JQuery :: Attaching Events To Dynamically Added Fields?
Jan 5, 2009
I have a dynamic form with fields named using brackets ([]). Validation is working for fields that existed on the initial page load, but when I add append the code for a new field, the validation events are, of course, not attached to the new DOM elements. What's the best way to accomplish this?
I've been reading forum posts (not just on this site) and unsuccessfully trying to apply the examples to what I'm doing for hours now. Can anyone help me do this correctly?
I need the browser window's resize event to trigger resizes on different objects on my page. The objects are added dynamically, so I can't just have one function to set it all up at the beginning, although so far that's the only way I know how to do it. I understand that using this method (below), that there can be only one such statement, but I need to add new functions to the resize event as I add new items to my page.
What is a cross-browser method for attaching multiple functions (like the two above) to the browser window resize event, where they aren't both done at the same time (like above)?
How can I attach events with parameters? PHP Code:
for (i=0; i<document.getElementsByTagName('input').length; i++) document.getElementsByTagName('input')[i].attachEvent("onclick", element_onclick); // adds event to all input elements (saves time)
I need clarification on this particular idea. I believe the elements are not yet loaded into memory/accessible during the first firing of a script in the head tag, so this would cause me an error (or at least it has):
document.getElementById('cText').onkeyup = function addBlurb(e)
So in order to solve this I had to put it inside the onload method of the window. However it seems as if I am missing something here. Any words? Do I have to attach events inside the onload? Are there things I should know relative to this in regards to jQuery (for future reference).
I've found a few posts on adding an event to a dynamic element, but that doesn't really help me. What I'm doing is allowing the user to add a textbox, then when a button is clicked i need to find the value for that text box, but it doesn't seem to pick up that the textbox is there.
Oh and that textbox is part of an array of textboxes, all of whose values i need.
When I add a tab, whose content is a form. The form is loaded by ajax $.ajax('url'); On ajax complete, I add a custom method for validation, which is supposed to get called when the "Upload" button in the form is clicked, but it never get called. I have searched and tried multiple things for two days now, and nothing works.
I will be adding 3 additional <div class="slide"></div> after the first one dynamically on $(document).ready(). In the DOM, it looks like this. code...
<div id = "container"></div> <div id = 'containerItemTmplt' class = "ui-widget-content"> <div class='contentHdr' onclick="test(this)" /> </div>
i then use jquery to clone 'containerItemTmplt' and add it to 'container':
var copiedElem = $('#containerItemTmplt').clone(true). .attr('id', 'paneI1') .appendTo('#container');
This works great and i confirm using I.E. 9's developer's tool utility that the element was indeed added with the correct id as a child of 'container'.
However in my test method, when i inspect the element that was copied, the id attribute is an empty string:
function test(elem) { var parentItem= $(elem).closest('div')[0]; alert(parentItem.id); //<--this displays an empty string despite }
I am generating HTML based on user actions (in this case, populating a table with the result from AJAX calls).
In my context, I have a link where there is a Quantity field, which I would like to be editable. When I create the html, I give a unique ID to each row, (to reference to a JSON object), however I am unable to get the ID for said row, seeing as the DOM tree is parsed on the pageload and doesn't seem to update when I add elements to the page.
This means that $(this).parent('tr').attr('id') is not returning anything at all.
How would I make it so I can retrieve the ID of my row (which was created/added to the page after it was parsed)?
Is there something stopping this working, i'm dynamically adding a row to a table, then if they click the new row (or any row in the table) it should disappear...but it isnt working?
$('.addtocart').click(function(){ var omPartNo = $(this).next().text(); var supPartNo = $(this).next().next().text(); var cat = $(this).next().next().next().text();
When the user select an option in a dropdownlist, new dropdownlist elements are added dynamically using jquery. When a user clicks on a new option i the first dropdown, I want all the dynamically added events to be removed so that I can render new ones. But it seems the dynamically added events haven't been added to the DOM, so they cannot be removed. Is it possible to remove them? In that case, how? I've read a lot about .Live(), but my problem is not regarding an event - I just need to reach an element(?).
In my application I render a couple of elements dynamically after the user selects an option in a dropdown list. When the user selects another option in the dropdown, I want to remove all the previous elements that was added dynamically. I've tried with the .Remove() function, but it seems the elements cannot be found in the DOM. I've looked a lot at the .live() events. Does anyone now how I can solve this?
I have links that, when clicked, open up a larger image. If the link has the class of "sold selected" then a semitransparent "sold" image should dynamically load as well. What I'm noticing is that it seems to appear on every other click, and I don't know why.
I've created experimental files so as not to disrupt the functioning site. [URL]
I added the variable "linkClass" on line 18; value assigned on line 53 as part of the linker.click anonymous function IF statement on lines 106-108 at bottom
I also have an alert on line 105 just to prove to myself that linkClass was appropriately setting (it is). Images 4-12 should all have the "sold" banner attached, but no matter which of those I click first, the clicking previous/next makes the banner appear/disappear.
I'm new to jQuery and I'm using the autocomplete pluggin. So far itworks great, but I wonder how I can autocomplete a newly input addeddynamically by innerHTML. It seems this new input element is not beingrecognized as is not firing the event.
I've been having problems getting jqmodal modal dialogs to display on links added dynamically by client side code. I've demonstrated the problem at the following URL: [URL] jqModal plugin here - [URL]
I'm using the following plugin to include pagination functionality in my application In a nutshell I'm developing a map-based application using Google Maps. The markers that I display on the map and the corresponding information windows (infowindows) that are displayed when clicking on a marker are dynamically rendered from records in a database as the user moves around the map. So basically these DOM elements are dynamically removed and added throughout a user's sessionThe contents of these infowindows are what I need to paginate in cases where multiple markers are stacked on top of one another.
I call the paginate() function from the marker's click event handler if that marker's infowindow contains more than one DIV. It all works beautifully until the user triggers an event that causes the markers to redraw (e.g panning the map). Once the following happens the paginate() function mysteriously no longer works. 1. I click on a stacked marker that causes the paginate() function to execute 2. I then execute some event that causes the markers (and corresponding infowindow DOM elements) redraw3. I click on the same marker as was clicked in #1. No errors are generated and the paginate() function is definitely called but the pagination does not occur. I think it might have something to do with jQuery seeing the containing DIV's id as a duplicate ID? Could I be on to something there?
I have a situation where a context menu is being added to the DOM dynamically when a user right clicks on a control on the page. The div that gets added does not have an id set but the div does have a unique class. WhatI need to do is intercept the addition of the div and add a hover affect to some child nodes. Specifically any children that are <a> nodes. So far this is whatI have for adding the hover affect, but i'm not sure where it needs to go or howI link it to the event raised whan a new element is added to the dom.
I came up with some code to load javascript files dynamically. But I've got problems..
When the script element is dynamically added to the head section of html, i think that the document.ready event fires once again and therefore the code sort of runs twice.
In the html page I call this method:
In the script test.js I have the function SayHi():
The SayHi method never gets called and alert('begin') & alert('getScript') get called twice in this sequence:begin begin getScript getScript.
javascript and have coded an invoice page through help from some available content on web.here is my requirementMy form contains inputs "item ,rate quantity,price" in a tabular form where one can dynamically add or delete rows.And the requirement is thatwhen Quantity is entered the Price should change to Price=Quantity*Rate on tab outSo I have used a Javascript onchange() and this works fine for the first displayed row. but for dynamically added rows this does not happen, I am not able change the price value for dynamically added rows.
How do I get the value from a field which is dynamically added to the page? see the following code
Steps to reproduce error message
step1: run this html in IE step 2: click INSERT step3: select 'Zero' from the select box' // this option has been dynamically added ! (but not present in view source)
This throws alert error message . How do I get the value from a field which is dynamically added to the page then?
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> function insertOption() {
The code below adds a text box, onclick. Each box has a label that includes myVar but I cannot figure out how to place the value of myVar in the text box.
In my application I render a couple of elements dynamically after the user selects an option in a dropdown list. When the user selects another option in the dropdown, I want to remove all the previous elements that was added dynamically. I've tried with the .Remove() function, but it seems the elements cannot be found in the DOM. I've looked a lot at the .live() events.
I have a page with a div that contains other divs. In the outer div, I have links that add new divs inside. I also have a link outside the outer div that adds more of those outer divs to the page (with an inner div, and the same links to add more). This works on the div that is hard coded on the page, but when I use the link to add additional container divs the links inside there to add more inner divs does not function.