Function Called By Onload Event Not Executing Fully?
Jan 28, 2009
I am having issues with the following bit of code:
function test(){
var testvar = document.getElementById("topMenu").getElementsByTagName("li");
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Jan 24, 2006
i have an html page that when it loads theres an onLoad event called which calls a what i want to do is be able to click a link that refreshes the page but at the time on the refresh it skips the onLoad event. is this possible?
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm having a hard time figuring out why the onload event is not being
called for the frameset window in the following simple example. It is
being called for each of the component frames. Code:
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Nov 15, 2011
I'm trying to run this script on Firefox. I'm copying and pasting the whole thing in here just to be safe, but I'm mostly concerned with getting the findLegendary function to call catchPok(). The script executes fine, goes into the battle, but then...does nothing.It runs the catchPok function if I manually click and deselect the "Find Legendary" window option, so alternately, if somebody knows how to make the program automatically click the element at that point to stop repeating the function (maybe?) and it works, I'd be just as happy with that. My best guess is that the autoContinue function might be interfering somehow, since it runs that portion of the code with the manual findLegendary shutoff, but to be honest I'm pretty clueless.
What I want it to do is run the catch function through, catch the game pixel, and then go back to repeating. I don't care how this is accomplished as long as it can feasibly loop. The game rules allow botting, so this isn't against any site rules, either.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Pokemon Vortex Tool
// @namespace
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Jul 23, 2005
I made a function call on the form onLoad event and it is ignored
in firefox. I place an alert box just b4 the fucntion and it is called
correctly by the browser but it stops when it enters the fucntion.
This work as it is intended in IE. How do I make a fucntion call in
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Mar 2, 2009
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<META content="Evrsoft First Page" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>
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Mar 7, 2010
I have no previous programing experience so I find myself struggling with even adapting tutorial made navigation to my needs... Anyway, I have this 3 state/sprite/jquery navigation bar, in two(2!) versions, got them by using 2 different tutorials. And neither one does exactly what I want...[code]...
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Apr 19, 2010
Somewhere on this forum I found a piece of code, javascript, that was titled something like 'cursor position conversted to css styling'. It's good. I'm learning something. But there's one thing I don't understand. There's a function called 'zxcMse(event)' and it doesn't get called by anything.
But I have a feeling that it is not wasted - something is calling it. Maybe the system knows it is there and it is called by a mouse event. But how does the system know it is there?
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May 24, 2011
Im running js to do some color coding in a table, i tried adding the onload but its not working, can someone take a look ? I need this to run when the entire page is fully loaded and not before.
var table1_column_settings = [
[32,40], // ito score - First column values more than 5 will be red, 2-5 will be yellow, less than 2 will be green
[11,12], // schedule
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to convert an on load event into a function. I think this should be really simple, but I'm new to Javascript. The following works fine as the page loads
var favorite = GetCookie('DemoName');
if (favorite > Ƈ')
window.location.href = 'page2.htm'
alert('You must complete the lesson before proceeding');
I have tried to make it into a function by adding function CookieRedirect() {
at the top and a closing
} at the end, and calling it using a form button in the body:
<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Redirect" onClick="CookieRedirect ()">-
but no luck.
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Dec 4, 2011
I'm trying to assign and event to a tag during the onload function,but I don't seem to be using the correct syntax.
<title> Test Event Assignment </title>
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Sep 14, 2010
I've been developing an application that uses a combination of Javascript and PHP. It's a sizeable form that includes the option for the user, on certain form objects, to add additional text boxes for multiple answers. I created a Javascript function that uses the insertRow() method. The user can click on a link which adds a row with a text box for an additional response. My function works great and, after some work around I got the values to post correctly, but where I'm running into trouble is re-populating those additional fields if I have to bring the user back to edit input that was not put in correctly.
My solution was to have create a PHP varible which is a javascript function call, e.g.:
$var = "js_function('varName1','varName2', 'varName3', 1 , '" . $post_val . "')";
Using the posted variables that apply and then echoing that into the onload event handler in the body tag. This calls the same function that was originally used to add the row to have it add the row again and populate it with the already submitted data. It all looks great, like it should work, but it doesn't and I'm wondering if there is something about the onload event handler which I don't know about. It was my understanding that the event handler executes when the page is fully loaded. If that is the case, my solution should work.
I don't know if there's some error I'm not seeing or if I'm trying to make the onload event handler do something it's not supposed to. I used a similar solution on another application and it works there. To give a better understanding, here is the function:
function appendIaRow(tblId, valID, oName, Nbr, populate1, populate2) {
var tbl = document.getElementById(tblId);
var newRow = tbl.insertRow(tbl.rows.length);
var numi = document.getElementById(valID);
var num = (document.getElementById(valID).value -1)+ 2;
numi.value = num;
var rowID = 'Row'+num;
var newCell = newRow.insertCell(0);
newCell.innerHTML = "<input type=\"text\" name=\""+oName+"Name["+num+"]\" value=\""+populate1+"\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"150\"/> <a href=\"Javascript:;\" onclick=\"deleteLastRow('"+tblId+"','"+rowID+"');\" style=\"text-decoration:none\">X</a><br /><br />";
var newCell2 = newRow.insertCell(1);
if (Nbr == 1){
newCell2.innerHTML = "";
newCell2.innerHTML = "# <input type=\"text\" name=\""+oName+"Number["+num+"]\" value=\""+populate2+"\" size=\"17\" maxlength=\"17\"/><br /><br />";
Here is the coding for the event handler('initialize()' is a different function altogether - that works):
<body onload="initialize(),<?php echo $init ?>;">
And here is what it looks like from the source code when the page is displaying in a browser:
<body onload="initialize(),appendIaRow('AdmTbl','AdmValue','Administrator', 1, 'Joan'),;">
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Nov 10, 2010
I have the following javascript function:
[ function addNewWindowEvent(evType, fn)
if (window.addEventListener)
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Dec 21, 2009
How do I pass a PHP variable into a window.onload event function? I have a URL that I need to pass to the JavaScript file that has this function in it. The JavaScript file itself is being linked from the PHP file that will pass the variable and I've seen many examples of how this is done via embedded JavaScript, but none where someone is linking to an external JavaScript file. I suppose this is probably a trivial matter to most of you, but I've never done this before and could use some guidance!
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Jul 28, 2010
I have this function:
function correctBookmark() {
var title = "SERCO Benefits";
var url = "";
if (window.sidebar) { // firefox
It works in FF but not IE.
If I use:
$(document).ready(function () {
It works in FF but not IE.
I want to auto bookmark for the user.
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to submit a form from a window.onload event as follows:
<form method="POST" action="" name=login>
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="Username" value=username04761316 >
<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="Password" value=password05497967 >
<INPUT TYPE=hidden value="Sign in">
window.onload = document.forms[0].submit;
This page looks up a username and password and submits a form to log
on to another application on a different server. This works on my PC
and on most other PCs I've used to test this on, but it's not working
on one of our user's PCs. It remains on this page, and it appears as
if no attempt is made to execute the script.
We're both using Internet Explorer 6. Are there any browser settings
(or anything else she might have installed, such as popup blockers)
that might stop this code being run? I've checked the proxy server
isn't stripping out the JavaScript.
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May 7, 2009
I'm don't do Javascript that often and I have a function that is not working fully. The problem is that the first function Form1_Validator runs correctly, but checkTheBox() does not run at all. Its a form validation script. The first function checks that text fields are filled and the second checks to make sure that at least one checkbox is checked.
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Dec 2, 2010
I am doing a simple function to validate text fields(you can see the code below). Now, the alert box appears only once when I refresh the page, not when I click inside or outside the username box. #username is the id of a input text field. On a sidenote, how can I pass multiple parameters to the function(not a fixed number of params)? or should I just pass an array?
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Feb 8, 2010
I have a button on a page that is created with the <input> statement - this statement also contains the event handler onClick. The button displays correctly on the page but the event handler is not working - I know this as I put a simple alert at the beginning of the function PrcsBtn1.
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function PrcsBtn1()
var data2 = new Array();
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Jan 11, 2010
I modified a particular page in the following way:
I ran an init function on window.onload, which iterated thorugh the checkboxes on the page and assigned an event handler function - let's call it validate() to each checkbox.
I tested it in the big 5 browsers and ran into a strange issue in I.E. only -
let's say there are the following checkboxes code...
When I click on "box1" the function is not called. When check "box2" the function is called but by "box1", when I click on "box3" the function is called by "box2" and so forth...
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Sep 19, 2011
I have a page that I click an edit button. Upon clicking the edit button, another page is loaded via ajax, and displayed inside a <div> tag. During the new page that is loaded, I am pulling some field's properties to see if they are filled in, and if they are, then make them a certain color. Currently, on slower internet connections, this PageLoad function will not work because the pageload function is ran before the page is actually loaded.
So, I am looking for a solution to check to see if the page is loaded, completely, then I want to run the PageLoad function. Here is the function from the click of the button that says "edit". This calls the page to display:
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Oct 10, 2011
I have a simple button in my HTML. I also have a function in my external JavaScript file. This function calls an alert box with some text. Now, I also have a global variable in my JavaScript that gets the button by id, then assigns the onclick event handler to it which in turn is assigned the call to my alert box function. Simple right?
Problem: The alert box shows up when the page loads as well as when the button is clicked. This is not desirable. code...
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Feb 27, 2011
I have a small script that tries to open a child window. if successful, it then closes the child window and redirects the parent window. If this process fails, there is no child window, no redirection.
the script below works fine in FireFox but in Chrome, if the process fails, the redirection still happens. code...
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Jul 1, 2010
I'm using the Google AJAX APIs, but some reason google.load works when run through normal javascript, but if I call the method from my jquery ready function it doesn't work. Code and output is below
<script type="text/javascript">
function loaded() {
console.debug("in loaded function");
window.loadFirebugConsole is not a function If I comment out line 3 in code.js, the console debug runs okay, so the ready function is running okay. Even though there's a reference to Firebug, the same error occurs in Safari too. Nothing on the page loads.
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Oct 23, 2009
I am trying to insert the following call into my page;
It works fine in all browsers except ie(6,7,8) Internet Explorer can not open website. Operation Aborted. I understand it is caused by the jquery autocomplete function loading before the page / DOM has fully loaded. I tried adding Defer="true" to the script however this doesn't seem to work.
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Mar 10, 2011
Any way to wait until it is fully loaded
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 4000, true);
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