I am hoping you can help me. I am finding this problem rather complex to solve. I need to be able to find the surrounding text at the mouse position. For example, if a user clicks on a word in a paragraph, I need to programmatically know what the text is surrounding the click point. The text in question is not just content text, but DOM elements read in as text rather than the DOM element itself. For example, if a user clicks at the word "This" in the following:
<table><tr><td>This is good</td></tr> then I would like to know how to get the text "<td>" just before the "This" as text, not as a DOM element. Furthermore, how can I "enlargen" the scope of my capture, such that I can programmatically get the "<table><tr><td>" part as well as the "is good</td></tr>" part?
I have several <img> lines in my markup that contain an onmouseover attribute, as shown below: <img id="flowersPic" class="queue" class="queue" src="media/flowers.jpg" onmouseover="playVideo('flowers.flv'); "/> . .<img id="animalsPic" class="queue" src="media/animals.jpg" onmouseover="playVideo('animals.flv'); "/> . .<img id="waterPic" class="queue" src="media/water.jpg" onmouseover="playVideo('water.flv');"/> . .</body>I want to use jQuery to build a standard JavaScript array of just the video names in the onmouseover attribute. So for the markup above the array would be the stringsflowers.flvanimals.flvwater.flvI expect the jQuery will be something likev=$(img.queue).??????.get();but I'm really not sure what should go in the ?????? area.
There are two radio buttons, sometimes one will be disabled, other times the other will be disabled. I would like to make a script that: First: Changes the color of surrounding text of the disabled radio button to the color grey. Second: Checks the other radio button.
This was my plan: I would make a script that: First: Removes all the current classes and add the class "greyed_out" (or better: change only the color of) the parent element, all siblings and children of siblings (if any) of the radio button that is disabled at that time.Second: Sets the attribute "checked to the other radio button". I made a script, but when I set the bottom radio button to disabled the script doesn't work:
Have a small problem with a cms whereby when i try to insert default text into an input text field using the "value" attribute it gets deleted. I was thinking to force insert the text in there when the page load with javascript but not sure exactly how...
<p><input name="vericode" id="vericode" value="This text doesn't display!!" type="text" onclick="value=''"/></p>
I am creating a small CMS module for a client. I created a little form and when they click Submit, it goes straight out into an include (.inc) file, which is connected to the web page to be displayed.
The trouble I am having is that I'd like to create an additional button that will insert some text (certain html tags to make their life easier, etc) - I got it to work, actually. The script executes and the text is inserted - but once the script runs and the page refreshes (or whatever it does), the text then disappears. The only way I can seem to get it to stay put is when I use "onmouseup" instead of "onclick" - which means that every time the user accidentally mouses over the thing, it inserts the text.
im clueless when it comes to javascript, but this is what im trying to find: i have a page that has multiple text areas, i also have 4 links that when clicked i want to add some predefined text into the active text area the one with the text cursor in?
i have a page that has multiple text areas, i also have 4 links that when clicked i want to add some predefined text into the active text area the one with the text cursor in?
I need some way to use ajax to upload a file mainly a image and a video to my website.
I googled around and found many people saying it's impossible to do it with ajax.. but there are jquery work around plugins where it uses an hidden ifframe to submit your files.
I have a page within which is an iframe, and within that iframs is a text area. I need to be able to insert text into that text area from the mother page. I have tried to insert it with the following code but it's not working :
I am wanting to insert text into a text area when a button or link is clicked. I know how to replace the whole lot in the text area, but I want it to insert text where the flashing cursor is in the text box. (Like Wikipedia)
I would like to be able to generate a table from which I can easily edit the contents of a mySQL database (similar to phpMyAdmin.) In that table I would like to have a button that will open a pop-up, allowing me to edit - and maintain formatting such as apostrophes and line breaks - a long description field. That popup will then populate a hidden input field on its parent with the modified description.
I've got the pop-up opening and its fields are populated using php's GET function (see line 11). The special characters, particularly carriage returns, are messing me up; I can remove them using php's str_replace, but I want to retain them for formatting.
I want to add bbcode inserting to my mail page.Here is my script:Pls note, I am only displaying my write mail function.$page = "BBcode Inserter coming soon.
I've an text area and i would like to create a few buttons above it that when clicked, will insert a string inside this text area (this string will be replaced later by dynamic information)
for example... I would have a button that when clicked will insert "[name]" in the text area. Could you gimme some advice on this?
As you may have guessed contentLength is dynamic, coming from webservice. For this example its value is 7 but it can be 9 or 23 etc.. The idea is to group the <li> tags in six surrounded by numbered divs for each group, just like the previous example. How can I do it?
I am trying to take text that is in a <DIV></DIV> and insert it into a <TEXTAREA> tag. in CHROME the line breaks are preserved however in IE I lose all my line breaks.
$("#serviceEdit-notes").val($(this).next().html()); #serviceEdit-notes : the TEXTAREA $(this) is a 'A' linkprecedingthe DIV
Like I said, it works in CHROME, but in IE(8 or 9) I lose my line breaks.
I have a form, and one of the text boxes should be a URL to an image. I have a link to popup an image-upload script. On that popup, after they upload the file, they'll have a URL. I don't want to give specific instructions to "Copy paste the URL into the form". I want it so that they'll click a button called "Insert into Form" and it'll automatically close the popup and insert the URL into the text box.
i want to store some parameter in input text. im using this code to get the querystring parameter
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function qs(unique) { var query = window.location.search.substring(1); var parms = query.split('&');
I suppose I should somehow loop through all the labels, and for each find the next input. Then make a selection of this union and apply a wrapAll('<div class='field'>) But how exactly do I do this using jQuery manipulators?
This might be more of an HTML question, but I'm encountering it via a javascript function. I'm trying to do rollovers without using images. Here's some of the code:
I want to have some text in an html file, but I don't want to have several paragraphs in that file. Can I use Javascript to insert text from a different location? If so, how do I do that?Can it really be impossible? I mean, you do it with pictures all the time... I just want to do it with text instead...I can't post any code because I don't know how to do it. >_>" I've been trying to find stuff online, but most of that was to put a whole window inside it, with scrollbars and stuff.
On my parent page I have a form with an input text field containing the value of a Customer name (pulled from a database). I also have an image link that, when clicked, will launch a popup window that performs a database lookup and displays all Customer names.
What I'm looking for is a javascript solution to do the following:
1. Each Customer name in the popup window be a hyperlink that, when clicked, will populate the Customer input text field on the parent page (thereby removing the text field's current contents).