Disappearing Output / What To Fix It?

Jul 23, 2011

I have a html form that is submitted with a submit button code...

if I display the output using the alert methods(now commented out) they work fine. I was hoping to display my messages in the div with id of output.
When that didn't work I tried to see if I could send anything to the div.
When I click the submit button the message "WTF" appears for at most half a second. I'm hoping to get it to stick around. I'm sure it has something to do with how form submission works. Maybe I need to submit to the same page? can I do that with JS?

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Iframe Disappearing / Why Is So?

Mar 2, 2009

I am designing a page that contains a dropdown menu with a list of options, once one of those options have been clicked, a certain page should be displayed in the iframe.

This works fine. However, for some reason, when i move my mouse off the iframe, back on to it then off again the iframe disappears.

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Disappearing Content In IE7?

Jun 7, 2010

In IE7 only, I have an issue with disappearing elements/styling. First, my h3 header disappears. The space that it occupies is partially there, but not text is visible, nor is the background or the bottom-border assigned to it. In addition, other divs below the h3 are missing their bottom-border. However, spans nested inside of divs missing their bottom border show the border. Lastly all but one the activity divs is missing its background and the one that does show it, the 4th one, only shows it below the "date" span. Here is the HTML:


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Disappearing Div IE7 / Resolve This?

Jun 19, 2010


In IE7/Windows the left vertical navbar disappears. I have used every hasLayout trick I know. Can anyone put a finger on it? I'm working with legacy code to complicate matters. code...

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Disappearing List Bug / Fix It?

Mar 24, 2009

Firstly I am using Scriptaculous to implement the sortable list but have looked there and not been able to find any reason for this to be occurring.

I have a list of sortable items, there are 2 droppables enabled with
the list, 1 to delete it and the other to place a "linked" item in
another sortable list utilising a relational database.

This all works fine except for this bug:

When I add an item to the second list it goes there no problem and I
can sort that list, but as soon as i try to do anything with the first
list all the items in the list disappear. If I manually refresh the
page then they all appear again as normal.

Im using AJAX with my site as well and have a separate method and php
call to insert from 1 list to another.

Im not sure where I this bug might be, there is a lot of relevant code
so I figured id ask before posting it incase someone can assist where
the error might be or perhaps a bit more specific in terms of which
code I need to post.

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Disappearing Image Using Png Fix?

Oct 5, 2009

I'm implementing the png fix for ie6 using the following code:

var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE")
var version = parseFloat(arVersion[1])
if ((version >= 5.5) && (document.body.filters))


Really not sure whats wrong with this code. how I can fix this cause it reads the the code but it makes my images dissapear.

If there is a better method for PNG fix

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Disappearing Date Bar

Feb 25, 2004

I have a date bar inserted in my header. The date bar shows up when I use dreamweaver testing. but if I link to another page during testing the date bar is gone. Online I cant get it to show up at all. Code:

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Opera Bug? -- Disappearing <form> ?!

Jul 23, 2005

In Opera 8.01 (Linux; Build 1204) and in Opera 7.54 (Windows XP; Build 3865),
my form disappears from the HTML markup (below). To summarize:

1) In a <script> block in the <head> I create a form element (part of
object/feature/bug detection).
2) There's a <form> element defined in the <body>, with the id 'theForm'.
3) The onload function tries to access that form, and also counts the
total number of forms in the document. It fails to get a reference
to the form; the count is 0. Code:

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JQuery :: Disappearing Box On Hover?

Mar 7, 2011

This code attempts to have a blue box appear when red senses the mouse hovering. I can get the blue box to be visible, but when the mouse leaves to hover over the blue box, it disappears! Not good. How do I make it stay?

I want to put a form in the blue box, but at this test, the blue box disappears when the mouse leaves the red bar. I put in code to keep the blue box visible on mouse over, but it conflicts whit the second "red.hide" function, animating open and closed. I've tried to put an "if statement" in the second "red.hide" function, but results were inconclusive.

How do I keep the blue box open?

<script type=text/javascript>


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Div Content Disappearing On Refresh In IE7?

Jan 28, 2009

When I refresh the page in IE7 this div content is disappearing:

for(cnc=0; cnc<common_name.length; cnc++)
var comname = document.createTextNode(common_name[cnc].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
if(common_name.length>1 && cnc<common_name.length-1)
comname.appendData(', ');


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Prevent My Content From Disappearing?

Sep 16, 2011

How do I prevent my Link from disappearing?? When I click on the link, "Click Here" It display, "Look At Me!!" but the link, "Click Here" is GONE Is there a way to keep my link, "Click Here" from disappearing?So when I click on the link, "Click Here" the content, "Look At Me!!"should display as well.


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Page Disappearing / Stop This?

Apr 30, 2009

I have a javascript alert which pops up when a user hasnt filled in a form ( php ) but when the alert appears the rest of the page behind it disappears and then reappears when the user presses ok, is there a way to stop this?code...

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Dropdown Menu Not Disappearing

Sep 10, 2011

I'm still trying to figure our why my drop down menu won't respond to the event handlers I have set up; I want the drop down menu to appear as if being pulled down; this works great. But once viewer mouses off the drop menu I want it to disappear and right now it won't.

Here is the link to the page: [url]

Try either menu, it scrolls out fine; but you have to reload the page to get it to disappear. What baffles me is why my function mclose is not working.

Here is the code:

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Prevent Content From Disappearing?

Sep 16, 2011

How do I prevent my Link from disappearing?When I click on the link, "Click Here" It display, "Look At Me!!" but the link, "Click Here" is GONE Is there a way to keep my link, "Click Here" from disappearing? So when I click on the link, "Click Here" the content, "Look At Me!!"should display as well.

Here are my codes


<script type="text/javascript">


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Values Disappearing In Form

Feb 15, 2011

The following code is supposed to display and hide fields when clicking on radio buttons which is does correctly, it also gives the fields that are hidden a value so that it passes validation.

The problem is that when the user moves from one field to the next, it deletes the value that they have just entered. [code]...

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Alert Box Is Disappearing Only After Two Clicks?

Dec 7, 2010

See I have called a function in onchange event of a dropdownlist.What happens in the onchange function is that if the value for dropdown has already been entered once, then an alert message will be shown. The problem I have is, if the value has been already entered, when I try to change the value in dropdown, dropdownlist gets displayed (expands) and an alert message gets displayed. When I click "OK" of alertbox first the dropdown gets back to it original form and only on the next click alert box goes. What I need is everything should happen in a single click itself.


<td>Score <select name="score" id="score" onchange="wgtage(1);validate_values();"></td>
function validate_values()


Here the function wgtage() will populate another dropdownlist depending on the value chosen in the above dropdown. I am talking about the alertbox."THIS IS CAN BE ENTERED ONLY ONCE" in the function validate_values().

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TreeMenu - Complex Disappearing Problem

Jul 23, 2005

My web page has one unordered list that disappears in Firefox. The
unordered list in question has the class="dir". I double-checked the
source code and verified the markup's semantics. Everything looked
fine. So I placed the code in the W3C validator and it passed with no
errors. Then I placed a regular unordered list with no class before
the previous unordered list. Upon a reload, the new unordered list did
not render, yet the unordered list with the "dir" class appeared. The
whole situation was strange.

After reviewing web page with the DOM inspector, the disappearing list
had been assigned {display: none}. Apparently, my JavaScript for
TreeMenu functionality was the culprit. I attempted to debug the
JavaScript. Sadly, my JavaScript knowledge is elementary even though I
successfully implemented the approach from
http://www.bakketun.net/listmenu/. When my web page became more
convoluted, the JavaScript began faltering along its seams.

Here are my discoveries while debugging (using Venkman). The
elementHasClass() should match the "element.ClassName" with
"TreeMenu." If not, the function return false. Unfortunately, another
function passes the div element to the setMenu(); then the said
function assign the display attribute; block or none.

But I can not pinpoint where the code goes down the wrong path;
needless to say develop a solution.

Please review the site below and let me know if you have suggestions.
View source and search for class="dir"; the disappearing list has the
text "test." Problematic code JavaScript area may include the line
listed below. This posting was intended as a short description.
Further clarification will be gladly provided if someone shows
interest in a particular aspect. I have pages of notes on the
debugging process.....

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Why Is Netscape 6.1 Disappearing My Final Table Row?

Jul 20, 2005

I apologize for the length of the page below, but I've tried
to whittle it down as much as I can. The problem is that
Netscape 6.1 on my Win 2K Pro machine is disappearing
the final row of the table.

Opera 7.01 and IE 5 and 5.5 are both OK with the page, and
the offending line is right before the commented out alert line,
but I have been unable to figure why it's happening.

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Dropdown Menu List Not Disappearing

Nov 19, 2010

I'm fiddling around with designing a site and trying to get my JS bearings down. I'm wondering why the second option isn't making the drop down list disappear.

<script language="JavaScript">
function fncShow(){
document.getElementById('box').style.visibility = 'visible';
} function fncHide() {
document.getElementById('box').style.visibility = 'hidden';
<select name="box">
<option selected>Choose one</option>
<option value="first" onclick="JavaScript:fncShow();">first option</option>
<option value="second" onclick="JavaScript:fncHide();">second option</option>

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Dropdown Sub Menus Not Disappearing Onmouseout?

Jul 20, 2010

I have site which I have been maintaining. The initial drop down menu under teh main menu "profile" appears correctly, the fonts are white. So based on the I created another submenu under "services". Everything is fine except that the font colour on the dropdown menu is not white like the first case.

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Values Disappearing In Form / Sort It?

Feb 15, 2011

The following code is supposed to display and hide fields when clicking on radio buttons which is does correctly, it also gives the fields that are hidden a value so that it passes validation. T

The problem is that when the user moves from one field to the next, it deletes the value that they have just entered. :S Any ideas why this might occur? code...

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Content Not Being Display - Link Disappearing

Sep 16, 2011

How do I prevent my Link from disappearing? When I click on the link, "Click Here". It display, "Look At Me!!" but the link, "Click Here" is GONE. Is there a way to keep my link, "Click Here" from disappearing? So when I click on the link, "Click Here" the content, "Look At Me!!" should display as well.

Here are my codes
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function display() {
document.writeln("Look At Me!!");
<a href="google.com" onClick="display()">Click Here</a>

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JQuery :: Absolutely-positioned Div Disappearing While IE7 Is Animating ?

Apr 20, 2010

I am having a problem with an absolutely-positioned div disappearing while IE7 is animating. The animation has a z-index lower than the div containing Questions, Customizable, and Library, but the div disappears during animation. Is there anything I can do about this? I've tried changing the positioning, z-index, and moving the div to occur before the animation, but nothing seems to work. Everything looks fine in FF, IE8, and Safari.

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Disappearing Cells During Table Rendering In Firefox?

Jan 7, 2010

Baffled after ages googling.

I have a large table with table-layout:fixed.

I want to fill in every cell in one column on a button click.

IE renders table perfectly every time. Firefox fails to fill in some of the cells in the other columns, it is totally repeatable.

More info: I have tabs that switch parts of the table on and off using display:none and display:

If I switch tab and switch back manually, Firefox gets it right. Forcing tab switch in javascript has no effect.

So I am getting repeatable results, and have tried all sorts of techniques to get Firefox to render correctly (it is progessive rendering).

Has anyone come across anything like this?

Small tables appear to be rendered fine, so I guess Firefox may not be rendering on time as there are a lot of cells in each column.

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Add Fields With Click Of Button - Input Disappearing

Jun 23, 2009

I have a form I am using to take a list of band members. It includes the member name and the instrument they play. My problem is I can enter the first set of info, and once I click the add another member button..the information I entered is removed, but, the new fields are added. I want to keep the information typed and also add a field.

<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">
//this script is to make sure that the session data is put back into the member fields if they are updated
$memnum = 1;
while ($_SESSION['member'.$memnum] != ""){
} .....

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Value Disappearing In Function Call Inside Event / Fix It?

Jun 17, 2010

I have an html input and when a button is clicked, that input's value is passed to a function. However, the value becomes undefined when execution gets inside the function despite NOT being undefined inside the event handler! See below code...

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