Generate Timestamp To Avoid Duplicate Transactions?
Jan 19, 2010
Does anyone know of any "best practice" approach (or indeed ANY approach) to preventing accidental duplicate transactions on an e-commerce or online banking type site?
I'm having some issues on my site where the same transaction is being processed multiple times, and I've more-or-less ruled out user error (e.g. once the user clicks the SUBMIT button, some Javascript code disables it to prevent accidental extra clicks). It looks like the browser (or an intermediate proxy) is very occasionally reissuing GET and POST requests to the server, resulting in the same transaction being processed multiple times.
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May 12, 2010
I have a webcam that uploads an image to my non-profit's website via FTP every 15 seconds. The filename is webcam.jpg. I have a javascript that automatically reloads the image (NOT the entire page) every 15 seconds as well. The script is as follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
function reloadImage() {
var now = new Date();
if (document.images) {
document.images.myobject.src = 'images/webcam.jpg?' + now.getTime();
The script works great--the webcam image refreshes every 15 seconds without refreshing the entire page. What I'm trying to do is add javascript that will also display the timestamp of the webcam.jpg file when the image is refreshed (so that people know what time/date the image they're looking at was taken). I'm guessing this involves some sort of AJAX request, but I haven't the foggiest idea how to make it happen.
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Mar 6, 2007
im trying to convert Date() into a unix timestamp so i can stick the result into a mysql db.
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Oct 30, 2010
I have this code working, it's sorting by text, then a timestamp:
Code JavaScript:
jQuery.fn.sortBy = function() {
var selectors = arguments;
this.sort(function(a, b) {
The script is called by the fuction
Code JavaScript:
$(".list_item").sortBy('.count', '.timestamp');
change the timestamp to sorting by regular number, like 1 - 10?
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Aug 11, 2009
I'm trying to add a unix timestamp into an exisiting function, but am uncertain how you add the variable. I searched the boards here, and came across this example to convert a date to unix in javascript. var date3 = new Date(Date.parse("21 May 2009 10:03:20")); And I'm trying to add it to this: flashobj3.addVariable ("targetTime", $date3);
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Jun 25, 2011
I did some search from the internet and check for jquery plugin that I can use so that I can display datetime base on clients local time. But not much seems to be what I'm looking for.Example like the facebook wall's post that posted datetime. It will display like 12 mins but as u stay on the page more than a min it will display 13 mins. Then for older post it will dispaly in more details like month, day, year, time, etc.
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Sep 7, 2011
i am passing oracle time stamp dates to javascript array element. the problem is i am unable to convert them to standard format: here is the date format i am getting from Oracle to javascript array: {ts '2011-03-15 00:00:00'} and here is what i want to get : 03/15/2011
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Jul 23, 2005
i have a html page with some javascript functions in a js file linked
to it. now, if i create a function in the html page with the same name as one
of js functions, how can i call the function that exists on js file
(from html)?
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Nov 23, 2006
I am trying to assign an "onclick" event to a dynamically-created DOM
element (an image).
I have read countless times that "eval()" is to be avoided at all costs.
However, I cannot seem to get my new onclick to work without it.
Here's what I have so far:
myeval = 'detachFile(this);'
detachImage = getElementById('detach-jfhahhf');
detachImage.onclick = function() { eval(myeval) }
This works perfectly fine for me, but this is a web-app that will be
exposed to public users, and I obviously don't want them being able to
eval anything if i can help it.
Can that be done without the eval()?
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Oct 21, 2009
I'm using an ActiveX control in my html page.. Each time i load the page ie pops a message box to allow the activex to run or not . Is there any way to handle that message box using javascript. Or is there any other way to avoid that message box because each time the page loads i have to give yes and then proceed. By default i've to give yes is there any way to handle that using javascript.
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Jul 14, 2006
I am trying to make some IE-only JScript work on Firefox and Safari.
Does anyone know of equivalent methods for these functions?
It is only necessary that any equivalent functions work on the lateset
versions of Firefox and Safari.
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Oct 31, 2006
using duplicate javascripts on the same page never work for me due
to the same property fields on the page twice. Anyone know how to get
around this?
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Jul 20, 2005
I wrote this function to avoid the enter key in some of my textboxes.
In IE the function works as expected, in Netscape 6 or 7 it does not
work. How can I make my function works in both IE and Netscape.
<input type="text" maxlength="13" id="txtType" onKeyPress="NoEnter();"
<Script language='Javascript'>
function NoEnter()
if (window.event.keyCode == 13)
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
window.event.returnValue = false;
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Jan 12, 2010
My text and what I have been researching on the internet has not been very helpful in determining the code that I need to prevent a user from entering his/her information more than once. Here is my current code
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD.HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
I have created a new web page to link the duplicate cookie too, titled doubleinfo.html. This is what I am using to let the user know that their information has already been entered.
My text is telling me that I need to look for a nextform() function, but I didn't have to write one so what would I need to do, if anything, to start the document.cookie = "name" codes?
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Oct 22, 2010
Im working on a project for my website where I would like to be able to change the value of a number by using js, and using getElemenById. For example:
"The taxi fare is $25"
"A hamburger is $4"
In the above sentence I would like to be able to change the value of 25 & 4 by giving them an id and then using js to increase (or decrease) their value, to allow for future inflation, without having to go back and manually change every number on lots of pages (if for example in 1 years time a hamburger is worth $6 then the info above is outdated and should be changed). If i could use a variable such as "RateUSD = 1" I could increase "1" to say "1.05" and it would increase the value of all id='USD' by 5% onload rather than having to manually change it by typing.
I so far have come up with the code below, but I think the reason it does not work is because I have created a circular equation - id='USD" is the start of the equation, but it is also in the equation itself, and it is the resulting answer, so effectively I have created "A = A*B", or in this case "25 = 25*1.1"
I chose "id" as I would like to be able to have different currencies (with different id, such as 'EURO','GBP', etc) on the same pages and on multiple pages. I'll crack it eventually, I would just like to know if I'm heading in the right direction, or is there a better method that I could use? I found plenty of example for changing text with "innerHTML", but so far I haven't seen any for updating numbers onload by calculation, except for forms, etc, which are different.
The code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeCurrency(){
I will later put the js in an external file with a link to it "...src="support-files/currencyChange.js" (or something like that), but for now I have put it on the same page.
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Mar 16, 2011
on my page below:[URL] I have a navigation of 1,2,3,4,5which when a user clicks on a different number the image changes, I need to have this navigation for the 4 other large boxes underneath?!here is the code to the page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
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Aug 3, 2006
I have a single dimension array with the following data stored on it.
a[0] = 1~1~10
a[1] = 1~2~11
a[2] = 1~3~15
a[3] = 1~4~19
a[5] = 1~6~10
Here in my case a[0] and a[5] is duplicate because i am using 1 or 0 for active and deactivate purpose a[4] is deactivate value so we can ignore the 10 in this. so in my case 10 is repeated twice on a[0]and a[5] not a[4], so its duplicate value. can any one help me to solve this.
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Nov 8, 2010
The problem I am having is when the following script is executed within my page and the user submits the form, the variables passed to the GET array are duplicated only for the inputs created by my script. I have other inputs in the form that are created within the HTML of the page that work fine (i.e. they only try to pass their value once) but I cannot get my script to work properly.
Here is my script:
Here is an example of what the url looks like after the form containing this script has been submitted:
The input (segments) created in my page only submits itself once, while anything created by the script (segment_type_1, segment_type_2, etc.) submits itself twice with the second, blank value overriding the first, correct value.
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Jan 29, 2010
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">[code]......
Based on the code above, i wanted to generate an array of input which have the ID "ordDate", so to populate the data into the input, i identify by name attribute.It works fine if i remove the ID for the input, but in my case,the ID is compulsory. Is there any workaround to cater for my needs?
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Jun 30, 2010
I am having a table with rows created using a button click event. While adding rows to the table, I create drop dowlist using
objVehicles = document.createElement("<SELECT class='dropdownbox' id=Vehicles"+objAlertRowId+" name=Vehicles"+objAlertRowId+" STYLE='width:148px'; onchange='setDataChanged();toggleEditButton(" + objAlertRowId+ ",this.value);' >");
And the output will be like the attached screen shot.
The control name as Vehicles0,Vehicles1 and so on Now I want to restrict that the the user select no duplicates from the List.
What logic I can implement ?
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Jul 23, 2005
Is it possible to have only vertical scrolling enabled on a DIV?
style="BORDER:1px ; OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH:799px; HEIGHT:249px;position:
absolute; top:0; left:0; "
will have both horizontal and vertica scrollbars once the dim of the content
exceeds the DIV's size.
Can it be made so only vertical scrollbars will appear?
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Aug 23, 2005
Value entered in textarea is: "this "TEST" is not going well"
JS sends to server this value: "this "TEST" is not going well"
How to force JS not to convert the string ? I want JS to send exactly what
is typed in the form controls. Is there a function to call?
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Jul 20, 2005
Problem: I have two dropdown list boxes with same data(all data driven).
These are used for two separate entries. For every entry you cannot choose the same value twice. For example, I cannot choose for entry 1 the same value in both selection boxes (gqCategory1Entry1 and gqCategory2Entry1)
This part works.
The second entry is the problem: When I choose a value for Entry
Two that is the same as in entry one it thinks that "Dubplicate
Divisons have been selected").
WHen in fact these are two separate entries.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have to access a website which does a stupid browser check and only
accepts Netscape 4.7. The problem is that I have to access the website with
Mozilla or Internet Explorer. Code:
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Mar 20, 2011
I have a registration form and I woud like to make a button what after pressed some textboxe's value copied into some others. I can program it in C# but I would like to use jQuery to I dont have to postback it to the server.
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Sep 12, 2009
currently i am developing w3schools type website.
w3schools has ' Try it Yourself ' tab when visitors can edit code for tutorial.i wanna doing this type of function and i have already done but only a problem facing.An additional code Website Analytic Code always appears in my ' Try It Yourself ' textarea can i avoid this additional code?
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