Creating And Populating Table?
Mar 12, 2010
I'm basically building a javascript/html calculator but I need the calculation to appear gradually in a table, the table need to be 3 columns accross and add a row each time a calculation button is pressed, the first column can remain blank for now but will need to contain a text field eventually, second column needs to show the calculation symbol, third column shows the number. Here's an example:
|Blank| | 4 |
|Blank| + | 2 |
|Blank| + | 7 |
|Blank| - | 5 |
|Blank| = | 8 |
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Jul 23, 2010
With IE 8 when a select element is created and populated the select element appears as if it doesn't contain any options until it is clicked. Once clicked the select element then resizes and the data is displayed. I ran across an article mentioning this issue could be resolved by adding an extra line of code that applies a "blank" style to the element but unfortunately the issue still persists. I'm currently using jquery 1.4.2 and the code I use to populate a select element is:
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May 6, 2010
Could any1 email me a comprehensive tutorial on populating a drop down box using either PHP and/or Javascript from a MySQL table?
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Aug 17, 2010
i am fairly new to JS for which i am working jQuery but that is for later.right now i am not getting my table printed out when i put input type="text".
here is my code
moreover i m writing this code to later call in a dialog box. using jQuery. but for now why isn't my code being printed with input type. do i have escape "" inside "" like in php? can i make more hierarchy type html in JS, i see when i put the td in next line the code doesn't execute. i guess white spaces have some significance in JS?
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Oct 7, 2010
I was wondering if someone could help me. I successfully implemented a number of sortable lists, using a table in html. However I wanted to table cells to be scrollable, which does not apparently work, I tried overflow: auto;, overflow: hidden; and overflow: scroll; in css and it did not work, the table cells kept moving to fit the draggable content. I checked on the internet and found that as stated, table cells cannot be made scrollable. Therefore I decided to do it all with div elements. However I want the div elements structured in a 5 x 3 format. Therefore I thought I would implement it in dom. However I am a newby to dom. I have created the following code, which is simple but repetitive, the function createTable simply creates the div elements (1,2,3,4,5...) and writes the class and id attributes to each. I then appended several of the elements into a div container I created, called divcontainer with a class right. There is also a div element already in the document, class and id = 'right'. I therefore tried to add the divcontainer to this. The function however is causing a page error and none of the dom div elements areI would simply prefer to create the divcontainer and append the div elements. Should I take out the div element right already in the document and instead use something like document.body.appendChild(divcontainer) or something similar. Also the function call createTable() should I use window.onload = function(){} instead.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
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Feb 17, 2007
The following code works great on Firefox and not in IE 6.
If I remove the table elements form the variable expor and just output text, the link and the form element and place a <div> with the if form the table and remove teh table it works great, if i put the div inside the table no error but nithing shows on IE. if it put as shown the id on the <table> works in firefox but not in IE I get an unknown runtime error. Is there someway around it? Becuase I want to keep the table for formating purposes as mor fields will be read and shown:
The idea is that the user insert the persons data so afertwards along with some more data it gets summited and in php i get it in DB, but a project can have none or hundres of persons, and always the names are diferent. Code:
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Nov 16, 2011
I am trying to have a table that can have data added to it when a user input there age and data. So far this is my attempt, but it is not working.
<script language=javascript>
function sort(){
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Feb 1, 2011
I am pulling 6 pictures using an array. The output is one long horizontal line of pictures. I want the pictures to populate into a table of two rows, with 3 pictures on each row.
How can I do this?
Here is the code:
for (var friendIndex=0; friendIndex<3; friendIndex++)
var divContainer = document.createElement("div");
divContainer.innerHTML="<img src='
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Feb 11, 2010
im having an issue creating a flashing cell within a table and was wondering if anyone could suggest on how i resolve this.When i do use this the background of the cell stays the original background color and i get no error warning from my degugger.
HTML Code:
<td class='flash'>I am Flashing</td>
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Oct 16, 2011
Write a script to generate two random numbers for variable m and n, the values generated for the variables should range from 1 to 10. We want to make an m * n table (m rows and n columns) with the word Hello in each of its cells. Now define a function f with one parameter n that displays n columns of one row of the table (You need a for-loop). Call this function m times to display m rows of the table. For example if m = 6 and n = 4 we should get the following:
(The above is supposed to be a table but did not copy fully)This was my attempt, although i really did not know how to attack this.
<script type="text/javascript">
function f(n)
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Aug 4, 2010
I am trying to create a simple HTML table with the squares of numbers and for some reason the loop is not triggering.
<table border="1">
<tr><td><h2>Table of Squares</h2></td></tr>
When I run the page all that comes up is the start of the table that is written before the script executes. Also is there any way I could use a debugger to catch this on my own? I tried the firefox debugger but it didn't catch anything when I ran it through, maybe I was just doing it wrong.
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Mar 14, 2011
I am trying to create a js script that will prompt the user for a times table (example the 5 times table, the 7 times table, etc.) & prompt the user for 2 more values; the 'start' number and 'end' number. So there would be 3 numbers total the user must input. The script should present a 'warning' message if the user inputs letters or negative numbers. I have come very close to getting it too work but can't quite get past the last hurdle. Upon entering the 3 numbers, the output should look similar to this: (the 5 times table starting with 1 and ending with 12)
The 5 times table
5 * 1 = 5
5 * 2 = 10
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Nov 1, 2011
Im developing a script for dynamically creating html table structure so that from the input that has been given to the function it will fetch the values one by one and will create the structure. My problem is i want to add attributes to the elements created. sample code attached.
with( window['o' + elementname]){
here the element name will be get from the parameters passed to the function. i want to verify whether the line in bold is correct or not coz the id is not updated in output.
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Apr 24, 2010
html and javascript and am having problems getting a table to be generated from a given set of rows and cols. I was successful at creating the table, but trying to add functionality such as mouse over is giving me some trouble. I have a feeling its because my variables are out of scope when the function is hit, but can't think of a better way to do it.
function setTable(){
var myElem = document.getElementById('tableDiv');
numRows = 16;
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Oct 31, 2011
devolping a javascriptcode for creating a table and inserting images inside it. it should consist of two rows. upper row should contain one image and the lower row should contain 2 small images. not allowed to use html. no borders and no spaces between the images.only with java script.
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Feb 15, 2012
I am looking for creating a grid/table that is editable online. I have browsed online for solutions, but I am short of time & I seem to getting more confused the more I search.
Basically I am trying to create a staff rota that the admin staff can edit online and save out so it is viewable - but not editable by staff members.
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Sep 6, 2011
I have a feeling this is going to get ugly quick but here goes. I havetable rows with dates (IE: Sunday, January 1, 2011). I need to be able to "clone" the rows with this caveat. I need to recalculate the number of rows based on a day/week combination.. ex: September 1st 2011 falls on a Thursday so my pattern would look like this:
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Jul 23, 2005
I currently have an iframe on a webpage into which users can insert content. They can further customise the text as I've included buttons such as Bold, Italic, Bullet point etc. This is done along the lines of
<td><div class="cbtn" onClick="cmdExec('bold',idContent)"
onmouseover="button_over(this);" onmouseout="button_out(this);"
onmousedown="button_down(this);" onmouseup="button_up(this);">
<img hspace="1" vspace=1 align=absmiddle src="images/Bold.gif"
But has anyone found a way of creating a table for insertion in an Iframe. A much bigger task I realise but I'm not keen on users copying tables from Word and inserting them into the iframe.
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May 4, 2011
I am trying to populate a listbox using Javascript. The listbox is populated using the xml response from ajax request. But i am facing performance issue here. some ajax requests retrieves xmls with around 11,000 nodes and this takes too much of time to populate the listbox.
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Apr 5, 2010
Am trying to populate my second list box from the 1st. I have done the folowing code, iam trying to call a function in the onchange event of my 1st listbox, but it does not change the URL :( however if i manually change my URL then the thing works fine.
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Jun 29, 2004
How would I populate one listbox from another? I don't even know where to begin.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have to write a web page wht three combo boxes, all three are to be
populated from a database. - there tables = Bulidings, Floors and Offices
The user will choose a 'Building' from the first combo, once it has been
selected, I need to populate the second combo box with the 'floors' of that
selected building. The user will then select the floor, which in turn will
then populate the office combo box for the user to select.
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Jul 23, 2005
How do you go about populating a select list from an XML file?
I can open the XML file fine and get at all of the data, but I'm stuck on
how to use that data in my <option> tags. Is it even possible?
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Feb 11, 2009
Wonder if anyone can help. I have a page on my website where users can select their country and state/province from a drop down menu. The country and state/province drop down menus get populated from the mysql database using javascript: ie: the user select his country, and the states/provinces of that selected country is then populated into the drop down menu. The code looks like this:<select name="countryList" id="countryList" onChange="return CountryListOnChange()">So the js part onChange will only populate the states drop down menu when a new country is selected.Now the problem is: when the use goes back to his profile, he can see the country he selected, but not any state, since the states list is only populated onChange.
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Mar 31, 2009
this is driving me nuts. I'm not new to programming, except that I've been avoiding Javascript for long time and now it's biting me back.
I have form in which I have among other element a series of checkboxes. These have different id, and values but same name attributes. These attributes are populated with good old ASP spaghetti code.
When I check the box, I want a Div tag called "floatleyer" to populate with a duplicate checkbox and it's value ( a string). So now we have pair of check boxes one the page and a matching one in the div area. If you un-check either box of the matching pair the other member of the given pair gets un-checked as well. In addition, the box and value string from the floatleyer is completely removed.
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Sep 5, 2009
I want to have an input text on the top of the page that when I type in a series of numbers and hit submit, it populates the rest of the form.
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