JQuery :: Change The Height Of The Parent Of A Visible Li?

Nov 24, 2010

I use a CSS-Menu with this structure:

<div class="tabs">
<ul class="menu">
<li id="item-1">
<a href="#item-1">Tab 1</a>


Via CSS .tabs will be position:relative and the divs within the li are position:absolute to stack. This works fine.

Unfortunately, in some cases the content of li is too height and overflow the parent. I'm looking for a way to find out the displayed li and this height to apply it on the parent elements (CSS) height.

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JQuery :: Change Parent Div Height After Child?

May 29, 2009

I have the following layout.



The parent (class="panelContent") div contains a child element that is generated/rendered last. This makes the child element #ReportViewer1 overlap the parent (class="rptViewer"). Can I jQuerytize the parent div to adjust it's size after the child renders so it is contained/displayed in the parent?

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JQuery :: Make An Image The Height Of The Visible Screen?

Mar 10, 2011

I have an image that I set to have a width of 100%. I want its height to be no greater than the visible height of the browser web-page area. This could distort the image, but thats OK. To makes things difficult, the image is in a div, and I want the div to be higher than the visible area. So I can't just set the div to height of 100%, and then within that set the image to a height of 100%. I know there is a javascript way of getting the height of the entire screen (screen.height) but that includes the extra areas of the browser such as toolbars etc. I know there is a 'offsetHeight' attribute, but I think I would have to use that on the BODY tag, and the BODY of the page could be several screens in height. So is there a solution to this? If there isn't then can I detect the aspect ratio of the screen?

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JQuery :: Element Overflows Containing Block When Parent Border/padding Change - Not When Parent's Margin Changes

Sep 24, 2011

Demonstration page: [url]

Adjust the CSS margins of the BODY element with the first slider. The yellow P (paragraph) element resizes to fit its smaller containing block, as I would expect.

Then, adjust the CSS border or padding of the BODY element with the second and third sliders. The P element does not resize, though its origin changes. Instead, it overflows its containing block.

Finally, adjust the margins again. The P element snaps back into its containing block.

As you can see from the source, this is jQuery 1.6.4 and jQueryUI 1.8 pulled from googleapis.com.

Edit: Client is Google Chrome16.0.889.0 dev-m.

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JQuery :: Get Parent Height And Assign To Selector?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to go through each instance of.div with class="promo" in order to get the parents height and assign it so both are the same.

I tried the following but could not get it to work. I'm a bit confused on how to go thru each and pass the height value. There are 4 div's with the promo class and each parent is a different height depending on the content. I want to build this so that the promo div will automatically adjust and have the same height as its parent.

$(this).height() = $(this).parent().height();

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JQuery :: .load - Make Ajax-loader.gif Stays Visible Until The Injected Html Is Actually Visible?

Jul 13, 2009

In the below code, the ajax-loader disappears before the html returned by .load is actually visible in the browser. How can I correct it?


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Increase Iframe Height In Parent?

Jan 19, 2010

I have site A that has an iframe and site B shows up in this iframe. I need to increase the height of the iframe according to the content in it from inside site B. I need some pushing in the right direction to get to some documentation or online resources.

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Dynamically Switch The Fixed Height Of A Parent Div Between Two

Feb 3, 2011

I am calling this javascript function:

Inside a nested div so that when a hyperlink is clicked it will show one element and hide the other like this snippet:

The functions works perfectly to expand one div element at a time inside the larger div container. The problem is that when I expand either of the elements by clicking the hyperlink...The larger div container(red gradient square) pushes everything past the background (solid grey square) and screws up the look of the entire page because the div, (which is a few levels up), containing the background is a fixed width, (as a percentage width would not work). I know the exact two widths the background would need to expand to dynamically as a result of the hyperlink being click by a user, but I do not have any idea how to do this from within the aforementioned javascript function I posted. Does anyone have any idea or help for me? It is very confusing as the div I need to resize is a full 3 levels outside of the function call I am working with. As an example the function call is happening in the last div of this flow:

And results in either a div#First or div#Second being generated inside the div#bio. I need to resize the div#greySquareH height property.

Btw the url to the page I am working on is Here. If you want to see any of the other code in the page it is there or I can upload it including the css if I haven't given enough info what I'm working on.

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Dynamically Switch The Fixed Height Of A Parent Div Between Two Values?

Feb 3, 2011

I am calling this javascript function:

var facing = "First";
function switchit(list){
if (list != facing){


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IFrame Resize To Content Height - Access Parent Document?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a webpage with an IFrame in it. The content for the IFrame could change per page and with it size. I don't want scrollbar's inside the IFrame but rather for the whole page. To accomplish this I must resize the height of the IFrame (width = fixed). But I can't seem to accomplish this. The links within the Iframe load the new content but I have to access the parent document to be able to resize the IFrame height. How I can resize the iframe from within javascript in the IFrame.

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JQuery :: Change A Div Height With Smooth Effect?

Feb 23, 2011

I have to change a div height, when I click a button. At the moment, I use this code :

$('#map-trigger').click(function() {
if( $('#map-container').hasClass('closed') ) {
$('#map-container').css('height', '581px');


This works. But the height is "instantly" updated. I'd like this effect to be smoother : The height should "slide" from 294px to 581px.

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JQuery :: To Change Height Of Sprite Image

Nov 19, 2011

I am trying to do something with a sprite image, which is changing the height of it when an action button is clicked. The sprite image is 602x5485px. For clarity here's the link [url] and here's the image [url] and when the "Run sequence" button is clicked the height of the background image is supposed to change (each image is 602x399) so I need to add another 399px to move to the next one. The sequence will run till the last picture and then come back so that it gives a kind of movie animation (so in brief adding 399px till it reaches the last pic and then removing 399px till it gets to the first one).

Here's the html page without the script:

HTML Code:

And here's the css just for the sprite image:


Ok let's get to the script now (which won't be an external file but within the html page, I separated it temporarily for the sake of clarity). What the script should do, I think, is to get the background image which is in the css, and change the css background position adding - as said - 399px. When it gets to the end, remove 399px till it gets to the first image.

So in practice here are my last (believe me of many!) attempt:


I am not sure whether this is correct but I am not quite sure how to continue. The thing is, I want to change the height of the background image as said and the above should change at least one image but it doesnt work. If somebody has the patience to talk me through that (I am a beginner so I would like to attempt to build the code myself.

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JQuery :: Change Flexible Height In News Ticker?

Oct 13, 2011

how to change basic settings etc.But I have a problem changing the height of the following "news-ticker"


You can see that I have different length of text in the testimonials and they appear now with fixed height. Where can I change the height so it's flexible to the amount of text. I've tried to changed it in the <li> and the <ul> but that didn't worked for me.

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JQuery :: Superfish Customization: Change Display Height Of Submenu?

Sep 30, 2009

I am new to jQuery & Superfish, but it seemd like the most logical way to do a quick prototype for a menusystem. I am trying to create a verertical menu system (using superfish-vertical). However, I'd like to tweak the behaviour of the submenu, and have been unsuccessful so far. Here's what the current solution does (straight out of the box) assume menu item 3 is hovered over:


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JQuery :: Change IMG SRC On Hover Parent DIV

May 27, 2011

I'm working on a carousel with slides containing text and an image. On slide: hover, the text changes color, but I also need to change the picture. Normally I could use:
To achieve this goal, but since the slides are dynamically rendered through wordpress, I can only use classes and no ID's. My main question is, how do I change a div's child img src (actually it's parent div > div > img) without assigning an ID to the particular image?

<div class="spotlightslidecontainer">
<a href="#">
<div class="spotlighticon">
<img src="img/spotlight/thumbactive.png"/>
<div class="spotlighttext">

So here the src of thumbactive.png needs to change to something else on spotlightslidecontainer:hover

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JQuery :: Target Change Css Attribute Of P Tag When Hovering Over Parent Div

Jul 7, 2009

I have the following code


I have the .box class applied to a div basically I what to hover over the div change the background color of the div and at the same time change the text color of any text wrapped in p tags. I am getting close but with this code every instance of the p tag gets swapped out I need to know how to target only p tags in the div that I am mouseing over

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JQuery :: When A Link Is Clicked That It Will Only Change Elements That Are Within It's Parent Div And Not The Others?

May 27, 2010

I have several divs that each have a certain link. How can I make sure that when a link is clicked that it will only change elements that are within it's parent div and not the others?

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Jquery :: Change Body Colour Of Parent Window From Within IFrame?

Apr 21, 2008

I'm trying to change the body colour of the parent window when a button is clicked inside an iFrame, using jquery. The code I have is as follows but it just doesn't do anything:

Code in iFrame:


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Show The Class If Its Not Visible ,or Hide It If It Is Visible?

Jun 23, 2010

I have the following code that don't work like i want it.

function hideDisplaySingleSuite(textstring) {
var myclass1 = new RegExp('\b'+textstring+'\b');
//Populate the array with all the page tags[code]....

For example.It show objects if I remove the if statement that checks if the class is visible.for example this shows a class and works.

function hideDisplaySingleSuite(textstring) {
var myclass1 = new RegExp('\b'+textstring+'\b');
//Populate the array with all the page tags[code]....

So my question is why don't this work on a class, it works on an "id"?

if (allPageTags[i].style.display ==''){
allPageTags[i].style.display = 'none';

I want to show the class if its not visible or hide it if it is visible.How can this be done?

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Change Height To Html

Jan 12, 2009

How do you change the height Javascript to html because it works the first time for me but the second time it does not work


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Change Table Row Height?

Aug 8, 2009

once again I have a Javascriptin' problem In my table I have a row which is hidden like so.

<tr class=\"err\" id=\"err_nameC\"><td class=\"fsa\"><b>Error: </b></td><td id=\"err_name\"><b>Unknown Error</b></td></tr>
(The slashes are because It's rendered from a PHP script)
Linked CSS classes:


Now, when they type into the text box the table row disappers like it should do, but it leaves a space where it was, almost like it's just turned blank but is still there. Is there anyway to make it disappear like it was at the start? I tried changing it's height but that doesn't work, when I tested the same height changing function on a visible table it worked so it can't seem to change the height of the "ghost row" as it doesn't exist.

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Window Height - Change Div CSS Class?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a website, two divs. The right div is fixed position.However when the user browser window, is less than the height of the div, i need it to be no longer fixed, but to scroll with the rest of the page.I imagine the logic to be the following:

-detect div#right height

-if window-height is less than div#right height. change div class to xxx

-if window-height is greater than div#right height. div class stays at yyy

(must update window-height everytime window is resized)

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Change Width & Height Dynamically Of Div?

Jul 15, 2009

This script changes the image, I wanted to know if there is a way to automatically resize the div's height and width based on the actual image proportions.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Dynamically Change DIV Height AFTER While Displaying?

Nov 5, 2011

I have two monitors (one wide screen, one square) attached to my computer I can verify how it will look in different resolutions.While doing so I came across a nasty thing: in some resolutions the content div is very small and not using all of the full browser window (left after the header section).Is it possible to make a change to the CSS min-height and max-height while the page is being loaded?I've looked into lots of samples but all depend on a click or mouse over event and didn't want to work with onload in the body tag.

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Change Height And Width Of An Element?

May 5, 2010

How can I change the height and width of an element with Javascript? I have tried and so far I can only change either the width or height but not both, doing something like this…


<script type = "text/javascript">
function changeSize(){document.getElementById('test').style.height = '200'}


And this works fine but if I try to change both height and width it doesn’t work. Doing something like this doesn’t work


function changeSize(){document.getElementById('test').style.height = '200' width=’200’}

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Dynamically Change Height Of IFrame?

May 5, 2009

I've set the page up with an iframe because I figured then I would only have to update menu links on that main page and then there'd be less chance of missing a link somewhere along the way as new updates are added. I know this could probably be accomplished with .css, but I don't know how to do that either!

My problem is that the iframe won't adjust height to allow for the longer pages without adding scroll bar. My neighbor doesn't want it to look like its a separate box at all, so no borders and no scrolling can be used. I've tried the various solutions I've found online and either they do nothing or they stretch the page that's loading in the frame to ridiculous proportions AND still adds a scroll bar.

As I said, I haven't designed in several years and I never learned JavaScript at all. I suspect my problem is probably due to not understanding which bits of code I need to change to my iframe name. The IFrame SSI IV totally confuses me, though I do think that's the one that would ultimately work if I just knew where I was supposed to plug in my iframe name and target info.

My iframe name is, quite simply, "content" and the first page I want loaded (when someone first visits the site) is "whatisreiki.html" (my neighbor does Reiki on animals). The site is www.lovingtheanimals.com but I am working on this particular issue on www.lovingtheanimals.com/iframetest.html so that I don't totally screw up the site where visitors might be affected.

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