Dropdown Menu Showing Different Text Box Dependent On Selection
Mar 12, 2010
I don't want to show a table with ALL the contact details on. I want to offer a dropdown menu or similar with the countries inside it, and then dependent on the country selected, the relevant contact information would be displayed in a text box alongside. How can I create this and - equally importantly - integrate it into a WordPress page?
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Apr 12, 2011
I have a Javascript function that allows the display of a textbox upon selecting an option from a dropdown menu. In my case when a user selects listbox as the option, the text box appears. I want the same thing to happen when another option (checkbox) is selected. when I repeat the JAVAscript code, the first textbox(listbox's textbox) appears irrespective of which option(listbox, checkbox) I select. I want to be able to appear/disappear only the respective textbox. Here is my code.
<script type="text/javascript" >
function showfield(name){
else document.getElementById('div1').style.display="none";
function hidefield() {
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a simple form - I want to disable the text field if Choice 2 from the dropdown menu is selected. I have this working with the code below, but for some reason if I go back and select choice 1 after selecting choice 2 the text field remains disabled. I only want it to be disabled if choice 2 is selected.
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Jul 4, 2010
I have 3 selects in a form for day, month and year for the user to enter his/her birthday.What I'm looking for is a piece of code / script which will dynamically change the day dropdown menu dependent on the month which is selected to display the correct number of days, and also according to if it is a leap year.Ive tried looking on google but I'm not sure what the correct term is to look for?
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Jul 24, 2010
I have a project where I need a selection of one dropdown menu may affect the select of multiple other dropdown menus on the same page.First, a table is generated, and within each row, it contains a dropdown menu. Assume: Rows A, B, C, etc..., and Dropdown selection: 1, 2, & 3If dropdown in Row A selects 2, then I want the selection of dropdowns in rows B & C to dynamically change to 2.And if in Row C user selects 3, then the selection in dropdowns in rows A & B should dynamically change to 3.
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Oct 21, 2011
I wanted to create a small DHTML code that created a unordered list of input forms dependent on the number selected from the select dropdown menu. Problem is that it doesn't seem to want to generate the list. I think the variables are within the scope of the function too, and I didn't get an errors from the javascript console when using firebug. The script itself runs, I tested it when I used the old standby alert(); to see if the script was active. Here's the code:
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Mar 4, 2010
I am creating a website for a friend where the user cant can choose what jobs they want to do while a event. There a are more than 300 people involved so I found a script that worked fine but it used some checkboxes, and I want to use drop down menu (one drop down menu for every day of the event). With the checkboxes it worked fine but when I modify the part to insert the dropdown menu and that on my webpage I choose a job and then I send it and it tells me that I haven't selected anything.
This is the PHP code of the webpage:
<?php include("login.php"); ?>
* {
font-size: 11px;
font-family: arial;
function reserveSeats() {
var selectedList = getSelectedList('Reserve Seats');
if (confirm('Do you want to reserve selected seat/s ' + selectedList + '?')) { .....
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Jun 29, 2011
how to populate checkboxes based on the dropdown menu selection
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Aug 31, 2005
Basically i am doing a form which allows the user to input the office branches for this company. The user can input up to a maxi of 10 branches' details like location and tel.
the form details for each branch looks like this
<td align="left">Location/font></td>
<td align="left"><input id="location" name="location" size="20"></td>
<td align="left">Tel/font></td>
<td align="left"><input id="tel" name="tel" size="20"></td>
I would want a dropdown menu which allows the user to select 1 to 10 offices and with that the immediate appearance of the number of branches after the user has made the selection.
Another possible way is a link which allows the user to add another branch and keeps adding till a maximum of 10.
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Nov 26, 2009
I'm pretty bad with Javascript, but I need to hide or show a snippet of text (could be inside a div without problems) based on the selection of a dropdown menu (<select>). If they choose anything with the word "Series" on it, I need to show the snippet. If they choose anything without "Series" on it, then the snippet needs to disappear. I should mention the snippet is part of a form, just a checkbox but that shouldn't be a problem I don't think.
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Mar 25, 2011
I have a page on which I have 2 dropdowns. Both are similar. I have a piece of code that whill make a textbox appear if we select "list Box" as the option in the drop down. But for some reason, the first dropdown works fine, but for the second dropdown, the textbox is always there on page load. The code that I am presenting can be copied as a HTML page and you will know what I am referring to.
<script type="text/javascript">
function showfield(name){
else document.getElementById('div1').style.display="none";
function hidefield() {
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Dec 3, 2009
I have set up my website quite some time ago that has served its purpose very well, however I will now be adding an order form functionality. So far, by reading books and traversing forums, I have been able to develop a page where the user
1.Enters data into the required fields, that is then submitted to a MYSQL database via PHP,
2.Can retrieve orders that are stored in the database,
3.Delete orders that are stored in the database.
I have wamp installed on my computer as the webserver. I have also incorporated two drop down lists that both retrieve their values from tables within the database. The first drop down list retrieves the Australian States that I have stored in a table, and once the submit button is pressed, it stores the State that is selected to a separate table. This drop down list functions as it should. An extract from "From Place an order.php"
$dbcnx = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'tingling');
if (!$dbcnx) {
exit('<p>Unable to connect to the ' .
'database server at this time.</p>');
} .....
The second drop down list retrieves product names from a table that contains products and their prices. What I would like to happen, is that when the product is selected from this drop down list, a text box is automatically filled with its corresponding price. I had this drop down list working as per the "States" drop down list, but could not get it to auto populate the text field. I got some assistance from a friend and was able to get the text box to auto populate with its corresponding price, however when the page was submitted to the database, the "id" number of the product name from the drop down list was stored, and not the product name.
<select name="productSelection" onchange = "getProductDetails(this)">
<option selected value="1product">Select Product</option>
$products1 = @mysql_query('SELECT * FROM products');
if (!$products1) {
exit('<p>Unable to obtain author list from the database.</p>'); .....
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May 1, 2009
I have the following code I picked up which tries to fill in a text field with data depending on a user's menu item selection. I place this code in the header:
var colors = new Array();
colors["apple"] = "red";
colors["grape"] = "purple";
colors["milk"] = "white";
colors["cheese"] = "yellow";
colors["chicken"] = "white";
colors["beef"] = "red"; .....
var groups = new Array();
groups["apple"] = "fruit";
groups["grape"] = "fruit";
groups["milk"] = "diary";
groups["cheese"] = "diary";
groups["chicken"] = "meat";
groups["beef"] = "meat";
function printColorAndGroup(){
var value = document.getElementByName('food').options[document.getElementByName('food').selectedIndex].value;
document.getElementByName('food_group').value = groups[text];
document.getElementByName('food_color').value = colors[text];
I then use the following html in the body:
<select name="food" onchange="printColorAndGroup()">
<input type="text" name="food_group">
<input type="text" name="food_color">
But when I run this nothing happens...
Here's the page [URL]. None of the code above is colored... looks like I'm using the wrong tags here. Which tags should I use to post this stuff correctly?
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May 13, 2003
I was wondering if anyone can point me to an example where:
You select an option from a drop down list Based on what you select, if writes information to 1 or more text fields.
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Jul 13, 2011
I have been struggling on a bit of code for a while now. I need to populate a second drop down list (Region) based upon the selection of the first (County).I have found a piece of code that works on its own and have adapted to suit my needs - see below. However, when I drop it into my main page the javascript is not working. It's because of the formObject but I just don't know enough to resolve this! Furthermore, I need the textboxes the user has already completed in the form to retain their value once the javascript kicks in as the completed form will submit to a database.This piece of code is working well . . . .
$link = mysql_connect('myhost', 'myusername', 'mypassword') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('mydatabase') or die('Could not select database');[code]......
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Jan 19, 2006
I am new to JavaScript and would really appreciate any help to solve my
I am using the blow code in my form to validate form fields. What I
would like to accomplish is that if when the list/menu (attribute6)
value is "Ja" then to make the TextField Pas Nr (attribute4)
required. And if when the list/menu (attribute6) value is "Nee" to
make the TextField Pas Nr (attribute4) not required.
I have tried to adjust the code with no success. I give up and hope
that someone can help me to the right direction! ....
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Sep 6, 2011
I have two drop-down prompt controls with month names. One has just one value (say "July") and the other has all the months of the year ("January".."December"). The first prompt control is hidden on the page. How do I set the default selection of the second prompt control to the value present in the first prompt control? So, when the page is run, the second prompt control should automatically show "July".
I was reading up on the selectedIndex property (?), but I know that it won't work because I want Index 0 to be selected in the first control and Index 6 in the second, and I expect it to change every month (next month it will be index 7 that should be automatically selected).
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Mar 4, 2011
I'm using superfish menu jquery plugin, and I'm wondering if someone know how to update plugin that you can decide if sub - sub menus wil be shown on the right (that is in the original) or on the left side of the parent menu.
The problem is, that if the last menu is near the end of the browser, than the sub - sub menu will go off side the browser.
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Jan 30, 2010
I want to add more dropdown options which are dependent on previous options. Now I have "hand" and "loft". I want to add next option "model" How to add third dropdown option box?
Here is the code:
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Dec 3, 2011
I want to use a drop down menu and found a horizontal example from John Resig. But I want to turn it into a vertical menu. How can I do that?
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Apr 20, 2011
I have two dropdown lists with the second one being dependent on the selection in the first.
Options in list 1: 1,3 or 4
List two should be enabled when 3 or 4 is selected in list 1.
So far so good, managed to get it to work with only one set of lists, but I actually have 18 of those sets in this form:
<select name="fw[$i]" id="fw[$i]">
<option value="1">FWH</option>
<option value="3">links</option>
<option value="4">rechts</option>
I'm not that adept in javascript programming, more like a trial and error guy, how has hit the wall with this problem.
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Apr 5, 2011
How can I make something like that: I will have 3 dropdown menus First Dropdown menu will be: Class Second Dropdown menu will be: Area
Third Dropdown menu will be: options that will change
3 Examples:
1. if I choose on "Class" Dropdown menu the option "A"
It will show on the the Third Drop down
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Oct 7, 2009
I have a div (id="divarea") that get's shown when an option (id="192") is selected from a dropdown.
Code HTML4Strict:
<select name="productOptions[9]" id="productOptions9" class="OptionsStyle" onchange="dpUpdatePrice();">
<option value="191" id="191">No</option>
This all works fine but on some products the html select id="productOptions9" isn't shown and when that happens the divarea DIV is visible and I want it hidden.
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Nov 10, 2010
I've got a dropdown and I need for it to open up a row directly below it if the user selects "Yes". I've tried all morning and cant get it to work at all.
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Feb 28, 2004
Here is what I'm trying to accomplish: I've got a dropdown list that is populated via a php script. Whenever the user selects a value from the list, they have to click on the 'submit' button in order to retrieve the values. I don't want this .... I don't want them to click on the button, rather, retrieve the values from the DB immediately upon selection of a list item. Its like ... I select a value from the dropdown list and it automatically uses its value to retrieve relevant details from the DB, no need to click on any button or anything. How do I do this with js ? Can I accomplish the same with php as well....
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Aug 2, 2011
<div id="1">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DD1" runat="server">
I want the div with the id of "option2show" to be hidden unless the user has selected option 2 in the dropdown box.
If the user has selected option 1 then nothing will happen, however iff option 2 has been selected then the option2 div will appeaar. I would like this to happen before any submit buttons are press, so i guess onblur of the dropdown box.
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