I want to be able to copy certain text in a div class and copy it to another div. The div in question gets automatically generated by a wordpress plugin, and its called either .rating inactive or .voting. The text that gets generated is called, Rating: 4.5 / 5, I only want to be able to pick up the rating given by the user, in this example 4.5 then copy it to another div. It needs to do it automatically, with no onclick etc.
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I want to be able to copy certain text from one div into another div. The text is generated from a Wordpress Plugin, and it generates 2 different divs, with the following classes 1 called .voting inactive and the second one called .voting. The text generated is rating based is it will look something like: Rating 4.5/5, I only want to take the 4.5 or whatever vote is generated and copy that into a div to display the result nicely.
having a form with a radio button and 2 textboxes, how can I make that when the user select one value of the radio button, the second textbox assume the same text value of the first textbox?
I have the user entering into a text area box but as they are typing into the text area I want it to replicate the first 250 charactors into an input (text) box.
I'ld like to create a web page, from which no one can select the text simply, copy frm there n paste at another location. In simple means, i'ld like to stop copy process from my web page.
I am looking to take the information submitted into field A and add it to the end of the value of field B
Text Field A = Zip Hidden Field B - redirect = http://mydomain.com?&=<<<ZIP>>> <form method="post" > <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://mydomain?l=<<<ZIP>>> "/> <input type="text" name="Zip" value='' "> </form>
When they put in their zip code, I need the script to add that information at the end of the redirect URL
I need to be able to copy text from one window's form to another windows form that is already open. I have a popup box which allows you to select something which I then want to alter something on the main form in the main window. What I need to know basically is how to refer to a window by name and from there drill down to the name of the form element.
I have a script to copy the text in a textarea, but the script seems to work only in IE and Firefox. I need it to work in Chrome
Code: function copyit(){ document.getElementById("area").focus(); document.getElementById("area").select(); var copytext = document.getElementById("area").value;
I've got a requirment to copy some content from an HTML page. It is a failry lengthy page and we want to give the user/reader the ability to click a button and have a section of the page copied to the clipboard, or at the very least selected so they can just right click and copy it. The issue is that text/content to be selected/copied is not in a textarea.
I've got it in a div right now and can get the innerHTML of the div and set a text area to that but it comes in with all of the HTML tags and so when I copy it to notepad I get all of the tags which is what I dont want.
Has anyone done this before? I've tried numerous things to get it to work and have had no luck.
I know this is probably a real simple one, but I'm obviously missing something..
I'm building a function that I'll use throughout a website in the situation that I have two text boxes - the two text boxes will generally contain the same data. After the user completes the value of the first textbox, I want to onChange the value of the first textbox into the second textbox UNLESS the second textbox already has a value.
Here's what I've done so far...
IN THE HEAD function CopyTextBoxes(TextBox1,TextBox2) { if(TextBox2.value = '') { TextBox2.value = TextBox1.value} }
IN THE BODY WITHIN THE FORM <input name="MailFrom" type="text" id="MailFrom" size="60" maxlength="100" onChange="CopyTextBoxes('MailReplyTo','MailFrom')"> <input name="MailReplyTo" type="text" id="MailFrom" size="60" maxlength="100">
I have two text fields, 1) Page Title and 2) URI. As and when the user types in the Page Title, I want the text to be copied straight into the URI text field, but after having made all letters small and replacing ' ' (space) with '-' minus sign.
This is what I have so far: <script type = "text/javascript"> function transfer(which) { reg = /s+/;
case lowering works fine, but with space replacement, it only replaced the first space with '-', and leaves the rest of the spaces as they are.Hence, this is how it looks:
Page Title: This is my Pompous Page Title URI: this-is my pompous page title
How can I get it to continue replacing all spaces and not just the first one?
I know how to make something function onclick(), but how can I make it so it copies the area of a textarea element, does Javascript have the ability to do this?
I am relatively new to JavaScript. I copied my coding below. I have the code doing everything I want except when I execute the function the text gets copied into a new window. What I would like is for the text from the forms to be copied into the same window that the form is on.
I've been looking around the web for a simple JavaScript to solve this problem but can't seem to find something that would work both in IE and FF and the other major browsers?
So basically I have a page listing about a dozen badges people can use to link back to me. I have presented the code for each badge (eg. a href, img src, alt...) in a separate textarea and I'd really love to add a link next to each textarea that would say something like "Click here to copy to Clipboard" then it would copy the text from within the corresponding textarea to the Clipboard so as to eliminate the need for Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C.
I have an issue where I am trying to allow the user to click on a table and automatically copy a table into the clipboard. I do this with text using IE:
function clickCopyText(fi) { window.clipboardData.setData("Text",fi.innerText); }
so to copy the table, I tried:
function clickCopyHTML(fi) { window.clipboardData.setData("Text",fi.innerHTML); }
The Trouble with Tables is the HTML itself gets copied as opposed to the rendered table. I am probably looking at some other way of getting the code to the clipboard, but I am stymied. I can do it with images, but not with rendered HTML.
I need a copy to clipboard functionality from a text area using javascript. I use Zclip for the purpose, but it will not work as needed . I attach my working code along with this .. pls open index.html in browser and try it .
Is it possible to Copy data from a <input> box the the main windows (the input is opened in a pop-up). I've seen date-time pickers can do that, but can't find the function!
I have a password text field, where copy paste from anywhere must be disabled. I have a textarea where the user must be limited to enter only 250 characters. <textarea name="description" id="description" maxlength="250" rows="4" dojoType="dijit.form.SimpleTextarea" style="width:200px;overflow:auto;word-wrap:break-word;">${fn:trim(status.value)}
I need a copy to clipboard functionality from a text area using javascript. I use Zclip for the purpose, but it will not work as needed . I attach my working code along with this .. pls open index.html in browser and try it . Do any one can pls give a javascript solution to copy textarea content to clipboard..
I have a popup window, and in that window i have some links
my question its:
then i click one of the link its have to copy in a form in a text field to anothersite. its the site there i get the popup..
1. have a site whit a form there are some text field and one of the field have a link to popup.
2. then i get popup and in the popup there are some links. so then i click on link, its have to copy this linie / Text then i click on it, its have to copy into the field in site"not popup site" the site there i have the form.
I'm having users fill out a form where there are multiple rows of data.
Some of the rows can have duplicate data for some fields.
So say on line 1) i have first name, last name as an input fields and some other fields as well, c, d, e, etc.
When the user gets to line 2) if they want to have the same first name and last name as line 2, can I have them check a box and it will automatically populate these fields with the info they just typed in line 1? I can't figure out how to do this.
I have a form with 10 input text fields. In those fields the user has to put some values by typing them, but the user has those values in a excel file. Is any possibility to implement a copy/paste in order to help user complete all those fields automatically? What other choices do I have?