Element SetAttribute() Method - Valid Method Of Changing The Id Of An XHTML Element
Feb 24, 2010
Is the form below a valid method of changing the id of an XHTML element, specifically the one actually being referenced? It does not seem to work for me.
document.getElementById("Original_Name").setAttribute("id", "New_name");
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Sep 14, 2009
Let's say you have a :<a href="#" onclick='DoSomething(this);'>asd</a>I want to get the onclick text in a variable - something likevar onclick = $('a').attr('onclick');The problem is that the onclick variable now is a function and if Itry to execute , this wil be the document instead of the link .How can I get only the text, so I can later reattach it to the link ?
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Mar 25, 2011
is there a way to tell the queue() method do not repeat itself for every element?
$('.video_list li').delay(500)
.animate( {left: move}, 1500)
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Jul 27, 2009
I need to make a change to a web page that has lots of JQuery things in it, it appears. Not knowing anything about the actual use of JQuery, however, while I will start looking at the doc, can someone
help me with what to look for in a 4000+ line file to find out where the value is being set for the hidden field. I have been unable to identify this. There appears to be no onChange or onSubmit JavaScript call. I have been given this file with the need to figure this out right away, with a very tight timeline to make many changes, so this one item can't take the time required to start learning the whole of JQuery before I can make a change.
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Nov 18, 2011
Is this possible with JQuery? I have the following code which I think Should do this, but it's not working :/These are two different functions which I've been testing, and the html element is supposed to create a dropdown list via some PHP which will have the option "Other" within it. Unfortunately, I have no idea exactly how to turn "Other" into a text box when the user clicks, and I've been spending a lot of time on this already.
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Aug 3, 2006
I'm trying to do something, but I don't know if it's possible.
Basically, I want to have a public static class method that could
access a private object's method. I would like to be able to do :
The method would then access a private function from Class by doing
something like
function method(param) {
I've done a lot research and experimentations but just can't come up
with a solution... I don't even know if what I'm trying to do is
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Jan 31, 2011
Why is the callwhy is the slice method only a method of an Array instance? The reason why I ask is because if you want to use it for the arguments property of function object, or a string, or an object, or a number instance, you are forced to use Array .prototype slice.call(). And by doing that, you can pass in any type of object instance (Array, Number, String, Object) into it. So why not just default it as a method of all object instances built into the language?In other words, instead of doing this:
function Core(){
var obj = {a : 'a', b : 'b'};
var num = 1;[code]....
//right now none of the above would work but it's more convenient than using the call alternative.
Why did the designers of the javascript scripting language make this decision?
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Dec 19, 2004
I am coding xhtml strict for my pages for the first time and I got some one problem with javascript:
I don't know how to modify the scripts to target elements on the page where the name attribute is deprecated.
<form action="test.php" method="post">
<div><input name="text" />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="search" /></div>
how can I modify the code to select such fild in such form ?
The following one is not working:
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Apr 24, 2007
An easy XHTML1.1 valid way of aligning divsfunction XHTMLAlign(tagid, align){
var viewportwidth;
var viewportheight;
// the more standards compliant browsers (mozilla/netscape/opera/IE7) use window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight
if (typeof window.innerWidth != 'undefined')
viewportwidth = window.innerWidth,
viewportheight = window.innerHeight
// IE6 in standards compliant mode (i.e. with a valid doctype as the first line in the document)
else if (typeof document.documentElement != 'undefined'
&& typeof document.documentElement.clientWidth !=
'undefined' && document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0)
viewportwidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth,
viewportheight = document.documentElement.clientHeight
// older versions of IE
viewportwidth = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth,
viewportheight = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientHeight
var tag = document.getElementById(tagid);
if(tag.style.marginLeft == ""){
tag.style.marginLeft = "0";
if(tag.style.marginRight == ""){
tag.style.marginRight = "0";
if(tag.style.marginTop == ""){
tag.style.marginTop = "0";
if(tag.style.marginBottom == ""){
tag.style.marginBottom = "0";
if(tag.style.width == ""){
if (tag.width != ""){
tag.style.width = tag.width;
} else {
tag.style.width = "0";
if(tag.style.height == ""){
if (tag.height != ""){
tag.style.height = tag.height;
} else {
tag.style.height = "0";
if ( align=="left" ){
tag.style.left=parseInt(tag.style.marginLeft) + "px";
tag.style.right= viewportwidth - (parseInt(tag.style.width) + parseInt(tag.style.marginLeft)) + "px";
} else if ( align=="right" ){
tag.style.right=parseInt(tag.style.marginLeft) + "px";
tag.style.left=viewportwidth - (parseInt(tag.style.width) + parseInt(tag.style.marginRight)) + "px";
} else if ( align=="center" ){
tag.style.right= ((viewportwidth - parseInt(tag.style.width))/2) - parseInt(tag.style.marginLeft) + parseInt(tag.style.marginRight) + "px";
tag.style.left= ((viewportwidth - parseInt(tag.style.width))/2) + parseInt(tag.style.marginLeft) - parseInt(tag.style.marginRight) + "px";
if ( align=="top" ){
tag.style.top=parseInt(tag.style.marginTop) + "px";
tag.style.bottom= viewportheight - (parseInt(tag.style.bottom) + parseInt(tag.style.marginTop)) + "px";
} else if ( align=="bottom" ){
tag.style.bottom=parseInt(tag.style.marginTop) + "px";
tag.style.top=viewportheight - (parseInt(tag.style.width) + parseInt(tag.style.marginBottom)) + "px";
} else if ( align=="vcenter" ){
tag.style.bottom= ((viewportheight - parseInt(tag.style.width))/2) - parseInt(tag.style.marginTop) + parseInt(tag.style.marginBottom) + "px";
tag.style.top= ((viewportheight - parseInt(tag.style.width))/2) + parseInt(tag.style.marginTop) - parseInt(tag.style.marginBottom) + "px";
setInterval('XHTMLAlign("divid", "center")', 100);
setInterval('XHTMLAlign("divid", "vcenter")', 100);
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Dec 15, 2009
// This is asp.net snippet
<marquee id="marqueeLeft" class="marqueestyle" direction="up" onmouseout="this.start();" onmouseover="this.stop();"
scrolldelay="500" style="height: 99px; width: 100%;" >
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="LeftPlaceHolder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
When I moved the pointer to this <marquee> tag. It shows the error message "Validation (xhtml 1.0 transitional) element marquee is not supported". When i run my web app it runs successfully but it gives jscript error as System.Argument Exception as value for controls and behaviors must not be null.
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Jul 26, 2006
I'm considering in teaching myself some javascript, but before I take the time to read up and experiment, I had a few questions.
Is javascript XHTML 1.0 STRICT Valid?
Is javascript valid for any version of XHTML?
Is javascript easily cross browser compatiable, or will this take a long time to work around?
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Feb 1, 2011
Is there a way to override the default behaviour for single selects which makes it impossible to unselect a selected item?
What i need is: when someone clicks on an option, if it isn't selected is should be selected, but if it's already selected then it should be unselected.
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Jul 19, 2006
<div id="div1" onmouseover="this.href.innerHTML='different click name'">
<a href="somewhere">click</a>
I know this.href doesnt work - Is there a way to access the <a> element without assigning an id to it ?
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Jan 19, 2006
Is it possible to have a generic script that set the input focus on the first valid element in a document (not hidden or disabled) ?
This script is at the end of a document, but don't work.
<script type="text/javascript">
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Aug 16, 2011
I have two methods and I would like to call somename1 method from within somename2 method. I have tried several ways to do so however I keep getting "TypeError" or "RefernceError" I have tried several ways to reference but I am still unable. What am I doing wrong. I would think this would be easy to do.
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Sep 17, 2009
I added mouse in and mouse out affect like this in $
(document).ready function
$(".StripMe tr").mouseover(function(){
My question is if i used jquery post method to change some div content, than this new div won't have mouseover and mouseout affect anymore, is there anyway to achieve it. Is that needed to trigger ready function again? Another question is can anyone teach me how to add click and dblclick event to the same div, because if i add both of them then it won't trigger dblckick event.
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Jan 26, 2010
I am trying to setup a form with radio buttons. Each radio button has an OnClick event. When a radiobutton is clicked the current set of radio buttons will be replaced with a new set using document.createElement("input"). Each new radio button needs the same onclick event addedas in the initial set of radio buttons. I first tried:
element.setAttribute('onclick', MyFunction(value));
This, however, will somehow automatically trigger the onclick event! I searched on the internet and found this as the solution:
var new_onclick = function() { alert("this works!"); };
element.setAttribute('onclick', new_onclick);
This will give a "Object" is undefined error!
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Oct 4, 2010
i have a menu generated by a list with nested lists. i want the parent link to stay highlighted when the mouse hovers over the sub menus. because those sub menus are also generated by jquery (qtip), CSS alone won't do it (triedul.topnav li:hover a {background-color: #F00;}).is there a way to do this using jquery?
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Apr 7, 2009
I'm trying to change the color text of atext[i] value when the "atim[i]+showtime" value is < "now"....
But if i assign the atext[i] value to a new var "ops" and change the color with string ops.style.color = 'red'; the script doesn't work.
Opening the error console of Firefox the error logged is ops.style is undefined.
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Jul 6, 2005
How would I go about chaning the ID element tag through Java?
I want to create a function that checks through all the ID tags called mytag and then append to the end of it mytag0 or whatever number comes next. I was trying to disable many form objects in my html document and since they share the same ID It only disables the first ID it encounters so Instead of manually renaming them al, Id rather create a function that would search for the Id name mytag and just change the name with whatever number, Im guessing it will work fine because once it renames the ID tag it will pick up the next ID because it will be next in line with the name and just While Loop the whole thing untill such ID is not found. I do not know how to reassign ID's.
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Nov 23, 2005
Maybe a stupid question (I'm not so familiar with javascript), but:
I want to change background of a paragraph or list item on mouseover. The
following code works:
<p onMouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='yellow'"
Now I want to minimize the coding bij using a function. How do I do that?
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Feb 10, 2011
I have a billion elements that all share the same class. I have another billion elements that all share another class. This cannot be changed. My objective is to use one element to trigger onclick a change in the others elements' css properties, that is each element is paired with another, producing a billion unique pairs. From hours of deciphering the cryptic documentation examples ive come up with the following, which doesnt work. Assume that im using "name=item#" in the element's tag to identify each pair.
One fundamental issue with this is that it will change the opacity of both elements in the pair were both elements to share a name,or it will only affect the element being clicked on if not, but i only want it to change the opacity of the element that isnt being clicked. Another issue is that there are instances where i may need to set a setTimeout on a css property, and ive not found any documentation on integrating javascript and jquery together within a function.So how do i get this function to accept input from one element and affect the css properties of the other? And what would a setTimeout look like if it were placed around the opacity property?
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Jul 6, 2011
I have got the following CSS-Box, with those properties in my styles.css:
.panorama {
But when I want to read out this information afterwards, my function doesnt work:
console.log($('.panorama').css("width")); This delivers me 0px.
Why doesnt it bring me the 1641px?
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Feb 15, 2010
Anyway, i need to change the selected item in a select dropdown list in html. Obviously i want to change it with javascript. For example i've got tree items add/edit/delete and if the user presses add (button) the selected item will be add.
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May 6, 2011
Making a website for a salon with a box that says "I want [dropdown box, i.e. wash and blow dry] which will cost XX" The idea being they select what they want from the dropdown box and it automatically changes the �XX to reflect the price.
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeText(){
document.getElementById('pndprc').innerHTML = form1.value();
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Jan 9, 2007
How on earth do you use javacript to change the text color of an input element, and have it work with IE??? I've tried numerous solutions. All of them work on browsers such as Mozilla. But none of them work on IE.
This works in every browser I've tried besides IE:
var whatever = document.createElement( 'input' );
whatever.type = 'text'
// (more code)...
whatever.style.color = 'black'
This also works for other browsers besides IE:
whatever.style.cssText = 'color:black;'
I've tried other things as well. Nothing works in IE. Is there anyway
to change the text color inside an input box dynamically, and have it
work in IE?
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