I want to detect the double-press of the space key. However, I want a single press of a space key to have a different function. The double-tap of space should only count if the taps of space are no more than, say, a half second apart.
For example: The user hits space once, and javascript begins performing one action. 1/3rd of a second later, they hit the space bar again, and since that is within our threshold of 1/2 of a second, the action that began because the user hit the spacebar once should be cancelled, or undone (which I can write later) and the action when the user hits the spacebar twice should begin.
I am working in web application project. In this on a div i have double click event to open a popup box, in android browser if i did double click then it fires zoom in event. Please any one help me javascript code for detecting long press/ double click vent in android browsers.
How to detect whether a control key is pressed and released from the keyboard? "onkeydown" iam invoking the following function....and updating the flag "cntrl_key_pressed" to true and false accordingly.
how to identify that the control key is released from the keyboard, so that i can reset the flag (cntrl_key_pressed) to false.?
I have a page that submits to a db then re-loads its self with new information. Unfortunately it goes wrong when the user double clicks on a one of many text links that provides the info for the display on reload. How do I stop users from double clicking on the page? Ideally I think I would like to call some sort of js function from body onload as I presume this would then cover the whole of the page, but have no idea if this is possible or how to go about writing it.
I'm doing a tutorial from a book to drag and drop elements on a page into a shopping cart. I had everything working fine in IE until I added the function for key presses. What it should do is when 1 is clicked, the first item is moved into the cart, and if I press 1 again the item goes back to where it started.
The function that's giving me problems is keyDrag (at the bottom). I included the other functions in case you need to see them because keyDrag calls them. The error I'm getting in IE is "object expected" and it's at the line marked below in the keyDrag function.
What happens when I press 1 is the item that's supposed to go to the cart appears at the cursor as if I clicked and dragged it. But if I drag it manually into the cart, and then press 1, it will snap back to its original place without problems.
I followed the tutorial from phpacademy found here:
part1 (youtube) part2 (youtube) part3 (youtube)
The tutorial is great and I successful got the code to work correctly. I am working on adding additional functionality. When a list of suggestions pop up. If the user presses the up or down key it cycles through the list highlighting the focused suggestion (Just how google works). I currently have two problems.
First is I have a variable set to determine which position of the list should be highlighted. It should increment by 1 if the down key is pressed. However it increments by much more for some reason.
Second problem is I can't figure out how to keep the suggestion highlighted. It will only highlight when a key is pressed down.
Java Script
var suggestionPosition = 5; function clickSearch(){ $("#searchBox").keyup(function(event){ if(event.keyCode == 13){
Ive this line of code, which is a send button, but I'm trying to get a pop up message once I press it saying "are you sure you want to send" but where ever I put it in it doesnt work
I am trying to submit form on press Enter but its does not work in IE8, works in chrome, and mozilla, I dont know what I made the mistake in my coding.
I'm really new to Javascript, and really know basically nothing about it. What I want to do is press a skip button on a page, then wait for the next page to load completely before pressing the skip button. I want the script to stop after the first five skips, though. I plan on making this into a GreaseMonkey script for my own personal use, if that info is needed, too.
My script works ok in IE but not in firefox.Basically i have a dropdown list that onclick adds the values to a textarea field on same page. It works ok if you just select from the dropdown to begin.However as soon as you press a key with the cursor in focus of the textarea it disables the further addition from the dropdown.This doesn't happen in IE so it's probably a syntax error.'m new to all this and i search the internet to build the scripts by trial and error -this is my way of learning. Anyway here is the code;avascript:
function test(){ document.getElementById('taid').innerHTML+=document.getElementById ('selid').value;
How can you capture a back-button move that points to an anchor.. So basically, the user enters the page, clicks on an anchor which brings him to another part of the page, clicks the back button. Now ideally when he hits the back button, I want to be able to call a javascript function from there.
Page loads --> user clicks anchor (#test) --> calls javascript function using onClick --> user presses back button --> ?? capture the back button move and call javascript function ??
Wondering if there's a better way than what I'm doing to disable that when a user presses Enter, the form is submitted.
I'm catching the enter key onkeydown events. And it works fine on input boxes but I noticed that if a user selects something on a drop down menu and presses the enter key, the form is also submitted. As far as I know drop downs don't have an onkeypress event.
Is there a way to cancel form submission when the Enter key is pressed? Or any ideas how to catch this event on a drop down?
I have been trying to merge two command scripts, and have gotten nothing. I am trying to use javascript commands to open a new window on Firefox, and on that opened window simulate a Tab key press.
This is the full script that I have come up with so far to open two windows, with the websites being yahoo.com and google.com. ***To fully help me please copy this script, paste to Notepad, save as a .html file and run it on Firefox. You will notice a "Open Windows" button will appear. When you click on it the windows will open:
What I want to do is merge these two scripts, so that when I press that "Open Windows" button, the new window opens and the Tab key press is immediately simulated to move to the next field on the webpage.
I understand that JavaScript is event driven, meaning some event has to occur before you can make things happen. The user must push a key or click somewhere on the page before you can relaly do anything with an event. I want to have the clicking of the "Open Windows" button, that first triggering event which opens a window and simulates the tab key press on that window.
I have a script that enables a certain button when some conditions are met. I'm having an issue with it, so I made a simple script to get to the core of what I'm trying to do. This is the script that I'm using:
function disable() { document.form.button2.disabled='false';