JQuery :: Form Disappears Before Mouse Can Get To It
Apr 5, 2011
I have an item at the end of a menu that when it is moused over, it makes a form visible underneath it. On some machines running Safari the form flashes on and of on hover, and disappears when the mouse leaves the trigger.
I can get it to happen in Firefox if I move the mouse super slow from the trigger word to the box. I've tried moving the log in box closer with css, and it still happens.
Here is the javascript:
Here is where it lives: [url]
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Apr 20, 2010
I wonder if it's possible to implement a menu like the one ofcbs.com?Basically, when mouse over some of the menu items, a menu panel shows up with a few columns of links. The many panel disappears when the mouse moves out. I think it's quite neat and I'm hoping to be able to do something like that with jQuery.
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Nov 26, 2005
I am running this javascript on a Windows IIS server. It is in a .asp page. The script seems to run OK. When you click on and release the "Calculate" button, the answer flashes and then disappears. The answer seems to be correct, but I want it to remain visible until the form is reset. The code is as follows. What am I missing? This is my first attempt at javascript coding. Code:
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Jun 13, 2007
I am using the following code to refresh a window that has an HTML form on it:
When the page is refreshed, the data disappears.
Is there a way to refresh the page, while keeping the form data?
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Sep 21, 2009
I believe I found an accessibility issue with superfish. I have the "sf- menu" ul as the child of another list item. After tabbing through the entire sf-menu, it disappears. How might I fix this? This is happening in both IE and firefox. It is nested as follows. ul -> li -> ul sf-menu
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Aug 23, 2010
I tried to create a simple pagination-style presentation and when I start the animation my img tags disappear.As far as I can tell it's not an overflow problem.
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Jun 21, 2009
I use superfish horizontal nav-bar style. Subcategories appearhorizontally below categories.The problem is that when I take themouse from the category name to reach one of their subcats, thesubmenu disappears! The subcategories disappear too fast! Is there away to fix this?
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Jul 3, 2011
I'm using
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.11.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
and asp.net-mvc 3 razor After I click at label "Hello" I get next element totagRows. But when I click next time at label "Hello" I lose this element, but I want to add next element. What I must change to have desired effect?
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Dec 14, 2011
how to copy to clipboard all browsers without mouse click or mouse events.
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Jan 30, 2010
I am trying to use the code below to create the following behavior for comboboxes with class = "requiredCombo" -
1. If the selected index is 0, I want the font to be grey; otherwise black.
2. When the mouse enters the box, I want to change the font to black while the user is making a selection.
3. If the mouse leaves the combo and the user did not click (that is, they just ran the mouse over the combobox) and the selected index is 0, I want the font to be grey otherwise black.
4. If the user clicks on a selection and it is not index = 0 I want the font to be black.
The following code works great in Firefox but in IE 7 when I include the "mouseleave" code, the dropdown list opens up when I click the dropdown but as soon as I try to move into the list to make a selection, the dropdown list closes. Any suggestions what I can do?
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Oct 12, 2010
I have this code for a dialog box,
<script language="javascript">
function dialog() {
$("#dialog").dialog({ modal: true }).load("/;contact");
To contact us:
<a id="dialog" style="text-decoration: underline"
href="#" onclick="dialog()">Contact</a>
This loads the contact form correctly, but the <a href> link disappears after I have made the click.
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Jan 18, 2011
I'am trying to create a text, which moves from the top to the bottom and the text which disappears at the bottom, comes in at the top.
<div id="myFloatingText">
Here is my text which should be moved down and the line which disappear at the bottom should
appear at the top.
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Feb 1, 2011
I am using the little tooltip script below. Normally, works fine, except when I clone an element which has a tooltip in it and append it to another element using something like: $("#table tbody").append($("#row").clone(true));.
Now, immediately after cloning it, I use jQuery to alert the title attribute, and it is in the new element. Then, when I view it using firefox, the title is gone, and obviously the tooltip cannot work.
Vertigo Tip by www.vertigo-project.com
Requires jQuery
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May 28, 2010
Is there a trigger in JQuery that occurs when the user either:1 - clicks the left mouse button and moves the mouse upOR2 - clicks the left mouse button and moves the mouse down?mouseup() and mousedown() are only for clicking the button. I need a trigger that includes both the left mouse click and movement of the mouse up or down occurring simutaneously
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Dec 14, 2010
I added maphilight to an html page. Suddenly, an unrelatedtable at the bottom of the page disappeared. The box is there, but the most of the table won't appear. Click on the bottom of the table, voila.Remove the jquery, it displays fine. The W3C validator OK's the file. Thisproblem is in IE8, not Firefox.
There are 3 wide lines that divide the data inthe 'missing' preformatted table. If I shorten the length of the 1stor 2nd line (the 3rd line doesn't affect it), it displays properly..[URL]But then I got it to display with minor changes to textabove the table. But then it wouldn't. I finally got[URL]to work and[URL] doesn't work. (edit: most of the time, both files don't always display consistently, even on different computers.) They are *exactly* the same file except for the time stamp in the file!
details: I deleted a couple of lines of text above the table and it displayed OK.When adding the internal #java anchorabove the table, that extra text changed how short the 2nd line needed to be to get the table to display. I had to remove about 6 characters from the 2nd line to get the table to show up again.
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Nov 21, 2011
Have been hammering away at this problem for a couple of hours and found that the 'type' attribute of the jQuery script files is set to 'application/javascript'. This works in Firefox but not IE. When changed to 'text/javascript' the IE error on $(document).ready event disappears. As yet no apparent side effects have occured. This is the only scenario where I have seen 'application/javascript' ever used so why this instead of 'text/javascript'?
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May 25, 2011
I created a page using jquery to display library resources, based on subject area:Everything seems to work find in Firefox; in IE, however, on page load, there is a brief moment when the items that should be hidden appears briefly, then disappears...does anyone know why this would happen?Here is my code:
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript">
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Oct 7, 2010
I have a simple check box in an admin panel where the idea is that if it is checked then 'display' a div on the page, if it is not checked then hide it.When I tick the checkbox, the div shows up, but then disappears right away. (it does the fade-in display:block, but instantly changes back to display:none).
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Feb 22, 2011
I have been running the cycle plugin with success for a while, using 3 images, a caption, and a pager area (simple dots). I just added a fourth image/caption. the pager picks up the fourth image, adding a dot. However, it now fades in on transition, then immediately out. no other code changed other than the addition of a fourth image. why this is now malfunctioning?
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Feb 22, 2011
I have the cycle plugin running, works fine on all but IE7 (not catering to IE6). The pager elements on the right do not appear in IE7. I have tried adjusting the z-index, etc., but can't figure it out.
Also, the caption text transitions in with bolded elements properly appearing, and then they flip to regular text (the whole line of text transitions a bit strangely).
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Sep 26, 2011
In my work here there is an application that has recently had a plugin coded up for it, the plugin allows custom message boxes to be opened up by the user when they roll on the help icons. The boxes open automatically and then close as soon as the mouse focus rolls off their box area. The boxes support java script content and html etc so can be very customised. I have coded a user form with various data capture fields. I would like the data in the fields to be reloaded if the user accidentally rolls off the box (as this will close it and the behavious cannot be changed :-<)
I have used cookies and tested in browser and all the retreival and storage of the cookie data works fine. Problem is with this plugin app is that i cannot fit in the call to 'onload CheckForCookies()' anywhere - The boxes do not seem to appear as 'window opening events' What is way of Adding the call to checkforcookies() into my form loading - that does not depend on a window opening event? There are four or five fields and i would like them all to update with whatever was last in them when the messagebox opens - it is not an api/ browser generated messge box, rather it is a custom web widget of some sort and i do not have access to the source code at this time.
It is equally important to be able to create or refresh the cookie data for the fields when the user rolls off the box so they do not lose whatever info was typed in so far so i need to call like 'onunload SetAllCookies' Like i say i have the code to do the work, the problem is the functions are not being called as the behaviour of the little boxes does not trigger them as load / unload eventrs. I tested using 'onfocus' and this works but is nbo good as the user would only see the data they had 'lost' when they click on a field.
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May 6, 2011
why (and the fix) when I place my cursor over the scrolling thumbnails under the main slideshow rotator on my site they "disappear"?http:[url].............
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Aug 10, 2011
After much searching and head-scratching (JS is not my forte!), I adapted some code to do what I want - well, almost! So here I am back again. I need to have three divs on a page, with each separate div changing onClick. Below is the code so far.
Two problems:
1) when I open it in a browser window both divs show, then the one disappears when I click on the second div leaving only the numbers. How can I change it so that both divs remain open?
2) Instead of the numbers [1], [2], etc. to change the divs, I'd like to have to just click on one single 'click here for more' to display the next div then return to the first after the last one. Can this be integrated or is it too late?
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Aug 24, 2011
I have a map with hotspots, and when you hover over a hot spot, a hidden DIV appears. The only problem I'm having now is getting the DIV to remain open while I move my mouse from the hotspot to the DIV. As soon as I move my mouse away from the hotspot, the DIV disappears. I need to put links in the DIVs, and users will need to be able to move their mouse away from the hotspot to click on the link, but currently can't.
I experimented with setTimeout, but didn't get too far. I really need to get this working.
<img src="images/map.png" alt="" usemap="#map"/>
<map id="map" name="map">
<area shape="rect" coords="211,84,225,97" href="#" alt=""/>
<area shape="rect" coords="226,78,240,92" href="#" alt=""/>
<area shape="rect" coords="353,66,376,89" href="#" alt=""/>
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Sep 30, 2011
I have a jwplayer in my page, and I've placed a short text describing it underneath it. Works fine in FF and Chrome, but in IE the text vanishes after you click the "Allow blocked content" permissions to allow activex controls.This is what it looks like:
<object classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' width='450' height='277'
id='single1' name='single1'><param name='movie' value='jwplayer/player.swf'><param name=
'allowfullscreen' value='false'><param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always'><param name=[code]........
Here is my description text.<br/> If I place the text above the object, then it shows up fine. I'd rather not put it there, but I can if I can't figure the problem out.
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May 27, 2009
I cant find an example for this, but I'm sure people will know what I mean. Imagine a form on a page, the user hits submit, but a new page does not load, instead a "busy" graphic displays, then disappears and then the results of the input are displayed.
Does anybody have a link to a tutorial or an example of this kind of feature? Or even a few google keywords to search for would be cool also.
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