$().ready(function () {
var n = $(".mainmenu li").length;
$(".mainmenu li").each(function(n, element){$(element).attr("id", "link" + n);});
when the document is ready and javascript is enabled. I will count all li elements in the mainmenu ul. then I will add the id attrribute to each li so that my code looks like:
I'm having a problem when I uncheck the box it should subtract the amount from the total which it does kind of. It subtracts a number other that one selected. When I put a alert into the function it pops up with the right amount.URL...click on "comps"uncheck the box under the zillow table.it should remove the amount of SqFt under the little table under the map.The only one that I've established is the zillow.[code]
I know maybe this is basic stuff; but I'm in the middle of something with it. The question is that I need to add a row to an existing table, with four cells and in each cell I need to add different input types, In fact they are: One select, two text inputs [In separates cell] and an anchor in the last cell, except the anchor I need to give to every input an unique iterative id, starting with the last in the table plus one :-) I have this code, but I can't figure it out to create the elements, nor adding more cells [<td>]. $("#roomsTable").find('tbody')
Of course I don't want to add an image, is only to test it and it works fine, but as soon I replace the <img> with a $('input'), it just add all the inputs around !! :-S So I've been trying all day, and couldn't do it :-( I want to add four cells, and a select in the first [Wich I need to populate of course from the server], an input in the second and the third, and an anchor on the fourth
I have probably a really easy question but i just cant figure it out.I want to add a <div> element every time it goes through a loop a .each in this case.I had it working in prototype before:
Writing a sortable list function. My <li> elements contain several items (headings, paragraphs etc) and I want to add a class to the headings when they've been sorted. I have this code in my sortable init:
I want to be able to add row at the end of the table with a 'remove' link which will remove specific row. The code I've managed to write so far:
$(document).ready(function() { $("#add_item").click(function () { var html = "<tr id='item_" + item_id + "' class='item'><td><a
The problem is it wont instert the row at the proper place (after the last .item (class) and the remove link wont work for the last row in the table/list.
I have a javascript method that adds a good portion of HTML to the DOM after an AJAX request completes. It's an image uploader... so once an image uploades, I add it to the list of images along with a save and delete button. Normally when a user clicks save or delete (they are specified as classes with images called save and delete), a javascript method is called.
Problem is, when I add another image to the list along with its save and delete images, they aren't going to respond to the clicks. I know this is because I already did the
adding a class to an active li. I'm working in drupal, and the system adds a .active class to the DOM of whatever li class was last selected.In my .js file I added the following:
$('document').ready(function(){ var tabActive = $('#tabs-tabset ul.primary li.active a'); tabActive.addClass('tabknotch') });
This works perfectly...for the first tab. when I navigate to the next tab the class does not change. I thought maybe there's a variable in the dom that is causing the class to not move, so I tried narrowing the div that it looks for and tried this:
$('document').ready(function(){ var tabActive = $('li.active a'); tabActive.addClass('tabknotch') });
This achieved the exact same results...so there's obviously something I'm missing, but don't know what it is. If it's any help, here are two examples of the generated DOM that occurs when clicking on the active li. The first example is the div that has the class added, and the second is a div that does not have anything added. <li class="overview ui-tabs-selected active first tabknotch"><a href="#overview"><span class="tab">Overview</span></a></li> (this is the active tab where the jQuery succesfully adds the "tabknotch" class)<li class="features ui-tabs-selected active"><a href="#features"><span class="tab">Features</span></a></li> (this is the active tab that does not have the class added when clicked. When this li is active knotchtab remains on the other li that no longer has the .active class attributed)
In the above code i have a list of sortables, i want to add the draggable($obj) to a sortable, even though i add to the sortable in the add method, that gets added but does not play as a draggable,Do i need to call any method of sortable after adding the draggable ?
I have a single page website and I would like to add an .active class to my links when I reach a certain point on the page (this will be done by unique div or section id's). The classes are currently empty, so I would need to be able to remove and replace the .active class accordingly.
I'm trying to find a way to add an attribute inside an anchor. I want to do this is because that attribute is required by a script I have running on the page, but it is not valid.Just so it makes more sense the code looks pretty much like this:<a id="previous" control="-6" href="#"></a> and I would like to add control="-6" inside <a> via jQuery, only I don't know how.
I have a number of DIVs that I want to make 'selectable' on click, which means that I give the DIV you click on a class (just to show it's selected) and save its ID into an array. When I click on that DIV again, the class should be removed and its ID should be removed from the array as well. My code goes like
var selected_items = new Array(); $(".selectableDivs").click(function() { if($(this).hasClass("selected")) {
But the alert at the end of the code always shows my a list of all divs I ever selected, even those that I unselected again. The IDs are just not removed from the array. Is that maybe because items saved in the array are not exactly $(this).attr("id") anymore?
I'm trying to make a form that will generate some code for game based on what they fill out. The code will be a modification menu of sorts. They will be able to name the menus and submenus and add or remove them if they want. I will need a way to get the information they filled in for each specific menu form, so I figure giving them each a unique id would do the trick. I'm sure there is a MUCH better way to do this, but here's what I have so far:
I have a website with a list of products and I'm trying to apply a different classname to each product image to show a different picture frame around each one. Let's say I'll have 8 different frames.
This makes a link that calls myFunction(0) when I click it. Now I want to add a popup whenever the user clicks the link (but I can't add it to myFunction for some reason), so I add an event listener to this <a> in the $(document).ready() function:
$('ul.menu li a').click( function() { alert("hi"); });
Now the the popup does appear, but it doesn't execute myFunction(0) anymore.
So finally my question: is there a way to pass my <a>'s href to this click-function and makes it execute? Or is there a better way?
This doesn't seem to work in IEs (6,7,8). Seems to be no problem in FF, Safari, Chrome.Is there a workaround or is that not supposed to work?What I am trying to do is to track clicks on flash content.
Just discovered ClueTip and it looks exactly what I need. However, I have a question about how to implement it.I have the following bit of code where I create a <div>. I'd like to attached a ClueTip tooltip to each div I create.Here is my code to create a div. I actually create many divs in a loop via an ajax call to retrieve info from a database...so, the id name and coordinates are retrieved and the new div is appended to a enclosing <div> named "jpanel".
<script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { var url='http://search.twitter.com/search.json?callback=?&q=test'; jQuery.getJSON(url,function(json){ jQuery.each(json.results,function(i,reviewa){ [Code]...
I'm baiscally trying to get some twitter feeds and the rotate them. I can get it and everything like that but for some reason the jQuery doesn't pick up the divs that I appended to the container because when I alert the div.length like this: alert(divs.length); The result is always zero. The code works fine if I can populate that value but if I don't have it in the code before hand it doesn't work. However if I add a div to the container like this: