thing being that the locations are randomised.

I want to load an xml file of exact locations so that they can be panned to when the text is clicked on the right hand side.

I have tried loading an xml file to achieve this without success.

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Stop Google Chrome Loading A Frame Before It's Ready?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a website which includes stories with multiple chapters. These chapters have a set of clickable arrows at top and bottom to take you forwards and back through the chapters, including a "last chapter" arrow.When a story is in progress, the URL of the last chapter changes with each chapter added. Rather than having to go back into every previous chapter and change the URL of the last chapter by hand, I set them up so that the "last chapter" arrow is actually in an inline frame. That way, I only have to change the URL once, in the file go_end.htm which is the source for the frame. So both the picture of the arrow and its hyperlink are being accessed from outside.

My web pages are also set up to run on all major browsers and to detect the window width and resize all the artwork to fit, regardless of the browser and whether or not it accepts percentage sizes. Go_end.htm is no exception - it contains Javascript code which resizes the arrow so it is the same size as the ones which are actually in the parent page, outside the frame.This setup works perfectly in IE and Netscape, but Google Chrome either fails to display the arrow or makes it huge so it doesn't fit the frame. This seems to be because their superfast new Javascript editor is *too* fast. If I bung an alert command into go_end.htm, asking it to say the value of picWidth (the variable which sets the width of the arrow) as it loadfs, what happens is this.

Google Chrome displays an alert saying that picWidth is zero, then loads the first instance of the inline frame with no got-to-end arrow. Then it displays an alert giving a proper value for picWidth and loads the second inline frame with the arrow correctly displayed and sized. If I take out the alerts, it doesn't load the arrow in *either* frame. It's obvious that inserting the alert command somehow forces it to recognise the value of the variable which it then retains for long enough to load the arrow on the second pass.Any ideas for some command other than alert which would trick it into not loading the image until it's recognised the variable? If I put a time delay on loading the frame I can't see that that would help - the problem is that from the point at which it starts actually loading the frame it needs to wait for the variable to be set.

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JQuery :: For An Action On A Element, Stop The Action On His Parent?

Dec 2, 2009

Is that possible when you click a child that the function on the parent don't run.

In these example, if I click on 'h2 > a
', both elements triggers functions ('h2' & 'a')
What I wan't is that if I click on 'h2 > a


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JQuery :: Stop A Action Hover And Just The Last Action Happen?

Jul 23, 2011

I need to know how stop a action hover and just the last action happen

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Changing The Action Of A Form With An Input Named Action?

Feb 16, 2009

I have come across a very interesting problem that seems to be impossible to solve. Basically a web application that I am working on relies on a JavaScript function called go to change the input named view to the page name and submit the form. This form's type is post, so no values are included in the actual URL string. There is also another input called action and it's value is view. This is to tell the application that the user would like to view a page. The problem is because of the variables being of method post, page refreshes and back and forwards return errors because the post variables view and action aren't sent with the required data. To somewhat solve this problem I have created a feature that tells the application that if the post value page is empty then to try and get a GET var called page. To insert this var into the go javascript function I simple add this code

document.go.action = document.go.action+"&page="+page;

This line basically adds &page=[page] to the action of the form. The problem is, this code doesn't work because action is also the name of a form element. Referencing document.go.action refers to the input element named action and not to the form's action. Changing the named of the action input value is out of the question (Way to much changing of code, and possible room for error). What can I do to change the action of the form without referencing the input named action. Here is my go form and the JavaScript code:

<form name="go" action"index.php?sid=123" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="view" />
<input type="hidden" name="view" value="" />


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JQuery :: Rollover Point For A Map?

Feb 2, 2010

I want to have a world map where you can hover over icons on a few countries and a popup text box will show where that place is.

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JQuery :: Finding Non-Predetermined DOM Insertion Point?

May 12, 2010

How can jQuery locate a non-predetermined DOM insertion point? My application relies on custom code to "bootstrap" itself. I'm wondering if similar functionality is available in jQuery?

My app works in the following fashion:
- user places a script tag in their web page.
- my script fires and performs the following routines:
- scriptLocation = whereAmI()? (find scripts in document, length -1)
- insertBefore(DIV, scriptLocation);
- use DIV as canvas, DOM target for all that follows
- install application in DIV

Note that my custom app does not wait for any kind of "ready" state. It has no dependencies on the surrounding document. It fires inline. My impression is that jQuery's approach ("Find something, do something") is incompatible, because it relies on a known DOM insertion point. It would seem straightforward to "query" the DOM, and find an element of known ID. That would conflict with my business constraint; I have no control over the destination page. Are my assumptions about jQuery true? Or is there a way for a jQuery script to wake up, find its location, and the install elements there?

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JQuery :: Use GetScript To Point To A Parent Directory?

Oct 5, 2011

a simple "../" doesn't seem to work :(

let me know if there's any information I can provide.

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JQuery :: Select Next Class From The Point Of Click?

Sep 19, 2010

in FCK-Editor I would like to do the following:On one page there should be severalHeaderText under the header, which is hidden, when the text is loaded and slides up and down after click on headerHtml, which is easy to edit with FCK could look like this:

<p><a href=""><span class="click">Header</span></a></p>
<p><span class="text">Text under the header, which is hidden, when the text is loaded.</span></p>


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JQuery :: Create A Stop Point In Image Slider?

Jun 30, 2011

I have a client request I need a little advise on with an image slider.Client says;"There will be 4 photos that roll over two times each then stop on the Home Page photo then opens a text box over the left of the image"The part I'm not sure how to do is how to set the slider to stop on the Home Page image after the 4 images go through the animation two times.

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JQuery :: DOM Tag Not Found When Select String Includes A Decimal Point / Fix It?

Aug 30, 2010

I am doing some maintenance work on a classic asp web page that displays product information. I am changing how the page looks up the available quantities for the various sizes. The old method used several SQL queries to determine the number of sizes and available quantities and then used those results to build a table on the fly on the page.

My modification consists of a web service that consolidates product size availability from three different sources and delivers the data via an XML formatted return. I have also added DOM tags in the table that is built on the fly that identify each entry with the product id and size. So, for a product that has an ID of "P12345" and a size of "XXL," that corresponding cell in the table gets an id tag of "P12345_XXL."

My jQuery update statements worked just fine using this approach until the sizes included decimal numbers. My example for this is shoe sizes. A size represented by an integer (6,7,8,...,15,16,17, etc.) works fine. A half-size represented by a decimal (6.5, 7.5, 8.5,...) does not. Even though the period is contained within a string value, jQuery doesn't seem to be able to match the value with an id tag - and yes, I have verified that the two (the string that I am giving to the jquery select and the actual tag) do indeed match.

So far, the only work-around that I have come up with is to multiply numeric sizes by 10 and parse as integer values. Is this a "known issue" and is there a more elegant solution topursue?

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JQuery :: Modifying ExpCollGroup Function In Share Point 2003

Nov 10, 2010

I am trying to modify the ExpCollGroup function within Share Point (2003) and don't have access to server or ows.js file where the function lives. I want the ExpCollGroup function to run (I'm using it to expand/collapse documents in a document library), and then when finished, want to be able to run my own function like DoSomething(). The below code works but fires before the ExpCollGroup code executes. What can I do to make the ExpCollGroup function execute, and then perform my DoSomething function?
$('[id^="img_"]').click(function() {
alert(The Expand/Collapse button was pressed but the loading of documents has not yet begun');})

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JQuery :: Point And Click Style Walkthrough And Interactivty Using Static Images?

Mar 14, 2011

I understand that the very essence of the web is point and click however what I'm trying to achieve is anavigationsystem using a series of static 3D Render images have them seamlessly stitch together creating apseudowalk througheffect. For example if a user clicks on a hot spot e.g. a drawer it will fetch the same image but with the drawer open. or if a user wishes to go 'deeper into the scene e.g. a walk-through style effect then they would click on the hotspot and the image presently loaded would zoom out and and fade out loading the next thus giving you forward motion

mentally speakingIunderstand this to be perfectly simple to do technically speaking not so much this at the moment is acompletelyconceptual idea with no coding as I'm still attempting to get my bearings with jquery i was curious to what peoples thoughts were on the idea whether or not it is possible to do?

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JQuery :: Basic Page Loading DIV - Full Window DIV That Sits Above All The Content With A Loading Icon

Oct 21, 2009

I have a site that is very jQuery and image heavy. The main sections of the site link to sections that are built with several Tabs, and as it loads, you briefly see all the content load and then it is hidden by the Tabs code.

The plan is to have a full window DIV that sits above all the content with a loading icon that plays until the entire page loads, and then it fades down.

After some hair pulling and research I have code in place that does exactly as I ask, however it does not seem to work in IE6+7. It works in all other browsers.

The current code is:

CSS for the loading DIV is:

A working link is [url]

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Google Maps Adding A Second Google Map To A Page

Apr 7, 2011

I'm not sure where I have translated this incorrectly. I have one google map embedded on my page which works fine. But I wanted to add a second one. I thought the easiest way to do this would be to have a second page which is called later on with all the details on it for the second map. However although I think (this I presume is where I went wrong) I have replicated the instructions correctly the place holder for the second map just remains blank.

This is the code for my called page with the instructions for the second map:

And this is the script of the main page, just in case I would be better off keeping them both in one place.


I've cut out the script that doesn't relate to this so I hope I haven't missed anything important.

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Jul 23, 2005

Is there a method to get the x and the y coordinates where a user click in
the screen?

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JQuery :: 32px Loading GIF Only While Image Is Loading?

Jul 27, 2009

I have this loading.gif image that is 750px, when it should be 32px. The reason it's huge now is because my original solution was displaying two images: one 750px version of the loading.gif image and one 32px version (in the center of the 750px) of the same image. Now I'm at least down to one image, even if it's the wrong version.Click any of the thumbnail images here, and then again on the thumbnail at the top of that popup product gallery to see what I mean: need that huge loading.gif to be 32px like it should be, and then expand to 750px once the image is loaded. I've tried a bunch of solutions, but nothing has solved the problem.This is the code I have at the moment, although I'm working on the issue now so it may change.

$('#inline .thumbGrid img').click(function(){
var strLargeImg = document.getElementById('OBOEsac');


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Get A Point In A Image

May 26, 2006

How can I get the position in a image area in where I do clic?

If I have a jpeg image 400x500 and I do clic on 200x100 the script returns height=200

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Decimal Point

Sep 7, 2006

Can anyone please help/direct me to find/write a simple Javascript function to clean up a decimal point or a coma on a number.

For Example I need
10.000 to become 10000
10,000 to become 10000

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Howto Point To A Textbox?

Jul 23, 2005

I just wondered how I can refer to the following two
textboxes in this form:

<FORM action="FormWrite.php" method="post" name="submitForm">
<INPUT NAME="inputValues[etunimi]" SIZE=40>
<INPUT NAME="inputValues[sukunimi]" SIZE=40>
<INPUT TYPE="button" onclick="javacscript:sendForm();"

the reason the [] signs are in the name is to get all the textboxes values
in one variable
when using a php script.

- But how can I refer to it with javascript? For example; I tried


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Exclamation Point In Field Name

Jul 23, 2005

I'm using a third-party chat application. They require that form field
names be formatted "SESSIONVAR!FIELDNAME". The bang is creating
headaches when I try to write validation script. How can I handle this
format properly? I'm not sure how to escape the exclamation point
within my code.

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