How To Open A New Window In Firefox And Keep The Reference?
Sep 3, 2007
For an in-house web application (it will only be deployed on Firefox
browsers with JavaScript turned on), I need to open a preview window
(which needs to be a separate window, even if Firefox is set to open
targeted links in new tabs) and be able to change the preview window's
location.href from the opening window, even after a new page is loaded
into that window.
I'm working on a JSP based project. On myJsp1.jsp, I open a new window using and store reference in a variable myWin like:
From here i submit the form to myJsp2.jsp. In this file, I want the reference myWin to close the opened window. What I'm doing while submitting form is:
I've read that this way JavaScript references can be passed in url.
Now when I do getParameter in myJsp2.jsp as
I get JavaScript error that this winRef do not support the close() property.
I'm using an <A> tag with an onclick event to open a window with JS ( In FIREFOX, if I click very quickly, multiple windows open. Not a problem in IE.
in the above i'm getting the following error: "Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (c) isnt associated with any program"
Firstly I know this issue has been addresses a lot already but as a newbie to HTML and Web Development I am unable to get the idea. according to documentations and solutions proposed on different forums a popup or child window can be only closed using window.close() if it is opened via function.
I am using in an AJAX page and it works in both IE and FF but in the latter the hourglass stays up and both the progress bar and the small animated circle-of-dots graphic keep on running indefinitely in the new window.
I can press the STOP button to get them to stop, but I'm wondering if there is something else I can do to get rid of this behavior. The page is most definitely loading properly and completely.
If it matters what I am writing to the new document is an XML document after being passed through an XSL sheet. Sometimes the XML doc is large enough to fill several pages of the viewport, but often it is just a few lines and the problem is the same regardless.
I wrote following code for the purpose to single right click to open new window, while left click would open another window. It works for IE but does not work for Firefox.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-US|zh-Hans|zh-Hant"> <head>
I have written a simple code to open up a new window onclick of a button as follows;
function loadExamp() { var reqType = getElementValue("reqType", 1);
The problem is that this code is working on Google Chrome but not in Firefox and IE. Why is that and how can I resolve this issue.I am using Firefox 3.6.11 and IE 8.0.XX.Also I tried to open a new window using <a href> option with the same URL and its working but the only problem is that I want to pass my next JSP an argument which is only possible with function or script.
I googled it but couldn't find much information except that there is some security problem. For that I have disabled the 'Pop up Bloker' on both Firefox and IE but still not working.When I click my button there is no activity with 'Firefox' but IE gives me error as follows;
cannot get a new (picture) window to open in Firefox without the title and address bars (or anything else, just the image). IE shows just the title bar, with or without the code:
function newWindow() {'./pageaddress.html','winname','top=20,left=20,directories=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,width=400,height=350');} </script>
The window opens fine, but always shows the address and title bars. I have read the W3 Schools options list (and other posts) and tried both 'no' and '0' as values, without any success. What am I missing and is there any way to make this work - it didn't even work in the W3 Schools 'try it yourself' test page!
I have seen some very nice 'slowly-opening' windows (increasing in size)
We're in the process of re-writing the Intranet at work, and my javascript knowledge could be written on the back of a post card. ;-)
Can any of you point me in the direction of some code that would enable a form to open a specific pdf file? Details are below.
-------------------- All of our purchase orders are saved back to pdf files. Each pdf has the prefix "PO_" followed by the po reference, then the file extension ".pdf". For example, our file would be called "PO_12345M.pdf". Each set of files is archived into years (folders are called 2003, 2004, 2005 etc.) so it will probably need a drop down box to select year, unless it can search through all the folders.
The visitor should only need to enter the PO reference, and the code puts the "PO_" and the ".pdf" on the end of it, and hey presto Acrobat opens with the PO, or you get an error dialog if the file cannot be found. --------------------
Since a few years I make use of an online service which provides me statistics about visits to my web site. The only thing I have to do is to include a few lines of Javascript in the most important page. The company providing this service - Nedstat - has been acquired by a more commercial party called Webstats4U and they have now decided to cause a popup window to appear with a commercial message, every new day you start up the page. Given the nature of the web page, this is unacceptable. Does anybody know how to check whether a window has been opened from a page and - if so - how to get a reference to that popup window so that I can close it?
I have a problem on the links on my page im working.sorry guys still a noob and my english is not that good. :b. my question is like i have a list of packages of food. [link_a] [link_b] [link_c] and i have a function that i put in my head tag:
function linkA() {'link_a.html','link','width=300,height=200,resizable=yes'); }
now i can go to linka.html by click my link <A HREF="javascript:linkA()" >link a</A> is there a way i can have one functions that can open a link depend on what page .when it clicks then go to its designated page or i have to stick on writing function for linkB ,C,D and so on.
I have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using . The child window is something like '' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
I have an iframe that can successfully reference its parent window, using the following code:
var elm = window.parent.document.getElementById('iframesID');
This works flawlessy in all browsers, EXCEPT for some reason, Safari 5 on Mac (Safari 5 on Windows works fine).
After debugging a bit, I found that the script breaks exactly on that line, and alerting the value of window.parent returns undefined. Going nuts! I Googled this specific question way too long and found no responses.
I have a webpage with a link that produces a popup using javascript. I have another link in the popup. When the popup link is clicked I want only the original window to change location, while the popup remains the same. How can this be done?
In one of my webpage, I have a child window gets opened. How to get the child window's reference in to my javascript and access its elements? I am aware of the method: child = However, I can't use this logic because, I can't change the code of the web page since I am not the developer. So, I want logic to get the reference of an already opened child window.
Through or window.showmodaldialog, I want to open a word or excel document in Print Preview mode. Bcos I don't want the user to make any changes or save it but the user can ONLY VIEW OR take a print out. doesn't open an entirely new window in FF3.6, just a new tab
Edit: Yeah, ok, so if i specify a size smaller than the current standard window, it'll be forced to open a new window. but what if i want a new standard sized window to open entirely?
I need a script that will open a new window (popup / new link) in a specific size, but will also close the old window (where the popup came from). I know the popup window is easy but finding a work-able close window script as the new window is opened is impossible!!
I am trying to pop up a window and then do stuff(set flags) when the content of the new window is done loading. For this I am trying to detect the window.onload of the pop-up child window but so far I am unsuccessful. I believe my problem is that the URL of child window is on different domain, than the one of the opener(parent) so that the window.onload is not being called. Though this may change, at the moment I do not have access to the code for the page I'm opening up in the pop-up. Im pretty new to web development.