JQuery :: JSON Not Working With Google API?
May 21, 2010
I'm using the below code to load a json feed from google which looks like this:
// [ { "id": "14323395" ,"t" : "RBS" ,"e" : "LON" ,"l" : "43.68" ,"l_cur" : "GBX43.68" ,"ltt":"8:41AM BST" ,"lt" : "May 21, 8:41AM BST" ,"c" : "-1.14" ,"cp" : "-2.54" ,"ccol" : "chr" } ]
Now this doesn't work because of the // and the square brackets [ ] - if I remove these it works great, but obviously can't change this.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
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May 21, 2011
i am trying to get the google json from my local host[URL]...and i getting: Line: 4984 Error: Access is denied. from the jquery what is missing? well this is the code
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function () {
var _url = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/search/images?v=1.0&q=fuzzy%20monkey';
var _serverParam = "";
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Nov 2, 2010
I am new to jquery and JavaScript in general and I want to access data in Google Spreadsheet. So at first I published a spreadsheet to be able to retrieve a JSON feed like mentioned here: Simple example of retrieving JSON feeds from Spreadsheets Data APINow I can get a JSON-File - the specific file is this: My Google Spreadsheet JSON
But I was not able to display any data as of now. My code looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>the title</title>
<script src="[URL]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery.noConflict(); // probably I need this because in the JSON-feed there are $t-objects
jQuery.getJSON("[URL]", function listEntries(json) {
var content = document.createTextNode(json.feed.entry[2].title.$t);
<p class="inhalt"></p>
So if this looks like noob-code - it is. How the code should look like if a wanted to access the data in the spreadsheet?
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Dec 7, 2009
I'm not sure if this a Picasa thing or a jQuery thing, but I just can't get the following code to work. It works when I type the URL directly into the browser, but not when I do a getJSON call in jQuery:
It's driving me a little insane, and I've not had any response over on the Picasa board at all.
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Mar 3, 2009
All Code Working fine in Firefox and Google Chrome, But in IE nothing happened Ajax Function IN MAIN PAGE
<script language="javascript">
var xmlHttp
function showBabyId(str)
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Jun 1, 2009
the basics: php, jquery, javascript<div>
Bascially try to send what I get back to the client,.. for testing!)
My problem is that the <a href=[url] is undefined? why? how do I access it or what am I doing wrong?
If I use json. I get what I expect.. why does the <a href= [url] not work?
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Sep 30, 2009
I've been racking my head for two days trying to find a solution for this. I'm using jQuery.ajax() to grab values from the database to update a <select> box when another <select> box is changed. The php script grabs the values from the database and then spits out json. IT works fine in FF but in all versions of IE the select box doesn't get updated. I've confirmed that the json being output is good.
Here is the jquery:
function getVendors(dest,selectSup)
var vend = $('select#sup').val();
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Dec 1, 2011
I'm trying to integrate a Google Plus button into the bottom footer of the following Wordpress site:
If you view the underlying source code, .. you'll see that the code is already in place. However, I get a javascript error whenever the page loads, .. and the button doesn't display.
The error message I'm getting is as follows:
window.googleapisv0 is undefined
[Break On This Error] function __bsld(){var p=window.gapi.pl...var f;while(f=window.___gpq.shift()){
I've already confirmed that there's a conflict with JQuery (when I remove the JQuery library from the head section, .. the Google+ button displays) .. but am uncertain as to how to resolve it.
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Nov 19, 2011
This may be a NOOB question and I am new to jquery itself so my syntax may just be incorrect but I do work with javascript and php quite a bit.Anyway here is a piece of sample code that is correct and does what is expected
From what I have read I believe the format is correct in my function. In PHP I have a print_r function that would dump an array where regular echo commands would simply output array so this may be a similar issue. I am not sure.
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Jun 28, 2010
i am working on a web project using jquery for many purposes like tooltip, action events on the page etc. So far I was using firefox as I had that browser only. today, i installed google chrome to see how the project looks in another browser. but I found a strange problem, all the java scripts which where working in firefox are not working now. i am unable to guess the reason, i have enabled javascrpt in the settings but still nothing seems to work.
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Nov 13, 2011
I'm using jQuery (1.7.0) and .ajax() to access Spotify. It works just fine in Chrome and FireFox, but not at all in IE.
My code is:
url: 'http://ws.spotify.com/lookup/1/.json',
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Jul 6, 2011
I am looking for a solution for many days: my callback - function works well in firefox 5, IE8, but not in safari, opera, IE7 etc. The function "checken" is not executed. There are no error messages in the debugger of safari or IE7.
var session_id = $.cookie("fe_typo_user");
function checken (nummer){
var elem = "#img" + nummer;
$(elem).attr('checked',true); }
var url = "refreshCheckboxes.php?id=" + session_id;
$.each(data.posts, function(i,data){
checken (data.number);
}); });
The response of the script:
{"posts": [{"number":"1325"},{"number":"1303"},{"number":"1302"}]}
html (example):
You can test it here: [URL]. Activate some checkboxes, load another site and then go back to this site and the checkboxes you have selected, must be activated by the script.
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Nov 4, 2011
I'm recently reading through 'jQuery Fundamentals', and had a few questions about JSON.
I have the following JSON:
I wanted to , so I did:
Where weather corresponds to the JSON, and $ul, the unordered list element.
This works fine, however I'm unsure if this is the correct way of accessing that specific value in the JSON, as well as adding it to my page.
Does this mean that when manipulating a large piece of JSON, with many nested levels, you'll have to use many $.each's inside of $.each's?
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Jun 16, 2010
I´ve just worte a few lines using $.ajax() to load an xml file and then parse it to create a carousel, the problem is that i've already probe it on chrome 3.1 and it was working perfectly, at this time chrome 5.0.x it doesn't work, it makes nothing, the success callback response is ok, but it doesn't load the reuqested elements , it's been proved on FF, Safari, IE, Opera
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Aug 23, 2011
I am using a jQuery Slideshow on a website homepage that I am helping to develop.
The homepage can be seen here: [URL].. This site is currently in production and I am trying to make some improvements at the moment. But I cannot understand why the slideshow isn't behaving correctly in Chrome. I'll tell you what it is supposed to do.
1) Page loads... slideshow begins to loop through 4 slides, each linking to an article on the website.2) When you click on a thumbnail on the right of the slideshow, it should bring that slide into focus - You can then click on the "Read More" link in the description at the bottom of the main photo to go to that article.
Now here is what it is actually doing. 1) Page loads - slideshow begins to loop through the 4 slides, this is working.2) Click on a thumbnail and it does focus on that slide but it only brings up the image... the section containing the information/description and the link to the article is missing.3) The slideshow then continues to loop through the slides as usual but each time it comes to the slide you previously brought into focus, the information at the bottom is missing.
I have checked in other browsers and this does not appear to be happening. I have also checked in earlier versions of Chrome and this did not happen - It is only happening with the latest version of Chrome.
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May 17, 2011
I downloaded and tried the superfish example at [url]...started and it works fine. But if I replace the jquery source statement with the second line below, to get the latest Google hosted version of jQuery, the superfish action on the menu goes away. That is, the menu reverts to the no-javascript action. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
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Dec 4, 2009
Here is the code snippet. the var url is undefined in some browsers.
url: "rss.php",
cache: false,
success: function(rss){
This works fine in IE and Firefox. But Google Chrome and Safari fails.
Using an rss plugin produces the same error, so it seems to be with jQuery.
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Aug 19, 2011
I am a newbee and with the help of you all and google reseach and w3schools I have made the below jQuery Ajax method work fine with my data in xml (all the chapters of a childrens book). Now I am constructing a new page, just sample chapters, and I want to use json and 'get' it the same way as I did with xml. 1. I am hung up a little, firstly, this code below is not getting anything from the chap_0.json which
is in the same directory so not a path problem file, 2. and secondly I am not sure just how different the code below needs to be to use the data from the .json file vs the xml file. If someone can atleast help me get the .json data to come in (problem 1) , I have been struggling with it for several hours now. Here is the working xml code:
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Mar 9, 2010
I'm a newbie to jquery and am using jquery version 1.4.2 in my java application. I am trying to develop an application, where I am accessing the data available in a remote server and rendering the data in an HTML page in my local system, using an Ajax call. The code works fine in IE7 and above. However, I am facing a problem in Firefox ( version 3.5.8) and google Chrome. The following error is reported in Firefox [code]
While searching in google on this error, I have found that this occurs because Firefox's security model does not allow retrieving/accessing localhost resources.Also Firefox does not allow accessing resources from other domains.The following are the source code of the html and js files [code]Is there anything that I am missing? Or, is there any other way for carrying out this functionality?
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Aug 30, 2009
I tried to pass the external JSON object on validate method. But It's not working.
Here is my sample code:
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May 27, 2011
I have a Google map (API v3) with one marker and infowindow which contains a link that I have placed in a modal dialog. The problem is that the link in the infowindow is not clickable, even though it reacts to mouse hover. If I remove 'modal: true' from my call to open the dialog, the link becomes clickable, and the new page is loaded. Is there a solution to this?
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Jun 23, 2009
I have used the swfobject.js file & its methods to play a flash movie in my webpage. It works fine when I open the page in firefox & chrome but does not work in IE-6. Below is the code i used:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/js/
<script type="text/javascript">[code]....
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Jan 15, 2010
What I'm trying to do is import a list of addresses from an xml file and display them in a google map. When each marker is clicked, a window will appear with the address and a name given from the xml. So far, I've gotten the code to work, with one issue.. There has to be an alert box in the for loop (see code) before I use the geocoder. With the alert box, everything shows up as it should, except that I don't need an alert box popping up everytime a marker is added. Doesn't matter what information is in the alert box, as long as it is there, it works.
But, if I take the alert box out, then all the markers will display the same name and address in its info window. The name/address displayed is the last one in my xml file. I thought it just needed the pause so I had tried: setTimeout("alert('');",1000); but that didn't work, even with the alert box within the pause..
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Feb 24, 2011
I am using the Google Maps API to integrate mapping into a web application. I am using HTML and JavaScript. I am having difficaulty integrating the directions function. I have a form which collects the users address/current location which is supposed to display a set of turn by turn direction and a route on the map when the users submits. I currently have a custom image icon which works perfectly. I cannot figure out why this does not work as i dont not receive any error codes which is very furstrating. Here is my HTML form
<form id="address_form" onsubmit="displayDirections(); return false" action="#" >
<label for="street">Street Address</label>
<input id="street" name="street_address" type="text" tabindex="1" />
<label for="city">City</label>
<input id="city" name="city" type="text" tabindex="2" />
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Aug 17, 2011
I am doing a simple example of autocomplete textbox.Well whenever I am typing anything in the textbox it shows me the existing options as we know the default functionality of autocomplete textbox. Now I need that when I select one of the options from the autocomplete list droping below the textbox the blur function should execute so that the focus should get away from the textbox. I have tried document.getElementById('text1').blur() but it is not working in chrome and safari.
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Apr 17, 2010
I've written a google maps app for work and have got it all running nicely...in chrome. I've only just noticed that for some reason it's not working in firefox or internet explorer. I was wondering if someone could take a look at the simple extract that I've made and show me where I'm going wrong (If I am):
function initialize() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
//Create a div called map_canvas in the html where the map will be displayed
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
//Set the map to center on these coordinates
map.setCenter(new GLatLng(55.872759,-4.297972), 15);
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