JQuery :: Changing The Cell Colors In DatePicker?

Apr 28, 2009

I've tried to two different datepicker scripts and what I'm trying todo is hilite which dates satisfy a certain condition.For example, when the page loads I will make a JSON call to the serverto return all dates that are holidays, then on the inline datepicker Iwant to hilite those cells in red.What I'm doing now is something like this in the JQuery-UI atepickerimplementation but nothing works:



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Changing Css Colors

Oct 27, 2006

I am working on a Windows application (in C#) that displays some HTML. In one place the HTML is a status window. What happens is the static HTML page is embedded into the application. The static page displayed and then the C# code gets a hold of the HTML DOM from the web browser and updates what pieces need to be updated.

What I need to do now is change the colors of everything on the static page. At present there is an embedded CSS style in the HTML and all the colors are defined there. Using the DOM, via C# code, how do I change the colors of everything?

1: Can I simply update the CSS and it will auto magically happen? If so, how does one update the CSS via the DOM?

2: Do I need to go to each individual item and change the color there?

3: Is there a better way to do this all the way around?

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Changing Colors Per Row?

May 30, 2002

I just read "JavaScript 101 - Part 1," and had a question about the specific part linked to above:

Is there a more efficient way of switching colors every row other than calling it every time you want to start a new row? Also, how can the row number be increased each time if the variable rownumber is only increased by one within the second half of the function? What if the row is even? Is the number not increased? Code:

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Changing Background Colors WITH CSS Already Defined

Jul 4, 2010

I seem to be having a slight problem.


<script type="text/javascript">
var x = 300;
while (x < 1500)


Basically, this makes the background flicker for a brief second. Great. However, if I set a background color using CSS (so the page isn't white if javascript is turned off) the flicker won't work.

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Need Help, Changing Table Row Colors From Drop Box.

Aug 29, 2005

I'm new to Javascript so bear with me. I'm trying to change the bgcolor of specific rows in a table, here's the code for one of the row:

<tr id="testing" valign="top" bgcolor="#<?= $defaultcolor;?>">
<select name="namebg" onChange="document.getElementbyId('testing').bgColor=this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">
<option selected="selected" value="">Select Row Color</option>
<option value="FFFFFF">White</option>
<option value="F0F8FF">AliceBlue</option>
<option value="00CC99">Green</option>

I tried to use style.getBackgroundColor but that didn't work either, please, any help would be appreciated.

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Changing Background Colors On Multiple Divs For Navigation?

Sep 22, 2010

When I click on a div - i would like the background color to change to gray. When I click on another Div - I would like the background to chnage to gray, however it will also need to change the previous div (or all divs in that class) to a white background.

<script type="text/javascript">
function highlight(currentdiv) {


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JQuery :: Changing A DIV Or Table Cell To Visible

Feb 14, 2011

I have a DIV element on a page that has a style="visibility: false" when the page loads. When a user unchecks a checkbox, I am using JQuery to do many things on the page. All of which are working but one thing. I cannot seem to make the DIV element visible. I have tried several things all of which have not worked. how to make this DIV element visible using JQuery? Here is one of the things I tried which didnt work... dv1 being the ID for the div.


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JQuery :: Changing Datepicker's Date Format

Apr 22, 2010

My datepicker works well except that the date it outputs in my input field is like mm-dd-yy, whereas I want dd-mm-yy. I tried to use formatDate :

$( "#timeline" ).datepicker({ disabled: true });
$.datepicker.formatDate('yy-mm-dd', new Date(2007, 1 - 1, 26));

But it doesn't change anything

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JQuery :: DatePicker Text Field Not Changing To Black From Gray Color

Feb 22, 2011

I'm working on implementing watermark in datepicker text field (JQuery V1.8.9). I have a datepicker field with watermark set (dd/mm/yyyy). Watermark text displaying in gray color. When I select a date, the text field still having the gray color instead of changing to black color. but, when i key in the date and focus out, it's working fine. Also, this is working fine in Chrome but not with Firefox. I'm not sure the exact cause...

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Changing The Contents Of Another Cell

Dec 1, 2002

I would like a simple table where the user can hover over one of several small cells, and the contents of the main cell changes. An example can be found on the Virgin.net Website right in the middle of the page.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

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Mouseover - Changing Background Color In Cell

Jun 25, 2002

Is there any way to have the background color change in a cell only when the mouse is over the link? This is what I have so far:
<td class=topnav2 onClick="location.href='AboutAD/overview.htm'" onMouseOut="this.style.backgroundColor='#9966FF'"onMouseOver="this.style.backg roundColor='#660099'" bgcolor="#9966FF" width="107" height="45"valign="middle">
<a class="topnav2" href="AboutAD/overview.htm">About Alzheimer's</a>
Currently you rollover the cell it changes color, I just want this effect when you roll over the text.

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Automatically Changing Background Color Of A Table Cell?

Jul 23, 2005

I'm the webmaster for a recreational organization. As part of one page of the
site, I have an HTML "Calendar at a Glance" of the organization's events for
the month. It's a simple table of a calendar, 7 across by whatever needed
down, and I manually create it each month - not a big deal.

Every day I go in and darken the background color of the current day's cell
by changing the appropriate <TD> entry to <TD bgcolor="c63800"> and uploading
the page. Takes well under a minute start to finish. Thus the calendar
gradually changes color over the course of the month, with the past dates dark
and the future dates lighter and thus more apparent to the eye.

But I have to ask if there's a nifty way in which this might be done
automatically, based on the current day and the number (the day of the month)
that follows the <TD> entry.

A typical "before" entry is

<TD>23<br>Peet's Coffee, Newport Beach<br><br>8 AM: Don<br>9 AM: Molly</TD>

and an "after" entry is

<TD bgcolor="c63800">23<br>Peet's Coffee, Newport Beach<br><br>8 AM: Don<br>9
AM: Molly</TD>

I don't pretend to be a javascript heavy, but can usually stumble my way
through a task given some words of wisdom. Is this "doable"?

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Resolved Changing Background Cell Color In All Browsers

Jul 22, 2009

changes the selected cells to a different color, it works perfect in firefox but in google chrome and IE it does not change the color.

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Changing Color Of Cell Based On Number Of Clicks

Aug 9, 2010

I've had a go at this, of coding practice from PHP:


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JQuery :: Changing Datepicker's Date Format Of Selected Date From Date Picker

Mar 16, 2011

I am having difficulty trying to change the format of selected date from date picker. This is a test so my code is very simple. Here it is.


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JQuery :: Select Date From Datepicker But Clicking On Input Datepicker Is Under Dialog?

Aug 20, 2009

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {


When dialog pops up and when I want to select date from datepicker but clicking on input datepicker is under dialog. What option make it to be on top ?

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Cell Height - Code Only Works When Placed In Or After The Cell Being Measured

Jan 27, 2009

I have this layout

And then I have this code to determine the cell height.

So basically I need both my first and last cells to be able to have the mainbody cells height, but that code only works when placed in or after the cell being measured, in this case "mainbody", my question is this, is their a way to get the size of the mainbody cell before its done loading somehow?

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Cannot Move Input Focus To A Cell After Re-Defining The Cell

Sep 15, 2011

I have a javascript program that uses a HTML table as an Excel-like grid. The user can use arrow keys to navigation the grid. When the user selects a cell and then hits <Enter> key, the program turns the cell from read-only to editable (an input box), and select all the text in the input box. When the user hits <Esc>, the program cancels the changes that the user has made and turns the cell back to read-only. So far so good. The problem is that as soon as the user hits <Esc> key and turns the cell back to read-only, I find that I cannot move the input focus back to the cell any more. Actually I cannot move the input focus back to _any_ cell in the table. When this happens, the user cannot use arrow keys to navigate the grid any more (like the grid has lost the input focus). The user needs to use the mouse to click at a cell in the table to get things working again.

The user can get around with this problem by un-selecting the text from the input-box before hitting <Esc>. But this is not something that I expect the user to remember to do. I need a way to fix this problem. I tried the logical thing and programmatically un-select the text before turning the cell back to read-only. But this actually made thing worse - this causes the workaround to stop working.

The only browsers that I have tested this program is IE6 and IE8. I have not tested this in any other browser.

Attached is a simplified version of the program that can show this problem in action. This simplified program first adds an empty table on the web page, and then creates an instance of the CEstGrid class that takes care of the grid. CEstGrid will add two rows of test data into the table with two columns in each row. The user should use a mouse to click at one of the cell, and the cell should be highlighted. The user uses arrow keys to navigate the table. When he reaches the end of the table, he will wrap around to the other side of the table. Let say the user reaches the cell in row-1 column-2, he hits <Enter> to change the cell to editable. He will find the text in that cell to be highlighted. When he hits <Esc> at this moment, he will find that he cannot use the arrow keys to navigate the table any more, and this is the problem. Please rename the test program from .TXT to .HTML to test it.

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Change Border Of Some Cell By OnMouseOver Different Cell?

Apr 11, 2010

imagine table with 15 rows and 3 columns. If I move mouse over any cell I want some other specific cells to change their borders like with pseudo-class :


.boryellow {border: 3px solid yellow}
.borblue {border: 3px solid black}

this will work, a cell can change itself

<td name="third" class="boryellow" onmouseover="this.className='borblue'" onmouseout="this.className='boryellow'">cell</td>
even when dealing with empty images - click on link will change border of different element - imgs, but not span or td ...
<a href="#" onclick="document.all.xxx.className='borblue'; document.all['name'].className='borblue';


Replacing any element link by "third" or "spanx" will cause stuck ant not executing other actions.

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JQuery :: Replace Hex Bg Colors To Use Images?

Jan 4, 2011

I have the followingcode linesin myJavaScriptcode:var colors = ["#F08", "#0B8", "#04F", "#FD0", "#808", "#F20"];This sets the bg colors of my divs. This var is only used here:

function activateItems(callback) {
var itemsActivated = false;
for (var i=0;i<cfg.rows;++i) for (var j=0; j<cfg.cols; ++j) {


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JQuery :: Different Colors For Table And Row Selection

Aug 24, 2010

I need to make the backgrounds on certain rows a different color to get the info to read better. I used the following:
<!-- Directory of Staff Row Backgrounds -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
But instead of starting over with a new table it seems to just have counted them all so it looks off. Here is the page: [URL].

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JQuery :: FadeTo() Not Working For Dark Colors In IE

Jul 8, 2010

I have the exactproblem explained here: [url] but I cannot seem to find a solution.

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JQuery :: Getting Theme Colors For Page Elements?

Oct 26, 2011

I have my own items on a page, some based on css styles, which I would like to be compatible with the selected theme. What I would like to know is how to obtain the theme's base background color, text color, and their respective hover colors. I am aware that I could use things like ui-state-default ui-state-hover in the class but other non-color attributes like font bolding ect affect my elements. As a simple example I have a css <ul> <li> based menu which may show the default color but I am unable to deploy the hover color. I would have thought the simplest and most direct way would have been color only classes.

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JQuery :: Elements To Inherit UI Theme Colors

May 9, 2009

I want to use UI theme colors on other elements of my pages and for them to switch automatically when UI theme is changed. I was going through css files generated by theme-rollerand didn't find any classes just for defining colors or borders used in a theme.For starters I wanted my form fields to have borders similar to UI theme. I used "ui-widget-content" and it worked fairly well, but I was wondering if there is a better way to do this.

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JQuery :: Alternating Bg Colors In A List Depending On Boolean Value

Apr 22, 2009

I have a list that looks like this:

<ul id="thisList">
<li class="this0">content</li>
<li class="this1">content</li>
<li class="this1">content</li>


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JQuery :: Animate Does Not Works With Colors / Anchors Or Spans

Feb 7, 2011

I have problem with aniamate function. It doesn't works with colors and anchors.
$(this).animate({ backgroundColor: "black" }, 1000);
with sizes like 'width', everything is ok.

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