How To Make Bottom Menu Script Results Appear Centered
Mar 29, 2009
I have several pages that work as expected - a bottom_menu.js script writes some links to the document, and thte results are centered. Then I had to mod a page because I had only 11 items rather than 12. Now the bottom_menu.js script results ends up left justified. How to make the results be centered.
I am using Fancybox plugin and works well but for an ajax call the first few calls the popup/modal appears at the bottom of the window but later corrects itself and then is centered.
Here is an example:
Example Link
Click on the 'Foliage', 'Base' or 'Trunk' boxes in the right side column.
The problem is that the height of the second level menu results in their being gaps in between each menu item so that as you move your mouse down the second menu items it quickly closes again. scripting novice fix this by telling me which variable I need to change either in the Java script or the CSS files.
I'm trying to scroll my page to the bottom after the search results populate on the bottom. Unfortunately, it looks like my scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight) is getting executed before the search results populate or finish populating. I even tried to use deferreds to implement this but it still doesn't seem to be working. Here's the code I tried:
My div has this CSS on it: {height:300px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;}
After loading some content with append() I want the scrollbar to move to the bottom of the div so the last row of the recently added content is visible, as if the user had moved the scrollbar to the bottom manually. I have tried all the obvious solutions: //lets assume I've got the height as vHeight from scrollHeight and it equals 800 $(elem).scrollTop(vHeight); $(elem).attr('scrollTop',vHeight); $(elem).animate({scrollTop: 800}, 'slow');
None works. I also tried using the DOM as in document.getElementById('elemId').scrollTop = vHeight. Nothing sets the scrollTop property.
I've installed the jQuery autoscroll [URL], for my web page. I'm using it in a div tag for a news feed. The problem is that it is looping. Is there any way to make it stop at the bottom? And if its possible, is there any way to make it being able to scroll upwards again?
the "li.sf-with-ul" class has extra padding which i can't seem to find where its coming from.[URL] items with UL under them (sub items) have padding that makes the items different from the normal links. i would like to get rid of it. i can't find anything related to this in the CSS.
I have been trying to make adsense work on my results on the page [URL]. I want the adsense in the results when you type something in. When I do this normally, it just doesn't appear. When I use this:
I am developing a small app in Joomla! where I need to sequentially number file folders. On the page where I add new folders I have a select menu to select the type of folder. In this case, either Action, Reference, or Archive. What I want to have happen is after I select the type of folder, I want to enter the next available number in the form field. I realize to do this without resubmitting the page I need to use javascript and onchange. The problem is I am almost clueless when it comes to javascript (I am working on it though) so I need some help. This is what I have.
how to make the menu items a fixed width in a horizontal Superfish menu . I've tried mucking about with the CSS but no luck so far. I'm sure it's easy, but I can't seem to work it out.
I actually want to make a horizontal drop down menu with a sub menu.As far as I have researched, I think that it can be done by JavaScript. I have searched for some java scripts but they are very long and complex.
That made me wonder that for a funcitonality like a Drop down is so complex?
So here is my question : Is there any JavaScript that can be applied for drop down menu exclusively? Which just presents logic of drop down solely?
I want to create a menu like the left (as we see that) menu of you know any script for this?I use prototype framework,is there any script related with prototype? I mean a script that make the menu to stay even we use the scrollbar of the brownser.
I want to make a menu (not drop down) which will be of 100% width and height just like ipod drill menu. Can anybody know about such sliding menu and drilling down to each item..? how to change this one to achieve my preferences. I want: menu options (not in a drop down) slides left into subcatogaries on each item click (like windows media center menu)....
I'm trying to make this menu go up and down when the arrows are clicked. Right now, it shows all of them and I can't figure out how to make it so that it only shows the first 9 and will show the rest in the menu when it's clicked. I really don't know where to start. I found some scripts but they turned out really funky. Even if it's something super simple is cool, just where to begin??
I hired a programmer to develop a drag and drop system for my blog. The user should be able to browse one of my blog entries and click, drag and drop an image from my entry to a fixed bottom bar on that page.The problem we are facing is that when dragging an image, it wont place it on the bottom bar until the whole page is scrolled down to the bottom of the page. This is a problem because some of the pages can be very lengthy
Is there Java Script to show only the Comment and Markup tool bar in a pdf document? I have the toolbars hidden on initial view, but I need to be able to make it so that one toolbar appears. I have figured out how to make all toolbars re-appear, but I don't want users to be able to do that (at least not easily).
I am implementing a pop up window and need it to be centered. Found this code (below) seems to work good. I need to open it with an image rather than text link.
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function popup(url){ var width = 300; var height = 200; var left = (screen.width - width)/2; var top = (screen.height - height)/2; var params = 'width='+width+', height='+height; params + = ', top='+top+', left='+left; params + = ', directories=no'; params + = ', location=no'; params + = ', menubar=no'; params + = ', resizable=no'; params + = ', scrollbars=no'; params + = ', status=no'; params + = ', toolbar=no';,'windowname5', params); if (window.focus) {newwin.focus()} return false; } // --> </script> <a href="javascript: void(0)"onclick="popup('popup.html')">Centered popup window</a>
I used google maps to get the embed code for a google map which I am displaying on a sit I am building. The problem is that when you view it embedded on my page, the location on the map is way off to the upper left corner and barely visible in the google maps iframe. How can I get the google map to load centered on the address? To see what I mean go to [URL] and click the "show map" button for the Troy Location (the first block on the left) to reveal the map. How to get the google map to center??