Including Files (without A Web Server)
Feb 9, 2006
I have to create a web page to give to clients that is shipped on CD.
The idea is that they would open the page and it would display in their
web browser.
What this will do is to provide a list of most recent changes to the
software we're shipping. The idea is that there would be an un-ordered
list <ul/> with a list of changes (not sure of final desired mark-up).
What we want to do is to get the developers to edit a file that simply
contains a list of changes, putting in minimal markup. This "changes"
file would then be "included" in some way into a parent file that
contains all the branding and other information. We don't want the
developers to have to navigate their way around this parent file
looking for where to edit it.
As this page will be launched in a browser from disk, there won't be
any help provided by a web server, so I'm really stumped as to how to
accomplish this....could it be done with JavaScript at all?
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Sep 5, 2008
I want to write a javascript to list of all files in a folder including files in the subfolders. This is for the scorm purpose to list all the files. some examples are listing files but not listing the files inside the subdirectories. I want the file's full path like C:Documentsjavascriptwilson.js like this.
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Aug 31, 2006
This seems like a really stupid question. Can you include a javascript
file in a javascript file?
Rather than doing this:
<script src="A"></script>
<script src="B"></script>
I want to do
<script src="A"></script>
and then have in script A:
where include is a magic word that includes the file B.
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Feb 21, 2006
This is an example of an html page I am trying to create.
When it is run "as is" (with the function subCall in a .js file in the same directory as the .html file, only the first alert shows. But, comment that line out and uncomment the function definition, it works file.
Of course, this works locally, but when I put it onto the server, it doesn't.
I'm new to scripting so I'm hoping there is an easy fix to this. Code:
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Oct 15, 2007
I need a way of loading api scripts on the fly. ie. if the user clicks on a link the javascript would suck in the api script depending on what the user has selected. By api script I mean:
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
I am using the maps24 api to build an address finder - ie. put your postcode/zipcode in and populate the rest of the address details. For some reason you need to load a different js file for each region (north america, europe, etc). I want my users to click on their region and have the <script> tags inserted into the head. I have done this using javascript but the functions don't seem to be available. I am assuming that the page needs to refresh??
Does anyone know away of making the javascript functions available to use without having to refresh the page? In other words, loading javascript files on the fly.
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Nov 25, 2011
I have written a custom slideshow script which gets the images from an array... The script will change the src of a img, which is a fullscreen background. Now here's the problem, I've been trying to write a function where can define a folder "gallery est", and then get all image files in that folder and repopulate the slideshow array. So, is there a way to scan folders? I've searched around and found some solutions where PHP is used, but i really want to keep this pure js, if possible (?)
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Nov 17, 2006
We have a directory of files on our ftp server. Is there a javacript to
make a connection to the ftp server and compare files on a local drive
and on the server? Files that have been changed or added need to be
copied across from the ftp server to the local drive.
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Oct 2, 2009
I am looking for a javascript code to display pdf files/links which are on a server onto a webpage. We are using an Oracle application and a javascript code can be embedded in it.
These pdf files will be generated everyday and going forward we will have almost 300+ files in a year. I tried using <a href="res/folderA/folderB/filename.pdf">Report for 10/01/2009</a> and it works fine. I could create 300+ links but most of the links would be dead since the pdf has not been generated for future dates and I don�t want to show dead links.
Can I show the pdf links/files dynamically? Like show only those files with links which are there on the server? The pdf files will be generated Mon-Fri and the naming convention for the PDF file would be MM-DD-YYYY-filename.pdf. Would it be possible to show the reports grouped by months? Getting the month from the file name and when someone clicks on that month then it shows only those files which have been generated in that month.
I tried using below code to get file names from a folder. It works fine on my local but doesn�t work on the server. But then it�s supposed to show only file names and not links :(
<script type="text/javascript">
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var f = fso.GetFolder("res\folderA\folderB");
var fc = new Enumerator(f.files);
Also one more trivial question, I looked at the source code of the application and then saw that images used in that application are being called using href and location is under /res folder, where in the code is this specified? Pointer to that folder? What if I want to show some files/images which are not under /Res folder, where do I specify the location?
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May 13, 2009
I'm trying to extent a simple news editor that my company uses. I'd like users to be able to browse the files on the server and insert a link to a given file in a textarea. I'd also like them to be able to assign a class to the link, for different file types (e.g. one for PDF, one for DOC etc), or no class at all. I've seen AJAX file browser scripts and WYSIWYG editors but none that combine these two features.
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Feb 6, 2010
On uploading files (PHP and javascript) to the server from local machine via dreamweaver, Google Chrome reported the presence of malicious codes (like loto-49) inside the server page. Later when I checked, I found that a HTML Code:document.write(''); was automatically added at the end of each javascript *.js files. On their removal, the warnings were gone.Recently, they again appeared. Between the closure of the head tag (</head>) and the start of the body tag(<body>) the following code is added automatically:
HTML Code:
<script src= ></script> <script src= ></script>
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Sep 16, 2010
From the little I've read in this plugin's source code, ajaxSubmit() switches to "iframe mode" whenever it detects a file link in the form. The file is uploaded fine, but the server, which normally replies with different content. based on HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header, fails to do its thing. This header is normally set to "XMLHttpRequest" on normal jQuery .ajax() calls.
The server I'm running is on rails, and I'm using the "request.xhr?" test.
I admit I'm not too familiar with iframes (or jQuery, for that matter:), but surely there must be a way to get around this, so that this can act as a simple drop-in replacement. Should I be looking at other headers, like "Accepts" or the kind, or should the plugin (or my code) be forcing the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header?
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Aug 16, 2010
I have designed a mail service in java.In my compose page,i want to attach some excel files of text files and to send it.After sending i want to store it my database.Then how can i download or open that file after opening that recipient mail inbox.
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Oct 2, 2010
I have the following JavaScript (see below). The script requests an XML file from the server and displays it on the page.The script works fine when the requested XML file is stored on the same server as the script.The problem is when I try requesting an XML file from an external server such as the National Weather Service. I get an error. If I take the XML file from the National Weather Service and save it to my server it works. Why can't I use my script to request XML files stored on external servers?
Javascript Code
window.onload = initAll;
var xhr = false;
function initAll() {
document.getElementById("makeTextRequest").onclick = getNewFile;
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Aug 27, 2010
In my quest to implement ajax for the first time i've hit a brick wall. i've been searching for hours for a solution but with no success. Here is the problem.
why is it not working? my PHP code is outputting the contents of the xml document.
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Jan 15, 2010
I have four folders and each folder has one images, let say ( images-one.jpg, images-two.jpg, images-three.jpg, images-four.jpg). now,in index.php page there are four buttons, each buttons for each images. if i clicked button numer two for images-two.jpg, and then it will show that images name from that folder in index.php page. and then if i reload same index.php page or refreshed same page, i want to show SAME images that I clicked before which is images-two.jpg. how can i write that code to show images from four files, each files are in each folder.
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Oct 2, 2010
I have the following JavaScript (see below). The script requests an XML file from the server and displays it on the page.
The script works fine when the requested XML file is stored on the same server as the script.
The problem is when I try requesting an XML file from an external server such as the National Weather Service. I get an error. If I take the XML file from the National Weather Service and save it to my server it works. Why can't I use my script to request XML files stored on external servers?
Javascript Code
window.onload = initAll;
var xhr = false;
function initAll() {
document.getElementById("makeTextRequest").onclick = getNewFile;
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Mar 11, 2010
I'm trying to write a script that will be loaded from one server into a website on another server. This script is trying to talk (ajax) to the server that it comes from but I'm getting "Access Denied" errors. I'm well aware that cross-domain calls are not allowed for security reasons so my question is how does Google Analytics work because essentially thats what I'm trying to accomplish. I can embed a Google Analytics script into my website and it'll gather data and send it back to Google.
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Apr 19, 2010
I'd been looking for some way to get server date/time without using any server side script (such as ASP, PHP, etc).
I found this and it worked just excellent for me! I just want to share it because it wasn't easy to find.
I created a js document with code:
Now, I can use this js within a html like this:
HTML Code:
You may change your machine date/time and check both dates.
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Feb 10, 2010
I would like to open an html file locally (not fetch it from a server) and somehow use javascript to fetch the relative resources from the server. One solution would be to convert all of the relative links to absolute links. I can convert the html source file anyway I wish, but ideally I would like to modify the html source as little as possible, for example insert a function that modifies the result of the src attribute. How would I go about this? Is there any trick I can use to define where the relative home is? Am I going to get into any scripting security gotchas?
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Dec 31, 2006
I am creating an XML document on my page with javascript. My question
is, is it possible to save that xml file on the server (I have write
permissions) only using javascript, ie no server code? This task would
be trivial using server code, but I was wondering if I can do it all
with client code and post backs? Well, any input?
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Sep 1, 2006
How do you include javascript in the definition of a jsp TLD. for example if i have a TLD called <mytld: body everytime I include this in a page, I also want some javascript to be included.
Is this done in the Java definition of the tld element?
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Feb 22, 2007
I have a website where I need to fill its contents after retrieving
some data from another system (not a DB, but you can think like it).
I know the nature of the data, but the order that it is retrieved is
random, and there is no way to order it. Therefore, it is giving me
some pain to produce the html code.
I was thinking of having the following javascript to place my html
code. Here, "rightImg" is the ID of a DIV tag where I want to position
my code. The code should be the content of the htmlBody variable.
function addTopRightImage() {
var htmlBody = '.'
if (document.all) {
document.all('rightImg').innerHTML = htmlBody;
else if (document.getElementById) {
document.getElementById('rightImg').innerHTML = htmlBody;
However, if I set the variable as it is shown bellow, the page is not
loaded as I want:
var htmlBody = '<jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/Standard.jsp"
flush="true"><jsp:param name="id" value="${myid}" /></jsp:include>'
Does anyone have a clue of what is going wrong? Maybe an alternative
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May 2, 2010
i downloaded a script and im trying to understand the code, while trying to edit it as i want it. The script inside the php file is included in the body section.when i try to take this code into a separate file and adding it into the head section, the whole thing ONLY works on firefox :S none other browser which is very odd.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm looking for a way to include javascript files from within a ".js"
file. This would allow me to only need to link to one ".js" file, and
yet still organize my functions into non gargantuan files for easy
editing. I'm hoping there is some sort of include or import directive
that I could use. Or if no such directive exists, I'm wondering if
anyone has written one which I could use.
I need to do this without any server side scripting. For now at least,
the html is being used locally with local files. Code:
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Jul 20, 2005
I'm extremely new to JavaScript programming, so bear with me pleace.
I'm having trouble including a script into a page from an external .js file.
I've put the following in the head;
<script language="JavaScript" src="menu.js"></script>
And in the body i've put the following:
<BODY bgcolor="#000000" marginwirgin: 0"
marginheight="0" style="ma"if (isNS4) nsResizeHandler()">
The problem is that the function printMenu doesn't run, I just keep getting
runtime errors in IE, and the menu buttons will not show. Any suggestions?
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Sep 9, 2009
I was wondering if this is valid.
<input type="hidden" value="java script: document.iframe.loactaion" />
I've seen something similar used before but am not sure how it went. Also if this will work will it get the url including $_GET values sent via php?
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