Change The Value Of A Label Dynamically
Nov 20, 2006
Something I would like to do is change the value of a label. Let's say I have a textbox and onchange, I want to change the value of that label (say adding numbers together or string concatenation).
This works fine if I use another textbox instead of a label, but I want to show Text rather than an input type. Is this possible? I avoid JS at all costs b/c I tend to suck with client-side programming.
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May 3, 2011
How can I make an image label that when I clicked will change from one label to another.
Let say I have index.html where my label is displayed. Then I have label01.jpg to label20.jpg stored on label sub folder.
What I want is to be able to change my label one at a time from label01.jpg to label20.jpg everytime i click the label. then go back to label01.jpg after label20.jpg
For illustration purpose, see image below. I want the label to change every click until I got the label right for the video screen. I have 20 video screen in one page and I need to change the labels depending on the video.
Actually a more preferred solution is for the script to cycle through all the pictures on my label folder so that if I have new labels I only need to dump it in the folder and it will become available.
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Aug 18, 2006
I'm using this to add a label to a form. I'm adding new form inputs so the user can add links:
var obj = document.createElement("label");
obj.setAttribute("for", "link"); //this seems not to work in IE6
var myText = document.createTextNode("Label name");
document.getElementById("Links").appendChild(obj); //there's a void div called "Links" in the html
obj = document.createElement("input");
obj.setAttribute("type", "text");
obj.setAttribute("name", "link");
obj.setAttribute("id", "link");
In the html I use a link that calls the function to add dynamically the input and label.
It's working ok in Firefox... I mean, when you click on the label, the input get the focus (just as a normal html label tag).
But it does not work in IE6... Does anybody knows if there's some change to make it work in IE6?
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Feb 6, 2011
I am building an online survey using a survey creation tool which allows me to incorporate javascript for additional functionality. However, I am new to javascript so would appreciate any help that you could provide me with.
I have question types like agreement scales, where the respondent sees a list of statements and has to rate each one by clicking on a radio button. The source code of the matrix table looks like this:
This code works as intended; however, as you can see, it loops through all the radio buttons when one is clicked. Is there a way to accomplish this without looping through all the radios, and thus make the script run faster?
Also, I have read that the addEventListener function does not work for older versions of IE. Is there a simpler alternative?
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Jul 23, 2005
In my form, after validation, labels of wrong fields are turned into a red color. What i want now is when you hit 'reset', to make all the labels grey again.
I have the next code:
function GrayLabels()
var label;
label = document.getElementById(label);
if (label && { = '#A2A2A2'
So reset will have onClick="GrayLabels()" in it. But how do i automatically apply this to everey label in the document?
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Jun 14, 2011
I have createda checkbox below:
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkPlanoSelect" runat="server" Text="" Checked="true" Font-Names="verdana, arial, sans serif;" Font-Size="8" />
I have assigned to the checkbox below so it is checked:
$("#" + strParentControlID + "_chkPlanoSelect").attr("checked", "checked");
I then want to set the Text value or Label value to say "Plano Selection"and have tried the following none of them work:
$("#" + strParentControlID + "_chkPlanoSelect").attr("value", "'Plano Selection'");
$("#" + strParentControlID + "_chkPlanoSelect").attr({label: 'Plano Selection'});
$("#" + strParentControlID + "_chkPlanoSelect").next().attr(label: 'Plano Selection');
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Feb 21, 2011
I would really love some sort of javascript observer to automatically add/remove a class to the labels on my page, depending on wether their checkboxes are checked or not. As well as adding those same CSS-classes to the checkboxes already checked on document load.
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Apr 12, 2007
I would like to set the label text color of disabled buttons when the page is loaded. I have a drafted the code but the code does not work.
How should I modify the code?
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Jun 21, 2009
One is the default style sheet.The other is an alternative style that fires up if the user clicks a button.Here are the style sheets in the page head.
<link rel="alternate stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" title="default" href="../bandi_css_760px/global760px.css" />
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Mar 2, 2010
I have a webpage which has two radio buttons. There is a label also in the web page. I want the label string to be based on the radio button status. I am able to change when somebody press the radio button using "onclick" function, but now when the page is reloaded.
Here is my code
I want the highlighted label value to be changed based on the radio button value at the start up itself( ie if the page get reloaded if some error has happend at filling the form)
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Nov 25, 2005
At this point I have been able to add the row. But what I want to do and am having trouble with is alternating the row colour to the dynamically added row element.
Sample of code I am using:
var tbody = document.getElementById('tableItems');
var row = document.createElement("tr");
var remainder = tbody.rows.length % 2;
if(remainder) {
row.setAttribute("class", "rowLightGreen");
var td1 = document.createElement("td");
One thing that puzzles me, is that even after adding a row the table my table.rows.length still = 0.
Does anyone know how I can determine the appropriate amount of rows so that I can apply the appropriate class?
Or is there just something blatantly wrong in my approach?
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Feb 5, 2010
give me a sample code for this situation ?
- button A = labeled as Unlocked
- when I on mouse over button A the label should turn into "Lock me ?"
- and then when I click the button, the label will change to "Locked"
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Jul 12, 2011
how to change the content of a div while text is being entered into an input box.
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Jan 3, 2006
so i have two functions, expand and colllapse. i want the buttons to start on collapse, and when pushed, change to expand. for instance:
<img id=img1 src=minus.png
so now in the collapse function, i want something like:
var imgID;
imgID = document.getElementById("img"+what);
imgID.src = "plus.png";
changing the src works, but changing the onClick does not.
I've found some ways to change the onClick to a function Code:
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Jun 8, 2009
I have a bunch of input rows, each with id in the form of something like.. item:characteristics:age or item:setting:type1:blah. It's kind of like going down folders to get to the item I want. So as you can see in the code, I am splitting each id and trying to rebuild it in the form item[characteristics][age] then set it to the value of the input field. This is modifying the properties of the item. We already have the item object passed into my code and i'm simply modifying the properties to the new values from the user's input.
Does anyone know how I can do this without eval? I'm mainly using it because the variable name can't be hard coded, it is dynamic.
Here's the code I have so far.
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Jun 11, 2009
Basically, I have a bunch of input rows, each with id in the form of something like.. item:characteristics:age or item:setting:type1:blah. It's kind of like going down folders to get to the item I want. So as you can see in the code, I am splitting each id and trying to rebuild it in the form item[characteristics][age] then set it to the value of the input field. This is modifying the properties of the item. We already have the item object passed into my code and i'm simply modifying the properties to the new values from the user's input.
Does anyone know how I can do this without eval? I'm mainly using it because the variable name can't be hard coded, it is dynamic. Here's the code I have so far.
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Nov 26, 2009
am at the very beginning of Javascript. This is the first website I tried to include Javascript, so don't be too mean
What I want to do is to change a CSS property dynamically. It'll be best if I show you what I did:
<script language="javascript">
function ChangeHeight()
var browser = navigator.appName;
Why I want do change this? Well... Different people have different resolutions and I want that my website fits perfectly into the browser.
alert(document.getElementById('content').style.height); This shows just an empty MessageBox with nothing in it.
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Mar 2, 2007
i want to change an images opacity dynamically in mozilla.
im doing it when clicking a button. yhe code used is as follows.
document.getElementById('id').style.-moz-opacity =.5;
but it is not working. i know the problem is with
assignment. can anyone tell me a best solution.
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Mar 31, 2011
I have a code which is a optional field. But I want to make it mandatory when checkbox will be clicked. When checkbox is unclicked, The text box becomes optional field. Here is the code.
when check box is clicked it will display a red * after the cellphone text field.
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Dec 8, 2010
still beating my head for a popup window anyway I can get it. With JavaScript I can change the content within tag "bodies" but is it possible to change the actual tag itself.
<form id="loginForm" name="login" action="" method="post" onSubmit="timerWindow($username)">
<input type="text" name="username" value="" onBlur="doUsername();">
I'm using onBlur on the username field so as soon as the event happens I can do the JavaScript call. What I want to do is have the username (that was just entered) passed to the timerWindow function. I think it is getting close to being solved.
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Jul 20, 2005
I want to dynamically change a flash movie in an html page. Following
code is working fine in IE, but netscape 4 and 6 it is not working.
Can any one rectify the error:
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Jul 15, 2009
This script changes the image, I wanted to know if there is a way to automatically resize the div's height and width based on the actual image proportions.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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Mar 15, 2010
Is it possible to use Javascript to dynamically change the PHP file used for an include?
For example, if I have a php doc like
I can get Javascript to remove the included stuff, but I can't figure out how to change the <?php include('onefile.php'); ?> into <?php include('otherfile.php'); ?>.
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Aug 17, 2011
I have been looking for this all day - Change currencies throughout the page when choosing between countries or currencies from dropdown menu. What I basically need is a dropdown menu which shows countries or currencies. When you select anyone of it like USD all the prices throughout the page are changed to USD. Now if you change it AUD/CAD/PKR etc they will be changed accordingly.
A very good example of this is: [URL]. When you change currency from right top dropdown menu - it changes the currencies of all the packages in the main content. I am a HTML developer and do not know much about javascripting. I have searched codingforums too and found only two links which are not of my use because they are currency converter:
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Nov 5, 2011
I have two monitors (one wide screen, one square) attached to my computer I can verify how it will look in different resolutions.While doing so I came across a nasty thing: in some resolutions the content div is very small and not using all of the full browser window (left after the header section).Is it possible to make a change to the CSS min-height and max-height while the page is being loaded?I've looked into lots of samples but all depend on a click or mouse over event and didn't want to work with onload in the body tag.
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Jun 2, 2009
ok i don't know where to start my search cause i don't have to right terms.what i would like to do is have to menus and have the second be changed dynamically. ex:in the first dropdown if the user selects a category, the subcategory will populate with sub categories of that category.
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