Displaying Text In Textarea Object?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a simple website with 2 Frames,In top frame I have a button that invokes CGI script and internally that CGI script prints info (text) into the bottom frame.Going further we want to print the output coming from CGI into a textarea object in bottom form.

I have a function in my CGI script:But ends up printing multiple textarea objects in lower frame.We want to print each line of text into the same textarea object in lower frame. and at the end display a new button.How can we do this using javascript/CGI?I tried the following but not displaying anything.

sub print_message {
my($message1, $message2) = @_;
my $final_message = $message1 . " " . $message2;


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Displaying Content From Array Into Textarea?

Mar 19, 2009

displaying content from array into textarea

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JQuery :: Alert Displaying [object Object]?

Apr 29, 2010

I am trying to alert the ID of a particular menu that I have clicked on and I am getting object,object. Instead of the name of the ID.


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Displaying A Single String Value In A Textarea As Multilined

Nov 9, 2010

Using js, I would like to write a single string of several phrases into a textarea such that each phrase is aligned in order, one above the other. I tried a function that receives the string argument and splits it into an array. With a 'for-loop', elements of the array are assigned in turn to the textarea value. This gives me only the last element ('GROUP BY room') displayed , since it was the last assigned. My placing of a '+', a break("<br>") or a newline( ) didn't help. To get the idea, the following piece of script displays the string as broken, stacked, but not in the textarea where I want it:

$Statement = "SELECT all data,
FROM Departments,
WHERE grouphead = 'Milo',
GROUP BY rooms";


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JQuery :: Form Data Not Displaying In Textarea On Subsequent Return Of Data From A Call?

Oct 5, 2011

Relatively new to jQuery but have a problem with getting data to display.Using a webform with 2 forms. User slects and inputs data into the first form, clicks a button then using jQuery .ajax submits the serialized data to a php script. The script processes the input into multiple paragraphs of text which is based on the input from the first form.The data is returned to the webpage and displayed in a text area (of the 2nd form) where the user can edit it to fine tune the wording. The 2 forms are displayed in different tabs so it is easy to move back and forward between the 2 forms.

The problem occurs when the user goes back to the first form and enters or selects different text and then click the submit button to generate a whole new text for insertion into the textarea on the second form. For certain fields the modified text is displayed.However if the whole of the text in the textarea is deleted, then the user clicks the submit button to re-generate the text content area then nothing at all is ever interted into the textarea. If have user alert to check that data is returned from the php handler and this text is correct. BUT when I click on the tab to see the textarea (id is "draftrec") there is no text inserted. The relevant function is below and the line that should insert the text into the textarea is:



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Null Or Not An Object - Not Displaying Document.write(...) In Child Modal Window .

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to figure out this script doesn't display any text in the
child window and why I'm getting the null or not an object error.
It's taken directly from the Javascript and DHTML cookbook (not listed
in the book errata on o'reilly website). Initially I get an error
"window.dialogArguments.yourName" is null or not an object. Then I
fill out the field on the form, press the button and the child window
does display but there is no text inside the child window.

Questions: Should I be declaring an object that isn't currently
declared like "window"? or is "window" a built in object that doesn't
need declaring? do I need to assign the dialogDoc.html or "result" to
"document" somehow? It looks like they have me putting a value in
"result" then never actually using "result"... confused... Using ie
6.02800...Suggestions? gj

<title> Launch a Modal Dialog</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

function openDialog(form){
var result = window.showModalDialog("dialogDoc.html", form,
"dialogWidth:300px; dialogHeight:201px; center:yes");
<h1>Internet Explorer Modal Dialog Window</h1>
<hr />
<form name="sample" action="#" onsubmit="return false">
Enter your name for the dialog box:<input name="yourName" type="text"
<input type="button" value="Send to Dialog"
onclick="openDialog(this.form)" />

<title>Modal Dialog</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("Greetings from " +
window.dialogArguments.yourName.value + "!");

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Adding Text To Textarea - Create An Additional Button That Will Insert Some Text - Certain Html Tags

Mar 10, 2010

I am creating a small CMS module for a client. I created a little form and when they click Submit, it goes straight out into an include (.inc) file, which is connected to the web page to be displayed.

The trouble I am having is that I'd like to create an additional button that will insert some text (certain html tags to make their life easier, etc) - I got it to work, actually. The script executes and the text is inserted - but once the script runs and the page refreshes (or whatever it does), the text then disappears. The only way I can seem to get it to stay put is when I use "onmouseup" instead of "onclick" - which means that every time the user accidentally mouses over the thing, it inserts the text.

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Displaying Results In A Text Box?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm trying to get each of the if statements below in a text text box with the result depending on the answer of the equation. However i can't figure out a way to allow the user to click a button to to show the result in a text box.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<TITLE> New Document </TITLE>


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Displaying Date In Text Box

Jun 19, 2007

I want to display the date 19/06/2007 in this format.I want to validate the number entered in the textbox i.e for first digit of date it should not accept more than 3 (accept only 0,1,2,3). When the text length reaches 3 & 5 ie after date & month, by default this function should return slash ( / ) - this is to avoid typing / from keyboard.
I don't have any idea to do this.

I have added the function below, which I will be calling onkeypress event.

function valNumber(value)

var x=value.length;
if(x==0 && (event.keyCode==48||event.keyCode==49||event.keyCode==50||event.keyCode==51))

else if(x==1 && (event.keyCode>47 && event.keyCode<58))

else if(x==2)
value = '/'


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Text Box Not Displaying Data ?

Apr 29, 2011

What i want to do is: as soon as a txt box (name of txt box is 17) is populated with a date, I want to automatically display the Gregorian version of that date in GrDate2 text box.

Here is the site (you can check out the source code there). [url]

The GrDate2 txtbox displays nothing. I have checked with Jquery experts and the jquery code is correct and should work. The only thing I can think of is it has to do with Javascript or Html.

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Displaying Text On (or Under) An Image?

May 11, 2010

I've got the images now, the sizes, and even the title and description from the metadata.The images run in the window on my page, and all that is working fine.....NOW I'd like to display the title of the image either ON or UNDER the image as it displays. The images are running from a javascript script, and I HAVE the title available to the javascript (it, like everything else, is in a two dimensional array the javascript is using)...In my rummaging around I found this:

<td id="imgwindow" name="imgwindow" align="center" valign="middle"><img src="" id="slide" style="border:1px solid white;">


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Displaying A Bold Text With A JavaScript

Nov 23, 2005

In HTML I use <b>...</b> to make parts of a text bold.
<h1 class = "Style-MyText">This text is normal. <b>This text is

Now I'd like to do the same with a JavaScript.
I tried
HTML: <h1 id = "MyID1" class = "Style-MyText">.</h1>
javascript: document.getElementById("MyID1").firstChild.replaceData(0,
document.getElementById("MyID1").firstChild.nodeValue.length, "This text is
normal. <b>This text is bold.</b>");

Unfortunately <b>...</b> is displayed as '<b>' and '</b>' and not
interpreted to make the text bold.
'View Selection Source' shows: This text is normal. &lt;/b&gt;This text is

Is there a way to make some parts of a text bold with a JavaScript?

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Displaying Javascript Variable In Text Box.

Feb 1, 2007

I'm creating a simple memory game in which the user has to make pairs
from cards. I would like the user to see the variable "trys" (the
score) update on the page dynamically (in a text box would be great).
I can do this by showing a msgbox every time try increments but this
is annoying to use. I have been trying for hours to get this to work,
using innerhtml. Code:

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Creating And Displaying Summaries Of Text?

Apr 3, 2009

What I want to do is on the blog's main html page is to have the whole story printed. On other html pages, I want only the first 100 characters of the story to be printed, as a summary of the story. One way would be to manually count the 100 characters, copy the text, and paste it into all the html pages I want the summary to show. (Too much work). Or I figured I could use script to do it for me. Would Javascript be the best way to do this? Would I store the blog text in an external .js file and assign a variable to it (such as var x="blog story text") and call upon the variable to display the full text on the blog story html page? And then in the external .js file, run a procedure that counts the first 100 characters and stores it in another variable, then call upon this other variable in the .html files where the summary is printed? If so, since there would be many blog stories, would I create an external .js file for each blog story, since the javascrpt file would become to big and slow down loading time?

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Displaying Text In Box With Previous And Next Buttons

Aug 1, 2011

For instance I want to display some announcements from an external text file on a predefined box, like lets say 140 wide and height scalable according to text. The texts would be some announcements from me, a few words. I want the text justified and with previous / next link, if possible. And when they navigate to another page, they will get a random message in that box. There are news tickers on the net, but I just want something simple like this, no scrolling, fading, etc..

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Displaying Text From One Html Form To Another?

Jul 13, 2011

how to display the texts form my main html form to another html form?....since i didnt know how to hide the textboxes and select list for printing the html form... my plan is that

im gonna pass all the displayed data from my main html form to another html form which has a print button there.. so that when i print only the text (the html elements like buttons and txtbox will "not" be included)..

a clearer explanation ( i have a textbox on my main html form then i displayed it on the other page)

[this is a textbox]-----------------> this is a textbox <---im gonna print this w/o the box

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Adding To A List Box And Displaying In A Text Box?

Apr 20, 2011

I am having trouble adding to my option box, I want to add the name "Angie" to my select list and display it in the text box as well using a new function. I am not sure what the proper code is to do this. The rest of my program is working with no errors. Is there a form that shows how to do this? Below is my code the part I am having trouble with says add your name and should work with button b5 on click.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Javascript Test 2</title>
<script type="text/javascript">


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JQuery :: Displaying Text Following Mouse Hover?

Feb 24, 2011

I want to create a webpage that has a grid of 8 images displayed on the left side of the page. All the images are "dimmed" by default and when the user moves their mouse over an image, it lightens to its normal state. What I want to do is when they hover the mouse over an image, display a chunk of text in thearea to theright of the image grid. Essentially, the images act as a kind of menu and when the mouse hovers I want some details to be displayed. Ideally, I want to format the text to make it look good - so am not sure if it would be better to create an image containing my text and display this image when the mouse hovers.

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Displaying Random Text Without Repeating The Content?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm using the script below in a custom HTML to generate a random line of text (not with the text shown here). This works fine BUT; I want it to go randomly through the WHOLE list without repeating lines that already have been printed. As it is now, a line of text might be printed several times in a row, which is a little annoying. I'm using a refresh button for generating a new line of text.

How can I just make it display in the order shown and just re-arrange the content so it seems random to the user? Random would the best though...

<script language="JavaScript">
var r_text = new Array ();
r_text[0] = "All the leaves are brown";


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Rich Text Editor Not Displaying PHP Variable / Fix It?

Mar 4, 2009

I have a javascript rich text editor code...

If I set $Message = 'hello' then it works and the message is inputed onto the rich text editor and appears. But when I try to retrieve the variable via $Message = $_SESSION['Message'] or from a database $Message = $INFO['Message'] ... the whole text editor disappears! How do I keep the data in the rich text editor from disappearing after a refresh by storing the variable with javascript or something else.

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Alt Text Not Displaying In Horizontal Image Scroller?

Jun 1, 2010

I have a horizontal image scroller which I have downloaded from the following site:


The actual scroller works fine however when I hover over the images, the alt text isn't displaying.I'm not very good with javascript, but I have set it as per the code displayed and it's just not working.

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Add Some Text From A Text File To A Textarea?

Sep 19, 2009

I would like to ask is it posible to add text from a text file to a text area on a page..

Philp if you read this i am not asking for a javascript code i am asking wether or not it can be done.

P.s if your a nice person like philp is not and you want to private message me if you have one

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Displaying Text / Selected Radio Button And Checkbox?

Jul 16, 2009

How can I display the text, the selected radio,and check box to the text area if I click the submit button..?

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Get Text From Textarea?

Oct 29, 2009

What I need to do is create a simple wiki editor. A user will be able to type <html> code and click submit. onclick a new window will appear with the html page that they typed

My problem is I am grabbing the textarea by its Id but when it opens the new window it is displaying the Id of the textarea, not the actual information inserted into it.


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Way To Add Text To Textarea

May 26, 2009

I try to created a function to (Add Text into <textarea>), but the problem is that if I click on the button again it keeps adding " - New Text" again and again, while it suppose to be stopped and be added only once.

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Manipulating Text In A Textarea

Dec 18, 2005

I'm working on setting up a "Send this link to a Friend" page. The
page has a couple of inputs and a textarea. I have some default text
in the textarea that is populated at the time of page load. What I
would like to do is replace the "Dear Friend" in the textarea with the
name of the friend once it is entered in the input. Code:

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