Clicking And Dragging A Link To A Text Field?
Feb 1, 2010Is it possible to click and drag a link (either text or image) to a text field (or something similar) and have it display the URL of the link?
View 1 RepliesIs it possible to click and drag a link (either text or image) to a text field (or something similar) and have it display the URL of the link?
View 1 RepliesI'd like to make it possible to move the background of a site by clicking and dragging it with the mouse. So far I've only found flash solutions and I'd really rather not use flashIf anyone knows of any jquery code that is somewhat similar
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat I want to do is make a link appear after a user clicks a link, which would make a new tab open. So basically, the user clicks the link and it opens in a new tab, and back on the website a link appears.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI would like to hide some text from my user initially. Then when the user clicks 'Read More', those text will appear. I have some idea of how this can be done in JS but got stuck halfway
Can someone pls help me? How can I write (using JS) into the place where I want the text to appear?
How to get this to work?
I am building a web based site administration tool and I would like to implement a system whereby when a site administrator is adding a news item or whatever they can click on a text or button link (say, "Bold") and it will automatically insert the correct tags (i.e. "<b></b>"). Almost exactly like vBulletins code imput buttons when you are composing a new topic or reply. But with vBulletins version you are presented with a textbox you need to type in which then puts the code and your text in the form, I want my version to just put the code in. I can't really explain it but I hope you get it.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow to send text to a textarea when clicking on a link. Kinda like when clicking on a smiley or bbcode. I have a script, and it works, but only when the text to insert is on one line. Here is the code:
function sendtext(e, text) {
e.value += text
i would like to use a small form to be placed in my website to do the following:
using a text field and a go button:
if user input is: "value a", go to "page a"
if user input is: "value b", go to "page b"
and so forth, if no value matches, go to "page c"
i saw a similar example using radio button but i could not modify it successfully to use text field
I'm working on a web app where a profile is displayed to a user. The profile consists of data pulled from FB and LinkedIn via their respective API's. I'd like to provide the user with the ability to add more detail to the profile. I've scoured the web looking for a way to use Javascript to change an HTML element from a link to a form field but couldn't find exactly what I was looking for.
For example...
Education: College Add Major
And when the user clicks the "Add Major" link, it turns into a form field. I'm not much of a front end developer but I'm working alone on this project so I have to wear a few hats.
If I drag the cursor across a page, text and other elements get
selected. Is there anyway to prevent that from happening?
I am working on implementing a dynamic drag-and-drop sortable jquery to php/mysql function in my app. I am following the tutorial here: [URL] I've got most of it figured out. The only problem is that it is not updating the mysql table correctly. It takes the orderID of the div that was dropped and sets it equal to the spot where it was dropped. As you can guess, that is a problem, because there is already an item with that orderID. So I need a way to grab the ID or even the text of the div that was dropped and pass it to that PHP script. And then I could reorder all the orderID's between the one grabbed and the spot where it was dropped.
Here is the existing Jquery code:
$(function() {
$("#eventBoxes").sortable({ opacity: 0.6, cursor: 'move', update: function() {
var order = $(this).sortable("serialize") + '&action=updateRecordsListings';
$.post("updateDB.php", order, function(theResponse){
I have 2 example/test pages of the issue I'm experiencing. For now, I'm just trying to get it to work in a standards-compliant browser, so view in something other than ie:
If you click and drag the orange bar up or down, it works fine on the first page. However, on the 2nd page, if you click the orange bar and drag down too fast, it starts selecting text and then the bar gets all wacky.
My suspicion is that the bar gets messed up because the text is being selected. That occurs because if you scroll too fast, the cursor goes off the orange slider bar and starts selecting. If you scroll very slowly so that the cursor doesn't go off the bar it seems to scroll fine.
I've tried everything I can think of to stop the text from being selected, but I'm not 100% sure if that's the cause of the problem or just a symptom of something else (maybe bubbling or something?). I tried returning false on every mouse event on the lower panel, tried creating an absolutely-positioned mask above the text in the lower panel, tried removing all text from the lower panel, tried stopPropagation(), etc., but nothing seems to work.
If I set the mousedown/over/move on the lower panel to return false, it prevents selecting text normally by clicking the mouse & dragging, but it will STILL select the text if I click on the slider bar and drag down.
I have a popup window, and in that window i have some links
my question its:
then i click one of the link its have to copy in a form in a text field to anothersite.
its the site there i get the popup..
1. have a site whit a form there are some text field and one of the field have a link to popup.
2. then i get popup and in the popup there are some links. so then i click on link, its have to copy this linie / Text then i click on it, its have to copy into the field in site"not popup site" the site there i have the form.
Is there a way with javascript I can make the content inside input text field a link? If yes can anyone direct me to that script?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to create something like this; [url]
That the person can select a field by clicking on the grid field.
I have a text field (field1) already displayed on the HTML page. However, there's a link where you can add additional text fields to the page as well. When the link is clicked, the second text field is added successfully (field2), and when the link is clicked again, the third text field (field3) is added successfully. However, the third field does not add itself to the page, and the text for anything greater than a third field also isn't displayed after. This obviously means that my "fields" variable is not working right
<script language="javascript">
fields = 1;
function addMore() {
if (fields = 1) {
document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='field2' size='25' /> <span>Field 2.</span>";
I would like to set the link's "visited" pseudo-class with javascript
without clicking on the link. My goal is to update the link's color
(previously set in the CSS file) to be "visited" without actually
clicking on the link and then clicking "back" in the browser.
Does anyone know how? Here are the following things I've already
tried to no avail:
var obj = document.getElementById("idOfMyLink");
//obj.visited=true; // NO
//; // NO
//; // NO, performs a click and takes me away from
current page
// Setting the src of an iframe on the same page, trying to
"stuff" this URL into browser's "History"
var theFrame = document.getElementById("myiframe");
theFrame.src = obj.href;
// NO. The iframe does go to correct URL, but the link's color
doesn't update.*/Any ideas?
I have one long text field in HTML to feed text as input in my page. the entered text will be shown as output text after some operations.In this context, i need to display few text(say 200 chars) only and i need to provide READMORE link/button which would show me the complete content of that text field. I need to achieve this shortly!
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to have a javascript popup box so that when a hyperlink is clicked, a user is asked if they are sure they want to click this link, if they select ok then the page loads, if they click canel then nothing happens, However when a user clicks cancel the link still loads, can anyone see where I am going wrong?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a couple of links which when clicking on them start a video. In another div with id="info" I want to give more information about the video which is playing. When you click on a new link and the video starts the information should update. The information wich is in a list item is hidden with display: none before you click on the link. My problem is that the information of the previous video is not disappearing when I start a new one. I don't know what to write to make the information of the previous video disappear.
I tried empty() and remove() but then the div id="info" shows nothing.
#info {
width: 195px;
height: 338px;
border: 2px black solid;
.hide {display: none;}
$('#text1').click(function () {
}); .....
I got a paragraph, and i want the letter of A will change to N and the letter of P will change to A when i click the link of the "click me to change the letter".
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a pages with list of sites and when I click on links to other domains, the other domains will see the referer where I clicked from. How can I avoid the referer when clickin on links on my page? (I don't want to click new IE browser and paste the url).
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can i reveal the contents in a div on clicking a link, like. code...
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to set the code, so that if someone clicks send on a form, and there's an error, that the form then shows in the window, (always a few pixels down from the top of the window), please ?The form is a php include on many different positions on many pages so the offsetTop will be different depending on which page it's on.
View 12 Replies View Relatedi've searched this forum before posting but didn't find a "clean" solution to my problem.
I have an image with a link on it:
<a href="#null" onClick="addValue('bold');"><img src="images/myimage.gif" title="Some text" alt="Some text" /></a>
which adds the value in a textarea in the same page via this function:
function addValue( val ) {
var tb = document.forms['valuesform'].elements['valuesfield'];
if ( tb.value.length > 0 ) tb.value += " , ";
tb.value += val;
I need to disable the link after the image has been clicked,preventing multiple insertions of the same value. I've modified the link this way:
<a href="#null" onClick="addValue('bold'); this.onclick=null;" ><img ......
but while only one click is allowed,i get many JS errors in the JSConsole like
uncaught exception etc.... and i think this is not a good sign.=
I am dynamically adding text boxes within a table and I want to be able to dynamically remove them as well. I have this part of the code figured out.
With each text box that I add, I also add a link in the same row, but different cell that will be a "remove" link. Im having trouble finding the index of that row by clicking on a link.
I can find the index by clicking on the row(tr) but I can't seem to figure out how to find the index by clicking on the link inside of the row.
Here is my code:
Creates the link dynamically in the 4th cell:
Remove Row Code:
Find Row Index Code:
I beleive the problem is in the rows[i].onlick part, since I'm not techinically clicking on a row, Im clicking on the link. I have tried changing the rows variable to:
But that doesn't work.