Form Auto Add Information In Fields
Jan 14, 2010
I have a form, and when a user inserts their username (desired) I want the text they enter into that field to automatically appear inside another field. However, this other field also already has a default value which is a folder structure, I want to leave the folder structure in place /publuc_html/ftp/ and add whatever has been added to the username field to the end of this so the folder will then read /publc_html/ftp/steve and if possible include a trailing slash. I have the form and input fields, just cant figure out how to add the above function to it.
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Mar 31, 2009
I have a situation where I need to populate form fields by grabbing information from a database when the user enters information in a specific field. I got this to work with a single field just to make sure I had the basics in place:
* User fills out "Field A" onchange event triggers Javascript function that uses Ajax to search and retrieve info from database (PHP/MySQL) Javascript function autofills "Field B" with Ajax response
Works perfectly. My trouble is that I need to do this with a whole series of fields at once, not just one. I tried using the PHP to output a Javascript array and then use the values from the array to populate the fields, but that didn't work. I got a message saying that my array was undefined. I'm not even sure this was the proper way to approach this, but it's all I could think of.
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Aug 7, 2010
I am more of a front end guy with experience in xhtml/css and want to get my hands dirty with some back-end programming (Javascript/jQuery/AJAX/PHP) and was wondering about a specific task involving (mainly) what I would believe is AJAX.
I was wondering if there is a way to have a page with a starting price of $299 (lets say a basic vacuum) then below that are 20 or so customizable add-ons to choose from through simple checkboxes. That (to me) should be easy enough, but I would love to have the grand total at the bottom of the page be updated in real time as the user checks or unchecks certain add-ons (kind like how does it).
What is a good starting point for this, and would it be possible to send out the order as an email with the total price sent to the business owner.
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Aug 7, 2010
I am more of a front end guy with experience in xhtml/css and want to get my hands dirty with some back-end programming (Javascript/jQuery/AJAX/PHP) and was wondering about a specific task involving (mainly) what I would believe is AJAX. I was wondering if there is a way to have a page with a starting price of $299 (lets say a basic vacuum) then below that are 20 or so customizable add-ons to choose from through simple checkboxes. That (to me) should be easy enough, but I would love to have the grand total at the bottom of the page be updated in real time as the user checks or unchecks certain add-ons (kind like how [URL] does it).
What is a good starting point for this, and would it be possible to send out the order as an email with the total price sent to the business owner. Like I said, I can sorta get my way around this stuff
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Nov 28, 2004
I have some form fields that the user can either type in or he can check a checkbox so that MySQL data for an option selected from a dynamically generated (PHP/MySQL) select menu is filled in. How can this be implemented? I have the code for the select menu.
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May 18, 2010
I am looking for help creating javascript auto-apearing box, which will appear when someone onmouse on the hyperlink.
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Oct 10, 2009
There are two input fields in a form, but only one of them is required, they are not required at the same time. Either A or B is required. ( A is required OR B is required). In other words, a user can input data to field A, or he can input data to filed B, but he can not input data to Both A and B at the same time. How to implement this constraint in Jquery form validation?
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Jun 22, 2009
I've been searching for about an hour now trying to figure out how to do the following. I have a form I'm updating and I'm trying to create a checkbox or link that onclick/oncheck will update all fields in the form to the same value. I found the following code that does what I want EXCEPT I can't get it work with value[]. In the following code, MY form would have form fields like <input type="text" name=" shippingname []"> (note the []) because I'm looping thru multiple entries when I submit the form.
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Aug 12, 2009
Auto-complete type-ahead for 2 fields?
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May 22, 2010
I have a Patient intake form which takes Patient information like FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, DATE OF BIRTH, ADDRESS, CITY, and POSTAL CODE.When a user enters FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME and DATE OF BIRTH it should fill the rest of the fields (ADDRESS, CITY, POSTAL CODE) if I have a record in my database.I am using JAVA with MYSQL and I pull records when a user leaves DATE OF BIRTH textbox.I don�t know weather I should store everything in a dropdown or I should have a separate form for the matched records from where the user can click the record and fill the rest of the fields.
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May 22, 2010
I have a Patient intake form which takes Patient information like FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, DATE OF BIRTH, ADDRESS, CITY, and POSTAL CODE.When a user enters FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME and DATE OF BIRTH it should fill the rest of the fields (ADDRESS, CITY, POSTAL CODE) if I have a record in my database.I am using JAVA with MYSQL and I pull records when a user leaves DATE OF BIRTH textbox.I don�t know weather I should store everything in a dropdown or I should have a separate form for the matched records from where the user can click the record and fill the rest of the fields.
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Sep 20, 2011
I've tried many many thing to make this autocomplete work with multiple input fields.. please , can any one tell me how to do it? the full script attached , also the html source code is here.This is the html code with javascript that I need to add another input fields on [code]
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Oct 11, 2006
I have been looking for the past 2 days for a script that I can add and delete table rows.
I have found a lot but so far all of them add an input field but I desperatly need a textarea or ideally a section of input fields.
I have tried to change the code from input to text area but none of them worked.
Have you come across to a similar script.
I would appreciate any contributions.
What I am trying to do is a page where the user will add their employees details so we can order business cards for them. So I have fileds such as, Name, Tel Num, Email, Cell etc.
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Jan 24, 2011
I have this order form where the customers can change the quantity by intput in a text field.I would like to have the text field changed with select fields, but doing so in the form, the script is not doing anymore.Can anyone have a look and tell me what to change in the scritp to accept select fields in place of the text fields.
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Oct 29, 2010
I have a HTML form containing two text box controls in it and a submit button. When a user enters information in those two textboxes and click on submit, the information is sent to a function in Javascript. In the javascript, the information from those textboxes is stored in a javascript variable. The problem is as follows:When I am inputting string text in the html text boxes and in the javascript when I am trying to print those values, it is giving me out an error saying NaN. However when i input integer values in the text boxes it is printing those numbers. Is there a conversion that I have to do for the string to be printed. I am new to Javascript and need your help. This is a basic code of Javascript. Below is the code that I have.
<script type = "text/javascript">
function square(form)
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Oct 5, 2011
Attached is the code. It does open the email but does not send any information.
<!-- Table 2 for the Content -->
<form name="orders" onsubmit="return confirmSubmit()" onreset="return window.confirm('Are you sure you want to reset your Orders.'); " action="" method="post" enctype="text/plain">
// Function to Confirm certain conditions and confirm to proceed with order
function confirmSubmit() {
var itemsOrdered = true;
if (document.forms[2].totalExcl.value == 0 || document.forms[2]delivery.value == 0) {
itemsOrdered = false;
if(itemsOrdered != true) {
window.alert("You have not chosen any products to purchase or No Delivery Option selected.");
return false;
var submitOrder = window.confirm("Are you sure you want to place the order?");
if(submitOrder == true)
return true;
return false;
// Function to calculate order value
function calculateValue(orders) {
var orderValue = 0; .....
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Jan 18, 2011
I have a form on page 2 and I want the information submitted on the form to be sent to page 3. How do i do that?
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Jul 21, 2005
I have a form input field and a link right beside it...
The input field is a text based field it will contain a name from a list of current names... the link is a search button which brings up a smaller window if the user does not know a name... this way they can search in the smaller window using a dropdown menu otherwise just type the name into the form... my windows and stuff pop up fine but i can't figure out how to make the value of the input field equal that of the selected information in the pop-up windows form field when it closes...
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Dec 2, 2010
I'm trying to display information submitted by a form using javascript. I have this code but it only works for the first question and it doesnt work on click (it works when you select the arial button). I want my users to be able to select a button from every question and then press submit and the infomation will display what they have selected if that makes sense?
<style type="text/css">
.noprint {[code].....
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Jun 29, 2009
I have set up a page which when I click the button BlockUI does what is supposed to do as well as jquery Form plugin; however, the success and failure messages are displaying in the blockUI. What I would like is for the success and error messages to replace the form. The code I am using:
javascript Code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#signup').click(function() {
$.blockUI({ message: $('#blockform') });
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May 4, 2001
Is it necessary to use cookies when you want to save information in a form textfield and be able to click back to that page and the information is still there before submitting it. Sometimes it seems to stay sometimes not?
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Dec 8, 2010
I've been doing PHP for a couple months, but just came across jquery today. I'm making a wedding-registry-style wishlist site for the holidays, and one of my pages is a list of all the items on your wishlist for you to modify.
Here is my jquery script, which I had learned from a tutorial:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$(".submit1").click(function() {
var item_name = $("#item_name").val();
var item_notes = $("#item_notes").val();
var imgid = $("#imgid").val();
var price = $("#item_price").val(); .....
var dataString = 'item_name='+ item_name + '&imgid=' + imgid + '&price=' + price + '&item_notes=' + item_notes;
type: "POST",
url: "edit.php",
data: dataString,
success: function(){
return false;
My forms are structured like so:
// Retrieve data about item
<input type="hidden" name="imgid" id="imgid" value="<?=$imgid?>">
<input name="item_name" type="text" id="item_name" value="<?=$item_name?>" />
<input name="item_notes" type="text" id="item_notes" value="<?=$item_notes?>" />
<input name="item_price" type="text" id="item_price" value="<?=$price?>" />
<input type="image" class="submit1" src="images/edit_item.png" border="0" />
<span class="success" style="display:none">Item updated!</span>
Now, the problem is obviously that when this HTML code gets repeated, all the forms have the same input IDs. I tried adding numbers to the form using php, so it would be something like "item_name1", "item_name2", "item_name3", etc depending on the form, but then I realized I don't know how to pass parameters into the jquery function.
Is there any way to do this? So that it's something like...
$(function() {
$(".submit1").click(function() {
// Find parent form (which would have the ID "1", "2", "3", etc.)
// var id = parent form ID
// Get info from "item_name1" if form "1" was submitted
// Get info from "item_name2" if form "2" was submitted
// Etc.
var item_name = $("#item_name"+id).val();
var item_notes = $("#item_notes"+id).val();
var imgid = $("#imgid"+id).val();
var price = $("#item_price"+id).val();
// declare datastring
// ajax
return false;
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a form that allows for dynamic field creation. Basically, you click the + button, and an addition row of fields (2 text fields) are created. The area that is dynamically created is wrapped by a <div id>, within which is, and this might be bad practice so please feel free to mock me , another few nested div id's. It looks something like this:
Each time you hit the +, it creates a new div id beneath the "Adds" id.
What I'd like to do is see the values of the id's "row_fqdn" and "row_ip". Is there a quick way to access the values of nested id's?
I found a workaround but it seems pretty messy and drawn out, something like this:
I'm looking for a way to do something like this:
But that doesn't work.
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Mar 22, 2008
Do u know of any free javascript script that will popup as a bubble with some information on it when I click on any form element in a page?
I can show you an example of what I want:
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Jul 30, 2011
I have built search form that it retrieves information from database. for ex: when i click axtar (search) button it retrieves normally but when i click ENTER button via keyboard instead of axtar (search) button but it only displays results with white blank page
Here is web page address. [url]
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Feb 4, 2009
I will have 1 html page which uses javascript it will validate the form so the information inputed is correct...then on submit it will load another page with form ect...however the second page depends on what was selected on the first page say a gender radiobutton was on the first page and they selected male then on the second page a male figure/picture would be I can do this all on 1 page however when trying to do it on 2 different pages the second page can't read whats going on/has happened on the first page...
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