JQuery :: Initial Setup - What File To Install On My Server If Don't Have GZIP Available

Jul 3, 2009

Cannot get jQuery to work (unless I access [url])

Is this permissible, or do I have to download jquery.js to my server? If not, I have other questions:

- My hosting service does doesn't have gzip compression enabled --what file do I need to install on my server if I don't have GZIP available?

- How can I extract that file (jquery.js?) from jquery-1.3.2.js.txt? (looked for GZipper, but from what I can see that's Mac s/w and I'm running windows)

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Setup The Yui.loader Script - Pull All Dependencies And Install Them?

Apr 2, 2011

I want to start coding using the YUI provided by yahoo, but do not understand how to set up the yui.loader script that pulls in the rest for me. What this script does is pull in all dependencies and install them. Just like using the installer in linux. But there does not seem to be any howtos for beginners. I have never used jaascript before, And this is suppsed to be a cut & paste way of getting started but I have been doing that most of the day and reading about it but I still obvoisly do not understand or missing somthing.


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JQuery :: Initial Content On Show / Hide Setup?

Dec 16, 2010

Is there a way to edit the following show hide set up to allow for initial div to be open. So for example instead of nothing coming up, #video1 would initially load and then when you click on li links it would load a new div in as coded replacing the initial video for example, if you clicked video 2 or 3 thumbnails?

<ul id="brightCove">
<li onclick="javascript:doShowHide('video1');">
<a href="javascript://">video 1 thumbnail here</a>
<li onclick="javascript:doShowHide('video2');">
<a href="javascript://">video 2 thumbnail here</a>
</ul><div class=showhide" id="video1">
content for video 1 </div>
<div class="showhide" id="video2">
content for video 2 </div>

$(document).ready(function() {
// Add ID of New Category in line below separated by Commas
doShowHide = function(idstr) {
$("div.showhide:visible").each(function () {
if (this.id != idstr) $(this).hide("fast");

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Backend Server Setup For Sending Message To Client?

Apr 13, 2009

Is it somehow possible to setup a backend server to send a message to a client? Or it is a client always have to establish a connection? What I'm trying to code is a simple chat script that sends a message to the client once a member of the chatroom has logged out. The only way that I can make this work is if the client either sends a message (which is a POST call) or when a time delay occurs (I've set a timer to run every 30s after the last GET or POST call). But both of these are basically CLIENT -> SERVER calls. I don't assume that the other way (SERVER -> CLIENT) is possible? no?

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XMLHttpRequest: Script Works To Request XML File On Server But Not On External Server

Oct 2, 2010

I have the following JavaScript (see below). The script requests an XML file from the server and displays it on the page.

The script works fine when the requested XML file is stored on the same server as the script.

The problem is when I try requesting an XML file from an external server such as the National Weather Service. I get an error. If I take the XML file from the National Weather Service and save it to my server it works. Why can't I use my script to request XML files stored on external servers?

Javascript Code

window.onload = initAll;
var xhr = false;
function initAll() {
document.getElementById("makeTextRequest").onclick = getNewFile;


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Saving A File On The Server W/ Js, Ie No Server Code

Dec 31, 2006

I am creating an XML document on my page with javascript. My question
is, is it possible to save that xml file on the server (I have write
permissions) only using javascript, ie no server code? This task would
be trivial using server code, but I was wondering if I can do it all
with client code and post backs? Well, any input?

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Remote Does Gzip Still Work?

Feb 5, 2009

I am writing a javascript based tool that other people can call on their webpages. I was wondering if I have gzip enabled on my server and they call my javascript file will it still have the benefits of gzip or will the fact it's being called remotely cause a problem.

The reason I ask is because the file is 54kb normally and 18kb when gzip is enabled on the server.

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Access A Server File Using A File Name Contained In A Variable

Jul 9, 2009

Im writing client-side javascript and I want to do a server side include. There are many server files but only one will be included. These files contain peoples names and phone numbers. This info is packaged as a line of javascript but I can change that packaging if necessary.

The file name to include is being passed as a url parameter: [url]

I know how to parse the url string and stuff the ID number into a javascript variable.

I set <ICODE> foo = "/people/12345.html" </ICODE> and tried <ICODE><!--#include virtual="${foo}" --> </ICODE>
but this did not work.

Is there a way to do this with javascript given that the name of the file I wish to include is contained in a variable? If not, what is the usual way of getting the data in the server file into my client-side javascript?

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Compress Some Files Using Gzip/deflate?

Feb 3, 2009

I want to compress some javascript files using gzip/deflate.

The thing I worry about though is browser support. In my searches, I've seen some suggestions that some older browsers will send the http Accept-Encoding: gzip header, but they aren't actually capable of using a compressed javascript file.

I've seen various solutions which try to sniff the browser via the user_agent header and just serve the uncompressed version when it thinks the browser is gonna choke on it. But the sniffing examples I've seen seem to vary a lot, and I worry they aren't very good.

For example, look at the sample provided by the apache manual [URL] Used as-is, that's gonna catch opera and serve it an uncompressed file, when opera will handle it just fine. And I've also seen people say safari(which versions I'm not sure) doesn't like compressed javascript either, but I don't see anything in the example provided by mod_deflate that would save safari from doom.

Many of the webpages I've come across on this subject seem outdated or incomplete, which doesn't do much for my confidence.

What do you do? Part of me want's to just give these buggy browsers what they ask for when they say they accept gzip/deflate and let them explode....but I think there's still too many users of these older browsers to just do that. I feel I should make a good faith effort to try to make it work reasonably well. This seems like a very realistic issue and I'm somewhat suprised I'm not finding more information on it.

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JQuery :: Find The Id Of An <li> From Another File On The Server?

Mar 17, 2011

i've got a file that contains multiple <li> with different id's:

<li id="1"></li>
<li id="2"></li>
<li id="3"></li>

how can i gram the those id's and put them into a var? var get_id = $source.find('li').attr('id'); ??

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JQuery :: Saving A PDF File On The Server?

May 6, 2010

I'm trying to save a PDF file that's built using the jspdf PDF JS files [URL], the example (server side) uses Jaxer to save the file to the hard drive. Can i do this via JQuery instead? PDF Example

<script runat="server" type="text/javascript" src="../libs/base64.js"></script>
<script runat="server" type="text/javascript" src="../libs/sprintf.js"></script>
<script runat="server" type="text/javascript" src="../jspdf.js"></script>
<script runat="server" autoload="true" type="text/javascript">


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JQuery :: Load A File From Server To A Div?

Feb 13, 2009

I have the html and the file from server look like this

Code HTML4Strict:
<div id="container"><a href="#">load form</a></div>
file from server:
HTML Code:


So basically when i click on load form, the form loaded to the div#container , the link 'load form' disappears. When clicking button 'hide div' the form hide and the link 'load form' reappear.

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JQuery :: Continuous Music File On FTP Server?

Oct 10, 2010

I have been building my own website using iWeb, however, iWeb does not supportcontinuous music that will keep playing as you browse through the website. Initially, I managed to solve this problem by adding a html snippet in iWeb. Before each page reloaded, there was a white flash, but for the most part, I was happy with the results and no matter which page I turned to on my website, the music played continuously without interruption. Then I decided to change my navigation bar on my website. iWeb's navigation bars are very basic and I wanted to change the static navigation bar to one that fades-in and fades-out when the cursor passes over each button. I managed to do this. This too required a html snippet on each one of my pages and extensive changes in my ftp sever files. The results are beautiful. Now I am having problems again.Now that I have my fading navigation bar up and running, I can not get continuous music to play using the same html snippet as I did before. Apparently, the flash-based navigation bar is inteferring with the continuous music html snippet. I don't know if there is an easy work around. My question to everyone here, is there a way I can bypass the iWeb route and add continuous music in my Cyberduck ftp server? [URL]

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JQuery :: Poll Server For File Date?

Apr 15, 2011

I have a page that serves up data that is refreshed every 30 minutes. I'd like to do the following:

Data last updated April 15, 2011 at 4:36 PM (16 minutes ago). I'd like to refresh the date automatically without the user hitting Refresh.

Two questions. One: How do I poll the server every 30 seconds and check a file date?

Two: How do I do the "16 minutes ago" part?

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JQuery :: Check File Size Before Send To Server?

Sep 5, 2010

i want to check size of file before send to server by javascript (jquery). who can give me some idea about that.

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JQuery :: Passing JSON To Server For Ajax File Download?

Jun 14, 2011

I have this code:

var dataString = $.toJSON(data);
$.post(url, {dataValues: dataString}, function(res){
$('#secretIFrame').attr('src', url);

Problem is, I can't access dataValues at the server side once I assign this same URL to the iframe.Is there any other way to POST JSON value through form submission without ajax? or any other way out, I am trying to download file that is based on some parameters and isn't a direct download link.

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JQuery :: File Tree Pulgin To Display Server Directories Using Jsp Connector

Oct 28, 2011

I'm using the jQuery file tree pulgin to display server directories using jsp connector.

I'd like to know if we can change the callback function function(file) which alerts the file name upon single click can be changed or not.

So, Single click of folders should expand/collapse them. Double click on the folder should send back the folder name. Single click on files should send back the filename.

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JQuery :: Install To Use UI Features?

Aug 31, 2010

I know it's a newbie question, my first experience was with ExtJs but am moving away from that due to the license changes.

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JQuery :: How To Install PlugIns

Oct 1, 2010

This is the first week I've been using jquery. I have successfully incorporatedthe "dialog" widget into a site. Now I'm trying to download and use plug-ins. I haven't found how to download a plug-in or instructions on how to install. (Maybe the instructions will show up in the download.)

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JQuery :: Cant Install Air Version Of The Browser

Jun 6, 2010

i cant install it!i've downloaded the air application from adobe, installed it, but i cant install the air version of the browser!

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JQuery :: Install Supersubs In Superfish?

Jul 12, 2009

I installed Superfish, use the menus, everything is ok.how can Supersubs be enabled in Joomla? I cannot find a tweak in the Superfish backend module? Does any filehave to be edited by hand?

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JQuery :: Install Plug-in On My Website?

Nov 13, 2009

I need some help in figuring out how to install this jQuery plug-in on my website code...

I have absolutely no experience with JavaScript.

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JQuery :: Install Photo Gallery On A Website?

Sep 10, 2010

I really need a good photo gallery for my website, which must be done by Sep. 16th! I would like a jquery like fancybox or slimbox. Ican't figure out how to do either of them! I have absolutely no experience with this kind of stuff and would REALLY APPRECIATE if someone could provide a step-by-step instruction for me on how to set it up

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JQuery :: 'window' Is Undefined Getting Error When Attempting Install Of 1.4.2.min.js

Mar 11, 2010

Getting the following error when attempting install of jQuery-1.4.2.min.js Line: 16 Char: 1 Error: 'window' is undefined Code: 800A1391 Source: Microsoft JScript runtime error

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Access A XML File From A Server?

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to access an XML file from a server in my JavaScript code. I have an XML file like this:

-<stream version="1.2">
-<room id="simulator" time="128168557915">
-<dimention id=0 x="1.25" y="2.00">
<m mcu="160" sid="75">


what is the best way to do that, since the returned value is a text.

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Access An XML File From A Server?

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to access an XML file from a server in my JavaScript code. I have an XML file like this:

-<stream version="1.2">
-<room id="simulator" time="128168557915">
-<dimention id=0 x="1.25" y="2.00">
<m mcu="160" sid="75">


what is the best way to do that, since the returned value is a text.

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