Counting Patterns In Record Fields And Creating Array?

Nov 5, 2011

How do you count patterns in record fields and create an array of it?For example:Searching in (using my example below) currently gives me multiple outputs of

0 0 (**in** seen at index 0 of book 0 title record)
0 13 (**in** seen at index 13 of book 0 title record)
1 19 (**in** seen at index 0 of book 1 title record)


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Counting Number Of Text Fields In An Array?

Jan 4, 2010

How can I use JavaScript to count how many text fields are in an array of text fields? (example below)

HTML Code:
<input name="option[0]" type="text" id="option[0]" value="" /> <br />
<br />


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Creating Stacked Bar Charts With Patterns?

Oct 12, 2009

I want to create a horizontal stacked bar chart that it will support zoom in/out and mouse over events. I also want some times instead of colors to be able to use patterns. For the first part it seems that only dojo can produce those charts. In addition, i haven't seen any javascript library to support patterns in any kind of chart.

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Creating Array With 3 Answers And Match Fields In Form?

Aug 17, 2009

I need to create a form that has three questions, but the answers have to match my answers...what is the best way to do this (without DB). I was thinking create an array with the 3 answers then match the fields with the answers in my array.

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JQuery :: Creating An Array - Wordpress To Display Custom Fields For Rollovers

Jan 25, 2011

I'm using jquery with wordpress to display custom fields for rollovers.

The issue that I'm having is that I'm using the same div class to dynamically pull images from custom fields with in a post. when I do this, every time I rollover one image all the images switch to their rollover state. I figure I need an array to get them to function individually.


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Counting Integers In An Array?

Sep 19, 2009

I have an array holding 100 randomly generated integers between 0-9 inclusive...firstArray[99]

how do i use a second array to keep count of how many times each integer is generated..secondArray[9]

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Confirm/Searching/Counting An Array?

Oct 28, 2009

I feel stupid for asking a question about searching arrays, when there's a very similar thread that has been answered just recently on the first page; however, I'm still having trouble contemplating my own scenario.Basically, my program prompts the user for the length of the array and then asks the user to fill the array with words.I want to confirm if the user wants to search the array for those words. If so, the user will then be prompted to enter the word he wishes to search for; if found, the location of that word will be reported and the number of times the word has been searched for will be kept track of in a separate array.Here is what I have so far:

/* -- phase 3 ------------------------------------------------------
search for words the user asks for


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Use An Array In Counting The Checks On Checkboxes?

Nov 11, 2009

Is there any option not to use an array in counting the checks on checkboxes? Code will be integrated into an ORACLE database. I'm trying to catch up same output as stated below;but whenever i integrate it to Oracle database it doesnt work. I am a beginner in PHP programming.

<script type="text/javascript">
function countCheckboxes ( ) {
var form = document.getElementById('testForm');
var count = 0;


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Counting Of Input Array Elements?

Sep 13, 2010

I am creating table rows dynamically through javascript and also creating the input array in each table row. while counting the array elements in IE its give me the correct counting but in GOOGLE CHROME and FIREFOX its give me the only those count like 2 which I do with hardcode

HTML Code:


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Create An Array Of Numbers Counting From 1 To A Given Number?

Mar 20, 2009

I just want to create an array of numbers counting from 1 to a given number.

At the moment I have the for loop running like this:

var i=0;
for (i=1;i<=10;i++)
if (i == 1)


This outputs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

How can I put this output into this variable: 'var ids' so I get out

var ids= [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];

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Return Array - C# Code - Connecting To Database And Creating A Array - List

Jan 21, 2011

Modifying my code:

I have this C# code that is connecting to database and creating a array(list)


I'm trying to pass it to a javascript function so I can then pass it to a silverlight page so I was able to create this easy javascript that show a aleart box on startup of the list(array)


But I want to do something like this and can't get it:


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Netscape Hidden Fields - Array - Multiple Fields With Same Name

Jul 20, 2005

I have multiple fields in a form with the same name. Lets call the fields with the same name "junk_array". My first field of junk_array is a input type=hidden. All the others fields in junk_array that follow are type=text. I can reference this first hidden field in IE with document.form.field[0].value. In, fact my form works absolutely wonderful in IE 6. However, netscape 4.7 does not recognize my first field in the array as the hidden field. Netscape sees the first visible text field as the first field in the array, subscript 0. What totally and utterly perplexes me, is that, from a previous thread, I can do this and get 9999 back in an alert
box in Netscape and IE. So, this proves Netscape doesn't have some evil code that disregards hidden fields. I guess...

<body onload="alert(document.myForm.test[0].value);">
<form name="myForm">
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="9999">
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="8888">
<input type="text" name="test" value="6">
<input type="text" name="test" value="3">

I even copied these fields directly below the opening <form> tag in my form and both Netscape and IE see the first hidden field as as
subscript 0.

However, my form is much more complicated. I have tables within tables and about 30 other fields. In my form I cannot for the life of me get Netscape to recognize the first hidden field of junk_array to zed as index 0.

Somehow, If I make the first type=hidden fields visible, netscape does work nicely. Why when I toggle type=hidden to type=text does Netscape cooperate. What is happening here? Anyone else have this problem with hidden fields in Netscape? I could post the code to my form but it is

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Convert Php Array To Array And Populate Form Text Fields

Nov 3, 2010

I am working on a page where the user will select a location from a dynamically generated dropdown list. I was able to create the php multidimensional array (tested and working) from a MySql database using the users information at login, but I'm having problems converting it to a javascript multidimensional array. I need to be able to access variables that I can pass to a number of text fields within an html form.For instance, if a user belongs to a company with multiple addresses, I need to be able to let them select the address they need to prepopulate specific text fields.

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Creating The Dynamic Fields?

Oct 24, 2009

i want to make a form. the form will have three text fields and with two buttons. what i want with this form is when the user enters the first three fields and if he wants to add more then he will click on add more button and on the same page three more fields will appear below the first three fields. the user will then enter these three fields then if he wants to add more then he will click on add more button. so three more fields will appear below the first six fields. user will enter these fields. he will be allowed to enter upto eight or less than eight times. once he finishes with this then he will click the second button to insert this data into db.

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Creating A Form That Has 30 Odd Fields?

Jan 31, 2006

I'm creating a form that has 30 odd fields, and I want to display certain fields based on the value of a select box. So say I have the following groups:

Group A:
field 1
field 2
field 3
field 4

Group B:
field 2
field 3
field 6
field 7
field 8

Group C:
field 2
field 7
field 8
field 9
field 10

What would the best (i.e fastest and easiest) way to show/hide the various fields? I was thinking about two different ways to approach this. One, having a multidimensional array with the allowed fields for each group. Two, having a custom attribute that defines which group(s) the corresponding form field belongs too. What do you think?

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Creating Required Fields For A Contact Form?

Apr 2, 2009

It's beginning to get confusing as some code seems very complicated. I simply want four fields to be mandatory when filling out the form - so if one or more is not filled in, an alert appears saying 'Please fill out all required fields' (or something to that extent) before it will process. I understand that I need to include Javascript within the Head secion of the page and corresponding html and javascript within the contact form itself.Required Fields are: Name, Address, Area Code and Phone.<div id="main"><p>Please feel free to contact us with any query. see the <a href="services.html">Services</a> page.<br />All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.</p>

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Search/replace Patterns In Web Pages?

Jul 20, 2005

I need to search and replace patterns in web pages, but I
can't find a way even after reading the ad hoc chapter in New Rider's
"Inside JavaScript".

Here's what I want to do:

function filter() {
var items = new Array("John", "Jane");

for (x = 0; x < items.length; x++) {
//Doesn't work
pattern = '/' + items[x] + '/'
//Doesn't work either
document.body = document.body.replace(pattern,"IGNORED");

ie., create an array of items to look for in the BODY section of the
page, and if any item exists, replace the item with IGNORED.

Anyone knows how to do this?

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Design Patterns For Form Validation

Sep 29, 2010

I was asked an interesting question today: what is the best design pattern for form validation? This got me thinking. Form validation, on a theoretical level, is pretty simple, you: listen for events from the form, pass inputted data from the form through some validation functions, then react accordingly. I haven't really thought about design patterns on such a macro level. This does seem like a pretty standard mvc setup when I think about it, but is there a better option? Some pattern I haven't though of or heard about?

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Creating Fields Dynamically Upon Clicking And Data From Mysql Tables

Sep 13, 2010

I have here a code that will automatically generate two text fields (Title & Price) when "Add another article" is pressed. I got this from the web, but I want instead of using a text field, I want it to create a drop down menu based on a mysql table, then update the price automatically (also based on the mysql table) on the other text field once a selection has been made on the drop down menu.

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Creating A Form That Will Change The Number Of Fields Based On User Input

Jan 4, 2006

I have a form that collects information about up to 5 items. I would
like the user to be able to select from a drop down menu how many items
for which they want to compare information, and then have the form
change the number of input fields accordingly.

In other words, if the user selects enter info for 3 items, then input
fields for only 3 items are shown, if they change it to 4 items, then a
fourth column shows up in the table with the appropriate input fields.

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Creating Array Of Textbox?

Sep 8, 2010

i have a drop down list which contains various items,on selection of one of a item,a text box and submit button appears,for this i have used javascript and div i want to enter the no in that text box and on submitting the number of textbox has to appear on that page,how can i do it?

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Creating An Array Of Objects

Oct 3, 2011

As they all have the same property set but with different values I thought I'd try creating a servo object, the create an array of servo's but I don't think I'm getting anywhere fast. Heres what I have

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

Once this is done and I've got all the servo objects created with their properties, I'm hoping to be able to search for all servo's with a set property i.e all servo's with servo.application = 1 would that be possible, if not I geuss I'd be wasting all our time trying to create classes I can't use the way I'd like.

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Creating A Function Utilising An Array

Nov 20, 2006

I am trying to create a function that adds to specific array, then
checks the array to determine whether to alert 'Yes' or 'No'.

Note this is a simplified version of the function I have created. This
function will be used with different arrays.

function change_value (check_value, array_name, array_number){

if (check_value == 'yes'){
delete array_name[array_number];

// check if there is a 'Y' anywhere in the array
return array_name;

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JQuery :: Creating A Table From An Array?

Feb 1, 2011

I am pulling 6 pictures using an array. The output is one long horizontal line of pictures. I want the pictures to populate into a table of two rows, with 3 pictures on each row.

How can I do this?

Here is the code:

for (var friendIndex=0; friendIndex<3; friendIndex++)
var divContainer = document.createElement("div");
divContainer.innerHTML="<img src='


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Dynamically Creating An Array In A For Loop?

Apr 21, 2011

I am trying to create a function that creates an array comprised of filenames based on a given range. I.E if 2-8 is selected and a foldername of UMCP/ and a common name of college is also given, the function should return and array such as [UMCP/college2.jpg,UMCP/college3.jpg.....UMCP/college8.jpg]. Here is what I've got but the alert that should tell me the filename of the first image says it is undefined, how can i fix this?

function getArrayPhotosNames (total,count,first,last) {
/*window.alert("get Array Photo Names");*/
var folderName = document.getElementById("photofold").value;
var Alias = document.getElementById("commonName").value;


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Creating An Array To Store Dates

Mar 15, 2007

What I am trying to do is to create an array that could hold "dates". (1/3/2004)

I have a file that has 6 sets of 3 dates. So 18 individual dates.
The program reads the file and takes in the dates.

What I have is a while loop. Inside the while loop it reads each set one at a time and passes it to a method which will sort the dates in the chronological order. Code:

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