How To Skip A Node In NodeList?
May 27, 2005
I'm developing sort of a do-all javascript required form field check (which was developed long after the pages were developed). It uses a lot of getElementsByTagName so it's creating several NodeLists. One of these nodelists contain all the divs, those showing (display:block) and those hidden (display:none). The function checks only the divs that are visible.
This is my first experience with NodeLists so the first thing I tried was removeNode() on the hidden divs. This doesn't work because when you return with required field errors and try to make the hidden fields appear I believe there are errors because the hidden divs were removed from the DOM.
I've tried a few other work-a-rounds but it's getting to be afternoon and I'm turning to you guys for help! Is it possible for me to just skip forward to the next Node in the NodeList? I've tried nextSibling but I guess I'm calling it on the wrong Node.
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Dec 16, 2010
I've been working on a function to convert nodeList and object properties to an array. The first question is with regards IE and checking whether the object provided is an HTML collection. The best I have come up with so far, is to test if it's an object, has an 'item' which is a function and has length. The second question is with regards and a while loop copy. I guess I need to do some profile/timing tests, but I'm wondering if the function merits a or should I simplify?
Code JavaScript:
// Some weirdness in IE regarding nodesList and typeof 'item' returning 'Object'
// even though when alerted it returns 'function (){...}'.
// Therefore having to use regExp.test() to check whether it's a function instead.
// Note: _isNodeList isn't full proof. An object with the properties
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Mar 10, 2007
I've often write javascripts that use this rather common code to get all tags in an XHTML document:
var alltags = document.getElementsByTagName('*')
... and then use a for loop to access the elements as an array, for example:
for (i=0;i<alltags.length;i++) {
[i]Do stuff
This has always seemed to work in the past, but I recently learned that the getElementsByTagName method returns a DOM NodeList, not an array. I'm currenly working on a project that needs to access the children of an element conditionally upon its class.
I have three questions. First: How do I declare a global variable to be a DOM NodeList object? It wouldn't be assigned until called from a function, so something akin to var elementList = document.getElementsByTagName() in my global declarations is out of the question. Is there something like var elementList = new NodeList() in javascript? (I know that I can assign it in a function without the var and it will be global, but other people may have to work with this code, and I'd like to have it clearly declared at the head of the program.)
Second question: Assuming alltags is a NodeList returned from a getElementsByTagName call, which of these is proper? This:
childElements = alltags[i].getChildNodes()
... or this:
childElements = alltags.item(i).getChildNodes()
And finally, which of the above techniques has better browser support?
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Dec 16, 2010
Anyway clever ways of checking whether an object is a nodelist in IE. There appears to only be two properties item and length.This is what I'm working on
// Some weirdness in IE regarding nodesList and typeof 'item' returning 'Object'
// even though when alerted it returns 'function (){...}'.
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Jan 23, 2007
I have a function were the input parameter can either be an
string,array,dom node or NodeList (getElementsByTagName()) and I have
somthing like this function which works great for what I want in every
case except if the pNd is the NodeList at which point I end up with the
nodeList in the first element of the array instead of acting like the
array would.
function doSomething(pNd){
if(pNd.constructor != Array){pNd = new Array(pNd)}
return pNd
So my question is how is there any easy way to figure out if pNd is a
NodeList ? When I use pNd.constructor on NodeList all I get is [object]
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Dec 7, 2011
I have a small question. I am building an AJAX-based content editor and in one portion the following xml tag needs to be processed:<
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Nov 23, 2009
I'm using jsTree-0.9.9a. As a test this is the code i'm using to display the ID
oncreate: function(NODE, REF_NODE, TYPE, TREE_OBJ, RB)
if (TYPE === "inside") {
parent_id = $(REF_NODE).attr('id');
This works fine when the parent has no child nodes, however, when a child node exists nothing is returned.
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Jul 22, 2011
I want to loop through an array called "otherBox" using .each(), but I want to skip the element that is equal to the variable "box". When i run the code, it does work, but doesn't skip any elements. Here is my code:
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Aug 11, 2010
In another thread I found that a good way to show and hide parts of a form based on previous entries would be as follows:
function showhidefield (method) {
var hideablearea = document.getElementById("hideablearea");
var hideablearea2 = document.getElementById("hideablearea2");
var hideablearea3 = document.getElementById("hideablearea3");
switch (method) {
case "1": = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'none';
case "2": = "none"; = "block"; = "block";
case "3": = "block"; = "block"; = "block";
default: = "none"; = "none"; = "none";
I know how to use javascript to validate that the forms are infact filled but how do I make it so that it doesn't scan the hidden forms. The only way I could think of would be a huge bunch of if statements. Is there any other way to do this?
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May 15, 2010
I'm no good with Java but I need to set a due date and get it to count past the weekend. I had a couple of Java classes forever ago and it's not my forte, but at any rate I have to adjust the code in a program that I maintain at work. I need to keep it simple because in 6 months when I need to update it I will never remember what I did because it's not something I do enough to retain the skills.
var today = new Date();
var duedate = today.setDate(today.getDate()+2);
taskform.datefield.DataValue = duedate;
I tried an if/else then a when and I bombed at both I figured I was going to have to actually write something. I'm smart enough to know I won't get this on my own, especially if I have to get an array going.
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Oct 16, 2009
I've an input field in the form which is displayed based on the user selection. Initially it is set to 'display:none' and I do have a validation rule for that field.
How do I skip validation on this hidden input field and only validate when its displayed on the page.
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Jun 30, 2009
I have a form in which there are two radio buttons .
On selecting the first radio button1 , two textboxes are displayed ( textbox1 & textbox2 ).
& On selecting the second radio button2 only One textbox is
displayed (textbox1) & another one (textbox2) get hidden .
what i am trying to do is that when radio button1 is selected & so two textboxes are displayed, then Onsubmit throw alert for two textboxes seperately , to Enter value in them if this text boxes are blank .
But if radio button2 is selected then throw alert for Entering value for only one text box (textbox1) if its value is blank , & Skip alert throw for the another one hidden textbox(textbox2) .
how i can achieve this using JS .
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Apr 13, 2010
I have a script that tells me the current date and then estimates by how many days it takes to deliver the date it will arrive by. However this currently includes Saturdays and Sundays is there anyway to get it to skip these days? code...
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Aug 4, 2010
I want to validate my forms when clicking only on submit button. Here is my code.
The problem is it fires the validation to every button in the form. how can I do the validation only for the submit button and skip the validation to other button clicks?
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Oct 21, 2010
I am using the validate plugin with the defaultvalue plugin (empty fields given a default value and class of empty), and would like to use it together with the validator plugin. Is there a way to mark required fields with only the default value (and class empty) as invalid on submit?
E.g.: First_name field is required by validate, has a default value of "Enter your first name" and class of "empty" - how can I get the validator to mark this as invalid?
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May 8, 2011
Do you know how is it possible insert a windows that contains text (terms of use) and that block and turn dark the page until you click on the "accept" button?
And if possible store a cookie to skip show it to persons that already clicked on it.
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Aug 19, 2011
$(".DdsConstant").each(function (index, element) {
var text = $(element).html();
$(element).html(text + ":"); });
The above code works for me, but I want to be able to skip the elements that already have a colon or question markin it.Example: Search Name: or Perform this daily? should be skipped. But Search Name should be changed to Search Name:. I will put question marks in manually. I have tried a few things and done some searches but no luck.
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Apr 27, 2011
I was under the impression, via W3Schools that 'checked' is only a property of radio/checkbox input objects. I was trying out this code that loops through several different types of inputs:
//start loop
var elem = theInput[i]; //grab the input
if('checked' in elem && !elem.checked) { continue; }
// some other stuff
//end loop
As you can tell, I want to skip all radio/checkbox inputs that aren't checked because they are meaningless in my circumstance.....the problem is, it skips over EVERYTHING (that isn't checked) regardless of if it's a hidden input, text input, password input, etc..... I did a quick test:
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Dec 1, 2010
Site in question:On the 3rd step of this form, I want to add a "SKIP" button that will send the user to the 5th step. No clue how to do thisjavascript file:
//step 3
//remove classes
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Jun 3, 2011
Sometimes, an iframe's content has a redirect loop or is very slow. How can I remove the iframe after a certain amount of time if it's not loading?
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Feb 6, 2006
I am using a script that tabs to the next field on Enter, but it doesn't have logic to deal with hidden fields and instead stalls with "Error: Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus."
How would one implement a simple checking mechanism to skip focus on hidden fields and the like?
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Jul 13, 2006
I have an XML node called "myNode" and it contains:
"This is some text"
Now I can use the myNode.nodeValue property to get the string of text
above. But say myNode contains:
"This is <em>some text</em>"
The property myNode.nodeValue will now be "This is ". How can I get the
exact string above returned?
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Dec 18, 2006
I have a question about manipulating a document. Suppose for example
that I had a table like this:
<tr id="row1">
What I want to do is add an onclick event handler to row1 to insert a
row after row1. I can't seem to find a way to do it though. After
creating the new row node, I could try something like
document.getElementById("row1").parentNode.appendChild(newNode) but
that would add the new row to the bottom of the table. The
insertBefore() method is the right idea but I want to insert the new
row AFTER row1 and there doesn't seem to be an insertAfter() method.
I thought about navigating through the DOM tree to get the row after
row1 and then using insertBefore() but the table is generated
dynamically and there won't necessarily be a next row.
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Jun 16, 2011
jsFiddle URL : [URL]
I am trying to add a new node in XML using jQuery. Following code works fine in Firefox, Safari and Chrome but giving error in IE8:
<div id="result"> </div>
<div id="result2"> </div>
<script type="text/javascript">
The error description on IE8 is "Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment".
Is there a way to fix this on IE8?
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Aug 23, 2007
I am trying to target specific DOM nodes in order to change the background color.
The html code is:
<div id="rightcol"><h1>Highlights Regional</h1>
<div class="art"><a name="clergy"></a><h2><a href="clergy.html">Understanding Addiction: Recovery Tools for Clergy and Other Congregational Leaders</a></h2>
<p>A unique opportunity for clergy and congregational leaders.</p></div>
I am using this javascript phrase:
var x=document.getElementById('rightcol').getElementsByTagName("A");
It is returning all of the links within 'rightcol'. What I need is the anchors, which I wish to address by individual name.
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Mar 5, 2003
I have :
How can I get this childNodes ID? I can get the nodeValue but not sure how I can get its ID.
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