Format Input Button Text?
Jul 27, 2010
I'm trying to reduce the height of input buttons, but am unable to center the text vertically. Tried every css trick I know, but the text is still too low (I can make it lower :P). Any way to do this?
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Oct 20, 2010
I need to have a text input with a button, and when the button is clicked the text must be copied to a div. When copying, each character needs to be placed on a separate line within that div container. Before this happens though, the content currently in the div must be cleared.
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Apr 10, 2005
trying to insert html into a text area when clicking a image, I can insert normal text but can't get the html to insert, anyhelp is great. PHP Code:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function sendText(e, text)
e.value += text
PHP Code:
<img src="images/archive_download_ie.gif" name="image" width="72" height="19" onClick="sendText(document.add_post.content, '<a href="#"><img src="images/archive_download_exe.gif" width="72" height="19" border="0"></a>')">
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Oct 9, 2011
I have a table (not in a form) that has several input text boxes. I want to have a reset button that acts like the form RESET button. I thought I would use the following jQuery method:
Here's my reset button code:
Here's one of my table input lines:
I thought this would be simple, but I can't seem to figure out how to target the text that the user types into an input field before he/she decides to "reset" and start over.
I'm thinking that my problem is that I can't find the correct syntax for my line: $('input.firstname').value('')
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Nov 22, 2010
I am working with a php code that I am trying to edit a bit. The last part I am trying to change I cannot figure out. Essentially I want to change the "Login" submit button to just a text link that says "Login" instead.
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Jun 3, 2011
I have been trying to figure out this seemingly easy function and have not had any luck.
Anyways, I have a form with a list of radio buttons, and one of them has a "select your own" or "custom" text entry.
<input type="radio" name="text" value="1" checked /> 0
<input type="radio" name="text" value="2" /> 1
<input type="radio" name="text" value="3" /> 2
Essentially, whenever a user either clicks in the text input or starts typing in the input, I would like the radio button to be selected. As of now, if you open the page and click on the text field, the default 'checked' radio button still is checked.
Does anyone know of a simple "onclick" event or something similar to accomplish this?
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Oct 31, 2010
I'm trying to create a custom meta box on Wordpress with multiple text fields.The idea is that there is initially one text box, then you can click the button 'Add New' and a another text box is added. This needs to be via Ajax; using Javascript doesn't physically create the HTML and I have to use a PHP foreach loop to get all of the values from and combine them into an array in order to be saved.
Currently via PHP I've created a foreach loop that creates a text box for each value from the custom field (etc, 3 text boxes). I want to create a button that when clicked, it will add another blank text box as part of this foreach loop. When the post is saved, it will get the values from the 4 text boxes and save them back into the array.
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May 11, 2010
I wrote this form to try to display the value of the chosen radio button on a text input.
Choose one choice...
<input type="radio" name="group1" value="5">Five<br>
<input type="radio" name="group1" value="10">Ten<br>
<input type="button" value="Get Result!" onClick="T1.value=group1.value"><br>
How come the onClick="T1.value=group1.value" results in undefined instead of 5 (or 10) ?
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Sep 21, 2011
The datepicker allows a default date to be set in a format such as "+7d" or even "+1m +7d", etc... However, is it possible to allow the user to input in this format as well directly into the input field that is defined as a datepicker? It looks like there is validation happening on each keystroke which is limiting what character classes can be entered.
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Mar 15, 2011
I have been working on this code for a few days now and it works. Or at least it appears to be working. I would like to have the tot 1, tot 2, tot 3 return with currency formatting. Is there a way to add something to my code to accomplish this?
<script type="text/javascript" src="autoCurrency.js"></script>
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Aug 1, 2010
Im new to jquery so bare over with me :) I have a form, and when the user clicks the submit button, I want jquery to first validate a date field for its format. The format has to be like this: dd-mm-yyyy. So a date of 30-30-3000 would also be valid.
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Sep 19, 2011
How can I get a mask in my textbox which limits input to the format (HH:MM) . Where HH can be any number. MM should be less than or equal to 59. How can I get this done.
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Jul 16, 2011
I have a problem created by my complete [rookie] status – only second time venturing into jQuery. I created a simple shopping cart using php and the PayPal buttons (1: buy now, 2: add to cart). The php back end does it great, it generates the table and the buttons and everything works just like it’s supposed to; Except, I forgot to add sizes. So I found out what I need to add, and I realize that the way the buttons work, I will have two different text boxes for size. Not very visually appealing, and since I’m not submitting this to the server before it goes to PayPal to pay, I cannot modify it with php the way I normally would. jQuery / javascript are my only hope of making this work. What I want to do:Have a single textbox where [size] is entered by the user.
Copy the value from the [correct] text box to the Value=”” section of the now hidden field in the PayPal form That way, no matter whether they [BUY NOW] or [ADD to CART] the right size is submitted to the PayPal shopping cart. This is the actual PayPal code that I’m trying to change
<input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Size" maxlength="200">Size</td>
I got this far, and then decided to find how to insert the "enteredVALUE" into the right place in the input text field (what I called output) and I've not been able to figure out how to stuff it in there.
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Oct 5, 2011
I have a problem with the datePicker that I am trying to solve this for the past 2 days now.Looked at all the tutorials and posts but nothing helped.My problem is that I want the datePicker to return the date as: dd/mm/yyyy and whatever I tried, the input field that gets the selected date displays it as: Tue Apr 26 2011 00:00:00
Here is my code:
This is the code of my HTML
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Nov 25, 2008
What is happening is when I try to submit the form, I receive an error that says I need to input all data in the proper format.
<title>Conference Registration Form</title>
<link href="conf.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script type = "text/javascript">
Calculate total registration fee
Retrieve the value of the selected index property from guests selection lists
Multiply the selected index by 30 and add this to the cost variable
If the first member radio button is checked subtract 25 from the value of the cost variable
Set the value of the total field equal to the value of the cost variable
function calcCost() {
cost = 145 + (guests_quantity * 30);
guests = document.reg.guests;
gindex = guests.selectedIndex;
guests_quantity = guests.options[gindex].value;
if (document.reg.member[0].checked == true) {
cost = cost - 25;
} = cost; .....
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May 25, 2011
i am looking for a way to click on a button next to a time field that will paste the current date and time into that filed in this format: 01:00:00 08-08-2007 is that possible?
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May 1, 2011
My friend gave me a code to try a bit. What it does is that it gets a text and format it. Here it is:
function boldAndItalicize(text) {
return text.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<')
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Sep 28, 2005
I have the following code:
<script type=text/javascript>
function hide_tooltip(){
var hp = document.getElementById("tooltipper");;;;;;;
function show_tooltip(event,wid,ht,txt){
var vp=document.getElementById("tooltipper");"1px solid black";;; = wid; = ht;;
<a href=# onmouseover="javascript:show_tooltip(event,400,10,'This is an
input text box that you need to fill in.');"
onmouseout="javascript:hide_tooltip();" style='color:red'><input
type=text name='bob'></a>
<div id='tooltipper'
style='position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:1;heig ht:1;border:0;background-color:rgb(250,250,255)'></div>
Question:... Is there any way to insert a NewLine in the text string to
control the formatting of the text in the window??
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Apr 1, 2010
I have a web form. I use a simple function to generate a letter ouput based on the form fields and populate them into a word doc for printing. Below is a basic example, but you get the idea.
function createDocument() {
strDoc = "
strDoc += "Hello there!
Note this is only intended to be used on IE8. As it stands, the ouput generates and formats exactly as I want bar two things:
1) Does anyone know how I can get some of the text to bold? I've tried everything I can think of (html tags, escape characters etc etc). Is there a way to open a word window in rtf perhaps?
2) Does anyone know how I can insert a small image (a signature in gif or jpg) into the document?
I can use a browser window instead of word, which formats, bolds, images etc, however I then get the issue of headers/footers when printing. I cannot disable headers everytime I want to print a letter, it's not practical.
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Jul 26, 2010
I have text being called from an array, however my HTML formatting in the array is not working.
How do I add formatting to text in an array? Also how do I make a portion of the array a link? code...
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Jul 27, 2010
I have taken a class on PHP and started making some math homework and drills for the tutoring I do. I have asked my kids for feedback and they are telling me that it is inconvenient to hit tab to go to the next text box (They have small arms/fingers..)I then thought of a brilliant ideaLet�s say it was 12 divided by 3. If they wrote a 4 in the input area, the JavaScript would recognize the correct answer and automatically move to the next box. However, if they wrote a 3 in the box, the JavaScript wouldn't move over.This kills two birds with one stone. The inconvenience of hitting tab or clicking on the next box disappears, and they are forced to put in the correct answer.Ironically, I have learned PHP and skipped over JavaScript. Which code would I use to do this?
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May 8, 2009
I have the following script that converts line breaks from plain text into HTML formatted paragraphs. It takes plain text from one text area field and outputs the new formatted text into another text area field.
function convertText(){
var noBreaks = document.getElementById("oldText").value;
noBreaks = noBreaks.replace(/
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Mar 21, 2010
I was wondering how you allow the user to highlight text they've typed (in a form) and click a button to edit its style (placing tags around the highlighted text).
Could someone explain this a little further and perhaps provide an example.
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Jun 2, 2010
I'm looking for a javascript/css code that can do the following, for a click button:
- When mouse is not over the click-button, a text should be displayed at the right of the button, in a bordered textbox - 85% transparency (hardly visible)
(- when mouse hovers over the button, the button image changes to a different one <- I know how to do this)
- When the button is clicked the text shows up normaly (0% transparency)
- When clicking again the button OR anywhere else on the page, the text goes back to 85% transparency.
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Aug 5, 2009
I have a database script that returns dates in the following format:
I have been using the following code to change this format to dd-mm-yyyy:
<script type="text/javascript">
var myString = "[[date]]";
var mySplitResult = myString.split("-");document.write(mySplitResult[2] + "/" + mySplitResult[1] + "/" + mySplitResult[0] );
However, I now want to display the date in text format, e.g. 01-08-2009 would be displayed as 01 August I change the script to show this format?
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Jul 23, 2005
How would I modify this form to encode *all* the characters in the 'source' textarea to the
'%xx' format & place result code into the 'output' textarea?
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