Combining Two Nodes In One?

Feb 17, 2011

I have two nodes with elements get by tag name.Now i want these two nodes merged in one

list1 = document.getElementById("menu1").getElementsByTagName("a");
list2 = document.getElementById("menu2").getElementsByTagName("a");

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Wrap Nodes Between Two Other Nodes In DIV Tags?

Apr 6, 2010

What's the best way to wrap all the nodes between two nodes in DIV tags? Is it possible with the DOM? I have code similar to the following:

HTML Code:

<h3>First header</h3>
<p>First paragraph</p>
<p>Second paragraph</p>


How can I achieve this with the DOM, without resorting to doing something like a string replace?

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Why Are Anchor Nodes Pointing To Href And Text Nodes Pointing To [object?

Aug 6, 2010

Consider following html code
<p id="oliver">
<a id="oliver1" href="/oliver1/">Oliver Twist 1</a>
<a id="oliver2" href="/oliver2/">Oliver Twist 2</a>
<a id="oliver3" href="/oliver3/">Oliver Twist 3</a>
<a id="oliver4" href="/oliver4/">Oliver Twist 4</a>

Applying JavaScript to above html as following:


Why are anchor nodes pointing to href and text nodes pointing to [object]? As anchor and text both are objects therefore all outputs from indices 0 to 7 should be [object].

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Combining 2 Functions Into One

Jan 30, 2010

I basically have 2 "if" statements. How would i go about combining them?

function validate_form(thisform)
with (thisform)


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JQuery :: Combining Two Different Effects?

Apr 1, 2011

i'm completly new to this kind of stuff and now i have a (little) problem. First of all i had done a Accordion with Tabs like here:[URL]... Thats currently working. I split every head/title of the 3 panes in 2 parts (div), first the name of the head-pane, e.g. "First Pane" and a div-container for a navigation...

I want that the navigation part fade in of the current activating pane and the other navigations should be fade out.It's not easy to explain what i mean


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Combining Six Versions Of A Function

Mar 27, 2010

I have this function which rounds up the <p>s, checks their ids, twice, for specific letter combinations and, depending on the combination, changes the class name in one of two ways. It's referencing <p> tags with ids that look like this: <p id="Labaabb6">, where 'a' could be 'b' & vice versa, '6' any number from 1 to 6, and 'L' is just there to be zero in the character count. Still here? OK, there are six variations, V1() to V6(): these work standalone, but it'd be good to combine them. This is where I'm having some trouble...


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Combining Two Functions (first One Calls The Other)

Dec 13, 2010

This is the first function.



how do I combine these given that the value that would be computed in function 2 is already computed in function 1 ?

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JQuery :: Combining Old/new Features?

Oct 1, 2009

I want to integrate the new Progress Bar UI feature on jQuery 1.3.2 and jQuery UI 1.7.2 : [URL]When I combine then however, the new tab style of jQuery 1.3.2 takes over as seen here:[URL]How can I insert the new Progress Bar into the old Tabs, without the tabs reverting to the new design?

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JQuery :: Combining The Two.js Files?

Aug 19, 2010

I've been having a hard time combining these 2 files, and im fairly new to jquery so i'm not sure what is blocking out (if at all) these two files won't work together on a website i'm developing for a client .Here's the two codes i'm attempting to mergeOnes rather simple which i've written, for a fade in fade out technique.


$(".fade_img").fadeTo("250", 0.3);


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Combining Two JSON Objects ?

Mar 25, 2010

I am currently generating two different JSON objects from Coldfusion. I've read several things about how to merge JSON objects but they always modify the first object if it has the same Key. What I want to do is append the second objects contents to the end of the first objects contents under the same key.

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JQuery :: Combining .live With DelayedObserver?

Jan 31, 2011

I am using a delayedObserver which works great, but I can't figure out how to use it when the field I am binding is loaded via ajax. So ideally, something like this:

.delayedObserver(0.35, function(value, element){

This would bind any form elements with the live_form_field data attribute to the observer and submit the form. The code doesn't work though since that isn't the right syntax for the .live method.

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Opening Windows: Combining Two Functions?

May 19, 2010

Doing a bit of window-opening: the idea is, when a link is clicked, it selects a random one from an array of urls, and then opens it with certain toolbars missing. Got a script for each part, but not sure how to combine them: 'location' seems to be talking about different things in each script.

the random script:

var single = new Array ("a.htm","b.htm","z.htm")
function choose(){
window.location=choose[Math.floor(Math.random()*single.length)] }


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Combining Text And Numeric Variables?

Sep 6, 2011

I would like to fill a text field using both text and variables..i.e. it would say x+2, so i would write.. (if 2 were a given variable)form.form1.value = "x+" 2(I know that isn't correct, I'm just wondering how I would go about this..)

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Combining Function With Form And Php Submission?

Feb 27, 2009

I am trying to combine a php form submission with a javascript function.Basically my form includes an address and UK postcide and I need to get the longitude and latitude of this address using the google map api. I have a javascript function that performs this geocoding.My problem is that I need the following sequence of events to occur.

1. User completes form including mandatory address and postcode

2. User clicks on the "Submit" button

3. Javascript function is called to retrieve the longitude and latitude

4. If successfully retrieved the longitude and latitude, submit the form data including the retrieved longitude and latitude.

Here is my javascript geocode function

function geoCode(location) {
if (location != '') {


<form name="myform" method="post" action="" onsubmit="return geoCode(document.getElementById('postcode').value);">
This is not working and it appears to just immediately submit the form without going into the following bit of the javascript function
if (localSearch.results[0]) {

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Combining 2 Window.onload's Being Triggered Twice

Feb 11, 2008

I have 2 Javascript's running, and as you can guess by my title, only one is loading because of the window.onload being triggered twice. The last one that is called in the <head> of the document is the one that runs. One of the JavaScript's is run in the page, the other is called from a external file. I cannot figure out how to combine the window.onload functions so they can both be run. Here's the first Javascript that contains a window.onload. This is responsible for rounding the corners on my page. This code is inserted directly in the page, with an external file that accompinies it. The external file does not contain the window.onload, so i havent attached it.


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JQuery :: Combining Live With FadeTo Event

May 17, 2011

I am trying to bind the live event to the fadeTo(). I am doing so because after the page is loaded, I am adding new elements to the page through ajax and need them to come in as faded. This is what I currently have.
This is what I have tried to do.
Above does not seem correct, but I have searched for more info/documentation on using live() with fadeTo but have found nothing.

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JQuery :: Combining .ready And .change In An OR Statement?

Jul 18, 2011

I've got identical javascript code that I want to run when either a page loads or inputs to a form change. Right now, I've got two separate statements:


I think the obvious answer is to combine the two with a Javascript IF/OR (||) statement, but I can't seem to get the syntax correct, I think probably due to the open '(' before 'function' in both cases and the fact that it doesn't close until 'some javascript' has executed.

Any suggestions on the correct syntax, or is there a different way of implementing this that I'm not aware of? The two separate statements work fine right now, but I'd rather not have to maintain multiples of the same javascript code.

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JQuery :: Cycle: Combining 'backwards' With #hashes?

Nov 26, 2011

I've set several options, but I'm having trouble using 'backwards' with the #hash function on dynamically created slideshows. I'm using PHP to generate slide arrays for a given page. I pull the slides in sequence from a full array in amaster file. Everything works fine when I navigate forward, and also when I navigate backwards within the slide array on a given page (I use the manual setting with prev/next buttons). The problem occurs when I navigate backwards to the first slide, then clickmy PHP-generatedlink to get the nextset of "previous" slides. When the page loads, it starts at the first slide instead of the last, even though 'backwards' is set to true. I think the hash script is overriding it, since there's no #hash on my PHP link (I can code one in, but it's code-intensive so I'm hoping there's a simple on-the-fly javascript solution).


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JQuery :: Combining Prev And Next With Image Count

Oct 14, 2009

I have worked out how to use the Next and Prev example here : [URL] and the count example here: [URL]. I can't however work out how to combine them so when you press "Next". It changes a "1 out of 5" image counter.

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JQuery :: Using Functions, Combining Sliding And Clicking?

Dec 30, 2011

I guess I'm having some trouble with combining regular OOP javascript and jQuery.Here I'm trying to make a simple molewhacking game with jQuery. Somehow the click() method doesn't work anymore when I use my (strangely and unexpectedly working...) slideDown and UP combination-loop. Probably the approach I'm taking is very wrong. Should I put $ before all functions? I just dunno.


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Combining Two OnClicks With One Link For Google Analytics?

Feb 5, 2009

This question pertains to Google Analytics (GA). GA provides a specific way you can assign a Goal to the event when a user clicks a link on your site that points to an external site.

Implementing this code isn't confusing, however, because it relies on the javascript onClick, I am worried it is conflicting with my links - as they, too, are configured using onClick. Here's an example of one of my links, with the GA onClick command added after it:

<a href="#" onclick="'', null, 'height=800, width=1000, toolbar=0, location=0, status=1, left=200, top=50, scrollbars=1'); return false" onClick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview("/G1/example");" title="Example">Click here to visit example</a>

As you can see, I am using onClick twice in the same code. I don't think that that's correct syntax. I tried putting them together like this, but it didn't work:

onclick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview("/G1/example");'', null, 'height=800, width=1000, toolbar=0, location=0, status=1, left=200, top=50, scrollbars=1'); return false" title="Example"

how I can keep my onClick method of employing links with, but also assign a trackPageview to the action for goal purposes.

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Combining A Randomized Array With A Roll-over Image?

May 30, 2010

I can put together some fairly simple HTML,and can borrow chunks of JS code to suit certain basic purposes. I have managed to accomplish two separate goals using javascript, but am having trouble combining their results. I have created an image link that randomly calls a URL from an array. I also have a separate roll-over image. What I am trying to do is have the link that accesses the array also be a roll-over image. I can't seem to accomplish this.


This URL is what I am working on. The "b" symbol is the roll-over. The "right" arrow accesses an array at: [URL] I have tried simply adding my roll-over code to randomize.js and adjusting the array accordingly, but that doesn't seem to work.I would like the "right" arrow to be a roll-over image as the "b" symbol is, but also access the "randomize" array as it currently does.My problem is that my understanding of JS isn't great enough to determine how separate pieces of code might be combined or function together.

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Combining Window.Open With An Invoked Button

Dec 29, 2010

I've created a single form with multiple buttons. I am now attempting to have a couple of these buttons open a new window when clicked. The new window opens fine but the original browser window keeps opening to an [object Window] page. I believe this is because it is not reading the "return false" correctly but I am not sure how to fix this.


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Combining Form Fields Into 1 Hidden Field

Apr 21, 2010

I'm trying to combine 3 form input fields into 1 that is hidden (Date of Birth). The input fields are DOB-MM, DOB-DD, and DOB-YYYY and the hidden field is DOB which will store the Date of Birth in the following format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. Unfortunately I don't know javascript write a quick script that will combine these 3 fields and arrange them in the format required.


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JQuery :: Possible Defect With Combining Tabs And Multisortable Lists?

Dec 22, 2010

What happens is if I select a few items from the list in my first tab and try to drop them into the other tab things go wonky.The 2nd tab displays fine, but one element I picked to move isnt moved over (stays visible in first list if I go back to it) and the other 2 items I had selected and dropped are sort of moved but are floating up near the 2nd tab name. And if you try and move either of those two rphaneditems they go back to the same floating spot I went into the IE Javascript debugger and did a step through and from what I can tell in looking at different variables, the 3 items I moved do actually get put into the 2nd list.t seems more like a display issue which is why I think it is an issue with jquery.ui. If you choose 2 items by using CTRL-Left Click, just drag them into the 2nd tab and see what I mean.I am using jQuery 1.4.4 and jQuery.ui 1.8.7. I have my example on jsfiddle. (Full Screen View)
Maybe it isn't a defect and I just can't call appendTo() in the context that I am.


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JQuery :: Trouble Combining Flash's Externalinterface.callback

Feb 1, 2010

I have two swf using AS 2.0 in a webpage. One of them is hidden at the start, but when I rollover on the other one, the hidden one is supposed to show up and the visible one is supposed to hide.However, everytime I rollover it, it says peelOff() is not a function. Although it is a function, since I'm able to control it with any other events such as "click".I could use the callback of a mouseover to call the peelOff() function?

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