ExtJS Capable Of Handling Grids/Datastors Of ~1000 Elements?
Jul 15, 2009
I have a JavaScript application which opens an ExtJS Window, containing an ExtJS TabPanel, which has a tab containing a Data Grid, showing approximately 900 - 1000 rows, each with 7 columns of text fields. The grid may also be filtered to show about 100 rows at a time. When the window opens, navigating to this tab can cause Firefox or Safari to spin/lock up for over 60 seconds...
This is Ext 2.2 I know it's very hard to say without code... but without seeing code, my question is: Should ExtJS be capable of displaying a grid of so much data? In trying to optimize should I be looking at my code, or is ExtJS itself the problem? Is anyone using ExtJs to display such large grids?
I have a problem in accessing all elements with a common id name in ExtJs. In fact, I have a couple of divs with id like:divmic+a number.
That is the code:
Code: <div id="slideshow" > <% for i=0 to 660/23 for j=0 to 380/23 Response.Write "<div id=divmic" & i & j & "
If I try this code, what is inside of "each" instruction works, but if I want to access all those elements having id starts with "divmic", it doesn' work. Why it's happen that think and how to put all those elements into an array, in ExtJs ?
I developed a plugin which loads some content via AJAX. Every time the content is loaded I need to bind to certain elements ( let's say the elements with 'bar' as classname ) the mouseover and mouseout elements. I achieved it by using the ' live() ' instruction.Now my problem comes when I need to scan every element which has 'bar' as classname and do some calulcations on it (they are over 600). I tried to do like this
$container.find('.bar').live('customevent', function() { // do some stuff });
I'm trying to load some html content into a page via the ajax .load() method (wrapped within the $(document).ready() function).After I execute this, I'd like to bind all new span elements from the loaded content to a context menu plugin like this:
$("#selector").contextMenu({ menu: ''myMenu'' },
Unfortunately since the span elements are coming from the ajax request,I don't think I can bind a normal event handler as per the plugin. [URL] how to use event bubbling in this situation.
Check out the official blog post on the 1.4.3 release:[URL]..I am thoroughly confused by this sentence (under "Events"): "jQuery has already had setData and getData events (which are broadcast whenever data is set or gotten through the .data() method) overriding these methods makes it possible to override the default behavior for those features (namely you can return a different value or prevent a value from being set."
1. had setData and getData events overriding these methods" -- which methods? 2. "makes it possible to override the default behavior" I have looked into the source and I cannot think of any way to either "return a different value" or "prevent a value from being set."
Yeah i know, SQL entry isn't sanitized, but i'm not really into that right now. Could somebody please tell me why it's not working? lso, i am looking forward to extending the project further, what else functionality should i add beside SQL sanitizing ?
I have a data store having a Note field (a textarea) and want to display all Notes satisfying a user input (even metacharacters).'ve written the following function to handle this:
[CODE] function notefilter() { var newfilter = Ext.getCmp('searchnote');
I'm starting with javascript and I have a doubt. I already have a grid with data and a form with 5 fields. One of these fields of the form I want to fill with data of the grid. This is what I have:
I'm finally diving into regexp by porting a perl script over to js that uses regexp to compress javascript into a bookmarklet capable format.I've successfully worked out 90% of the expressions but am troubled with a few, this one at the moment is odd:I want to remove the first line if it hasjavascript:So I thought str.replace(/^javascripts+:s+/, "") would be ok. I want javascript text, any space, colon, any space and new line. what I'm doing wrong.btw this is the original perl version
I need to send the contents of a ExtJS Textarea to the backend server for saving (autosave facility) as the user types in. How do I buffer the contents and push the buffer to the server after some threshold value. I've done as below:
I am taking a javascript class and I need a script that displays the first 1000 prime numbers in a table with 10 numbers per row. I've been trying on my own for about 4 hours now and am really confused. I just started the class and have only started learning javascript 3 days ago.
Firefox is throwing a DOM security error. I've used toDataURL() before, and it's never done this. I need to get this little app fixed, so that I can use it on my TabletPC for taking notes in class. The line of code that is throwing this error is: var Note = document.getElementById("SketchPage").toDataURL();
Here's the full error from the Error Console: Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Security error" code: "1000" nsresult: "0x805303e8 (NS_ERROR_DOM_SECURITY_ERR)" location: "file:///C:/SketchBook-Dev/SketchBook.js Line: 236"]
Here is the JS file: var PenSize = "3"; var PenShape = "Circle"; var PenColor = "Black"; var LoadFile = ""; var UIstatus = "visible"; var CurrentNote = 0; var BGcolor = "#C7C1A3"; var DataPath = "Data\"; var ImageExtension = ".img"; var FileList = []; var SystemPath; var UIstatus = "visible"; var Server = "localhost"; var NxtNote = new Image(); document.onkeyup = ToggleUI; function Init() { .....
I'm having to write a program that generates a random number between 1-1000 and then allows the user to make guesses in a text box, answering to high or to low, until the correct answer is entered. I had the program working fine with using strictly prompts and alerts but when I tried to create a form I started having trouble.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>9.30</title> [Code]...
I am about to launch a SharePoint site with thousands of users accessing the site from a very, very slow network. Two questions. Is there a way to 'install' jquery so that it doesn't download every time they access the site?
_All_ users are on the same domain and are using IE7. Once they download JQuery on the initial page visit, does it still redownload the file every time they access the site? Temporary internet files don't get cleared after each session, so I'm assuming it doesn't get re-downloaded.
I'm trying to get a full date. In this script I want the user to be able to enter a date and get a 1000 day result a full (date) mm/dd/yyy. So far this give me the year only. I've tried so many ways.
<script language="javascript"> var reply = prompt("Please enter the date you and your love begin dating (mm/dd/yyyy)", " "); var newstring = new String(reply); var arrTemp = new Array(); arrTemp = newstring.split("/"); [Code]....
We have some date fields in our HTML forms in various places. In the accounts package we use, there is some pretty nifty date handling.
It has a standardised date format of dd/mm/yyyy and if you enter e.g.
3-12 it will switch it to 3/12/2005
Same applies for e.g. 3:12 etc
Anyone know of some javascript which will do this for our HTML form fields? Our target format is actually dd-mon-yyyy and it would make it really nice for users if the system could accept a variety of input formats and then switch it to a date to our specification. Any suggestions?
I have few textfields and dropdowns in my jsp, form is submitted on clicking an image link.
In case there is an error for instance some text field is left empty, then message is displayed below respective fields ( using spans, inner html). The message is displayed onblur event of the field. So if there was an error then message is displayed, now if the user corrects the error and clicks the link then first the message disaapears ,which is desired ,but he has to click again to submit the form. please suggest a way to handle this. So that user doesn't have to click the link twice to submit the form.I tried having onmousedown and onfocus events on image , but then sometimes the form was submitted twice which gave backend errors.
This works but the user needs to hit the go button, if they just hit return the text field is emptied, I would like if the user hits ENTER, the search begins.
I believe I can add something similar as
if (window.event.keyCode == 13)
But I am not sure how to incorporate it in the form?
I am struggling to find definitive information on how IE 5.5, 6 and 7 handle character input (I am happy with the display of text).
I have two main questions:
1. Does IE automaticall convert text input in HTML forms from the native character set (e.g. SJIS, 8859-1 etc) to UTF-8 prior to sending the input back to the server?
2. Does IE Javascript do the same? So if I write a Javascript function that compares a UTF-8 string to a string that a user has inputted into a text box, will IE convert the user's string into UTF-8 before doing the comparison?
I think that the answer to question 1 is probably "YES", but I cannot find any information on question 2!
Geeting a JS error from IE 6 only in this method: handle: function( event ) { var all, handlers, namespaces, namespace, events;
On the last line of the code snippet above. It appears to me that IE6 doesn't like the fact that the events object is undefined. To trigger this error we are doing a simple blur binding to an input box. ex:
$(field).bind('blur', function(){onfocusout(this);}); It appears IE 6 stops executing JS after the error (imagine that). Is this an issue in jQuery core or BTW I know MS has dropped IE 6 support but we still have customers.