How To Insert A Dynamic Value Into A Javascript?

Jul 20, 2005

I'm merely trying to grab a value from a form and insert it into a javascript. Any hints as to what's wrong with the code below?

Request.form("AMOUNT") as used below does not bring my value into the
javascript (This is related to GoToast ROI Conversion tracking).

<script language="javascript">

if (typeof(ROIID) + '' != 'undefined')
TrackEvent('Sale', request.form("AMOUNT"));

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How To Insert Javascript Code Within Javascript?

Jan 7, 2006

I would like to know how to write javascript such that, a part of it isnt considered as script, & rather as HTML. Code:

Ok, the layer div can be written using document.write. But, Google ad itself is a javascript isnt it. How can it be written into this? How does this work?

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Insert Javascript Into Input Field?

Aug 6, 2010

How do I insert this code...

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Dynamic JavaScript Source

Apr 29, 2004

Can I control the src attribute of a header <script> tag so that it loads a different script file depending on the value of a variable?

I have a javascript file that currently holds the variables for several countries and weihgts too much for a single file. I estimate that only 2-3kb of the 40+ that it now holds are used at any given point depending on the user's chosen country.

Now, I can split the file into several smaller files to reduce loading time but only if I have a way of dynamically loading the different files.

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Caching Of 'semi' Dynamic JavaScript (IIS, ASP, IE6)

Jul 23, 2005

We have a dynamically created javascript menu (from ASP), which is
customised per user (Have already taken all the static code out into
separate cached .js file)

The size of the 'dynamic' menu content can be as much as 10kB, and the
menu typically does not change for the duration of the user's session
- i.e. it would be nice to get the browser to 'cache' this. It is an
Intranet application, and is typically aimed at IE6 clients only.

Have considered the following strategies

1) Cookies - although the last thing I want is the whole menu coming
back to the server on every HTTP request - but would be useful IF
there is e.g. a header option the cookie to 'send' the cookie (Server
-> Browser) without the browser ever sending it back to the server
(but the browser still being able to 'read' the cookie?)

2) Creating 'dynamic' javascript files - i.e. send the output per user
to a mangled .js file (e.g. with a session ID in the filename), into a
cached js file. Would however need to cleanup the files quite
regularly, and giving IUSR file creation access doesn't seem a good
idea. Would then get the browser to include the JS by generating ASP
along the lines of.
<script language="JavaScript"

Is there any other way?

Second Question : Is there any way to get IE to stop sending up the
HTTP REFERER header up to the server (e.g. RegKey) - this is pretty
pointless on an Intranet App (I know there is a way to do in

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Deleting The Last Row In A Dynamic Javascript Table

Feb 17, 2006

I have this dynamically created table in my one of my php forms
that shows the names of the people the user has entered into a text
field. When they hit add a row displays, showing the name they entered.
Also, an image that allows them to delete shows beside the name upon

The delete removes the name from the table and pushes the
other names to the top. Simple stuff, however, if I delete the last
name displayed(the bottom of the table), then the next, then the next,
IN ORDER, I have no problems. If I pick a name that is in the middle or
top of the table, everything below does not allow me to delete Code:

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Dynamic Insertion And Execution Of JavaScript

Apr 20, 2006

I'm developing a webpage that is composed by several divs. These divs
are supplied by the server depending on the user that made the request.
Some of these divs require some javascript functions to be called when
they are added to the page. I add the content using innerHTML (function
renderPage(data) ....

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Javascript, Dynamic IFrame And Firefox

Aug 27, 2007

I've got a page that creates an iframe and uses javascript to write to it.

Works like a charm in IE but not Firefox.

<script language="JavaScript"><!--
document.write ('<iframe width="100" height="100" name="myframe" src="blank.htm" FRAMEBORDER="1" scrolling="no"></iframe>');

What I get in IE is the "YO!" written to the iframe. What I get in Firefox is the 404 not found page of the site where the original "jstest.html" page and script are hosted.

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Dynamic Form Elements Using JavaScript

Sep 17, 2004

I need to dynamically add elements to a form using javascript. The objective is that on clicking a certain button , a set of form fields are appended to the exiting ones. Code:

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Disabling A Dynamic Drop-down With JavaScript

Mar 6, 2006

In a JSP page I am trying to disable a Trade Class drop-down list if the user does not select the ADULT option of the Division drop-down list.

Therefore, Trade Class drop-down list availability depends on the option selected in the Division drop-down list. For instance, if the user selects the KIDS division option then the Trade Class drop-down list should be disable.

I am trying to use JavaScript to do this but I can't get it to work. I have the OnClick attribute in the Division drop-down list so that when a user selects any option from the list the index gets past to the JavaScript function. In my drop-down Division ADULT has index 1.

function enableDisableTradeClass( ) {
var index = document.frm_container_shipments.drp_division_fltr.selectedIndex;
//alert('Selected Division= ' + index);
if ( index != 1 ) {
document.frm_steps.drp_trade_class_fltr.value = "";
document.frm_steps.drp_trade_class_fltr.selectedIndex = 0;

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How Do I Get Dynamic Arrays As Values For The Javascript?

Jan 9, 2007

I know very little javascript and need to use it to pt a banner across a page, where it is pulling from values a customer puts in the backend.Here is the javascript: Code:

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How To Dynamic Control Some Picture's Size By Javascript

Feb 14, 2006

i have some pictures in a page. there are have difference sizes. some
of them are too widen for be arrange in a line. so
i been tried to adject their sizes to more suitable.

i add a event to that image likes:
<img id="img" onLoad="adjustSize(this)" src="123.jpg">

and write a function in javascript:
function adjustSize(obj){
if (obj.width>250){
if (obj.hight>268)

but exactly,i can get the image's width and height. cuz the loading
hasn't finished while the function of adjustSize works.

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Dynamic Content Areas - JavaScript & Ajax???

Sep 29, 2005

I would like to build an HTML page that has four content areas. The first with 3 links that when clicked chage what is shown in the other 3 - and so changing the default content in these sections. The content for these sections will be contained in seperate HTML files sitting on the same server.

I understand this can be done without refreshing the page and believe JavaScript and Ajax is the best method to do this. Any advice?

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Javascript Question On Dynamic Select Boxes

Jan 28, 2002

Question: How hard is the following to do in javascript and does anyone have a good example of this in use (aka how do you do it? )

4 drop down boxes all on one page. I have 4 items in the list of the first drop down box.


When I select one, I want the choice to be taken out of the list for the second drop down box. So if I select Blue in Drop Down #1, Drop Down #2 now has the option of


If I select Red from the list the Drop Down #3 now has


Then if i select Orange, the last drop down has only one value and that is Green.

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Passing Dynamic Form Values To Javascript

May 26, 2007

I have a form that has been dynamically created from PHP. It is basically a calculator and the number of form elements as well as names of the elements can vary greatly.

I basically want to add a button that will open a new browser window with the form info being passed to it. Basically it will create a quotation for the customer that is suitable for printing.

The only way I know to do the popup window is with javascript (unless php can do it). I know how to access form elements with javascript if the form element exists, but given most of the elements may change, I do not know how to access them.

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Dynamic Content Replacement Using Ajax/Javascript/PHP

Jun 26, 2007

I'm sure some wizard will tell me this is a classic example of "piece of cake"; in which case I bow and promise to listen In case I've struck granite rock, feel free to throw questions my way and I'll tell you if I've tried it or not.

I have a file, main.php (I know this is the JS-forum, bear with me). It outputs HTML and inline Javascript functions. When the user clicks on a graphical "tab", that tab is activated, and an ajax call is made to fetch.php with some specific parameters. Once the ajax request has completed, a given innerHTML container on the now active tab is filled with the stuff that fetch.php outputs.

So far so good.

The problem is that the stuff that fetch.php outputs is partial pure HTML and partial inline javascript. And this is where it gets tricky. If I declare an inline javascript function in the returned data, Firefox (and I suspect MSIE) refuses to understand that the function is there. It simply doesn't exist (!).

Using the Web Developer add-on for Firefox, there's an option to look at "Source code" and "Generated source code". The output from these two differ in that when I view the "Generated source code", I see the dynamically inserted javascript/HTML from fetch.php, whereas viewing "just" the source doesn't.

What did I do wrong? How do I get the browser to find/accept/activate the javascript code/functions that were inserted dynamically? I cannot put them in a .js file and include it, since they need to be dynamically created, and I cannot use eval() since that executes javascript "as is", in which a function will not be executed unless called.

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JSviewer - Dynamic HTML JavaScript Slide Show

May 11, 2004

JSviewer is a robust, highly configurable, dynamic HTML image viewer written in JavaScript. You can create a slide show with JSviewer in a matter of minutes. JSviewer was designed to be easy to use for both web masters and end users, yet have very powerful features. JSviewer supports keyboard controls for controlling slide shows. Using the keyboard, you can turn image descriptions on or off, move buttons to the top or bottom of the window, make images appear randomly, and much more.

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JQuery :: Populate A Dynamic Dropdown List Based On Another Dynamic Drop Down Selection?

Jun 29, 2010

how to populate a dropdown based on Another dropdown selection. This all should be a dynamic. Eg: I have two text boxes one is TechID and other is JOB ID. When I start typing Tech ID it suggests me the list of IDs which start with the input string i have put in Tech textbox. When i select the Tech ID the jobs associated to that Tech ID should be displayed in JOB ID text box as a dropdown list.

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A Nested Dynamic Checkbox Inside My Dynamic Form.

Jul 23, 2005

I am having a problem with the last results. I can't seem to be able to
get the input2A and input3A to appear. I don't seem to have a problem
with the show and hide after a number is entered and submitted. If
anyone can answer my problem I will be greatly appreciated with a
prize. I actually have submitted it more than once and I haven't had
anyone been able to answer it yet. Code:

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Dynamic Function With Dynamic Parameter On The Right Operand?

Jul 1, 2011

i was trying for some days now to find a solution for this. had a look at different posts and forums online, but no luck so it possible to auto-create this with a loop???:

T$('infowindow1').onclick = function(){ setInfobox('1'); }
T$('infowindow2').onclick = function(){ setInfobox('2'); }


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Dynamic Drop-down List - Create A Dynamic Menu Where A User Selects One Item And Another Select List Is Shown

Jun 30, 2009

I've been beating my head against a wall for a few days trying to get this working. I'm trying to create a dynamic menu where a user selects one item and another select list is shown, then another and another (and so on). Here is my JS, it *should* be taking the ID of the div, comparing it to the selected value and then showing another div by settings it's class property to visible:


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Dynamic Calculation For Dynamic Form

Oct 25, 2010

I have made a script where you can add extra fields, and next to the row is a span that automatically displays the outcome from a calculation of three fields in that row. i.e. Q x (B - A) = total. Here is the bit that does the calculation:

function advCalc(selected) {
var result = Number(document.formmain.elements["quantity"+selected].value) * (Number(document.formmain.elements["provideamount"+selected].value) - Number(document.formmain.elements["supplyamount"+selected].value)) ;

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JQuery :: Validation Dynamic Rules - Add In Rules Dynamically Through The Rules(add) Function After Adding Some Dynamic Fields Through The User Inputs

Sep 6, 2011

I will like to know if there is anyway to view all the rules that I have currently in the Jquery validation plugin. Currently, I am trying to add in rules dynamically through the rules(add) function after adding some dynamic fields through the user inputs. the rules are added in this manner.


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How To Insert <th>?

Nov 4, 2005

I'm writing a JavaScript that amends a table by inserting cells. I'm using insertCell().

For row[0] I want to insert cells that are <th> elements, and the default of insertCell() seems to be to insert <td> elements.

Can I use insertCell() to insert <th>? If so, how? If not, what should I be doing instead?

I'm a noob, so sorry if this is very basic. I tried searching this forum, and failed to find the answer to my question.

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Insert XML In IE8?

Sep 27, 2010

Is there a way to do this easily?

I found out that for Internet Explorer, html and xml elements are incompatible as far as the DOM goes.

The following code only works with DOM-compliant browsers [code]...

Is there a IE workaround for this that DOES NOT involve recreating the xml?

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Nov 13, 2004

i get blank page?

<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function draw() {
var table = '<table border="' +document.all.border.value+ '"'
+ ' cellspacing="' '"'
+ ' cellpadding="' +document.all.pad.value+ '"'
+ ' width="' +document.all.wid.value+ '"'
+ ' align="' +document.all.ali.value+ '">

for (var x=0; x<document.all.rows.value; x++) {
table += " <tr>";
for (var y=0; y<document.all.cols.value; y++) {
table += " <td></td>";
table += " </tr>";
table += "</table>";


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