How To Display Different Array Element Each Day Of Year
Mar 4, 2011
I want to create an array for a religious website that will display a different Bible verse for each day of the year. This is how I incremented each day of the year.
var myDate=new Date();
How do I make the connection between the array and the new date as it changes?
This is a snippet from the array.
var dailyVerseRef=new Array();
dailyVerseRef[0]="Genesis 1:1";
dailyVerseRef[2]="Genesis 1:2";
dailyVerseRef[3]="Genesis 1:3";
dailyVerseRef[4]="Genesis 1:4";
dailyVerseRef[5]="Genesis 1:5";
dailyVerseRef[6]="Genesis 1:6";
dailyVerseRef[7]="Genesis 1:7";
dailyVerseRef[8]="Genesis 1:8";
I used a switch to go through the days of the week, but to go through the days of the year seems more difficult.
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Sep 11, 2011
I'm having problems selecting a specific index of an element in an array.
Here's the HTML code : (assuming there are 10 of them)
<div class="share-plus-container">
<span class="share-plus-link">Share [+]</span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="right share-plus-box">
So the output that I should be expecting is that in an array of div's containing "share-plus-container" and its children, upon hovering the "Share [+]" link, it should display the "share-plus-box" div of that specific link.
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Nov 8, 2011
How it is possible to get current & next year months and put them into array....i.e
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Apr 10, 2009
I've an array of month/year to sort
var myArray = ['Oct/08', 'Jan/09', 'Mar/09', 'May/07', 'Apr/08', 'Dec/06'];
declare a hash of month with numbers as keys, split each array element and compare each month and sort it.
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Jun 3, 2009
I use this:
$("#datepicker").datepicker('option', 'numberOfMonths', [4, 3]);
However, the current date is displayed in the first month. I want Datepicker to display the whole year so that it would start from Jan
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Jul 5, 2009
A question for the experts - let me first say that I'm not a coder, but I'm sufficiently competent to mess around with somebody elses code!
This is what I need:
I'm developing a website for a private railway, and wish to display a 'today's trains' panel on the front page of the site - there are up to twenty timetable diagrams, each of which has its own small html page file.
I need to figure a way of calling a different timetable panel to be displayed according to day of the year (ensuring that the correct timetable is displayed each day). Obviously I have a copy of the complete timetable, and it seems I need some code that will call a particular page according to what's happening that day.
Does anybody have any idea how a simpleton like me can set this up?
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Feb 11, 2010
I am trying to display the year in two columns vice the single column. I know I need to create some master table, but the more I mess with it the worse it gets. display the previous and following year in the same format. Here is the code.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function day_title(day_name) {
document.write("<TD ALIGN=center WIDTH=35>"+day_name+"</TD>")
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Sep 17, 2010
What is the correct syntax for an nested array where each array element has 3 elements, a number and two text strings?
array = ['1, Old Man, Old Man','2 Black Sheep, Black Sheep',....]
should the text strings be in double quotes("")?
array = ['1, "Old Man", "Old Man"','2 "Black Sheep", "Black Sheep"',....]
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Nov 12, 2010
I'm hoping this is possible or that there is an easier way to do this. I'm having an issue with displaying data from one array that contains information about users in a table that is controlled by a different array.Is it possible to do this or is this use of arrays to display the data the wrong approach?
The table is located on one webpage, I simply want to extract one piece of information that I have placed in the initial array as part of the login script that contains user information (for validation for login etc) and display it in a table on the new webpage that is opened as a result of successful validation of the user details. I'm completely stumped and after many attempts I just can't seem to get it to work.
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Apr 28, 2011
I'm doing a very simple expand/collapse function using 'slideToggle'. The button that triggers this event simply says 'Expand/collapse'. I want this text to change depending on whether an element is visible or hidden.
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Mar 26, 2010
I'm trying to grab values from a set of arrays based on the value returned by my select box.
**Caveat - this is not an area I have any real experience with**
My arrays look like:
Code JavaScript:
I then need to test for each, then associate with one of my fees arrays, then grab each of the values in the array and write those values to elements within my page.
I'm then doing this to evaluate for each degree
Code JavaScript:
I need to first figure out how best to import all of these 60+ arrays and then in each of my conditions pull out each value and write to my page.
There is a unique 1 to 1 relationship between each degree and array so I can't consolidate as the values for each degree differ slightly.
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Aug 7, 2010
I have an array with three dimensions. There are 10 elements in each dimension so I've got a 10x10x10 cube. How can I combine all the elements from one dimension into one layer so I can display the whole cube in a 2-D view?
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Jan 31, 2006
It is a familiar story. It works in Firefox, but not in IE. I want to dynamically populate a select box with an array of values based upon the value selected from another select. The arrays are defined when the page is loaded.
Assuming that the arrays are name a, b. and c:
<select name="someArray">
<option onclick="selArr(a);" value="a">A</option>
<option onclick="selArr(b);" value="b">B</option>
<option onclick="selArr(c);" value="c">C</option>
function selArr(whichArr) {
var optStr;
var cnt = whichArr.length;
for (var i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
optStr += '<option value="'+whichArr[i].k+'
'+whichArr[i].v+'">'+whichArr[i].k+' '+whichArr[i].v+'</option>
document.getElementById('sel2').innerHTML = optStr;}
I have run into this before where IE ignores any calls to a function
from an option value. However, the problem is if I call the function
from the select tag: <select name="someArray" onchange="selArr[this.value);">
this.value is treated not as the defined array but as a var value, as
if is enclosed by quotes.
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Jun 6, 2009
I seem to keep chaging my mind about the best way to do this. I am trying to make a gallery that will display images on a page (without a database!) from a folder when a link is cliked. I have used PHP to read the file paths into an array - and this seems to work perfectly. Its output is similar to this:
galleryarray[43]="Autumn 08/Allt Ddrew (7 9)/DSC_0315 (3).JPG";
galleryarray[44]="Autumn 08/Allt Ddrew (7 9)/DSC_0332 (3).JPG";
galleryarray[45]="Autumn 08/Misc/100_7515.JPG";
galleryarray[46]="Autumn 08/Misc/DSC_0042 (5).JPG";
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Jan 2, 2011
Decided to start learning JavaScript, started 2 days ago. Anyway, I'm trying to create a simple script spits out a styled result based on a user input. code...
The problem is that nothing is happening when I press the calculation button.
What I would like to happen is to display a div element for each value in the array which displays the entered value from VenCost2, the current Margin %, and the result of VenCost2 * margin%. I want this to display on the same page and underneath the calculation button, preferably not having to reload the page.
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May 7, 2011
I have an array containing 100 different values. How would I randomly pick 25 of them for display? For now I do: for (var i=0; i<markers.length && i<25; i++) {
html += markers[i].name + '<br />';
Which of course returns 25 values but always in the same order which is not what I want. PS. My array could also contain only 20 values, in which case I would like the function to display the 20 values randomly sorted.
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Nov 28, 2009
i was wondering how you would go about displaying an array of names without hard coding them in the .htm file? example: i have a array of names and the way i list them is to hard code each table entry. what i want to do is have the same array of names, but use javascript to display the names without hard coding it. i want to list 9 columns and have it go until the last name is listed.
i have: function initalize()
this.length = initalize.arguments.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) this[ i + 1 ] = initalize.arguments[ i ];
var familynames = new initalize('list of names here');
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Mar 25, 2011
this code starts by creating foodArray, 2 dimensional array. Body onload calls fillTable, which fills the table with the first 5 elements of foodArray. In the bottom right is next and last buttons to display different pages of elements in the array. It works fine for foodArray, and because theres 5 elements per page, the 3rd page shows results 11, 12, and 13 as it should. The problem happens when you conduct a search.
Enter "o" in the textbox labelled "food" and it searches foodArray in the appropriate column and returns 8 results. The first 5 results display fine. But when you click next, instead of showing the last 3 results, all 3 entries are undefined. I cannot for the life of me figure out what's wrong. Also, i seem to have to declare the foodArray and resultArray and initialize them with empty values in order for the script to work? Aren't JS arrays supposed to be dynamic?
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Nov 29, 2006
Right now, the array items print out without spaces like "Jane,John,Mary,Sue". I need to be able to work with the items individually so I can format them so they read "Jane, John, Mary and Sue". I thought I'd be able to do something like v[i] + ", " but I get an "undefined" when I try to alert for v[i]. Can someone point me in the right direction? Code:
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Jan 26, 2010
I am looking to make a page with a display on it using input boxes, but I want the input boxes to get some of the values from an array I enter at the beginning. To start with I am only entering 2 items, as it will make it easier until I have it all up and running. I have no problems getting a table to come up, with a label and then an input box beside it. I can even prompt the user for the number of input boxes they require. I also can make it so that the input box is disabled, so that the user cannot change the contents of it. But, I am totally stuck as to how to get this how I want it...
I am wanting labels at the top of each row, not the left hand side, and I am wanting rows of 3 input boxes, with the first 2 containing the text from my array, which is what I'm wanting ti be the disabled boxes. Basically I am starting a very simple page for an online order facility.
This is the code I have been working on, I have totally messed it up by now trying different things but it will give an idea of what I have been attempting I figured lol. I have got it to have 6 empty input boxes all on top of each other, but I realised after that if i set all the values etc in the table, then im not getting the array to define the contents :S and, they are still all on top of each other which i dont want... And my attempts at getting the array to define the number of input boxes has so far been futile. I end up with a blank page, just a button. just getting frustrated lol.
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Aug 24, 2011
I would like to display the elements in my array but it is NOT working. Here's my code:
HTML Code:
<TITLE>Test Input</TITLE>
<script type="text/javascript">
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Feb 14, 2011
I have two arrays (States, Cities) I am trying to allow the user to chose one from a select form (Choice) and then have the values of the chosen array displayed in a alert(). Obviously I could just write an if statement and display the required content depending on whether the value selected == States or Cities. But this project is just a placeholder project for me to figure out one aspect of a much larger project I am working on. And it is important for the result to be chosen dynamically as in the final project I won't know the values that the select field is being filled with.What I need to do is take the value returned from the select field (Choice) and turn that into the name of the array and display that. If I use this code
PHP Code:
then it returns the values of that array. But like I said I need to be able to dynamically select what array to display based on users input
PHP Code:
returns the value chosen. How can I take the value chosen and actually display the value of the array with that same name. In other words let JS know that I don't literally want it to display the value chosen but rather the value chosen is the name of the array I want it to display?
PHP Code:
Pseudo code
x = document.getElementById("Choice").value;
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May 16, 2009
I am trying to display each array item per click in a textbox, so on the first click it dispalys array[0], on the second click it displays array[1]..etc.I thought this might do it but it seems it rattles all the way through to the last array item
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string[] numbers; declare numbers as an int array of any size[code].....
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Sep 17, 2009
I'm not an expert with javascript nor am I too familiar with the syntax. What I'm trying to do is store all errors into an array like so:
Code JavaScript:
var errors = new Array();
var example = '';
if (example == '') {
errors[] = 'This example field is empty';
What I'm trying to do at the end is display the array if its not empty into a DIV called errors (or something). I know how to do this in PHP but I'm trying to do first validation layer through javascript. So something like this:
Code JavaScript:
<div class="errors">
if (errors != '') {//If the array is not empty
for (keyvar in errors) {
document.write(array[keyvar]);//Display Errors
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Apr 13, 2011
Here is my code:
if (!goBook)
if (V == "*")[code]....
What I am trying to do is display a different image for each car type in the loop (eg carpic1, carpic2, carpic3 etc).
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Aug 9, 2002
Using javascript how do I remove all the data within a particular table row and store it in an array. Then if the user wants it back I append the information to the same table again from the array.
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