JQuery :: Fire Event Once When Having Multiple Objects Selected?
Jun 2, 2010
I have this code
<script type="text/javascript">
<FORM><select name="category" id="#link1">
<option value=1>1</option>
<option value=2>2</option>
<FORM><select name="category" id="#link2">
<option value=1>1</option>
<option value=2>2</option>
<FORM><select name="category" id="#link3">
<option value=1>1</option>
<option value=2>2</option>
When I click on any of the select fields, I always get 3 subsequent alerts, each with the id of the clicked select field. What I would like is to have only 1 alert with the clicked select id, whenever I click it.
I have a jquery datepicker that is working fine. I'm using a calendar icon only to start the datepicker and the result (the chosen date)is shown as text - not as an input field. To get this result to show, the user has to click an 'update' functionbuttonfirst, which in my case has nothing to do with the datepicker itself. I know I can use altField to show the result immediately, but that has drawbacks. SoI would like to improve the way it works as follows: when the user picks a date, I want the datepicker to close (which it already does) and the chosen date to show immediately, without the user having to click the 'update' button first. How do I do that? I don't like to use altField, as the user can muck around with the result if they want to -it is an input field after all.
I was wondering if there is a way to simplify or clean up the code, since they are all doing the same thing and responding to the same event. This is just for refactoring reasons because my code is getting too long/messy.
I want to execute a function, when a user clicks on a certain button on my page. It works in Chrome, Safari, Opera and FF, but not in IE 9. The jquery-Code looks like this: $('#mapButton').click(function(event){ ... });
My HTML source code: <div id="medias"> <div>AUDIO<br /><p id="audioButton"></p></div> <div>KARTE<br /><p id="mapButton"></p></div> <div>BILDER<br /><p id="galleryButton"></p></div> <br style="clear:both"/> </div>
By Clicking on mapButton the function should follow. I tried it first with the input-Tag, then with the a-Tag and afterwards with the p-Tag. Nothing works at all. I also inserted a return false at the end of my JS function. How to handle it?
I'm new to jQuery. I'm writing some code to show a picture if user clicks on table row. This is the table <table id="restable" border="0"> <thead><tr> <th class="cat" width="150"><a href="">Category</a></th> <th class="brand" width="150"><a href="">Brand</a></th> <th class="name" width="300"><a href="">Name</a></th> <th class="weight" width="50"><a href="">Weight</a></th> </tr></thead> <tbody id="table"> </tbody> </table>
The table is filled with this function function search(sortt,dirt) { $.getJSON("/jsonsearch.php", {cat: $("select#catselect").val(), brand: $("select#brandselect").val(), name: $("input#search").val(), sort: sortt, dir: dirt}, function(j){ $("tbody#table").empty(); var row=''; for (var i = 0; i < j.length; i++) { row="<tr><td width='150'>"+j[i].cats+"</td><td width='150'>"+j [i].brand+"</td><td class='name' width='300'>"+j[i].name+"</td><td width='50'>"+j[i].weight+"</td></tr>"; $("#restable tbody").append(row); }}) This is the function I put inside $(document).ready() $("#table td").click(function(){ alert("jhgjgh"); }); The problem is that click event doesn't fire. If I get it working, how do I get the contents of the row that user clicked. I need Name from that row.
I have a form formatted in a table format that has various elements in each row. I want to execute some jquery when the row is exited. When I use focusout() or focusin() I get an event when I switch from one form field to another in the same row - not desired. I just want the event when I switch from one row to the next. Here is some example html:
The Problem: So a user clicks on "web development" for example. This triggers the mousedown function correctly. The user then clicks on "web development" again. This no longer triggers the mousedown event. BUT if you move the mouse around or click a different link it will trigger the function correctly.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>JQuery test 1</title>
When I open page2.html, and click on the brnClick link, it changes the content of divclick. If I open page1.html, and then navigate to page2.html, click on the link does not work.
I want to know that how can we fire unload event of body tag using javascript and I want to it for safari browser.I goole this many times but I am not getting the right.I know this is a very simple question for many users but I am a begginer of javascript.
I want to fire onload event of body tag on click of a HTML button.Like if I click on the button the body's onload event will fire and a function called on onload event of body tag will execute.
I have a snippet of code that's very straight forward. It copies the values of four form fields into another set of form fields (e.g. a billing address to a shipping address). That part works fine, but what I need to have happen is the form fields receiving the data needs to fire their onchange events. They don't do that after the values are changes programmatically. I've tried firing it manually using the onchange() method (as shown below) but that only gives me an error:
$("shipping_address").onchange is not a function /scripts/registration.js Line 32
how I can get that onchange event to fire?
Code: function copyBillingAddress() { $('shipping_address').value = $F('billing_address').strip(); $('shipping_city').value = $F('billing_city').strip();
I'm attempting to track changes to values I've stored in the localStorage object. From everything thing I've read, this is done by adding a "storage" event listener to the window object but the test file I made doesn't seem to fire the event. I was under the impression that there was pretty good support for this (although I do realize the spec is still under revision).
Code: if(localStorage) { // Set Item button1 = document.createElement("input");
I create two buttons on the page - the first to write a value to localStorage (which works) and the second to clear all values from localStorage (also works). The problem is the event just does not want to fire for me. Even if I set the event on the window's "onstorage" property rather than use addEventListener, no event fires. I've tried in the most recent Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers.
I need to fire an event from a div when div come to a screen window of user mean as when he scroll down the page then which ever the div comes it should fire an event for example say i have a page in that page i ahve 50 div and each div have 50 images so now say on page load 1st image is load, now when i scroll down and as soon as second dive come to screen second image get loaded so i need to know how i came to know that particular dive come in screen
I am developing a website with perl cgi, HTML, JavaScript and sas SQL.
In html page, there are few drop down list, different item of witch, will call specific cgi file to create new webpage. Those are all working very good.
Now, I added search function, with witch the value entered to text box has to be send, when clicking submit button. The URL of cgi was on the form action.
But something happens. It did not go to the URL of action, but go to the URL of previous one the on-change event did.
Code example:
<form name=change> <select name=sel1 on change='location=this.options[selected].index'> <option value=change1.cgi?....>chg1</option> <option value=change1.cgi?....>chg2</option>
After creating search form by entering value into text box and submitting the form, it did not call search.cgi. If on change event happened before, it will go to the same URL.
I basically have several buttons that are created dynamically via a db, so I can have 1 to 40 etc. now at the moment I give each one a unique id and a hover code in the loops. see below:loops goes here..
I'm new to JavaScript and I wrote this code to play with. Oddly, if I enter text in a box and then press the button, I only get the onChange event for the text box and not the button's onclick event. But if I press the button without entering text first, the button click event does work. What's up?
<html> <body> <h3>Events on Buttons and Text Boxes</h3> <input id="myTextBox1" type="text" onChange="doChange1()" /<br /> <input id="myTextBox2" type="text" onChange="doChange2()" /<br /> <input id="myButton" type="button" onclick="doClick()" value="Click me" /> <script type="text/javascript"> function doChange1(e) { var val = document.getElementById("myTextBox1").value; alert("You typed: " + val); } function doChange2(e) { var val = document.getElementById("myTextBox2").value; alert("You typed: " + val); } function doClick(e) { var _num = prompt("Enter a number", "100"); alert("You typed: " + _num); // number converted to string automatically } </script> </body> </html>
Can I fire an event in the host page when a contained IFrame finishes loading? The page being loaded can come from anywhere (i.e. other sites), and I need to know how long it takes to load.
I'm working on a unit test for a javascript library that has several handlers. I wish to fire those handlers in a "natural" way, by raising an event that gets caught. I am having trouble creating an event that gets caught in Firefox.I do development in Firefox to take advantage of Firebug, but the software is for a closed intranet and IE 7 is the required browser (we support IE 8 insofar as we force it to IE 8 mode). This policy predate my hire, I'm trying to get the software to a browser agnostic state - first I have to replace an ActiveX object known as MeadCo Script X - but that's a whole other issue.Anyway I need to raise events, specifically onchange events in Firefox. I have this so far...
Code javascript:
function fire(el, ev) { el = $(el);Â if (typeof(el.fireEvent) != 'undefined') { // IE
Prototype library is in use for this project, though I haven't used it for this particular corner case.
I have a page divided into various divs, each with an unique id.The user can navigate through these divs using a nav bar at the top of the screen, which is pinned in position with 'position:fixed'.I want to fire a JavaScript event whenever the user views a different div.I have attached an event handler to the links in the nav bar. Correspondingly when the user uses the nav bar to move around the page the desired event always fires.However, if the user uses the address bar to navigate nothing happens, e.g. if someone is viewing "www.mysite.com/#panel1" and then types into the address barthey are moved to the corresponding section of the site, but no event fires.Is there any way to achieve this?