I'm trying to make a time script for an app I'm making (this is not an HTML document; it's a .js file to be used with Titanium) however I'm having trouble getting the function to display and update.
function updateClock() { setInterval ( 'kiTime()', 1000 ); } function kiTime () { //Get current date and time [Code]...
If I use kiTime() under the text field I will get the current time (or at least the time the app was opened), however if I call updateClock() it's blank.
I am new in web development. I think this problem is related to javascript, I have write script which will change images after 2sec, through setInterval function. Script is as follows.
<script> var images = new Array ("img/1.jpg", "img/2.jpg", "img/3.jpg"); var currentIndex = 0; function Start(){ setInterval("ChangeImage()", 2000); }function ChangeImage(){ currentIndex++; if(currentIndex == images.length){ currentIndex = 0; } document.images[0].src = images[currentIndex]; } </script>
But when I place in img tag which is in third row div and reload page, these series of images show in first row div. It does not show where I have specified area for it in css.
First row div: <div id="menu"> <img src="header/menu.png" name="menuImg"/> </div> My series of images show in this div when I load page.
In my mouseClick function I have a setInterval which call cursor function. Unfortunately it's not working. Below is my code:
var canvas; var ctx; var cursor_width = 1; var cursor_height = 16; var wait_time = 500; var repeat_time = 1000; var height = 22; var textbox = new Array(); var repeat; .....
I tried the following code as well but I received a message telling me it's not a function repeat = setInterval("this.cursor()", repeat_time);
I have got two div's for javascript, dyn1 and dyn2. Dyn1 on mouse over sets a interval and on mouse out clears the interval.
When the page loads it calls a function called 'first' and this displays a table in dyn1.
Then the user can click a link and this calls another function 'second' which deleted the table in dyn1 and creates a table in dyn2 and is suposed to clear the setInterval.
The problem is after a second of clearing dyn1 and creating the table in dyn2 the setinterval is still running and deletes dyn2 and re creates the table in dyn1.
Is it possible to stop a interval when the user clicks a link? At the moment the second function is calling the stoptimer() function to try and stop it.
I want to pass the object to a function that is called with a setInterval, like so: Code: function Test(obj) { divTest.innerText = obj.id; } function ClickMe(obj) { itv = setInterval( 'Test(' + obj + ')' , 10 ); } So when I click a link I want to execute every 10 msec a test. This off course does not work.
I am trying to get a variable to increment in a function called by setInterval. It does one then stops... All I want is for the slider function to loop through the array over and over again, but it seems to like stopping after the first one. Here is the code:
<script type='text/javascript'> var i = 0; function slider(varToSlide) {
I have just started learning JQuery and have a doubt in the below code. $.get('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack);The doubt is should the 1st parameter of the get function be a HTML file or can it be a unction name?
I want to call java function in javascript.In which we pass one parameter to function and its returns String value which I want to display in alert message.
Captions for the images are called from the parameters of the main function and delivered into a span or div tag with the appropriate id. A very important part of what needs to be in the captions is text compiled by a separate function, in the project library.I've tried this with and without curly, square and round brackets, with and without semicolons and quotes- all with varying results. Sometimes the function is called, but it appears at the very top of the page and nowhere near the proper <span> tag.
addImage(a,b,c,d); // filename, image name and caption are in a, b and c. // d is the variable where I need to write my other function... addRef(t,s); // I need to put addRef in the d parameter of addImage.
I have a simple JS function that I want to return a true or false value based on the parameter passed in. At this point of time I receive the error "'True' is undefined". Here is my code below.
onclick="ShowSpecifiedPeriod(<%If bShowPeriod = false then Response.Write true else Response.Write false%>)"
The ASP variable bShowPeriod is set based on the hidden form field "ShowPeriod" and the initial value is set to false.
More than likely this has to do with the boolean Parameter but I am not sure how to handle this in JS. I have tried the following but receive the same results.
function ShowSpecifiedPeriod(boolean pShowPeriod) - Same Error function ShowSpecifiedPeriod(pShowPeriod boolean) - Same Error
I have an XML string which I want to pass to a java script function, where I am displaying that in different window with use of 'window.open()' method, but it is giving error.
I'm adding buttons to my google map through a loop. I pass some parameters, and the addButtons() function creates the buttons. How can I pass the "task" for the button to the function? In the addDomListener line below, I'm now writing the function name literally, I'd like find a way with a parameter.
// The loop... for (i=0;i<=4;i++) { oCC = addButtons(aCtrls[i],'btnContainerChild');
I have a JSON array data.cells that I need to iterate through to get the values out of and put the values into an onclick event listener.
Right now the variable name data.cells[i].letter is being based through the buildString function for each cell in my board, instead of the value of the variable. Same goes for the x and y variables.
I've been searching now for quite a while trying to look for a way to give the default value to a function argument if it's not given. For example, in php one would do the follow:
function func_name(foo = 'default') { ... }
In the above case, if foo isn't supplied while calling for the function, then foo would default to 'default'. I have tried that in javascript, but it doesn't appear to be working, so I am wondering how should I do this in javascript?
how would function doSomething be written for this to work.
I would also like the hash to be optional and the variables in the hash to be optional. meaning i should also be able to call doSomething(); with no variables in it.