Ignore Thead, Tfoot And Tbody - Rows() Includes Those Within A 'thead' And 'tfoot?
May 26, 2011
I have a number of functions to sort, filter and highlight table rows. Until now I've assumed a header 'th' row and not worried about 'thead' or 'tfoot'. But I'm now looking to modify them so that they will work reliably with or without these extra elements.I believe rows() includes those within a 'thead' and 'tfoot' - is this correct? Does anyone have a suggestion how I could simply ignore these elements? That is, I only want my functions to work within the tbody rows? Here's one of my functions for reference.
var ApplyFilter = function (txt,tbl,col) {// filters a table by a specified column index
var theTable = document.getElementById(tbl), i, theRow, cellText;
txt = txt.toLowerCase();[code].....
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to sort an HTML table (tBody) on one of its columns dynamically.
My approach is to remove all the rows into an array, sort the array, and
insert to rows back into the tBody.
But, there doesn't seem to be any way to insert a pre-existing row into a
table (tBody). I've tried inserting a blank row and replacing it with the
saved row, but this fails as well.
I know about tBody.moveRow(from,to) (this works) but I have to sort the
table by hand, which is painfully slow.
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Aug 13, 2003
is there any other way to include a js file other than this:
i want to do it because i need to put a variable in place of js, so it would be:
res = screen.width;
<SCRIPT SRC="res.js"></SCRIPT> where variable was determined earlier.
but i dont think i can do that
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Sep 28, 2009
I've a Problem: I have a table like this:
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Jun 13, 2010
what is the advantage of using javascript files in an includes folder rather than on page?So for example i have a javascript validation on my page, does it make a difference to the way it is execute compared to if i referenced to it rather than having the full file in my page?
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Jun 18, 2001
Alright, my site is curerntly using server side includes (hoping to switch it all over to PHP soon). What I would like to do is include a different file depending on screen resolution. Does anyone know how to do this?
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Aug 24, 2011
I'm going to ask a vary simple question that isHow to Get the current row values from tbody ?Here is my table that is generated dynamically.[code]...
Now, The problem is that if I check a ceheckbox even a single all the rests are being treated as checked.
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Sep 29, 2010
i habe a table in html like this
<tbody style="display:none;">
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Mar 21, 2011
What is the fastest way to replace a (big) TBODY in Internet Explorer? So far I'm doing
$("#"+TABLE_ID+" tbody").replaceWith(newBody);
where newBodyis plain text. IE's profiler reports quite a bit of time for replaceWith. I wonder if there is something faster.
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Nov 16, 2006
Has anyone experienced this (and found a solution)?
I have five files: a .htm that invokes four .js include files.
Only the first alert in the first include is displayed.
This only happens when I run on a client's corporate server.
I have no problems on a laptop connected to the network
or on my home PC. Any ideas? Code:
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Apr 16, 2004
I have client that has 5 versions of the same site located in web viewable root folders on his server. Aside from a few minor differences such as prices, download url's and a few text and image differences, they're the same.
Just wanted to get some opinion as to how many javascript includes I can, or should, use on the site pages or if there are any strong opinions on not doing it this way.
I'd like to place a set of javascipt files in a folder within each site, then have all pages in each site call to their specific include folder. This way I'll be able to use a single set of DW templates to manage the content on all the sites.
I can't convert to php, use ssi nor create a dynamic solution since the sites are already live and rank well in the search engines, The content I'll be wrapping in the includes is not important search engine text content.
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Feb 12, 2010
Has anyone tried to bind the scroll event to a scrollable tbody in IE8 and it worked? If so, please let me know how you did that, because while it works in FF 3.6, it does not work in IE8 (unless I'm doing something wrong.) I've searched quite a bit for this and couldn't find anyone that had a question on this.Example: I have a table with a scrollable tbody, and what I want to do is bind a scroll event to the tbody to find when the user had scrolled to the bottom of the scrollable tbody where I'll fetch additional TR rows.
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May 16, 2009
There is this problem that I encountered while practicing with jQuery.[code]The problem I'm having is, the alert does not fire whenever the checkboxes in the tbody are clicked.
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Nov 26, 2010
I'm not much of a javascript developer. This is my second project using collapsing/expanding content.
Code has been simplified for display here.
The code below works, but any time someone clicks the [-] or [+] to expand or collapse rows of the table, the browser flips the user back to the top of the page. This happens in FF and IE.
<td>Column 1</td>
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Nov 21, 2005
I was having trouble getting the object.focus() method in IE and in FF working, so came up with this workaround.
What I wanted to do was check if a textfield was numeric, if not, inform the user then select the text and set the focus back to the field.
Sound simple? object.focus() simply doesn't work in firefox or (I've been informed) IE.
Instead of checking when the field losing focus (onblur), check when the next field receives focus (onfocus). Then call a function that gets the element index of the object, and use that index to check the element above it. Difficult to explain.
Here it is...for the textfield you want to check, put this into the next form object after it onfocus="checkNum(this)"
then put this script in the header section...
function checkNum(obj){
var idx;
//get object index
//check for numeric
if (isNaN(document.forms[0].elements[idx-1].value)){
alert('Value must be a number!');
But there is one problem!!! As I just found out.
If the next field is a group option, they all have the same name and so this will not work.
for those that do not know, the function isNaN is a js function that is the same as the vbscript equivalent IsNumeric.
isNaN means isNotaNumber.
Hope this helps, I know the focus() failure of JS has been the bane of many coders.
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Jan 25, 2011
The application I'm working on dynamically generates a HTML table like the one below. Having identified that I need to add an opening <tbody> before the first TR that contains the word "Diagnosis", opening + closing TBODY to all other TRs containing the word "Diagnosis" & Closing </TBODY> after the last closing TR?
<TR class=group>
<TH colSpan=7><SPAN>Diagnosis
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Dec 1, 2006
This is IE issue only. Firefox and mozilla doe not have this problem.
td cell in a table with a title which includes '-'(dash). If I add a
dash between Time-Time. IE intrepets as new line os somethig and the
title is displayed in 2 line like:
instead of Time-Time.
Below is snippet of the code...
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Sep 24, 2010
I have created a global navigation includes document. Unfortunately the drop down menus that are part of the navigation aren't working. They worked fine when they were part of the page, but now that they are separated from the page as includes the drop down menus don't appear in my test site (posted to a web server). All other content in the includes file appears and works.
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Sep 24, 2010
I've got a global navigation document with drop down menus created using javascript saved as includes. These are posted to a web server and the pages that reference the includes display the graphics and some of the links, but not the drop down menus. They don't appear on roll-over.
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May 1, 2009
i'm creating a ASP page, which is going to have a form in it that needs filling out. part of the form will be a table with a header row, then the next rows will have text boxes that need filling out. is there a way of putting in a dropdown box that contatins numbers that will dynamically show the rows. for example if i select 5, then five rows of text boxes will appear. if i select 14 then 14 appear.
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Aug 30, 2010
I am doing some maintenance work on a classic asp web page that displays product information. I am changing how the page looks up the available quantities for the various sizes. The old method used several SQL queries to determine the number of sizes and available quantities and then used those results to build a table on the fly on the page.
My modification consists of a web service that consolidates product size availability from three different sources and delivers the data via an XML formatted return. I have also added DOM tags in the table that is built on the fly that identify each entry with the product id and size. So, for a product that has an ID of "P12345" and a size of "XXL," that corresponding cell in the table gets an id tag of "P12345_XXL."
My jQuery update statements worked just fine using this approach until the sizes included decimal numbers. My example for this is shoe sizes. A size represented by an integer (6,7,8,...,15,16,17, etc.) works fine. A half-size represented by a decimal (6.5, 7.5, 8.5,...) does not. Even though the period is contained within a string value, jQuery doesn't seem to be able to match the value with an id tag - and yes, I have verified that the two (the string that I am giving to the jquery select and the actual tag) do indeed match.
So far, the only work-around that I have come up with is to multiply numeric sizes by 10 and parse as integer values. Is this a "known issue" and is there a more elegant solution topursue?
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May 3, 2010
I have some JQuery that makes an Ajax call and then adds some rows to an existing table.
LoadDestinationTable() {
$("#destinationTable tr:gt(0)"[code]...
The problem is that the only place where the click event fires is on the rows that were added when the page was 1st rendered – the th, for example.I also tried adding an onclick event handler to the input button’s creation – that also does not fire.
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Feb 8, 2010
I realize this script and I do not know where to begin:
1) A simple grid rows / columns.
2) The first column contain an input type = "checkbox"
3) When select the input type, the line should change color than the other rows, and you should open a popup window.
For points 1, 2 you are OK. Point 3 is the difficulty.
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May 13, 2010
I have a HTML table with 800 rows. How can I delete rows that has no Activity & no $ in JavaScript(Red Colored Rows)? Please note I can have 1 or more than 1 assessments with 1 or more than 1 activity. Sample data.
BelaTorontoFirst AssessmentActivity 110
AsifTorontoFirst Assessment
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Jan 22, 2006
I have an num -569360386, and turn it into hex format.
I use toString(16),I get -21efc002.
But how can get 0xDE103FFE,which is to ignore the highest bit as the
signed bit?
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Oct 13, 2009
I am trying to read data from excel file and use the same to populate a select menu. If any cells are blank, I want to ignore. But I am unable to do this. The dropdown gets populated with blanks. Following is the peice of code:
var excel_cell = excel_file.ActiveSheet.Cells(i,1);
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