How To Lock A Combo-box
Apr 4, 2011
In my page there are a combo-box and a check-box that should have the following behaviour: When check-box is checked, the combo-box has to take a precise value and has to be not editable by the user. I cannot use DISABLED option because the back-end needs the value in the combo and READONLY option is useless with a combo-box.... So I don't know what to use to make the combo "disabled"
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Aug 11, 2009
What I have got is a form that a user has to fill out and submit (when validated all variables are stored in a session and emailed after multiple forms are completed), currently I have radio buttons, text boxes and a combo box/ drop down list (for location). All parts are working fine and validating fine. My problem is to do with the combo box//ddl. I have successfully validated the ddl so the user must select a location onsubmit and it is added to session and passed fine.At the moment the ddl only has cities or towns in it however as I would like to include different states and possibly different countries I need a code that validates the state first and then only gives the cities/towns that are in that state (otherwise my ddl would be to large). I can do this with links however I can't seem to do it in a form.
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Feb 8, 2011
First I have a combo box populated from mysql db. Then onChange of the first combo box then I would like to populate my second combo box. I am trying out the jquery method as below. The first combo box id is $clientID. The problem I dont get the alert method shown that means is not working.
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Mar 31, 2009
I am developing an asp page (compliants.asp) using Javascript. I am not able to solve a problem i.e., I ve 2 dropdown lists. Based on the 1st dropdown list's data (data retrieved from database) , second dropdownlist has to be populated (retrieving data from database). Can anyone help me in sorting this issue. Im posting my code below...
<script language="JavaScript">
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Mar 31, 2010
I am using javascript to populate a number of text boxes based on the data item selected in the 1st combo box.
I am now working on making the selection of that combo box populate another combo box with items from another table. I can hard the sql code for the 2nd combo box so that when I select an option it populates more text boxes, but want the contents of the 2nd combo box to dynamically change depending on the selection of the 1st box. I would like this to do it without refreshing the page after each 1st combo box selection.
The 2nd box does not populate with the below code as I guess the variable isn't populated, I can put '1' in and it selects products with that prodid, but as explained above i'd like it to read the prodid from the 1st combo box.
require "session_logincheck.php";
function selectProductAndPopulate()
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Feb 16, 2011
it's possible to lock a window, so it will stay in front of other windows, even if i click on another window in the browser - like what how the skype window always is in front (and i believe that there is even a little lock in the left corner). This Javascript just have to be compatible with either or both IE8 and Chrome.
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May 27, 2009
I want to put an additional check for user while entering password whether CapsLock is On or not..
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Sep 28, 2010
Is there any way to lock down the menu bars? I currently have a form that was created in Adobe Professional. I have hidden the menu bars on initial view of this form, in an effort to force the sales associates to use buttons that I created that will show them all fields that are required. This worked for a while, but now the sales associates have found out how to unhide the menu bars and are again submitting incomplete forms. I would like to have something in place, that if they do unhide the menu bars, there are certain commands that they cannot use (i.e. Attach to E-mail). Is there any way to put script on this form that will gray out certain commands on the menu bars?
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Oct 27, 2005
I was wondering if the was any way to determine the state of the caps
lock key, on or off. Of course I can capture the key events and see whether the caps lock is pressed, but that does not help.
I have seen some example that looks at the characters entered in an
input field to determine if the caps lock is on, but I was wondering if
something is possible that is a bit more immediate to report the caps
lock state.
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Aug 3, 2011
I was wondering: You know how you're able to left-click and hold the mouse-button down on a image and then drag it around? Everybody must know that; Is there a way to "lock" the picture, so that isn't possible? I'm not talking about removing the right-click features, like saving the picture, etc. I just want the users not to be able to drag it all over the place - like a background for example. In HTML, of course
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May 8, 2011
How can i make the submit button unable to be clicked if there is no data in the input (usermsg)?
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Oct 30, 2006
I'm trying to figure out a way to make only one element on a page receive key and mouse events. I have a grid in a <div>-container with "overflow:auto" which makes the grid scrollable. If course I can set event handlers to the "document" to catch key strokes and mouse clicks and execute navigation functions which make the grid scroll (e.g. pressing down arrow) etc. This of course effects the whole page and not just the div.
The problem is: as far as I know only window and form elements can receive events such as focus(), blur(), keypress() etc. and I have to make sure only this one element is affected.
Is there thus a way to make these events affect only the <div> container?
The best way to do this would be with an event listener as this would make development much easier.
Has someone done this before?
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Jun 16, 2010
Can the UI dialog be used for this?
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Oct 6, 2009
I am using one script which is functioning properly incase of IE but incase of Mozilla evenif the shift key is pressed and any character key is pressed then it is displaying Caps Lock is On. how can I make it Mozilla and IE compatible.
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Sep 29, 2007
I've created a admin center, that has two seperate login permissions. Admin which can edit listings, etc... and Viewer which can only view listings, and edit 1 or 2 of the listings details and not all of them like the admin. I've seen web-sites where certain text input fields are sort of Grayed out, not allowing for user to type, click in or change anything in that field. Sort of like the html text input field has been or is disabled. How can I get certain html text input fields to appear disabled, and the text that's inside un-editable or unchange-able?
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Nov 17, 2011
In the following code
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.uilock.js"></script>
/* All you have to do is to call
* a uiLock() function
$(document).ready(function() {
// To lock user interface interactions
// Optional: put html on top of the lock section,
// like animated loading gif
$.uiLock('Click Here <a href="#" onclick="$.uiUnlock();">unlock</a>');
// To unlock user interface interactions
Where and how would I put a Animated loading gif?
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Jul 2, 2008
I've come up with a way (at least in IE7 and Firefox 2 and 3) to create a table that lets you scroll the body contents while the table header row remains fixed in place.
It's mostly a CSS solution, but it does use the IE CSS expression operator and uses some DOM properties to assign some IE heights and widths. The other CSS solutions I've seen to this problem all tend to be pretty inflexible and hard to implement in the real world for tables of varying sizes. They require that you to hard code your table widths and heights in multiple locations in the CSS and involve the use of more than just one class name assignment.
I wanted a solution that could handle tables of different sizes on the same page. Something that allowed you to assign just one class and allowed the you to specify the height in the actual table that you wanted to lock the headings for.
I tried to keep the HTML table mark-up as clean as possible. All you need do is to simply assign a single CSS class name to a DIV that surrounds the table then assign a height you want the table to be as an embedded style. That's it.
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Jul 20, 2005
i am doing a project where i need to display:
1. the list of drives in the system in the first combo box.
2. after the user chooses the drive i need to show all the dirs in
that drive in the second combo box.
3. once the dir is choosen list all the filse under the folder in the
third combo box.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a combo box and a text box. Text to be display will be contigent
upon what is selected via the combo box. How do I do this?
I put the following code in the text box object:
var a = get thisField("combobox")
If (a==1)
event.value = "Test1"
if (a==2)
event.value = "Test2"
What I am doing wrong?
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Dec 19, 2011
Regarding 2 combo boxes dependent with each other. Like the STATE AND CITY, when you select a STATE then depending on the state you selected ONLY CITIES under that will be populated on the 2nd combo box.
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Oct 21, 2004
I have a search page where i have like 10 combo boxes and some radio buttons and check boxes.
Now when the page loads, i do some selection in the combo boxes and when i press reset button it clears all data in the form elements.
But when i select things in combo boxes and do a search by clicking OK button then the search results are displayed there and now if i want to clear all the form elements , i tried to click reset button, but when ever i did a search ie click ok button and after than press reset button reset button is not clearing the form elements.
Reason for this problem: Reset button resets the form to it's state when it was loaded (as opposed to clearing the values) so if the page loaded with the search values in it, when you hit Reset nothing will happen if you haven't changed anything. Code:
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May 15, 2006
How to Editable the combo box using with Javasscript.
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Sep 27, 2011
I got a piece of code off the net which bases one combo box on another, which works perfectly the only problem i need to base it on records in a table as ive a few hundred records for the "Site" combo box
how I would go about changing the below to look at an SQL table
<script type="text/javascript">
var regiondb = new Object()
regiondb["2"] = [{value:"1", text:"Site1"},
{value:"2", text:"Site2"},
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Jul 23, 2005
How do i select an option in a combo box? i have tried looking on the internet but dont really know what i should be searching for. what i want to happen is that when a function is called
a line of code will select a specific option in a combo box. something like:
//excuse the dodgy syntax
function select_combo() {[3] //where option 3 will be selected (or 4 if first index
is 0)
the combo box would be something like:
The function would change the selection in the combo box.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have to write a web page wht three combo boxes, all three are to be
populated from a database. - there tables = Bulidings, Floors and Offices
The user will choose a 'Building' from the first combo, once it has been
selected, I need to populate the second combo box with the 'floors' of that
selected building. The user will then select the floor, which in turn will
then populate the office combo box for the user to select.
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Apr 27, 2009
I have a double combo drop down and it is working fine except that it is in a form and I cannot seem to get it to pass variables to the email like a normal form would.
Here's the code:
<p><select name="FACILITY" size="1" onChange="redirect(this.options.selectedIndex)">
<option>Bretheren Village</option>
the error message comes up put once you click ok you can still submitt the text even if its forbidden.... any way around this, such as deleting the text within the textbox when the error box is shown?
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