JQuery :: Disable Submit Button If Input Is None?
Jan 26, 2011
I have a html form with three input text box. one of the three is disabled by the help of this postmy question on jquery forum.no I want that if any of two of the input box is empty submition button will be disabled if allenteredthen submit button will be enabled.
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Jan 31, 2008
I have a page with many forms that I need to change from a post to an ajax call. That part is working, no problem, but now I want to disable the submit button while it's waiting on the server response and then re-enable it when the response comes back.
Here's what I have:
$(function() {
$('form').each(function() {
I can't figure out what my selector should be to get the submit button of the form that's being submitted. What should I be using instead? Also, if the call errors out, I'd like to just post the form as usual.
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Jul 5, 2010
I have a form without a submit button. It gets submitted programmatically with document.form.submit().
What I need is to be able to disable this form's submit capability on page load and then reenable it at some later point. Remember there is no 'input' button element.
What I've tried so far is like this:
savedSubmit = document.inputs.submit;
document.inputs.submit = None;
then later:
document.inputs.submit = savedSubmit;
but this does not work. How can I do this?
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Apr 5, 2010
Everywhere proposed solution
$('form').submit(function() {
$(":submit").attr("disabled", "disabled");
doesn't work for me, because in that case the button name and value won't be included in the request to the server (because the button is disabled), and I've got a situation where I need to know which button was clicked to submit the form.Is there any way to disable the submit button AFTER the form submission, so it would be included in the request?
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Aug 9, 2009
I need help with the Validation plugin. I have a form with a required field. When the form is valid I want the form to submit and I also want to disable the submit button. I have a function that does the disabling, but I'm not sure how to call this function within the
"validate" method. Here is my simple call the the validate method.
$(document).ready(function() {
and here is my disable function --
jQuery.fn.diableOnSubmit = function() {
var input=this.find("input.submit")
input.click(function () {
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Aug 21, 2009
The code below will show the remaining character count. I'm trying to figure out how to disable the submit button if the user exceeds the 140 character count and re-enable once they're in the "safezone" again...
I thought I could just add: $("#edit-message-send").css({disabled: true}); in the event of an error, and then $("#edit-message-send").css({disabled: false}); if they correct it, but it's not working in either situation.
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Aug 8, 2011
What I'm making is like a slow chat to communicate with faraway friends. I want to disable only an input with the id "name" after the user submits a form. I also want to store the input in a cookie for later. (So if the user logs in again the input is disabled with the "name" in it.)
I was stuck at the disabling. The problem is that every time the user clicks on submit, the page refreshes and the disable switched off. Isn't there a simple way to fix this?
So far, the Javascript is:
function disable(){
And then the submit button runs the script.
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Aug 18, 2010
How do I disable the submit button if all required fields in a form are not filled in? Say I have a form with Name, Age,message, and email. Name, message and email must be filled in or else the submit button will not show or will be disabled and then enabled once filled. If the fields are filled in then the submit button will show. If the fields are filled in but then one is deleted then the submit button will hide. Ideally if I can have it disabled that will work, if not I will settle on hide at this point.
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May 30, 2010
I would like to disable the submit button until all fields have been success. I have been looking for examples of call backs but could find anything I could use.
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Feb 13, 2010
I have one dropdown list with list of users categories, like this:
Super Moderators
and I have one Submit button wich is by default disabled. How can I enable it when user select for example "Moderators" from dropdown list?
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May 6, 2009
I created a test page here: [URL]. But basically the problem is that $("#button").attr("disabled",true);
should disable a input button, and it does, HOWEVER it outputs disabled="" when it should output disabled="disabled".
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Nov 23, 2009
I have the following code:
<input type="button" name="button" value="Submit"
How can I change this to make this button disabled after the onclick?
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Nov 24, 2011
The codw which i am using is , the code which i am using is able to disable the submit session , but not exactly that i need, i need to disable that after 10 submissions and timer will become start for 24 hours , to enable again
<input id="ctl00_MainContent_cmdSubmit" onclick="this.disabled = true;WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$MainContent$cmdSubmit", "", true, "", "", false, false))" name="ctl00$MainContent$cmdSubmit" type="submit" value="Submit" />
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Mar 4, 2003
Can you help me please? I need a function that can disable the submit button after the user clicked on it once so he wont be able to click it twice or more...
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May 3, 2007
How can I have the submit button disabled by default, an enable it only if 2 specific input box values match. or If a specific form field is => than some value in another form field or hidden field, the Submit button is re-enabled. ( activated / unhidden)I don't want the user to click anything to re-activate or unhide the Submit button. If I can actually hide it at startup, and then unhide it based on the above conditions, that would also work, and possibly preferably.As it stands right now, my submit button is like this.
<input class="btn" onclick="finalCheck(this.form)"
tabindex="17" value="Process" type="button">
I'm also interested in hiding a section of my page based also on input field values.
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Oct 16, 2009
I have a page that has a bunch of checkboxes and input fields. I need to disable and grey out the submit button until a change is actually made to any of the fields, then make it active and blue. How would I do this?
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Feb 1, 2005
I am trying to disable the submit button and submit the form onclick
<input name="submit" type="submit" onclick="this.type='button'this.form.submit();" value="send message" style="color: #000080; border: 1px solid #336699; background-color: #FFFFFF; font-family:Verdana; font-weight:bold">
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Sep 9, 2009
At the bottom of this page: [URL] There's a sign up button... When you click on it, the button is disabled, and the word 'Signup' is replaced by 'Signup in process'. The HTML on the button is:
Code HTML4Strict:
<button type="submit" id="SBIAgree" class="actionCreate" disableonsubmit="Signup in progress..." name="MSignal_SI-IA*">
And there is a tonne of javascript on the Fastmail Site here: [URL] I think it's something to do with the 'disableonsubmit' function, but when I tried to separate out that part of the JS into a test page myself, I can't get it to work. I wondered if anyone might be able to advise about the core JS elements that make this functionality work?
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Oct 13, 2010
So I have a few inputs that the user must fill out before they can submit. How can this be done with the following text input and select element?
<input id="project_input" type="text" name="peer_project" onclick="this.value='';" onmousemove="enable_submit();" value="What project was this?" />
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Sep 20, 2011
I am having a problem with my script used to disable my submit button. I want the button to disable upon correct submission of the form, and the button to be kept enabled if the required fields are not filled in. I have the following code at the moment (which only does the first if statement).
<script type="text/javascript" >
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Nov 15, 2011
I need to click on input type submit with jquery. The input has id and I used $("#....").click(), but nothing happened. Is there a way to click on this button like user would?
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May 1, 2010
Would anyone care to post your favorite script for disabling the submit button on a form when there are input errors, and reenabling when all errors are resolved? I'd be curious what the different approaches are to this. I looked through my various SitePoint javascript books and surprisingly didn't find an answer to this scenario specifically.The behavior I'm trying to achieve (most efficiently) is having a form start out with the submit button enabled, but if there is a validation error, such as a required field being left blank on blur, the submit button is disabled. It's easy then to re-enable it when the user fills in that field, but harder to get the script to check and see if there are any other lingering errors before going ahead and enabling it.
My natural inclination would be to just keep a count of errors that increments and decrements when errors occur and are resolved. Then the script would check to see that the error count is 0 before re-enabling the submit button. It seemed easy, but I think I'm getting mixed up somewhere in conflicts of variable scope, and it's not turning out right.A google search rendered an example where someone was using a string variable to store errors, concatenating and replacing data to the string as errors were logged/resolved.
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Nov 9, 2011
It seems like it should be simple, but I don't see what I'm missing. Right now, the search button displays directly under my input field. I've gone through the CSS, but can't figure out where my code is forcing the button onto its own line. What am I missing? How can I bring it up to the same line?
<form role="search" method="get" id="searchform" action="http://www.centerpie.com/" >
<input type="text" value="" maxlength="100" name="s" id="s"><input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Search">
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Sep 28, 2011
URl...The idea is a like button, like on fb, in a form which updates a db field I can use to display the number of likes, and my goal is to disable the like button for the rest of the session, or a day, or whatever. This script disables it onclick, the problem is I can't figure out how to get it to submit the form as well.I have found it does submit if the input type is 'submit', but then it doesn't call the disable function. I tried writing another function to submit the form but no go.[code]
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Jun 8, 2011
I have only started to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript (roughly 2 weeks now). I am having a issues regarding when I submit form data to the server. I want to temporarily disable the 'submit' button while the browser is loading and then reactivate it once everything has finished loading. This was my attempt at doing this.
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Jul 2, 2009
I'd like to create a quick and dirty validation method for a form. It's not meant to be very secure.
The way I picture it working is this - there is an input field that asks for a password. If the user types in the password correctly, the "submit" div tag will change from "none" to "block". , which will display the submit button. I just am not familiar with JS enough to know if that's possible.
Here's what I'm starting with:
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