I don't have a clue what they're called, and I'm only guessing that it's a JavaScript function. But I've seen webpages where you can put your cursor on a word or sentence, and a block of explanatory text pops up.
I think it's frequently used on navigation menus. For example, imagine the following menu:
If you place your cursor on the Issues link, a block of text might pop up that says, "From the economy to the environment, learn what the candidates are talking about." If you then click the link, you'll be taken to the Issues page.
Can somebody tell me how I can make a popup window appear behind the main browser window by modifying the script below to do this? I would like it so the popup will load but they won't see it until they close the main window.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> <!-- Begin var popupWin function openWindow() { popupWin = window.open("http://www.domain.com", 'win', 'menubar=yes,status=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,width=800,height=600') } // End --> </script>
I kinda stuck at this point on my php script, it has this javascript code and I stuck there:
Line 16: echo("<script language="JavaScript"> function openptc(tpge,pnme,w,h){ settings="width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",scrollbars=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=1,menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=no"; window.open(tpge,pnme,settings); } //--> </script>");
Line 72: print "<td><a href="#" onClick="openptc('./paidtoclick.php?adid=$row[linkid]&action=start&".session_name()."=".session_id()."','PaidtoClickPage','640','480');"><b>Click Here To View</b></a><tr>";
I think those 2 lines actually are my problem. This code makes the site open in a new pop up window. how to make it open in a new tab.
I want to resize the dialog/popup box that appears as datepicker. How can I make the size smaller than what it comes as default size? I have to navigate on the dates using arrow keys. How it is possible to implement.
We want to load the popup window when the page is loaded but this popup window must not be visible to the end user. We need this to do some processing in the popup window which is hidden.
I am trying to make a onblur make something go away. I thouhgt i had this settled before, but then i tried it, and it didnt work, but i cant find the other thread.The onblur is supposed to make the popup menu disapear when it is clicked off
As per the rather long subject, I would like to (well, my boss would like me to...) on a popup have one button to close and another to close but then redirect to another page.
I am trying to do a popup window, which will load when the page loads. Using the onLoad in the <Body> tag. However it doesn't seem to be working. Also when the popup loads there will be a form which the user selects an option and the form is sent to a email address with the answer chosen and then the popup closed. Code:
I have an webbpage, and in the middle of it there is an iframe to a php site. So i have used this code, so after some seconds the iframe will send the guest to another page. <meta http-equiv="refresh" traget="_top" content="5 url=http://mypage.com"/> But the thing is that i want the WHOLE page to reload, and go to that page after 5 seconds (we can say). With that code, only the iframe are going to another page. Is it possible to make the whole page send the user after some seconds, to another page and not only the iframe?
i want to make a iframe page that loading a page from other site. I have try "jQuery iFrame Sizing" to set auto height in iframe... but it is failed.
This is my code : ------------- on Head <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/iframe.js"></script> on Body
I'm having a problem on a particular site I am working on.
The URL is [url]
The problem is that when I try to close the browser in IE on the main page I get an popup with an error which says: "An error has occured on the script on this page"
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
"Yes" or "No" (Buttons to Click)
I have to click the 'Yes' button about thirty times before the browser will finally close. Does anyone have any idea what this is?
When someone comes to my site I would like to check to see if their homepage is set to my site. If it is then nothing is done. If it is not then I'd like a link to appear that asks if they'd like to set their home page to my site.
Can this be done? If so can someone post the code to do it?
i need a script that allows users to make my page as browser homepage, (i.e, when users click a link, the page will be their home page e.x (Make anairat page as homepage.
I need an Exit popup page that when a visitor is on leaving my site it will popup. With "onUnLoad" it can work in this way but it also does something more that I don't want. When a visitor click links to pages within my site the popup will also open. I don't want this. What I need is that only when a visitor is leaving my site but current page, the popup will open. Anyone have a solution for this please give me a hand.
I wrote an ASP-page which allows friends to upload a datafile which will be processed and stored in a database. Because large files take some time to process I want to open a popup 'Please wait, processing' with some fancy graphics. So, onSubmit -> check form and open popup if correct. When data is written into the database (and summary page has finished loading) I want to close the popup.... although I named it winDialog (winDialog = window.open(...)) the new page tells me it can't find this popup ( if (window.winDialog) { winDialog.close() } ). Can anyone tell me what's wrong? Maybe I'm doing things wrong. Or could you perhaps put me in a right direction...
I'm working on this system, where an admin can manage articles and stuff. The editing, adding and deleting of articles is done from within a Javascript popup. When the new article is added, the admin can hit a "close this window"-link to return to the admin-page, which contains a list of all articles.
This works fine, however, when returning to the list-page, the new article hasn't been added to the list, because there was no page refresh. Is there any way to invoke a page refresh from within the editing-popup?
I have this script which I found bits-and-pieces and put together to display and close the popup. The problem is I couldn't figure out a way to close the popup by clicking anywhere on a page. I can close by clicking on the link but that's not what i want. I want to be able to click anywhere on a page to close the popup.
How could I open a page/popup after closing one? The objective is to log the user out if they haven't Logged out or clicked Logout.
I am sure there is a simple way to do this. None of my ideas work.
The only answer I could come with (after testing the whole day...) IE(any version), Firefox, and other browsers don't support this idea, due to the fact that the user clicked close and you can't impose things on them.
i need to pass variables to a popup page. I have already made the page i want to be popped up, it is called popup.html and is in the same file location.Here is how i am making the page popup:
<head> <script type="text/javascript"> function prizes(){
I have a page that loads a fancybox popup and it works perfectly with the cookie for setting ho many days to show. the problem i have is that i need it to show 1 every 24 hours over a 3 day period. once the 3rd day is over and the user sees the window for the 3rd day i need a cookie set to never show the window again. here is my code as it sits now. I have worked with this for a couple of days on and off and it is above my head for sure.
How can I use a pop-up page to navigate the parent page?
For instance, on my homepage, I have something like "Click here to choose your location". This should open up a page, with a list of option that I can choose to navigate the homepage!