FireFox: Childnode Has No Property
Oct 3, 2005The following script works on i.e well but it gives error " childnode has no properties" . Is there a way to get this fixed? Here is the code:
View 8 RepliesThe following script works on i.e well but it gives error " childnode has no properties" . Is there a way to get this fixed? Here is the code:
View 8 RepliesI'm working on displaying a list of events on my site and need to display them in ascending order. i've got an xml document that looks like this(with multiple events obviously,Can anyone help me with sorting this? So far I have it displaying only events that are occuring after the present date(currentDate). How would I go about displaying them so that the events displayed will be in the order of the earliest date displaying first?
View 3 Replies View RelatedOK so say I have something like this:
<p>Item A</p>
<p>Item B</p>
<p>Item C</p>
<p>Item D</p>
So TD would be the parent and all of the <P>'s would be childNodes. I want to be able to click on each child and have it alert me its index # relative to the parent node. So 'Item A' should alert "0", 'Item B' - "1", 'Item C' - "2", etc.
Can someone please explain why the following code works in IE but not firefox please.
In ie I get an alert box with "mynewprop" but in Firefox I get "undefined"....
Is there any exclusive Firefox DOM property or method? Such as [url].. of Opera and [url]... of IE.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have WordPress installed in a directory of my website, and I'm using an iframe on the homepage to embed the blog. I'm using a javascript code that I found online to automatically resize the iframe based on the content inside of it. This is the code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function resizeIframe()
This works perfectly in Google Chrome. However, in Firefox I get this error in the console:
Error: Permission denied to access property 'document'
Source File:
Line: 24
I don't have any experience with javascript, but this makes no sense to me, because it should work since the iframe document is on the same domain and server as the parent page. The parent is[url]...." and the iframe document is [url].....Why is Firefox complaining about this? It shouldn't violate the "same origin policy" that I have read about.
Whats wrong with this script. It works in IE, but not in Firefox. I get no error codes it just simply does not display the text in Firefox.
I use the code below to show the year on my sites e.g. this page.
However, instead of 2005 it shows 105 in Firefox.
<!-- Begin
var year=time.getYear();
document.write("" + year + "");
// End -->
Works fine in Internet Explorer.
How can I show the correct year in Firefox as well please?
First the code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
function TextScroll(scrollname, div_name, up_name, down_name, top_name){
When I use mouse wheel in Firefox to scroll contents of the DIV, memory usage in Firefox goes through the roof. Code above is a fully working page, if anyone would like to see what's up, just load it up, and start moving your mouse wheel in the area with text. You don't actually have to scroll the text, just moving the wheel back and forth in that DIV will do. Memory usage will start going up quite fast, and after you stop moving the wheel, it will finally come down a bit after a short while. I've highlighted in red the line where mousewheel event is registered for Firefox. I'm not sure if it's really a problem, but since Opera and IE don't have any strange memory usage, and Firefox does, maybe I did something wrong. In everyday use it shouldn't matter [don't expect to have kilometers of content to scroll], but anyway, it is a bit unsettling.
if ((window)&&(window.netscape)&&( {
// OK, this is Gecko/Firefox or someone mimicing it so well
// that there is no way to catch it on the act.
But I need Firefox *1.5 or higher* or another (but sure) way to know
that this browser has native SVG support. Here I'm stock.
It seems there is window.navigator.productSub and on my Firefox 1.5
it's 20051111
But I'm not sure: this "build version" is going up guaranteed or it's
random like CLASSID? Also is the same Firefox release has the same
build for all platforms or not? seems silent.
I'm sending arrays of results from my server in response to an xmlhttprequest like so:
I know I could use an associative or indexed array, but this is just how I wrote it as I'm using the prototype library and I'm in the habit. Anyway, I want to know if I can reference 'key'. If so, umm, how?
I'm using javascript to dynamically make controls show up or disappear on a form. For some reason, if I load a control (in this case a select control) into the Div it shows up perfectly. If I load text in there, it is fine too. However, if I programmatically try to go from the select control content and cover it with text afterwards, that won't work.
If I change the content from one string to another, it works as well. I just cannot remove a control I've put down and replace it with text or "" or whatever.
I just wrote this script which loops through all of the CSS properties for an element, and dynamically generates an HTML document using a for/in loop in a new window which is a table of all CSS properties and values for the element. Some may find it useful.
You can see the demo here:
({}["toString"]) - function
alert("toString" in {}) - true
But I want to only find a property that is defined in the object - not in a prototype.
for(var prop in {}) { alert(prop); }; // toString not found.
It seems that operator 'in' is overloaded. 'in' during iteration: look in the property. 'in' in a boolean conditional: look in the object, then up the prototype chain.
I want a way to get only properties defined within the object itself, not it's prototype. Is there no simple way?
Is there some way to add a property to a object ?
Code JavaScript:
if (Object.__count__ == undefined)
{ = function {
// [url][/url]
count and return
i am developing an application , we have to run it for Netscape
V4.76(!!) , the problem is it seems that Netscape V4.76 does not
support 'disabled' for form elements for example something like
<INPUT class=f2 type=checkbox value="C" name="chkAttr" DISABLED />
is not working for netscape whereas its working fine for IE.
I would like to override the "disabled" property of a hidden field. When
disabled is set to "true", it would call a function to disable 2 other text
fields on the form. When disabled is set to "false", it would enable those
2 text fields. You should also be able to get the value of it as if it were
a property:
Is there any way to do this?
Is there a way to determine the object that a property is in? For
function MyClass() { ... }
MyClass.prototype.myFunc = function() { ... }
var obj = new MyClass();
var sameobj = SOMEFUNCTION(obj.myFunc);
So my goal is to get a reference to the object by just having the
I have a script that I want to run only when my input box IS NOT
disabled. Can someone tell me if something is wrong with my script? Is
"disabled" the correct property to use?
function TextChanged(i){
if (!document.ScheduleForm["txtGrossPayroll" + i].disabled) {
document.ScheduleForm.txtRecordStatus.value = "Changes Made; Record Not
Saved."; = "#FF0000";
I've code like this:
var x'http://localhost/canvas.html','myokno')
var w =x.width
Permission denied to get property Window.width
var w =x.innerWidth
Permission denied to get property Window.innerWidth
why i can get properties of new created window???
The second problem is much more important:
i want to get element which id is "canvas" and it is in new window so i do
like this:
var canvas = myokno.document.getElementById('canvas')
ReferenceError: myokno is not defined
var canvas = x.document.getElementById('canvas')
Permission denied to call method HTMLDocument.getElementById
so i start working on the problem and:
var can = x.document
[object HTMLDocument]
var can2 = can.getElementById('canvas')
Permission denied to call method HTMLDocument.getElementById
what i doing wrong?
I am writing a Javascript UI component. I have already written a
"disable()" method for it, but I would like to go one step further in
order to make my component as compatible with existing HTML controls as
With standard HTML controls we can do this:
myTextField.disabled = true;
and as soon as this property is set, I assume there is a property
listener of some kind that is invoked to change the appearance and
value etc of the control.
I want to write my own 'property listener' to do this with my control.
Can I do it in Javascript or is this too "low level", requiring code at
the browser implementation level?
To stop the keyboard event for the F4-key from propagating in IE I need
to set event.keyCode to 0. But setting keyCode to 0 in Mozilla/Firefox
will throw an exception since it is a read-only property.
So, how do I check if event.keyCode is writable?
(I could do some check to see if the script is run in IE or add a
try/catch for Mozilla, but I would like to know the 'correct' method)
Is there a way to make one property an alias for another? This would
mean that if the value of the original is changed then so is the value
of the alias. I tried the following example and it does not give this
type of behavior, of course. Code:
Some of the object properties in the Dojo Toolkit are set to objects but they are using syntax like this: = new function() { = someValue; = someFunction;
Is the property set to a new object and if so what is the "new function()" statment doing?
Is there a way to access the value assigned to onmousedown for an
object? I've been searching online but can only seem to find how it is
assigned via html. What I need to do is access the value (the script
string) in javascript.
For example, I'd like to try to do something like this:
function virtualClick(objectName) {
eval(document.getElementById(objectName).onmousedo wn);
I am of course not explaining the full problem in detail, but would
appreciate any input on how to access the onmousedown value (or to know
if it even exists as a property).
I have developed a script that change the font size in css, but only
the attribute "font-size" on the body tag, not change the entire
active stylesheet.
When i click to change the size
<a href="#" title="Change Font Size"
It works fine, but when i try to check the cookie to set the default
font size, it does not work.
The cookie stores the value correctly and i can read the value. The
problem is when i try to change the value:
I have tried also writing this code at the end of the html document
but it doesnt work
<script type="text/javascript">inicializa_fontsize();</script>
What could happen? Code: