Can't See Script In Local Site
Apr 25, 2011
I am trying to make my site so that when my boss needs to view the website when there is no internet he is still able to go from page to page. I set it up in dreamweaver and just put not ftp information in it, does that mean he can view it without internet now. Also I can see my navigation which is a javascript navigation, when i view it in the browers.
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Dec 17, 2005
My current set up is a form that gets someone to enter "City, State" then when they hit the submit button i used PHP to set up a variable called $location which was set to,+state+to%3A+city,+state the $to variable is sent from a hidden input and is equal to the club they want to go to. After that i do a few string changes to get rid of the spaces. after its' all done it becomes $location.
What i currently have is a simple using javascript to open up the window. This works fine with one major problem.. popup blockers stop it from opening and the people browsing this site aren't exactly tech savy. They usually have no idea how to allow popups and this becomes a problem. The only reason i have it set up the way i do now is because my javascript is very limited.. but my php is pretty good. Is there a better way to open up the new window without popup blockers stopping it? If not do you know a way I could set up javascript to change a hidden input on the fly as the person enters their info so i can just use method="GET" and have the action to
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Dec 5, 2006
this may be more of an "html" issue, but I'll wing it.
i've got a multi-language site, where the home-page of each language group
features a link to a popup window that offers background info on site
management. the popup is fired by a javascript function, when they click
the site management link. there's also a "window close" function button so
they can nuke it as they please.
now, oddly, people who search for my site in the chinese language on google,
are sent directly to the site management popup window, which of course,
opens in their "full" browser window, and which also has no links back to
the main site, because it's meant to open only as an "accessory" to the main
my question is this: is there any way, with Javascript, that I could
determine if they arrived at this window from "off-site" (ie, a google
search), and therefore offer such "off-site" visitors a link back to the
principal site, a link that would be hidden for visitors who clicked the
popup window from my own site?
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Feb 25, 2006
Basically, I registered for a free board at one of the various sites because my server doesn't support .cgi scripts. I want to know if there is a way to have the data from a form on my site post to the board site -A user would fill in my form, click submit, and a new post would appear on the board site -as if they had entered it there.
If you can point me in the right direction, I would be grateful. Here is my thinking.
A) I can't locate the script that they use to perform a "submit"; so I thought I might enter their <head> data (as far as xmlns, href, etc) in my <head>; that my website might call up their script files, css sheets, etc.
B)I could code my own Javascript function to send my form data to their site. If I knew how to simulate a mouseclick on someone else's site, I could have the script "click" there, paste the data, and hit the submit button. But I don't.
C) I could size their site down to the form itself and put it in a frame on my page
Option C is clearly easier, but I would prefer option A or B. I have time and will happily do the research myself; provided that I know if approach A or B is even feasible.
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Feb 19, 2011
Is there a way to get the visitors *local* IP-address in javascript? I mean his LAN address like 192.168.1.x, not his regular IP-address.
I found several approaches that attempt to do this, but they either give me the external (regular) IP address, or they give which doesn't really tell me anything. I need the local network address.
Just an alert saying "your machine's local network IP is" .
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Jul 23, 2005
Is it possible to get extended privileges for a local application, without asking if possible, like any non/java-javascript app would be able to ?
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Jun 15, 2007
In jslint's doc it says, "JSLint does not expect that a var will be defined in a block. This is because JavaScript blocks do not have block scope. This can have unexpected consequences. Define all variables at the top of the function." What are some of those unexpected consequences?
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Nov 6, 2007
Both an EtherNet (wire) network and a wireless network are referred to
as a Local Area Network (LAN). A wireless network does not require
hubs, switchers, or routers to include additional users on the
network. Additional wireless users are supported just by being in the
immediate physical span of the network.
A wireless LAN (or Wi-Fi network) may be configured in two different
Ad Hoc mode: Allows only for communication between different personal
computers and wireless devices, often referred to as peer-to-peer
Infrastructure mode: Required for communication with the World Wide
Web, a printer, or a wired device of any sort. In either case, this
wireless connection requires a wireless network adaptor, often called
a WLAN card. Code:
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Dec 15, 2011
Is there a best practice to get a lastmodified in local time vs. GMT?code...
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Oct 31, 2007
I am developing a web application where each page shows a series of small jpg images each with an onClick event which plays a small mp3 file using javascript.
It all works perfectly but is a bit slow to load, so the customer wondered if we might develop a local version which, although the page was accessed via the web, the images and mp3s were installed on a users local pc (will be machine specific application anyway).
I have managed to do this for the images by using:
<img src="file:///C|/folder/home.jpg" onClick="EvalSound('shortname')">
and adding the site as a trusted site in IE7 (after much head scratching!).
However, my embed statement to embed the local mp3 files doesn't seem to work. I am using:
<embed src="file:///C|/folder/filename.mp3" autostart=false width=0 height=0 name="shortname" enablejavascript="true">
I have tried all sorts of versions of this path and nothing seems to work. I just get an 'unspecified error' when I click the image.
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Sep 1, 2006
I have built something that allows me to choose a filename, filetype and the content of the file then save with the filename and type to the same directory. It is all in my single .hta file. so I now want to add a preview button to it. Here is my script, I put in the preview button already with a function named preview(). Code:
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Sep 8, 2011
if its possible to read xml files locally from an html page using javascript without using any local server?
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Oct 14, 2009
I've spent 30 minutes or so googling to find the answer to this question, and I haven't found it. I'd like to use JavaScript to get the contents of a URL on the same domain (locally). For that matter it will be within the same directory on the domain.I was hoping there'd be a simple "getURL" function that would assign the contents of a URL request to a variable. One that isn't terribly platform specific, either. Is there such a thing?I'm creating a script that will perform 3 different searches at my website, and place the results in 3 columns for easy comparison. It's somewhat of a metasearch, extracting similar items from 3 different websites. The local CGI script on my website (the one I'm hoping to call using Javascript) makes the query to the external websites. The problem is that it can take sometimes 5 to 10 seconds to finish all of this, where one site in particular can be fairly slow.
So rather than make the visitor wait 5 to 10 seconds to see anything at all, I thought a good solution would be to have the CGI script display a page quickly, showing that site #1 is being searched (and displaying results once it's finished), then site #2, then site #3. Ideally the results from site #1 would have JS that would trigger the search for site #2, and so on.I've done this before using frames, but I was hoping to avoid having to use frames.I'm not a JS expert, but I know how to use createTextNode to insert the contents of variable within the document.The only thing I need to know how to do is assign the contents of a URL request to a variable.
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Feb 19, 2011
Is there a way to get the visitors *local* IP-address in javascript? I mean his LAN address like 192.168.1.x, not his regular IP-address.
I found several approaches that attempt to do this, but they either give me the external (regular) IP address, or they give which doesn't really tell me anything. I need the local network address.
Just an alert saying "your machine's local network IP is" would be great.
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Jul 11, 2011
I have Win 7, IE9. I have a HTML file on my hard drive, with Javascript within. When I load the page, it keeps popping up Do u want to allow this content, I have to click to allow. I want to stop this, and after doing some searching I found the setting in Internet Options, Advanced - "Allow active content to run in files on my computer".
Doesnt work. When i check this box, the page loads without the warning, but then the Javascript just doesnt work. Getting quite annoying, because this file is my home page.
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Nov 22, 2011
I am a back en developer and really don't understand event driven/front end development so if I use newbie terms or make no sense please bare with me. Could someone point me to some tutorials on how I might render something if and only the local machine has good processing power/ram. I am going to be rendering some stuff which will require quite a lot of processing power on the local side. Just a threshold thing really nothing predictive or anything just if ram is more than 1GB and processor faster than a P4 or something like that.
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Sep 29, 2011
My php script has an input date (example: 2011-09-30) but if I use the server date then it may not match to client's machine.
But how do I get the client's local timezone then pass it to php and convert ?
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May 21, 2010
I know I'm missing something about GMT stuff, the problem is that I don't know what exactly If I follow this steps I wont get the real time (for my country) but 2 h 5 m later. Where is the mistake? You can try the code under this lines:
var Cdate = new Date();
var Smiltotal = Date.UTC(Cdate.getFullYear(), Cdate.getMonth(), Cdate.getDate(), Cdate.getHours(), Cdate.getMinutes(), Cdate.getMilliseconds());
var Pdate = new Date(Smiltotal);
var Smonth = Pdate.getMonth()+1;
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Nov 17, 2006
I'm looking for a way to define a function that's only effective inside
specified function.
Featurewise, here's what I want to do:
bar_plugin_func = function() { ...; setTimeout(...); ... };
bar_plugin_func(); // calls custom "setTimeout"
So while plugin developer thinks s/he's calling top-level function,
I want to hook it by somehow injecting local variable with the same
Simply doing something like
;(function() { setTimeout = function() { custom implementation
is not ideal, as that'll taint global scope. Actually, I can live with
that for now,
but it's my technical interest to find a way to define it locally.
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Jul 20, 2005
The following script works fine on two Webservers in the internet, but it
doesn't work on my local Webserver (Xitami). I also tried the IIS, with the
same result - Code:
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Jul 20, 2005
can I write to a local .txt File
as exaple:
open() ....writel(() ...close()..... as ... c: est.txt
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May 19, 2011
I am looking at using ajax to get some data from
My code looks like this
$(document).ready(function() {
alert( "Data Saved1: ");
type: "POST",
url: "[URL]",
data: "method=artist.getinfo&artist=Cher&api_key=b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026",
success: function(msg){
alert( "Data Saved2: " + msg );
error: function(msg){
alert( "Data Saved3: " + msg );
But my error listener is triggered. I am guessing that's to do with the url being cross platform? Also does "msg" have any properties that I can read why the error occurred?
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Dec 18, 2010
m working on a website that uses a lot of ajax. There is a function to store favorites using the Cookie pluginon the site that works like this:
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Mar 8, 2010
How this can be done in jquery,
Let me explain the question using an example:
If you run it, the alert messageis "pic2", so jquery sees the entire document, but is there a way to easily restrict it to the sub-tree under the current node (in this case the sub-tree under the span node, since that's what was clicked)? Yes, I can do something like alert($("#div1 img:eq(1)").attr("alt")); //undefined as expected
But I am looking for a solution that's more dynamic, so I don't need to hard code #div1.
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Apr 3, 2009
I need to make a page that will make a list of all the files in its folder and display the names of the files on the page. It needs to be able to work offline.
I know how to do this with php server side code, but this needs to be able to run on a memory stick. Is Javascript the best way to do this?
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Jan 3, 2010
function test() {
var DIV = document.createElement('DIV');
If I never insert DIV to any node its parentNode is null and being a local variuable it's reference is lost.Is it destroyed?or do I have to add it to a node then use removeChild?
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