Changing Pagination With An Input Box?

Aug 12, 2009

I have a table with a list of items which currently show 8 items per page. I want to have an input box at the top of the page so if I want a different amount of items to be shown i enter the number and the page alters the pagination to what ever number is entered.

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JQuery :: Changing The Value Of An Input Field With Val() Is Not Changing The Posted Value?

Feb 2, 2011

I am trying to dynamically clear the value of a form input field and then submit the form.When I used $('#my_field').val('') to clear the field, it was cleared on the screen but when the form was submitted the original value of the input field was posted.My browser is FireFox and I can see using FireBug that when the field is cleared, firebug is still showing the html code with the old value. E.G. <input type="text" value="old_value" />The same situation occurred if I used $('#my_field').attr('value', '') to clear the field.The same situation occurred if I actually changed the value of the field rather than just clearing it.To work around this problem I ended up using the $('#my_field').removeAttr('value') to clear the field before it was submitted.

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Changing Input Type In IE?

Oct 18, 2005

This code:

if (stealth)
document.searchme.query.type = 'password'
document.searchme.query.type = 'text'

works in FF but not in IE 6. It fails with "Error: Could not get the
type property. This command is not supported."

A previous post mentioned that in IE type is 'read only'.

Are there any work around for changing input type dynamically in IE?

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JQuery :: Changing The Id Of An Input?

Nov 4, 2010

How do I change the value of "id" of a text input field?I am using the function attr (), but it seems every time I call the function adds an id.$ ("input.buscaf.") attr ('id', obj);"obj" is the value of the id which will be exchanged.I have to change the value of the id because I'm using masks values.

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Changing HTML Input Value?

Feb 17, 2009

At the momment, I am using this code to change the value of the HTML input box.

success: {
callback: function(results) {
alert('Completed in ' + results.moves + ' moves and ' +
+ results.seconds + ' Seconds.');


However, the problem is that it also changes the value of the input form Submit button. How can I change the code so that it only changes the input box of a certain ID?

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Changing Input.type Error With IE

Jul 23, 2005

Ciao, I have an hidden field and I want make it visible, setting its "type"
to "text" from a popup window.

I'm using this code:


it works fine in Mozilla but fails in Internet Explorer 6.

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Changing <options> Within <select> On Input

Jul 23, 2005

I'm making a <select></select> with lots of <option></option>. It
contains all possible options. Because of the length of the list, I
also have an <input type="text">.

This is what I wish to do:

onKeyDown I want all options that don't contain (or begin with, it
doesn't matter which one) the typed letters to be removed from the

My problem is that I don't know of any code to find words and identify

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Changing A Background Image Using An Input Box?

Apr 23, 2009

I am using PHP and Javascript to create a user generated page editor. I have everything working except one thing. The user can select the background color of the page using preselected colors. They can also enter in a hexadecimal code to change the color of the background if the color they want isn't one of the preselected ones. These two things work good, but when it comes to them entering in a web address to make an image the background instead of a color, I can't get the background image to change. I have tested it out and when I enter in a predetermined url in the javas source code to test if the pic will display it does, but it doesn't go away after being displayed. So my question is using the code below, how can I get the change the background image using an input box and how can I make it go away when a color is selected instead of an image. Explained below:


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Changing A Bit Of Text Via Field Input?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm building a template editor and changing some of the variables.

Part 1.

Only at DEALERNAME. Must present coupon at time of write-up. Cannot be combined with any other offer. 1 coupon per customer per transaction. Expires: 00/00/00.s

I need to be able to fill out two fields to change DEALERNAME and 00/00/00.
I found a way to do this but it required the output to be in a field. I need it the output to look no different than before.

Part 2.

I'm using this to change some text via radio button but I would like an option to select how many details are there is the first place. Say they only want 1 or 2 details and not 3.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function detail1a(){
document.getElementById("detail1").innerHTML = "Up to 5 Quarts";


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Changing Values Input In A Text Box?

Feb 24, 2009

I'm a beginner with this stuff, so I'm not sure what sort of code I should use.

Basically I want users to put in words and every time "x" letter goes in, I want it to turn into "y" when they hit a button.

I think arrays would be a good way to go, but I'm not quite sure how I'm going to make it translate S:

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Changing Value Of Input In Parent Document?

Jun 3, 2011

I have the following structure:

...stuff ..
<input id="test-input" type="text" />


but the problem is, iframe and document are on different domains, so I can't access parent.document

Is there some workaround for it? I have full access to both top and iframe document, so can add any javascript to both.

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Changing Value Of Hidden Input Onclick

Jun 6, 2011

I would like to change the value of a single hidden input onclick. The possible values are text, email and URL.I've tried all kinds of "ways" (inline and in function in a variety of ways,) but nothing. I stripped it down one last time to give it another go, but realize I'm out of ideas, so the code below is simply where I've thrown in the towel.Can someone make this work with a JS function, so that each link may be clicked and change the hidden input's value to the respective value?

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Changing Input Image State

Sep 4, 2006

I have some inputs with images that I'm changing the source for onmouseover and onfocus. I want to move the js from the HTML and use a script that does the same thing for all instances of the buttons throughout the site (there's only two at the moment). So far I've got this:

function buttons() {     var goBtn = document.getElementById("go-btn");     var subBtn = document.getElementById("submit-btn");     goBtn.onmouseover=function() { action(this,"go","on"); }     goBtn.onfocus=function() { action(this,"go","on"); }     goBtn.onmouseout=function() { action(this,"go","off"); }     goBtn.onblur=function() { action(this,"go","off"); }     subBtn.onmouseover=function() { action(this,"submit","on"); }     subBtn.onfocus=function() { action(this,"submit","on"); }     subBtn.onmouseout=function() { action(this,"submit","off"); }     subBtn.onblur=function() { action(this,"submit","off"); }          function action(ID,name,state) { ID.src='/images/'+name+'-button-'+state+'.gif' } } window.onload=buttons;

That doesn't look very lean and it works erratically. On a page where both buttons exist, it works in Firefox but only one of the buttons works in IE (the second one) and in Firefox the script won't work if the first button is not present on the page. So what would be the best way to do it?

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Changing Attributes Of Input Tag In Cloned Row?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm extending the number of rows of a table by cloning the last row (=newLastRow). Each row has a single input tag in it, with a name which includes the row number and an onclick function call which passes the row number to the function:<input type='text' class='clickable' name='inp8.1' size='20' value='xyx' onclick='toggle("table8");'>The new cloned row has an input tag with the same parameter value as the cloned one, obviously. I need to increment this: name='inp9.1', 'toggle("table9")'.y question is simple but I'm just starting with DOM: how do I refer to the input tag in the newLastRow so I can change these values?

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Changing An INPUT Textbox's TYPE Property On The Fly

Jul 23, 2005

Could somebody confirm if and how I can change the TYPE of a textbox from
PASSWORD to TEXT depending on whether a user checks a checkbox.

In essence I have a login and password form and the end user wants the
option to check a checkbox to make the Password textbox show normal text
rather than the asterisks. If the checkbox is unchecked then it shows the
asterisks when entering the password.

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Changing The Text Color Of An Input Element (IE)?

Jan 9, 2007

How on earth do you use javacript to change the text color of an input element, and have it work with IE??? I've tried numerous solutions. All of them work on browsers such as Mozilla. But none of them work on IE.

This works in every browser I've tried besides IE:

var whatever = document.createElement( 'input' );
whatever.type = 'text'
// (more code)... = 'black'

This also works for other browsers besides IE: = 'color:black;'

I've tried other things as well. Nothing works in IE. Is there anyway
to change the text color inside an input box dynamically, and have it
work in IE?

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Changing An IFrame Source From Input Text?

Aug 17, 2010

I am looking for an input text that links to a iframe. . ?

To begin, we need some simple HTML elements:

A basic form; An Input text that will contain the URLs we want to use; An iFrame that will display the page we select from the input text.

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Changing Text Box To Input And Ouput In A WebPage?

Jan 4, 2011

I created a web page having textbox and an update button. My need is to display data in the text box when page is loaded. After that when I click on the textbox it will become an input textbox and can enter data. when data entered completely, click on the update button, after that newly entered data must be displayed on the text box. i.e same text box will be used for input and output data.

I created my web page using html. I knew that, by using ajax i can implement the above functionality. but i didn't get any idea to write the code.

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JQuery :: Autocomplete -changing Value Of Hidden Input

Jan 30, 2009

I'm using Jrn's autocomplete jQuery plugin and I'm having trouble changing the value of my hidden input.

The first part works fine - it searches the array and I can select any of the results. However, I'm trying to grab the "id" key value from the array and use it as the value of my hidden input.

Here's my test page.

(I'm using a "GET" form, so submit the form and you'll see that the "account" value submits as empty)

Here's my array:


And the part that (I believe) should be putting the value of #account into my hidden input:


Basically, select "Account Five" from the auto-complete, and it should change the value of my hidden input to "0005".

Seems like it should be a relatively simple solution, but I'm still fairly new to JS and jQuery.

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Changing An Input Field To A Text Area?

Feb 5, 2010

I work within an application so I can not just code this field as a textarea. I have to work with what the applications renders.

I am trying to use javascript to change an input field to a text area.

I am having trouble just getting started on this. Doesn't anyone know if this is even possible?

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Changing Opacity Of A Div If The Text Input Field In It Is Active?

Nov 4, 2010

Yeah that was a loooong title. Hopefully it's clear enough :D Right now, my div changes opacity if it's moused over qua the following code:

style="opacity:0.3;filter:alpha(opacity=30)" onmouseover=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=100" onmouseout=";this.filters.alpha.opacity=30

but this isn't quite optimal, cause if the user mouses out, it changes back to fade, and the user can't quite see what he's entering. So I would like the div to have opacity=1 when one of the textfields in it is active and opacity=0 when it's not. Is there a way to do that?

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Non-php Pagination Script

Dec 20, 2007

I'm hunting around for a decent javascript pagination scirpt that can break a long article up into variables and offer pagination options on a standard html page.

I've seen various ajax options that receive feeds from external pages but this isn't suitable (hotscripts, dynamic drive etc...). Neither do I wish to give the pages I wish to paginate a php extension as that would sit out of the flow of my site.

Can anyone recommend a simple to use pagination script based in javascript and compatible on a html page?

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JQuery :: Need A Complete Pagination Example

Nov 13, 2011

I am using jquery ajax and webmethods in can display data..i only want pagination. can anyone have complete example?

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Does Pagination Have To Be With External Content

Jul 30, 2009

I need a small pagination on a page like this one [URL]

But I don't want to pull in the content from external pages, I'd rather it all be on the same page with most of it hidden... Ideally I'd like to use a list to display 10 items at a time, and when any more than 10 items are inserted you would get numbered tabs with which the user could interact with as in the example above...

Is this even possible? It doesn't have to be a list of items if this complicates things...

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Drop Down Menu And Pagination?

Apr 12, 2011

Is it possible to use javascript to populate the drop down menu instead of hardcoding? I already called the images dynamically and all, but I don't know how to call the drop down menu dynamically based on the images uploaded to my folder.I'm also having trouble scripting the pagination for my code. I don't know how to display my images in boxes that has same distance between each and shows only 6 to 8 images at a time. Since right now, my images are all stuck together next to each other with out a border between or being centered and showing all images.I'm new to javascript and have been stuck on this for about 2 weeks now.

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Page Pagination To The Table?

Aug 3, 2010

I am having a jsp which is listing more than 50 records. I would like to have a page pagination to the table. I have been advised with javascript. So, how can I do that in an easiest way?

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