Fit Content To Window Height?

Jun 21, 2011

The footer bar comes up to the page when the content is small...

But when the content is long enough then its not a problem...

How can I fit the footer bar till to the bottom of the window no matter what type of content length is...

I was trying before using css by height:100% but its not working perfectly.

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How To Set Width/height Of Window Content Area W/ W3C

Aug 8, 2002

I am currently using a popup window to establish the dimensions of a window, specifically based on the the width/height of the content area.

I would prefer to simply resize it and avoid the need for a popup altogether, but this is made difficult due to inconsistancies as to how resizeTo() accounts for whatever toolbars are 'on' which varies from browser to browser and platform to platform.

The site is coded to W3C (X/HTML, CSS) and the DOM/DHTML content is gradually being rewritten in accordance with the W3C DOM.).

The W3C DOM property to get/set the window content area dimensions are:

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Calculating Height Of Iframe Content After Inserting The Content?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm using JQuery to write content into an otherwise empty iframe like so:



The content is coming from an Ajax request. The content gets used more than once on the page for other purposes which is why I don't simply change the iframe src--I have to do an ajax request regardless so I'm trying to avoid multiple calls.

After I load the content, I need modify the height of the iframe so it fits snuggly around the content.

Calculating the height isn't a problem with the exception that it's not always correct and I think it's because the calculation is happening before images have downloaded.

I don't seem to be able to rely on a `load` or `ready` event to delay the calculation. The load event is the only one that tiggers on a change of iframe content, but it doesn't see the new content.


$('iframe').each(function () {
$(this).load(function () {

This will output '<html><body></body></html>' even though I have successfully inserted different content.

Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong, or if it's possible to do what I want reliably?

Note that a general JS solution will be appreciated as much as a JQuery one.

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Window 100% Height Take More Height In Firefox 2?

Jun 10, 2009

this is the script to adjust the"block"; if(graphDiv!=null && summaryTable!=null){ = document.body.clientHeight - summaryTable.clientHeight - 70;}

HTML code
<table height="100%">
<td>some contents</td>


Its working well in IE and FireFox3.0. but in firefox2.0 table size is increasing on every show hide of summaryTable. pls give me some better sollution for this. The height is adjusted iautomatically if i show a popupDiv.

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How To Get Height Of A Div After Set Content In It?

May 31, 2006

I generate in a js variable some code of tthis kind:

z = '<div id="d1"><div id="d2"><div id="d3"></div><span id="s1"></span></div></div>'

then i write: document.write(z)

obj = document.getElementById('d3')
obj.innerHTML = "some long html content having tags like <h1></h1><h2></h2>"

Then I want to get the height of my 'd3' div. I use obj.offsetHeight with Firefox and it does work, but it Does Not with Internet Explorer. I looked at so many forums and they all say that offsetHeight do find the height, but it's not working in my case. Any ideas why?

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JQuery :: How To Get Div Content Height

Jul 8, 2010

I have div that's 200px high the code below loads the content into div:[URL].. I want to get the height of the entire document loaded into div, but when I use $("div#t_and_c_div").height() it returns 200 (height of the div).

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Ascertain Needed Div Height To Fit Content?

Jun 24, 2006

I have a javascript that manipulates the DOM with content that will be
of variable heights. How can I ascertain how high my div needs to be in
order to show all content without scroll bars. Rather than just having
this happen automatically, I want the div to expand with a DHTML
animation. So, I need to know where to tell the script to stop
expanding. In pseudo-code:

function divAni(){
if(this.height > 0){
if(this.height > 0){
this.height = this.height - increment;
} else {
if(this.height < this.height.needed){
this.height = this.height + increment

I'm just not sure how to ascertain how tall the div needs to be for the
content to display.

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JQuery :: Iframe Get Content Height/width?

Mar 11, 2011

i have a small question .... Lets say i have a html web page withthe folowing code inside:


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Adjusting IFrame Height Relative To Its Content

Aug 16, 2010

<title>< /title>

<iframe name="j" id="j" src="ANOUNCEMENT.html" onload=" = j.document.body.scrollHeight + 12"></iframe>

Am I doing it right? I am trying it now but the j.document.body.scrollHeight seems doesn't work for me.

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Auto Height IFrame For Expandable Content?

Jan 29, 2009

I load my website in iframe I have put Javascript for auto height, but in my iframe expendable / Collapsible bar is there when page load into javascript my bar is Collapsible so it takes auto height correct but when I expand my Collapsible bar my content is overlapping please give me the solution and I don't want scroll bar for iframe when content expand here is my page: [URL].

And here JavaScript which is I am using:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doIframe(){
o = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
if (/"autoHeight"/.test(o[i].className)){
addEvent(o[i],'load', doIframe);
} .....

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Iframe Height Adjustment To Loaded Content?

Dec 9, 2007

First time posting here. Have been enjoying all the resources available to us, very helpful. My problem:

Recently started learning css / java - i have a web page with an iframe on the index pages within a div tag, which then loads all other pages into this iframe. The thing is i require the iframe to adjust its height size according to the content loaded.

After lots of searching a have come across only one that worked for me,however it only seems to work in IE and not firefox and the like.


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Resize The Height Of Colum In A Table According To The Content?

Jul 6, 2010

I have 3 table columns. Columns 1 and 3 have different colored backgrounds. Column 2 is white background and contains the content.I want the heights of columns 1 & 3 to increase according to the height or the amount of content in column 2.

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How To Auto Height IFrame Content Script

Sep 27, 2010

I'm making a wordpress theme that will have a SMF forum incorporated into one of the pages. I've decided to use an iframe that calls in the forum (which is in the same domain), after trying several of the auto height scripts, including ones I used before with success, I got nothing. I'm not sure if it's a wordpress thing, but the scripts I'm so familiar with just don't want to work. Since forums change their height with all the different pages, this is an essential script for me. The only script (a new one) that somewhat works is the following:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function resizeIframe(obj) { = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px'; = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth + 'px';

Which eventually gets called with:
inside the iframe tag.

Now, this seemed to work just fine, but now the height of the page gets added the more I browse. If for example I go to a topic with a lot of replies (meaning, a long page height) and I browse back to the index page, that extra height isn't gone. You can see what I mean here: [URL]. I was wondering if there is something that can be done to this script to stop this and properly resize the iframe. The other script I've used was: [URL]. Which worked great as you can see here: [URL].

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Dynamic Frame Row Height Based On Content?

Apr 2, 2009

Trying to get this code to work:

<script type=�text/javascript�>
function resizeframe()
var ff = parent.document.getElementById ?


As you can see, all I want it to do is set the frame row's height based on its content.

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Auto-height Iframe For Expandable Content?

Jan 30, 2009

I loading my website in iframe i have put Javascript for auto height, but in my iframe expendable / Collapsible bar is there when page load into javascript my bar is Collapsible so it takes auto height correct but when i expand my Collapsible bar my content is overlappingnd i don't want scroll bar for iframe whencontent expand here is my page:and here JavaScript which is i am using:

<script type="text/javascript">
function doIframe(){
o = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');


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Getting The Height And Width Of Content Fitting DIV Element?

Jul 17, 2005

I'm having an issue getting the height and width of DIV elements that have resized themselves to fit their content.

Note: I do not have a problem getting the height and width of DIV elements that I have set using Javascript. The probel is that this value appears to stick. I.e. the height is set to 150px, then the content is changed and the DIV cosumes as much height as is required (clearly more than 150px), however analysing the DOM indicates that the height is the same (though it is clearly not).

I want to know how to get hold of the 'actual' size of a DIV element that is manipulated by the content of the DIV.

I am also interested in a solution that works in IE and Firefox (at least).

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Dynamic Resizing Of Iframes Based On Content Height

Jul 23, 2005

Does anyone know of how I could dynamically resize an iframe based on
the content's height (for IE) so that no scrollbar appears for the iframe?
The content will be from a different domain. I have searched on the web and
have seen solution like this

function resize() {
var oframe = document.getElementById("frameID");

//var odoc = oframe.document; //(1)
var odoc = oframe.Document; //(2)

var obody = odoc.body;

oframe.height = obody.scrollHeight;

The html :
<iframe onload="resize()" src=http://different.comain.content border="0"
....... > </iframe>

I have seen 2 solutions on the web, the only difference being lines (1) and
(2) get substitued.
My browser is version IE 6.

It seems that the solution with line (2) works perfectly when the content is
from the same domain but gets a Permission Error if the domain is different.

When the content is from a different domain solution (1) does not give
Permission error, but instead the scrollHeight is significantly smaller
than the actual content. Even if the content is from the same domain it
still gives the wrong size.

So my question is
1) What is the difference between oframe.document and oframe.Document, why
does it give different results?

2) More importantly, how can I dynamically adjust the iframe size based on
the content height from a different domain?

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JQuery :: IE7 / IE8 Scroll Bar Not Recalculating Content Height, When Using .slideToggle()?

Nov 23, 2010

IE7 / IE8 scroll bar is not recalculating content height, when using .slideToggle(); so content panels when expanded are lost off the bottom of the page - see screenshot. Has anyone else had this problem? What is the fix? I have tested in Chrome, firefox, opera (it even works in IE6) just not IE 7 and 8. I have attached a screenshot. The weird thing is the slider I am using for the areas causing the problem (pictured) I am using because they allow multiple instances of the slider on the page.

There is also an old one on the page also that does work in IE7 & 8 (the page expands as if there was new content in the page).


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Ajax :: IFrame Content (JSP File) Height Resizing

Apr 22, 2010

Having a problem with iframe resizing when the iframe body is a jsp file which contains a dynamically built ajax table. Users select different options from a drop down. All but 1 is a standard static jsp file. The other is a jsp file with a dynamic ajax table which is generated the second the user select this option from the drop down. Problem is the javascript is not getting the correct height for the dynamically ajaxed jsp file.

Here is the iframe which is loading the contents file.
<iframe id="Editor" name="Editor" src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" onLoad="resizeIframeToFitContent(this)"></iframe>
Resize call:
function resizeIframeToFitContent(iframe) {
iframe.height = Editor.document.body.scrollHeight + 300;
iframe.width = Editor.document.body.scrollWidth;
} // resizeIframeToFitContent

As a current workaround I am adding 300 manually to the height this works but throws the height of the normal jsp files well out and makes the page to tall.

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Change The Height Of A Iframe Depending On The Loaded Content?

Dec 26, 2010

I'm looking for a script to change the height of a iframe depending on the loaded content. I found some scripts who let it work when a webpage loads in the iframe.

But when the height of the page changes by javascript animations.

Like a box is getting 200px higher by a javascript action. The page won't reload by this action so the iframe height remains in it's current height.

Anyone has a good script that the iframe height even changed on javascript commands?

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Measuring Column Height And Dynamically Adding Content?

Jul 21, 2010

I have a 3 column CSS layout design. The page length is dynamic depending on how much content gets fed into each respective column. For this reason one column might be considerably longer than the other two, as a result the page length opens us white space in some columns.

Given the white space that appears if some content in columns is longer than in others, how could I measure the white space and depending on its height dynamically add in further content providing it fits (say additional side banners)?

I'm told this is possible in JS? I guess PHP is also a viable option?

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Dynamically Resizeing IFRAME Height Based On Content

Jul 8, 2005

I have the following script resizeing my iframe based on height. The problem is if my site is on one domain say and the target page is on another domain say the script does not resize the page. I cannot add anything to the pages i am linking to because they live in a CVS repository so i cannot call a function or passs information in that way.

is there any way to make my script work? I'm so fustrated, I'm so close! help!

<!--this script auto resizes the height of the iframe based on contents-->
<script type="text/javascript">
function resize_iframe(){
document.getElementById("_iframe").height=768 // required for mozilla/firefox bugs, value can be "", null, or integer
// -->

which uses the following iframe
<iframe width=96% id="_iframe" name="_iframe" src="intro.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" ALLOWTRANSPARENCY="true" onload=resize_iframe();></iframe>

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IFrame Auto Height Resizer Based On Its Content?

Apr 9, 2011

I'm looking for a good cross-domain iframe resizing script that adjusts its height based on its content. I have access to the html/css for the source of the iframe as well. Is there any out there?

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Find Real Height Of Content In DIV With Relative Z-Index Value?

May 13, 2011

I have a div that is float: left and has a bunch of divs inside it. Those divs inside are all position: relative. They also have z-index values. I want to know the actual height of the outer div's content when I add a div.

Here's the problem:
<div class="outer">
<div class="something_With_Z_Index_Of_Zero">Something</div>
<div class="something_With_Z_Index_Of_One">Something</div>
(NOTE: Both inner divs have a height of 20px)

When I ask for either: outerDiv.offsetHeight or outerDiv's computedStyle.height, both give me 40 (or 40px). This is actually not right as the two inner divs are placed one over the other. How would I figure out the proper height?

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JQuery :: Chrome Calculating Height Before Content Is Completely Loaded?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm working on a script to pass the content height to some other element. The whole script is within the document ready function, but somehow Google Chrome thinks the content height is 0 (zero), because it's so fast. When I set a timeout it works correctly, but I don't really like this solution because of the delay.

var contentHeight = ($('body').height();
setTimeout(function() {
var contentHeight = ($('body').height();


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JQuery :: Hide A Number Of Pixels (height) Of The Content In An Iframe?

Jul 12, 2010

Im making a website in which I want to "embed" another website (not mine) - - through which i've created an event. The problem is that I want to hide the footer of that page, maybe the header to if its possible, but since the height of the other page varies throughout the steps in the "buying-process" I can't set a fixed height...Is it possible to fix this problem using jquery and how do I do that?So, something like this is what i want: autoheight - x pixels from the top - x pixels from the bottom

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